Naming and posting forms with FormData and XMLHTTPrequest - javascript

I'm doing an exercise with JavaScript, and I'm after a couple of hours still stuck. I have this HTML form:
<form method=POST name=transferform
<input name=user type=text value="">
<input name=credits type=text value="">
<input type=submit name=submission value="Send">
I want to invoke a JavaScript that posts this form (filled in with some values), using XMLHTTPrequest and FormData. I've come this far, and to me this seems correct but it doesn't seem to work:
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append('user', 'bob');
formdata.append('credits', '1');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '');
Using this script will not work, it doesn't post the form. However, manually pressing 'Send' in the HTML page will post the form, and all is well. My suspicion is that this doesn't work because I haven't set the name of the form in my request(the HTML form is named "transferform"). I can't figure out how to name the FormData-object for the request.
I'm giving you the script of out context (it's a part of a larger exercise involving a web application provided to me to play with), but I hope you can help me anyway :)
I've been using this as my reference.

new FormData() is encoded differently than a form submit.
The default is enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
Using new FormData() means that you are using enctype="multipart/form-data".


don't get my data with XMLHttpRequest POST across [duplicate]

I am trying to submit a form via ajax using the post method and a FormData object.
Here is a simplified version of the JavaScript:
var form=…; // form element
var url=…; // action
form['update'].onclick=function(event) { // button name="update"
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();'post',url,true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
var formData=new FormData(form);
formData.append('update', true); // makes no difference
xhr.onload=function() {
The form has:
a button (type="button" name="update") to run the script
no action and method="get"
My PHP script has the following:
if(isset($_POST['update'])) {
// more stuff
print 'other stuff';
When I try it, the PHP falls through to the rest of the code, and I get the other output, rather than what I expect from the print_r statement.
I have tried the following variations:
new FormData() (without the form). This does work if I add the update data manually.
new FormData(form). This does not work, whether I add the update manually or not.
changing the form method to post.
Firefox, Safari & Chrome on MacOS; all current versions.
The from itself looks something like this:
<form id="edit" method="post" action="">
<p><label for="edit-summary">Summary</label><input id="edit-summary" name="summary" type="text"></p>
<p><label for="edit-description">Description</label><input id="edit-description" name="description" type="text"></p>
<p><label for="edit-ref">Reference</label><input id="edit-ref" name="ref" type="text"></p>
<p><label for="edit-location">Location</label><input id="edit-location" name="location" type="text"></p>
<p><button type="button" name="update">OK</button></p>
What should I do to submit the get this to work?
No jQuery, please.
The content type when sending a FormData object is multipart/form-data not url encoded.
Further more the proper boundary must be set for the request, which the user is unable to do. For this XMLHttpRequest sets the correct content type with the required boundary.
So all you have to do is not set the content type and it'll work.
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();'post',url,true);
//xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");<--don't do this
var formData=new FormData(form);
formData.append('update', true); // makes no difference
xhr.onload=function() {
Change the name of the button to something other than "update" (and change it in your form['update'].onclick... as well). I think its clashing with the value you are trying to set on the FormData to trigger the PHP code.

Pushing a button programmatically to submit a form on another page in Javascript

Please forgive the basic question, I'm very new to Javascript and web development in general. I want to use a script on one page of my site to programmaticaly press a button to submit a form on another part of the site, making a POST request. The html I have to access is the following:
<form action="thing.jsp" method="post"> // Beginning of form
<input type="submit" id="submit" value="Do something"> // Button code
And I think the Javascript should look something like this:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', "/stuff.jsp", true);
var params = "???????"; // What do I need to put here?
From reading around online, my suspicion is that I may just need to get the right value for params? Though if there's another way of achieving the same result (e.g. by just sending a POST request without doing anything to the button), I'd be perfectly happy to go with that.
Thanks in advance for your time and wisdom.
You don't need to use ajax, just use this:
<input type="button" value="GO" id="buttonId" />
function go() {
document.location.href = '';
document.getElementById('buttonId').onclick = go;
please notice the button type should be 'button', not 'submit'
Using jQuery - a JS library - you can simply send a HTTP GET Request. This can then be picked up in PHP using $_GET['key'] which will hold the value.
$(function() {
$('#unique-id-btn').click(function() {
$.get('file.php', { key: $('unique-id-input').val() }).done(function(response) {
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="unique-id-input" placeholder="enter something...">
<button type="button" id="unique-id-btn">Click me</button>
Note, you will need to create the file.php. Inside, it will control what happens with that data being sent across, ie:
$data = $_GET['key'];
echo $data == "foo" ? "bar" : "tell me foo!";
Also note you can only run PHP in a .php file extension, not JSP.

How could I passing javascript variable(not by submit in form) from jsp to struts2 action? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP
(17 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
<form id="submitform" action="">
<button id="demo" onclick="saveObject()">Click me to save.</button>
<input type="hidden" id="jsonstring" name="jsonstring"/>
function saveObject(){
var JsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
document.getElementById('jsonstring').value = JsonString;
document.getElementById('submitform').action = "saveAction";
I would like to pass my JsonString as String to the struts2 action classes by clicking on a button, this string is created dynamically inside saveObject() function. Now my question is, for the short string, I can send with the form, but when the String is very long, errors comes...
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
Actually, I don't want my string shown in the url by the form submit as well.
Does anyone have any solution in my case?
Thank you very much in advanced!!!
Add the attribute method=POST to your form
<form id="submitform" action="" method="POST">
However, your struts2 action should be able to support POST requests too
EDIT ( not using form submit )
Use XHRs
<form action="saveAction" method="POST" onsubmit="AJAXSubmit(this); return false;">
function AJAXSubmit (oFormElement) {
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.onload = ajaxSuccess;"post", oFormElement.action);
oReq.send(new FormData(oFormElement));
function ajaxSuccess () {
This should provide you with the right context.
The error 400 Bad Request you are getting might be due to large URL which is being formed due to GET method of your form submit.
You can change it to POST by adding an attribute method="POST" to your HTML form. for example:
<form id="formId" action="" method="POST"></form>
In your case you can change it to:
<form id="submitform" action="" method="POST">
<button id="demo" onclick="saveObject()">Click me to save.</button>
<input type="hidden" id="jsonstring" name="jsonstring"/>
By changing to POST, your data will not be shown in the URL, instead it would be sent in the body of the request.

How to access form data from javascript

I am a javascript newb so any help on this matter would be appreciated!
I am trying to get the user submitted data back after submission.
I have a javascript function that replaces one form with another. A kind stackoverflow user helped me create this function.
function Vanish(event) {
// Specify the id of the form.
var IDofForm = "quest";
// Specify the id of the div containing the form.
var IDofDivWithForm = "question";
// Specify the id of the div with the content to replace the form with.
var IDforReplacement = "entryform";
if(document.getElementById(IDofDivWithForm).innerHTML = document.getElementById(IDforReplacement).innerHTML){
return true;
return false;
Then I have my forms :
<div id="question">
<form action="" method="POST" name="quest" id="quest" onsubmit="Vanish(event)">
<textarea name="question" class="question-field" placeholder="Ask your question..."></textarea><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="qsubmit" onclick=" Change();">
<!-- Change() only swaps images on the screen-->
<!-- Vanishing Form -->
<div id="entryform" style="display:none;">
<form action="" method="POST" id="email">
<input type="text" name="fName" placeholder="First Name" class="forms" value="<?echo $_POST['question'];?>">
<input type="text" name="sName" placeholder="Second Name" class="forms">
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email" class="forms">
<input type="image" src="images/submit.png" name="esubmit" onclick="submitForm()">
As you can see from above I have two forms. the entry form replaces the question form after it has been submitted.
My question today is how do I get the entered data?
I prefer php as I understand it more so if there was a php method to this that would be great however all solutions will be helpful!.
For PHP I have tried using the $_REQUEST and $_POST methods to try and get back the data but it does not work.
My forms all submit to the page they are on.
First of all JavaScript is client side programming language so to get data to server you need to make a http/https request to server and send/receive data
Good read What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?
and to do that you can either use html Form or ajax
In form you simply send data to url in action ( if no url specified it will make request to current page else specified action url)
you can send data using ajax for that you just need to make ajax request like below (i highly recommended to use JavaScript ( but if you are good at JavaScript that you can use Jquery framework too )
var yourFormId = document.getElementById("email");
email.onsumbit = function(e){
var formData = new FormData(yourFormId );
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "your-url");
// here by formData object you can get all data in single code of line
and to do with jquery see this post it has very simple example jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP
Now couple of good Reads
FormData Objects
Ajax : MDN its really good source

How to add image to multipart via javascript

I am implementing the dropzone.js file upload. However I do not want dropzone to handle the uploads because it seems like they go in bursts instead of all at once. I would like my photos to be uploaded at one time. To do so users will drag and drop photos into the dropzone area. From here they choose some custom options on the images. Then I would like a user to hit a custom button. This button can perform the following.
Add photos to multiImg[] array
invoke form
After a photo is uplaoded into the dropzone I will have access to all the information about the photo. Name, size, location(on uers computer). I am just unsure how to accomplish step 1 which is to take the photos and pass them into a form via javascript.
Is this even a good approach?
<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" accept='image/*' name="multiImg[]" id="multiImg" />
Or possibly programatically appending
<input type="file" accept='image/*' name="Img" id="Img" />
Tags to the form and then submitting the form when done would be acceptable as well.
Can you dynamically add to the FileList for an input?
This got me closer to a solution.
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
formData = new FormData();
formData.append("" + paramNm + (this.uploadMult ? "[]" : ""), file, fileName);

