How to get cross-domain communication to work in iframes? - javascript

I have an iframe-based online help system that has worked well for years. With IE8 it chokes on some of the javascripting that calls location.toString(). This same code works fine in IE6.
Specifically, the code is:
var iss = parent.left.location.toString();
var isInd = iss.indexOf("indexframe");
I get a "permission denied" error. I believe the problem is related to cross-domain communications, which I'm not sure I fully understand. The whole package runs locally using local HTML and javascript files. I'm not trying to have a frame in one domain control a frame in another domain. Or maybe I'm way off base in assuming this is the problem.
Could someone help me to understand what I need to do to work around this issue?

If the iFrame and the parent Document are in the same domain then you should not get that error. It suggests to me that the documents are in different domains.
If the Iframe is in and the document is in YOU WILL GET AN ERROR! The pages must think they are in the exact same domain.
In both documents you could add javascript the set the domain:
document.domain = "";
Javascript will allow you to drop into the host domain on both pages. This allows you to communicate accross the frames. Of course if the pages are in different HOST domains then this won't work and javascript will throw the error.

Typically when accessing the content of another iframe, i use something like this:
var f = document.getElementById('IdOfIFrame'),
d = f.contentDocument||f.contentWindow;

If you are indeed accessing 2 domains from your site, and you own both of them, you can create an xml file that specifies which domains should be allowed to share. See the spec document. This opt-in cross-site access is supported by more than just Adobe (MS Silverlight for one). Here is Silverlight's support spec.


X-frame origins block, is there an alternative to embedding? VUE JS [duplicate]

I am developing a web page that needs to display, in an iframe, a report served by another company's SharePoint server. They are fine with this.
The page we're trying to render in the iframe is giving us X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN which causes the browser (at least IE8) to refuse to render the content in a frame.
First, is this something they can control or is it something SharePoint just does by default? If I ask them to turn this off, could they even do it?
Second, can I do something to tell the browser to ignore this http header and just render the frame?
If the 2nd company is happy for you to access their content in an IFrame then they need to take the restriction off - they can do this fairly easily in the IIS config.
There's nothing you can do to circumvent it and anything that does work should get patched quickly in a security hotfix. You can't tell the browser to just render the frame if the source content header says not allowed in frames. That would make it easier for session hijacking.
If the content is GET only you don't post data back then you could get the page server side and proxy the content without the header, but then any post back should get invalidated.
UPDATE: 2019-12-30
It seem that this tool is no longer working! [Request for update!]
UPDATE 2019-01-06: You can bypass X-Frame-Options in an <iframe> using my X-Frame-Bypass Web Component. It extends the IFrame element by using multiple CORS proxies and it was tested in the latest Firefox and Chrome.
You can use it as follows:
(Optional) Include the Custom Elements with Built-in Extends polyfill for Safari:
<script src=""></script>
Include the X-Frame-Bypass JS module:
<script type="module" src="x-frame-bypass.js"></script>
Insert the X-Frame-Bypass Custom Element:
<iframe is="x-frame-bypass" src=""></iframe>
The X-Frame-Options header is a security feature enforced at the browser level.
If you have control over your user base (IT dept for corp app), you could try something like a greasemonkey script (if you can a) deploy greasemonkey across everyone and b) deploy your script in a shared way)...
Alternatively, you can proxy their result. Create an endpoint on your server, and have that endpoint open a connection to the target endpoint, and simply funnel traffic backwards.
Yes Fiddler is an option for me:
Open Fiddler menu > Rules > Customize Rules (this effectively edits CustomRules.js).
Find the function OnBeforeResponse
Add the following lines:
oSession.oResponse.headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Remember to save the script!
As for second question - you can use Fiddler filters to set response X-Frame-Options header manually to something like ALLOW-FROM *. But, of course, this trick will work only for you - other users still won't be able to see iframe content(if they not do the same).

How can I set data to localStorage for subdomain? [duplicate]

I'm replacing cookies with localStorage on browsers that can support it (anyone but IE). The problem is site.example and store their own separate localStorage objects. I believe www is considered a subdomain (a stupid decision if you ask me). If a user was originally on site.example and decides to type in on her next visit, all her personal data will be inaccessible. How do I get all my "subdomains" to share the same localStorage as the main domain?
This is how I use it across domains...
Use an iframe from your parent domain - say parent.example
Then on each child.example domain, just do a postMessage to your parent.example iframe
All you need to do is setup a protocol of how to interpret your postMessage messages to talk to the parent.example iframe.
If you're using the iframe and postMessage solution just for this particular problem, I think it might be less work (both code-wise and computation-wise) to just store the data in a subdomain-less cookie and, if it's not already in localStorage on load, grab it from the cookie.
Doesn't need the extra iframe and postMessage set up.
Will make the data available across all subdomains (not just www) so if you don't trust all the subdomains it may not work for you.
Will send the data to the server on each request. Not great, but depending on your scenario, maybe still less work than the iframe/postMessage solution.
If you're doing this, why not just use the cookies directly? Depends on your context.
4K max cookie size, total across all cookies for the domain (Thanks to Blake for pointing this out in comments)
I agree with other commenters though, this seems like it should be a specifiable option for localStorage so work-arounds aren't required.
I suggest making site.example redirect to for both consistency and for avoiding issues like this.
Also, consider using a cross-browser solution like PersistJS that can use each browser native storage.
Set to cookie in the main domain:
document.cookie = "key=value;domain=.mydomain.example"
and then take the data from any main domain or sub domain and set it on the localStorage
This is how:
[November 2020 Update: This solution relies on being able to set document.domain. The ability to do that has now been deprecated, unfortunately. NOTE ALSO that doing so removes the "firewall" between domains and subdomains for vulnerability to XSS attacks or other malicious script, and has further security implications for shared hosting, as described on the MDN page. September 2022 Update: From Chrome v109, setiing document.domain will only be possible on pages that also send an Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0 header.]
For sharing between subdomains of a given superdomain (e.g., there's a technique you can use in that situation. It can be applied to localStorage, IndexedDB, SharedWorker, BroadcastChannel, etc, all of which offer shared functionality between same-origin pages, but for some reason don't respect any modification to document.domain that would let them use the superdomain as their origin directly.
(1) Pick one "main" domain to for the data to belong to: i.e. either or will hold your localStorage data. Let's say you pick
(2) Use localStorage normally for that chosen domain's pages.
(3) On all pages (the other domain), use javascript to set document.domain = "";. Then also create a hidden <iframe>, and navigate it to some page on the chosen domain (It doesn't matter what page, as long as you can insert a very little snippet of javascript on there. If you're creating the site, just make an empty page specifically for this purpose. If you're writing an extension or a Greasemonkey-style userscript and so don't have any control over pages on the server, just pick the most lightweight page you can find and insert your script into it. Some kind of "not found" page would probably be fine).
(4) The script on the hidden iframe page need only (a) set document.domain = "";, and (b) notify the parent window when this is done. After that, the parent window can access the iframe window and all its objects without restriction! So the minimal iframe page is something like:
<!doctype html>
document.domain = "";
window.parent.iframeReady(); // function defined & called on parent window
If writing a userscript, you might not want to add externally-accessible functions such as iframeReady() to your unsafeWindow, so instead a better way to notify the main window userscript might be to use a custom event:
window.parent.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("iframeReady"));
Which you'd detect by adding a listener for the custom "iframeReady" event to your main page's window.
(NOTE: You need to set document.domain = "" even if the iframe's domain is already Assigning a value to document.domain implicitly sets the origin's port to null, and both ports must match for the iframe and its parent to be considered same-origin. See the note here:
(5) Once the hidden iframe has informed its parent window that it's ready, script in the parent window can just use iframe.contentWindow.localStorage, iframe.contentWindow.indexedDB, iframe.contentWindow.BroadcastChannel, iframe.contentWindow.SharedWorker instead of window.localStorage, window.indexedDB, etc. ...and all these objects will be scoped to the chosen origin - so they'll have the this same shared origin for all of your pages!
The most awkward part of this technique is that you have to wait for the iframe to load before proceeding. So you can't just blithely start using localStorage in your DOMContentLoaded handler, for example. Also you might want to add some error handling to detect if the hidden iframe fails to load correctly.
Obviously, you should also make sure the hidden iframe is not removed or navigated during the lifetime of your page... OTOH I don't know what the result of that would be, but very likely bad things would happen.
And, a caveat: setting/changing document.domain can be blocked using the Feature-Policy header, in which case this technique will not be usable as described.
However, there is a significantly more-complicated generalization of this technique, that can't be blocked by Feature-Policy, and that also allows entirely unrelated domains to share data, communications, and shared workers (i.e. not just subdomains off a common superdomain). #Mayank Jain already described it in their answer, namely:
The general idea is that, just as above, you create a hidden iframe to provide the correct origin for access; but instead of then just grabbing the iframe window's properties directly, you use script inside the iframe to do all of the work, and you communicate between the iframe and your main window only using postMessage() and addEventListener("message",...).
This works because postMessage() can be used even between different-origin windows. But it's also significantly more complicated because you have to pass everything through some kind of messaging infrastructure that you create between the iframe and the main window, rather than just using the localStorage, IndexedDB, etc. APIs directly in your main window's code.
I'm using xdLocalStorage, this is a lightweight js library which implements LocalStorage interface and support cross domain storage by using iframe post message communication.( angularJS support )
this kind of solution causes many problems like this. for consistency and SEO considerations
redirect on the main domain is the best solution.
do it redirection at the server level
How To Redirect www to Non-www with Nginx
any other level like route 53 if are using
This is how I solved it for my website. I redirected all the pages without www to This way, it will always take localstorage of
Add the following to your .htaccess, (create one if you already don't have it) in root directory
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

How Do I Set Value of Elements in iframe?

I need to set the value attribute of several elements in the document of an iframe. I am able to easily do this from Chrome Tools Console. But the same commands do NOT work from a JavaScript injected into the page by Keyboard Maestro or AppleScript.
The iframe is generated by a Chrome extension: Evernote Web Clipper.
In the below examples, I have already invoked the Evernote Web Clipper.
This script/commands work from Chrome Console, after I have selected the iframe document:
var remElem = document.getElementById("comments");
remElem.value = "KM This is a test";
var titleElem = document.getElementById("title")
titleElem.value = 'KMTEST title'
I suspect that I first need to get or select the iframe document before I run the above script. How do I do this?
I have tried many different SO solutions, and none of them work.
Here is a screenshot of the main document in Chrome Tools:
Screenshot of iframe document in Chrome Tools:
Here is what I have tried, unsuccessfully:
// *** NONE of These Work ***
//--- Method 1 ---
var frame = window.frames[‘frame1’];
var documentObj = frame.document;
var element = documentObj.getElementsByName(‘frame1Text’);
//--- Method 2 ---
var frame = document.getElementById(‘myframe1’);
var documentObj = frame.contentWindow.document;
var element = documentObj.getElementById(‘frame1Text’);
//--- Method 3 ---
For example, from Chrome Tools, when I have the main document selected:
//--- From Chrome Tools with Main document selected ---
enFrm = document.getElementById("evernoteGlobalTools")
<iframe id=​"evernoteGlobalTools" src=​"chrome-extension:​/​/​pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/​content/​global_tools/​global_tools.html" class=​"evernoteClipperVisible" style=​"height:​ 528px !important;​">​</iframe>​
oDoc = enFrm.contentWindow.document;
VM882:1 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at <anonymous>:1:27
(anonymous) # VM882:1
oDoc = enFrm.contentWindow.document;
VM892:1 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at <anonymous>:1:27
Any/All suggestions/ideas gratefully accepted.
The error you are facing:
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
clearly states that your code has been blocked due to a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing restriction (A.K.A. Content Security policy or evn CORS).
Your domain is quite rightly considered not the same when compared to chrome-extension:​/​/​pioc…
(main page versus extension's injected IFrame's domain …). Accessing the IFrame's DOM in such a situation would be a HUGE security flaw.
I fear there is no realistic solution that would let you run this code from the main page Javascript context.
If you were in control of the chrome extension, you could try adding your domain as a host permission in the manifest file (If this was really relevant). (More details on Google Chrome documentation).
I'm not sure window.postMessage would help you here.
If you have static code to execute you could create a Bookmarklet containing the code, then ask your visitors to add it to their bookmarks (bar) and click it to execute changes. But this is not a realistic solution and won't probably fit your need.
In response to «Please help me understand why that is any more of a security issue» comment.
Browsers sandboxes code in contexts, each context has its own set of security restrictions and some of them are at risk (mostly) regarding XSS attacks.
WEB page is the most exposed context to attacks, any browser will execute the code it contains after fetching its URL. This is the ideal target for attacks (such as XSS) because the more people visit an affected website the more people pay the costs. This is why restriction such as Cross-Origin Resource Sharing exist which prevent different frames (with different domains) to access each other documents by default.
There are factors that ease attacks, for instance: identified security flaws in open source outdated CMS consisting in not correct escaping of content coming from the database letting tags appear in the page source (which is then executed by browsers…), etc.
In the "Extension" context, some APIs require the developer to explicitly ask for permissions in the extension's manifest file. Interactions with the current page (active tab) is granted if the ActiveTab permission has been declared. Once you install an extension, you give access to APIs the extension has requested for.
The developer console context is a particular case. What is executed their ONLY COMES FROM YOU AND WILL ONLY AFFECT YOUR EXPERIENCE.
One can guess that risks are quite limited there compared to code in websites source (where there may have injected malicious code using XSS attacks).
In other words, only the code you enter in the console will be exectuted there and no code from a WEB page will gain access to the console context.
You may have experienced browsers warning you about risks when you past code to execute in the console, telling you to do so if and only if you understand what the code will do or at least if you absolutely trust the author/origin of the snippet.
A (not so) fictional scenario: Access Iframe content from main page.
Let say we have a web page containing malicious script. This script could try to identify installed extensions by periodically scanning DOM nodes and look for specific extensions injected content, and ultimately access that content.
All this reminds me an interesting article for developers.

Angular window.localStorage different subdomain [duplicate]

I'm replacing cookies with localStorage on browsers that can support it (anyone but IE). The problem is site.example and store their own separate localStorage objects. I believe www is considered a subdomain (a stupid decision if you ask me). If a user was originally on site.example and decides to type in on her next visit, all her personal data will be inaccessible. How do I get all my "subdomains" to share the same localStorage as the main domain?
This is how I use it across domains...
Use an iframe from your parent domain - say parent.example
Then on each child.example domain, just do a postMessage to your parent.example iframe
All you need to do is setup a protocol of how to interpret your postMessage messages to talk to the parent.example iframe.
If you're using the iframe and postMessage solution just for this particular problem, I think it might be less work (both code-wise and computation-wise) to just store the data in a subdomain-less cookie and, if it's not already in localStorage on load, grab it from the cookie.
Doesn't need the extra iframe and postMessage set up.
Will make the data available across all subdomains (not just www) so if you don't trust all the subdomains it may not work for you.
Will send the data to the server on each request. Not great, but depending on your scenario, maybe still less work than the iframe/postMessage solution.
If you're doing this, why not just use the cookies directly? Depends on your context.
4K max cookie size, total across all cookies for the domain (Thanks to Blake for pointing this out in comments)
I agree with other commenters though, this seems like it should be a specifiable option for localStorage so work-arounds aren't required.
I suggest making site.example redirect to for both consistency and for avoiding issues like this.
Also, consider using a cross-browser solution like PersistJS that can use each browser native storage.
Set to cookie in the main domain:
document.cookie = "key=value;domain=.mydomain.example"
and then take the data from any main domain or sub domain and set it on the localStorage
This is how:
[November 2020 Update: This solution relies on being able to set document.domain. The ability to do that has now been deprecated, unfortunately. NOTE ALSO that doing so removes the "firewall" between domains and subdomains for vulnerability to XSS attacks or other malicious script, and has further security implications for shared hosting, as described on the MDN page. September 2022 Update: From Chrome v109, setiing document.domain will only be possible on pages that also send an Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0 header.]
For sharing between subdomains of a given superdomain (e.g., there's a technique you can use in that situation. It can be applied to localStorage, IndexedDB, SharedWorker, BroadcastChannel, etc, all of which offer shared functionality between same-origin pages, but for some reason don't respect any modification to document.domain that would let them use the superdomain as their origin directly.
(1) Pick one "main" domain to for the data to belong to: i.e. either or will hold your localStorage data. Let's say you pick
(2) Use localStorage normally for that chosen domain's pages.
(3) On all pages (the other domain), use javascript to set document.domain = "";. Then also create a hidden <iframe>, and navigate it to some page on the chosen domain (It doesn't matter what page, as long as you can insert a very little snippet of javascript on there. If you're creating the site, just make an empty page specifically for this purpose. If you're writing an extension or a Greasemonkey-style userscript and so don't have any control over pages on the server, just pick the most lightweight page you can find and insert your script into it. Some kind of "not found" page would probably be fine).
(4) The script on the hidden iframe page need only (a) set document.domain = "";, and (b) notify the parent window when this is done. After that, the parent window can access the iframe window and all its objects without restriction! So the minimal iframe page is something like:
<!doctype html>
document.domain = "";
window.parent.iframeReady(); // function defined & called on parent window
If writing a userscript, you might not want to add externally-accessible functions such as iframeReady() to your unsafeWindow, so instead a better way to notify the main window userscript might be to use a custom event:
window.parent.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("iframeReady"));
Which you'd detect by adding a listener for the custom "iframeReady" event to your main page's window.
(NOTE: You need to set document.domain = "" even if the iframe's domain is already Assigning a value to document.domain implicitly sets the origin's port to null, and both ports must match for the iframe and its parent to be considered same-origin. See the note here:
(5) Once the hidden iframe has informed its parent window that it's ready, script in the parent window can just use iframe.contentWindow.localStorage, iframe.contentWindow.indexedDB, iframe.contentWindow.BroadcastChannel, iframe.contentWindow.SharedWorker instead of window.localStorage, window.indexedDB, etc. ...and all these objects will be scoped to the chosen origin - so they'll have the this same shared origin for all of your pages!
The most awkward part of this technique is that you have to wait for the iframe to load before proceeding. So you can't just blithely start using localStorage in your DOMContentLoaded handler, for example. Also you might want to add some error handling to detect if the hidden iframe fails to load correctly.
Obviously, you should also make sure the hidden iframe is not removed or navigated during the lifetime of your page... OTOH I don't know what the result of that would be, but very likely bad things would happen.
And, a caveat: setting/changing document.domain can be blocked using the Feature-Policy header, in which case this technique will not be usable as described.
However, there is a significantly more-complicated generalization of this technique, that can't be blocked by Feature-Policy, and that also allows entirely unrelated domains to share data, communications, and shared workers (i.e. not just subdomains off a common superdomain). #Mayank Jain already described it in their answer, namely:
The general idea is that, just as above, you create a hidden iframe to provide the correct origin for access; but instead of then just grabbing the iframe window's properties directly, you use script inside the iframe to do all of the work, and you communicate between the iframe and your main window only using postMessage() and addEventListener("message",...).
This works because postMessage() can be used even between different-origin windows. But it's also significantly more complicated because you have to pass everything through some kind of messaging infrastructure that you create between the iframe and the main window, rather than just using the localStorage, IndexedDB, etc. APIs directly in your main window's code.
I'm using xdLocalStorage, this is a lightweight js library which implements LocalStorage interface and support cross domain storage by using iframe post message communication.( angularJS support )
this kind of solution causes many problems like this. for consistency and SEO considerations
redirect on the main domain is the best solution.
do it redirection at the server level
How To Redirect www to Non-www with Nginx
any other level like route 53 if are using
This is how I solved it for my website. I redirected all the pages without www to This way, it will always take localstorage of
Add the following to your .htaccess, (create one if you already don't have it) in root directory
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

How to bypass document.domain limitations when opening local files?

I have a set of HTML files using JavaScript to generate navigation tools, indexing, TOC, etc. These files are only meant to be opened locally (e.g., file://) and not served on a web server. Since Firefox 3.x, we run into the following error when clicking a nav button that would generate a new frame for the TOC:
Error: Permission denied for <file://> to get property Location.href from <file://>.
I understand that this is due to security measures within FF 3.x that were not in 2.x, in that the document.domain does not match, so it's assuming this is cross-site scripting and is denying access.
Is there a way to get around this issue? Perhaps just a switch to turn off/on within Firefox? A bit of JavaScript code to get around it?
In firefox:
In address bar, type about:config,
then type network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris in search bar
Enter comma separated list of
servers (i.e.,
Another way is editing the users.js.
In users.js, write:
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "localfilelinks");
user_pref("capability.policy.localfilelinks.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.localfilelinks.checkloaduri.enabled", "allAccess");
But if you want to stop all verification, just Write the following line into users.js file:
user_pref("capability.policy.default.checkloaduri.enabled", "allAccess");
You may use this in firefox to read the file.
function readFile(arq) {"UniversalXPConnect");
var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
// open an input stream from file
var istream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
istream.init(file, 0x01, 0444, 0);
var line = {}, lines = [], hasmore;
do {
hasmore = istream.readLine(line);
} while(hasmore);
return lines;
Cleiton's method will work for yourself, or for any users who you expect will go through this manual process (not likely unless this is a tool for you and your coworkers or something).
I'd hope that this type of thing would not be possible, because if it is, that means that any site out there could start opening up documents on my machine and reading their contents.
You can have all files that you want to access in subfolders relative to the page that is doing the request.
You can also use JSONP to load files from anywhere.
Add "file://" to network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris in about:config

