how can I get my text area to auto format text - javascript

I want to know how to make a text area in a browser into a programmers text editor.
For anyone that uses textmate -- I basically want it web-based.
for anyone that uses notepad++ -- same idea as above.
I know how to make a text area
using html.
what I dont know is how to tag the text areas.
for instance. in notepad++ and textmade, I can insert the <> tags and it will highlight the text blue.
How can I achieve this, live, in a browser.
I already know how to parse it after the text has been posted.
I want it to be parsed while the user is typing it.

EditArea is pretty good.

In addition to EditArea there's CodeMirror and Mozilla's Bespin

EDIT: I misunderstood the question a little. Jump to ORIGINAL ANSWER if you are curious.
EDIT2: My answer is how to provide SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING (what is specified in the question itself). Highlighting individual characters unrelated to the syntax requires trivial javascript. This is also distinct from 'auto format' which is commonly interpreted to mean 'adjust my indent levels so it all looks good'.
This is a difficult task, but not as impossible as it seems. Once again, TextMate comes to our rescue but in a different fashion.
In TextMate, open the bundle editor and look at the language definition for HTML. Those are regexes that process the document and assign a 'scope' to each piece.
'Simply' parse that language definition format into the various components, and then use the regexes themselves like TextMate does to assign a scope/color. Piece of cake, right? :)
I would personally start with the most lightweight open source rich text editor you can find, then hack it into that. Or ya know, whatever floats your boat.
I hope that gave you some good ideas.
For Firefox, you can install the plugin 'It's All Text' from here:
It works for me with 3.6.12. Set the path in preferences to TextMate (or whatever), and optionally set a hotkey or adjust the other settings to your liking. Be default, when your cursor is over a Textarea, a small button saying "Edit" will appear and open the contents of the Textarea in your editor. Saving will put the data back into the Textarea.
I hope this helps.

JSMinNpp plugin just for javascript auto-formatting


JavaScript textarea editor with custom formatting rules

i need to implement simple text editor with custom (probably dynamic) rules. For example, if user change text somehow i want to run regex (or callback method or something else) on this text and apply formatting for it. For ex all ip addresses in text should have red color, names from specified range - black, all words starting from "abc" - green.
So basically what i need is:
- simple text editor based on text area
- ability so add rules applying to text withing text area
I reviewed a lot of related resources and didn't found any simple solution yet. As for now I've started to implement my own editor with using of contenteditable attribute and JQuery.
I never wrote such functionality before, so could you please point me to the right direction? Maybe i can use already implemented tools or specific strategy?
Thanks a lot.
Maybe it would be useful for someone.
After a bit of investigation at first i tried to use jQuery Highlight Plugin, but it does not cover my all of needs so i used Codemirror editor, which i found very nice and customizable.
I wrote my custom mode and it's working perfectly.
As start point i used this article

Codemirror - how to write own code editor in browser

I need to write my own code editor in browser. I found CodeMirror but I don't understand how to do this. I need simple code.
Can I use textarea or something else? (for example content editable). How to underline, colorize, auto complete the code?
Please, give me some advice. I will be very grateful.
I've read a book from O'Reilly, Douglas Crockford, about JS so I've some basics.
Check the html behind a code editor example page. Use WebKit's (Safari/Chrome) "Inspect Element".
As you can see there is a large div over a textarea that holds individual strings, so the user just gets the "illusion" he is typing in a textarea. The textarea is still there but it is not what you really are seeing.
If you want syntactical coloring you will need lexicographic analysis of the string, which is usually done by a lexer that outputs tokens. These tokens are caught by a process that collects them in individual div's that have f.i. the same text color. Then that div overlays the textarea.
If you want to go deeper in the code you will also need semantic parsing and a lot of coffee to program all of that.
Good luck, do you know you're taking on something big? And why would you reinvent this, it's already been done superbly by others.
You might want to take a look at tinyMCE if uou haven't already.

Ondrag ROT-13/ROT-47 decode

I have a little website where I would like to obfuscate some text to protected spoiling of users that accidentally read it untimely.
Much like the keywords on imdb were, where you have to rollover to reveal them.
I thought it would be a nice and interactive way to reveal the text if its marked.
How does a programmer express
h(is)|(er) love? Zl srryvatf sbe lbh
ner uneqpbqrq.
Now you would drag mark the obfuscated text much like you would get ready to copy it to your clipboard, and it should reveal.
Is there a way to do this? My current problem is a way to determine the current selection in javascript.
There is one tricky way I can think of with only CSS:
Use the same color text as the background color! Then when users highlight, the text is revealed. You would need to outline or draw attention to the part that they need to highlight to make it obvious.
Another way:
Stuff the rot13 into a readonly text input, and attach a select event with an AJAX call that decodes it. Will only work for smaller bits of spoiler text that fit in the input. You could try this with a textarea but it doesn't accept the readonly attribute (maybe doesn't matter).
There are many many other ways to do this (hide/show divs for example), but these are the closest/simplest ways I could think that match your requirement of selecting text to trigger the spoiler.
EDIT: With the background color solution, you would not want to encode the text, just make it "invisible" until it's highlighted. It's actually a pretty cheesy solution, and there are many others that are better, but the good part is that it is css only. Honestly I think forcing a complete highlight will be a pain for your users, just store the rot13 value in one place, the real value in another (hidden span maybe), and use js to swap them out on click or something. No need to actually process the decoding separately. You could probably do this with CSS alone and some smart :hover or :focus selectors.
EDIT2: For some reason it didn't occur to me that you can do rot13 decoding with javascript alone, I'm coming from the php world so now I feel pretty foolish. Sorry I didn't answer your question better, but hopefully some of this is useful. GL!
jCarat (jQuery Caret Plugin) should cover your needs.

Customizable Web Based Editor?

I'm looking for a web-based wysiwyg style editor, that is straight-forward to customize. I want to limit the options to just a few choices...
undo/redo, uppercase, lowercase, spellcheck, find, clipboard options, and only a few choices of style that I would like to be able to name and possibly write the code for. It will basically grab the text around the cursor (without having to necessarily select) and format it according to parts of a video script.
What is a good editor to do this with (easy points to customize), and is there any examples of possibly similar customizations being done like this already out there?
It used to be called fckeditor earlier.

How fast does it take to write a simple, custom editor?

by simple I mean, having buttons:
numbered list
bullet point list
indent left
indent right
spell check (obviously supported by ready made js component)
by custom I mean: having custom icons - so really just custom design
no frameworks, written from scratch, lightweight, compatible with major browsers
this is one of the main components of the webapp, so it has to be super lightweight, that's why I don't want frameworks
Unless you are targeting one browser, editors are immensely complicated components to get to work cross browser. There's no reason to do it yourself, unless you want to learn.
Use one of the many available that allow customization:
Writing an editor that works cross-platform can be difficult, but, you should create your own framework as you do it, as it is a large project.
If you just want custom icons, that will depend on how long it takes you to make them, but, to get some basic functionality isn't that hard, probably less than 40 hrs of work if you know what you are doing.
In Unix writing your own shell used to be a rite of passage, in javascript it may be writing your own editor. :)
Where it gets tricky is if I have
<b>some text</b><i>more text</i>
and I decide to remove the tags from this text, then how to fix it will get tricky.
If you want to use only css then it gets to be more of a problem as you are grouping text from span tags, and fixing css classes, while the user is continuing to make changes.
I am dealing with this currently as I want an editor that works in XHTML2.0, and it is not a trivial issue, much harder than it is to do in a desktop application.
I would suggest getting it to work on Firefox 3 and Safari first, then, once it is working, go back and add in the code to get it to work on IE8, and if you want IE7, since MS is pushing IE8 out as a critical update now.
Go get something else (any of those Jason mentioned, or e.g. what SO itself uses, WMD). Swap out its images. The end.
Seriously you don't want to write your own editor unless you have a very good reason for it functionally, not just what it looks like.
Read through the first chapters of the emacs tutorial, and you will see that there is not anything like a "simple" editor. But google will give you lots of easy customizable editors.

