small question on js syntax - javascript

I saw this syntax many times but I couldn't find a way to google it properly, I hope I can get some help here:
//code goes here
Why is the function keyword wrapped in the parenthesis? What does it do and what is this called?

In js, the syntax:
function() { //code }
defines an anonymous function. You can store this into a variable and call it:
var a = function() { //code };
or if you don't want to bother assigning it you can do it in one step.
(function() { //code })();
the parenthesis are necessary because:
function() { //code }();
is not proper syntax.
This syntax is useful in certain situations to help memory management as well as change variable names. For example in javascript you have a jQuery object, but most people refer to it as $. But sometimes $ is used as some other variable instead of the jQuery object. To fix this, you can wrap your code in:
(function($) { // code that uses $ })(jQuery);
That way you can use the dollar sign and not have to worry whether or not it actually points to the jQuery object or not.

It is called an anonymous function that is being called immediately.
// defining and calling a named function
function x() { /* do something */ }
// defining an anonymous function (usually to assign it to a variable)
var x = function () { /* do something */ };
// defining and calling an anonymous function in one step
(function () { /* do something */ })();
Most often the last pattern is used as part of creating a closure.

You can google (or search on Stack Overflow) JavaScript anonymous function or closure
Some links:

See Bob Fincheimers answer for an explaination of what it means.
It is used to wrap a bunch of functions and variables that the programmer doesn't want to be visible from the outside - that's good when you're using libraries or so, you don't want them to block many function names for internal stuff.


What is the purpose of using (function ($) {...}) [duplicate]

I am just starting out with writing jQuery plugins. I wrote three small plugins but I have been simply copying the line into all my plugins without actually knowing what it means. Can someone tell me a little more about these? Perhaps an explanation will come in handy someday when writing a framework :)
What does this do? (I know it extends jQuery somehow but is there anything else interesting to know about this)
(function($) {
What is the difference between the following two ways of writing a plugin:
Type 1:
(function($) {
$.fn.jPluginName = {
$.fn.jPluginName.defaults = {
Type 2:
(function($) {
$.jPluginName = {
Type 3:
//Attach this new method to jQuery
var defaults = {
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
//This is where you write your plugin's name
pluginname: function() {
//Iterate over the current set of matched elements
return this.each(function() {
//code to be inserted here
I could be way off here and maybe all mean the same thing. I am confused. In some cases, this doesn't seem to be working in a plugin that I was writing using Type 1. So far, Type 3 seems the most elegant to me but I'd like to know about the others as well.
Firstly, a code block that looks like (function(){})() is merely a function that is executed in place. Let's break it down a little.
1. (
2. function(){}
3. )
4. ()
Line 2 is a plain function, wrapped in parenthesis to tell the runtime to return the function to the parent scope, once it's returned the function is executed using line 4, maybe reading through these steps will help
1. function(){ .. }
2. (1)
3. 2()
You can see that 1 is the declaration, 2 is returning the function and 3 is just executing the function.
An example of how it would be used.
doc.location = '/';
})(document);//This is passed into the function above
As for the other questions about the plugins:
Type 1: This is not a actually a plugin, it's an object passed as a function, as plugins tend to be functions.
Type 2: This is again not a plugin as it does not extend the $.fn object. It's just an extenstion of the jQuery core, although the outcome is the same. This is if you want to add traversing functions such as toArray and so on.
Type 3: This is the best method to add a plugin, the extended prototype of jQuery takes an object holding your plugin name and function and adds it to the plugin library for you.
At the most basic level, something of the form (function(){...})() is a function literal that is executed immediately. What this means is that you have defined a function and you are calling it immediately.
This form is useful for information hiding and encapsulation since anything you define inside that function remains local to that function and inaccessible from the outside world (unless you specifically expose it - usually via a returned object literal).
A variation of this basic form is what you see in jQuery plugins (or in this module pattern in general). Hence:
(function($) {
Which means you're passing in a reference to the actual jQuery object, but it's known as $ within the scope of the function literal.
Type 1 isn't really a plugin. You're simply assigning an object literal to jQuery.fn. Typically you assign a function to jQuery.fn as plugins are usually just functions.
Type 2 is similar to Type 1; you aren't really creating a plugin here. You're simply adding an object literal to jQuery.fn.
Type 3 is a plugin, but it's not the best or easiest way to create one.
To understand more about this, take a look at this similar question and answer. Also, this page goes into some detail about authoring plugins.
A little help:
// an anonymous function
(function () { console.log('allo') });
// a self invoked anonymous function
(function () { console.log('allo') })();
// a self invoked anonymous function with a parameter called "$"
var jQuery = 'I\'m not jQuery.';
(function ($) { console.log($) })(jQuery);
Just small addition to explanation
This structure (function() {})(); is called IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), it will be executed immediately, when the interpreter will reach this line. So when you're writing these rows:
(function($) {
// do something
this means, that the interpreter will invoke the function immediately, and will pass jQuery as a parameter, which will be used inside the function as $.
Actually, this example helped me to understand what does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean.
Consider this:
// Clousure declaration (aka anonymous function)
var f = function(x) { return x*x; };
// And use of it
console.log( f(2) ); // Gives: 4
// An inline version (immediately invoked)
console.log( (function(x) { return x*x; })(2) ); // Gives: 4
And now consider this:
jQuery is a variable holding jQuery object.
$ is a variable
name like any other (a, $b, a$b etc.) and it doesn't have any
special meaning like in PHP.
Knowing that we can take another look at our example:
var $f = function($) { return $*$; };
var jQuery = 2;
console.log( $f(jQuery) ); // Gives: 4
// An inline version (immediately invoked)
console.log( (function($) { return $*$; })(jQuery) ); // Gives: 4
Type 3, in order to work would have to look like this:
//Attach this new method to jQuery
//This is where you write your plugin's name
'pluginname': function(_options) {
// Put defaults inline, no need for another variable...
var options = $.extend({
'defaults': "go here..."
}, _options);
//Iterate over the current set of matched elements
return this.each(function() {
//code to be inserted here
I am unsure why someone would use extend over just directly setting the property in the jQuery prototype, it is doing the same exact thing only in more operations and more clutter.

What is the purpose of an anonymous JavaScript function wrapped in parentheses? [duplicate]

(function() {})() and its jQuery-specific cousin (function($) {})(jQuery) pop up all the time in Javascript code.
How do these constructs work, and what problems do they solve?
Examples appreciated
With the increasing popularity of JavaScript frameworks, the $ sign was used in many different occasions. So, to alleviate possible clashes, you can use those constructs:
(function ($){
// Your code using $ here.
Specifically, that's an anonymous function declaration which gets executed immediately passing the main jQuery object as parameter. Inside that function, you can use $ to refer to that object, without worrying about other frameworks being in scope as well.
This is a technique used to limit variable scope; it's the only way to prevent variables from polluting the global namespace.
var bar = 1; // bar is now part of the global namespace
(function () {
var foo = 1; // foo has function scope
// code to be executed goes here
1) It defines an anonymous function and executes it straight away.
2) It's usually done so as not to pollute the global namespace with unwanted code.
3) You need to expose some methods from it, anything declared inside will be "private", for example:
MyLib = (function(){
// other private stuff here
return {
init: function(){
Or, alternatively:
MyLib = {};
(function({ = function(){
The point is, there are many ways you can use it, but the result stays the same.
It's just an anonymous function that is called immediately. You could first create the function and then call it, and you get the same effect:
(function(){ ... })();
works as:
temp = function(){ ... };
You can also do the same with a named function:
function temp() { ... }
The code that you call jQuery-specific is only that in the sense that you use the jQuery object in it. It's just an anonymous function with a parameter, that is called immediately.
You can do the same thing in two steps, and you can do it with any parameters you like:
temp = function(answer){ ... };
The problem that this solves is that it creates a closuse for the code in the function. You can declare variables in it without polluting the global namespace, thus reducing the risk of conflicts when using one script along with another.
In the specific case for jQuery you use it in compatibility mode where it doesn't declare the name $ as an alias for jQuery. By sending in the jQuery object into the closure and naming the parameter $ you can still use the same syntax as without compatibility mode.
It explains here that your first construct provides scope for variables.
Variables are scoped at the function level in javascript. This is different to what you might be used to in a language like C# or Java where the variables are scoped to the block. What this means is if you declare a variable inside a loop or an if statement, it will be available to the entire function.
If you ever find yourself needing to explicitly scope a variable inside a function you can use an anonymous function to do this. You can actually create an anonymous function and then execute it straight away and all the variables inside will be scoped to the anonymous function:
(function() {
var myProperty = "hello world";
alert(typeof(myProperty)); // undefined
Another reason to do this is to remove any confusion over which framework's $ operator you are using. To force jQuery, for instance, you can do:
... your jQuery code here...
By passing in the $ operator as a parameter and invoking it on jQuery, the $ operator within the function is locked to jQuery even if you have other frameworks loaded.
Another use for this construct is to "capture" the values of local variables that will be used in a closure. For example:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
The above code will make all three buttons pop up "3". On the other hand:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
(function(i) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
This will make the three buttons pop up "0", "1", and "2" as expected.
The reason for this is that a closure keeps a reference to its enclosing stack frame, which holds the current values of its variables. If those variables change before the closure executes, then the closure will see only the latest values, not the values as they were at the time the closure was created. By wrapping the closure creation inside another function as in the second example above, the current value of the variable i is saved in the stack frame of the anonymous function.
This is considered a closure. It means the code contained will run within its own lexical scope. This means you can define new variables and functions and they won't collide with the namespace used in code outside of the closure.
var i = 0;
alert("The magic number is " + i);
(function() {
var i = 99;
alert("The magic number inside the closure is " + i);
alert("The magic number is still " + i);
This will generate three popups, demonstrating that the i in the closure does not alter the pre-existing variable of the same name:
The magic number is 0
The magic number inside the closure is 99
The magic number is still 0
They are often used in jQuery plugins. As explained in the jQuery Plugins Authoring Guide all variables declared inside { } are private and are not visible to the outside which allows for better encapsulation.
As others have said, they both define anonymous functions that are invoked immediately. I generally wrap my JavaScript class declarations in this structure in order to create a static private scope for the class. I can then place constant data, static methods, event handlers, or anything else in that scope and it will only be visible to instances of the class:
// Declare a namespace object.
window.MyLibrary = {};
// Wrap class declaration to create a private static scope.
(function() {
var incrementingID = 0;
function somePrivateStaticMethod() {
// ...
// Declare the MyObject class under the MyLibrary namespace.
MyLibrary.MyObject = function() { = incrementingID++;
// ...MyObject's prototype declaration goes here, etc...
MyLibrary.MyObject.prototype = {
memberMethod: function() {
// Do some stuff
// Maybe call a static private method!
In this example, the MyObject class is assigned to the MyLibrary namespace, so it is accessible. incrementingID and somePrivateStaticMethod() are not directly accessible outside of the anonymous function scope.
That is basically to namespace your JavaScript code.
For example, you can place any variables or functions within there, and from the outside, they don't exist in that scope. So when you encapsulate everything in there, you don't have to worry about clashes.
The () at the end means to self invoke. You can also add an argument there that will become the argument of your anonymous function. I do this with jQuery often, and you can see why...
(function($) {
// Now I can use $, but it won't affect any other library like Prototype
Evan Trimboli covers the rest in his answer.
It's a self-invoking function. Kind of like shorthand for writing
function DoSomeStuff($)
What the above code is doing is creating an anonymous function on line 1, and then calling it on line 3 with 0 arguments. This effectively encapsulates all functions and variables defined within that library, because all of the functions will be accessible only inside that anonymous function.
This is good practice, and the reasoning behind it is to avoid polluting the global namespace with variables and functions, which could be clobbered by other pieces of Javascript throughout the site.
To clarify how the function is called, consider the simple example:
If you have this single line of Javascript included, it will invoke automatically without explicitly calling it:
So, take that idea, and apply it to this example:
(function() {
//anything I define in here is scoped to this function only
}) (); //here, the anonymous function is invoked
The end result is similar, because the anonymous function is invoked just like the previous example.
Because the good code answers are already taken :) I'll throw in a suggestion to watch some John Resig videos video 1 , video 2 (inventor of jQuery & master at JavaScript).
Some really good insights and answers provided in the videos.
That is what I happened to be doing at the moment when I saw your question.
function(){ // some code here }
is the way to define an anonymous function in javascript. They can give you the ability to execute a function in the context of another function (where you might not have that ability otherwise).

How does the (function() {})() construct work and why do people use it?

(function() {})() and its jQuery-specific cousin (function($) {})(jQuery) pop up all the time in Javascript code.
How do these constructs work, and what problems do they solve?
Examples appreciated
With the increasing popularity of JavaScript frameworks, the $ sign was used in many different occasions. So, to alleviate possible clashes, you can use those constructs:
(function ($){
// Your code using $ here.
Specifically, that's an anonymous function declaration which gets executed immediately passing the main jQuery object as parameter. Inside that function, you can use $ to refer to that object, without worrying about other frameworks being in scope as well.
This is a technique used to limit variable scope; it's the only way to prevent variables from polluting the global namespace.
var bar = 1; // bar is now part of the global namespace
(function () {
var foo = 1; // foo has function scope
// code to be executed goes here
1) It defines an anonymous function and executes it straight away.
2) It's usually done so as not to pollute the global namespace with unwanted code.
3) You need to expose some methods from it, anything declared inside will be "private", for example:
MyLib = (function(){
// other private stuff here
return {
init: function(){
Or, alternatively:
MyLib = {};
(function({ = function(){
The point is, there are many ways you can use it, but the result stays the same.
It's just an anonymous function that is called immediately. You could first create the function and then call it, and you get the same effect:
(function(){ ... })();
works as:
temp = function(){ ... };
You can also do the same with a named function:
function temp() { ... }
The code that you call jQuery-specific is only that in the sense that you use the jQuery object in it. It's just an anonymous function with a parameter, that is called immediately.
You can do the same thing in two steps, and you can do it with any parameters you like:
temp = function(answer){ ... };
The problem that this solves is that it creates a closuse for the code in the function. You can declare variables in it without polluting the global namespace, thus reducing the risk of conflicts when using one script along with another.
In the specific case for jQuery you use it in compatibility mode where it doesn't declare the name $ as an alias for jQuery. By sending in the jQuery object into the closure and naming the parameter $ you can still use the same syntax as without compatibility mode.
It explains here that your first construct provides scope for variables.
Variables are scoped at the function level in javascript. This is different to what you might be used to in a language like C# or Java where the variables are scoped to the block. What this means is if you declare a variable inside a loop or an if statement, it will be available to the entire function.
If you ever find yourself needing to explicitly scope a variable inside a function you can use an anonymous function to do this. You can actually create an anonymous function and then execute it straight away and all the variables inside will be scoped to the anonymous function:
(function() {
var myProperty = "hello world";
alert(typeof(myProperty)); // undefined
Another reason to do this is to remove any confusion over which framework's $ operator you are using. To force jQuery, for instance, you can do:
... your jQuery code here...
By passing in the $ operator as a parameter and invoking it on jQuery, the $ operator within the function is locked to jQuery even if you have other frameworks loaded.
Another use for this construct is to "capture" the values of local variables that will be used in a closure. For example:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
The above code will make all three buttons pop up "3". On the other hand:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
(function(i) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
This will make the three buttons pop up "0", "1", and "2" as expected.
The reason for this is that a closure keeps a reference to its enclosing stack frame, which holds the current values of its variables. If those variables change before the closure executes, then the closure will see only the latest values, not the values as they were at the time the closure was created. By wrapping the closure creation inside another function as in the second example above, the current value of the variable i is saved in the stack frame of the anonymous function.
This is considered a closure. It means the code contained will run within its own lexical scope. This means you can define new variables and functions and they won't collide with the namespace used in code outside of the closure.
var i = 0;
alert("The magic number is " + i);
(function() {
var i = 99;
alert("The magic number inside the closure is " + i);
alert("The magic number is still " + i);
This will generate three popups, demonstrating that the i in the closure does not alter the pre-existing variable of the same name:
The magic number is 0
The magic number inside the closure is 99
The magic number is still 0
They are often used in jQuery plugins. As explained in the jQuery Plugins Authoring Guide all variables declared inside { } are private and are not visible to the outside which allows for better encapsulation.
As others have said, they both define anonymous functions that are invoked immediately. I generally wrap my JavaScript class declarations in this structure in order to create a static private scope for the class. I can then place constant data, static methods, event handlers, or anything else in that scope and it will only be visible to instances of the class:
// Declare a namespace object.
window.MyLibrary = {};
// Wrap class declaration to create a private static scope.
(function() {
var incrementingID = 0;
function somePrivateStaticMethod() {
// ...
// Declare the MyObject class under the MyLibrary namespace.
MyLibrary.MyObject = function() { = incrementingID++;
// ...MyObject's prototype declaration goes here, etc...
MyLibrary.MyObject.prototype = {
memberMethod: function() {
// Do some stuff
// Maybe call a static private method!
In this example, the MyObject class is assigned to the MyLibrary namespace, so it is accessible. incrementingID and somePrivateStaticMethod() are not directly accessible outside of the anonymous function scope.
That is basically to namespace your JavaScript code.
For example, you can place any variables or functions within there, and from the outside, they don't exist in that scope. So when you encapsulate everything in there, you don't have to worry about clashes.
The () at the end means to self invoke. You can also add an argument there that will become the argument of your anonymous function. I do this with jQuery often, and you can see why...
(function($) {
// Now I can use $, but it won't affect any other library like Prototype
Evan Trimboli covers the rest in his answer.
It's a self-invoking function. Kind of like shorthand for writing
function DoSomeStuff($)
What the above code is doing is creating an anonymous function on line 1, and then calling it on line 3 with 0 arguments. This effectively encapsulates all functions and variables defined within that library, because all of the functions will be accessible only inside that anonymous function.
This is good practice, and the reasoning behind it is to avoid polluting the global namespace with variables and functions, which could be clobbered by other pieces of Javascript throughout the site.
To clarify how the function is called, consider the simple example:
If you have this single line of Javascript included, it will invoke automatically without explicitly calling it:
So, take that idea, and apply it to this example:
(function() {
//anything I define in here is scoped to this function only
}) (); //here, the anonymous function is invoked
The end result is similar, because the anonymous function is invoked just like the previous example.
Because the good code answers are already taken :) I'll throw in a suggestion to watch some John Resig videos video 1 , video 2 (inventor of jQuery & master at JavaScript).
Some really good insights and answers provided in the videos.
That is what I happened to be doing at the moment when I saw your question.
function(){ // some code here }
is the way to define an anonymous function in javascript. They can give you the ability to execute a function in the context of another function (where you might not have that ability otherwise).

Need some help understanding this JavaScript

I have the following strange looking code in a js file and i need some help in understanding whats going on. What im confused about is why is the whole thing put in paranthesis ?. What does that mean ?
(function() {
var someobj = window.someobj = [];
var parentId = '#wrapper';
$(document).ready(function() {
//some code here
$(document).ready(function() {
//some code here
If the code that you provided is complete (with the exception of what is inside the two $(document).ready(function() {}); statements), than this code does nothing and the function is never executed. It's the same with or without the wrapping parenthesis.
By wrapping a function in parenthesis, you can create an anonymous function. However, the function must be executed immediately, or stored in a variable (which would negate the anonymous part). You'll often see this technique to avoid polluting the global scope with variables that are temporary or only used for initialization of a larger application. For example.
(function() {
// Do initialization shtuff
var someLocalVariable = 'value';
// Notice the `();` here after the closing parenthesis.
// This executes the anonymous function.
// This will cause an error since `someLocalVariable` is not
// available in this scope
So then, what your code is missing is the (); after the closing parenthesis at the end of the function. Here is what your code should (presumably) look like:
(function() {
var someobj = window.someobj = [];
var parentId = '#wrapper';
$(document).ready(function() {
//some code here
$(document).ready(function() {
//some code here
It does not look like this code is complete. As written, this code will do nothing at all. Are you missing a close paren and an extra set of parentheses at the end?
In JavaScript, there is no module system, and thus no way to create a module with its own top-level definitions that don't conflict with other modules that might be used.
In order to overcome this, people use anonymous function definitions to avoid name conflicts. What you do is create an anonymous function, and execute it immediately.
(function () { /* do stuff */ })();
This creates a function, and then executes it immediately with no arguments. Variables defined using var within that function will not conflict with variables defined anywhere else, and thus you get the equivalent of your own, private namespace, like what a module system would provide.
The outer parentheses are redundant here (there is a typo in your code though, I think you're missing the closing );). Sometimes people will wrap a function in parentheses for clarity when invoking the function immediately, e.g.
(function($) {
//some jQuery code
Within the function above, the parameter $ will have the value of the outer jQuery variable. This is done within jQuery and jQuery plugins to prevent the $ symbol clashing with other frameworks.
I'm going to assume that this is actually part of an anonymous function definition and that's why it's in parenthesis. I could see doing this if there was some sort of logic going to make window.someobj change based on different conditions, but have code further along do the same thing.
The parenthesis aren't actually necessary as far that this code goes. This code doesn't seem complete though. The function initializes by setting a variable to some object on the page and then setting another constant. Then there are two seemingly identical triggers that will trigger some code on page load.
Doesn't seem like a very useful piece of code. Is there some larger portion that might shed some light on this?
In JS, You can declare a function and automatically call it afterwards:
( function Test() { alert('test'); } )();
The parentheses define a temporary scope. It is sometimes useful to do so in JavaScript. There are a number of examples and further explanation in John Resig's excellent guide to learning advanced JavaScript:

How do you explain this structure in JavaScript?

What is special about this kind of syntax?
What does ()(); imply?
The creates an anonymous function, closure and all, and the final () tells it to execute itself.
It is basically the same as:
function name (){...}
So basically there is nothing special about this code, it just a 'shortcut' to creating a method and invoking it without having to name it.
This also implies that the function is a one off, or an internal function on an object, and is most useful when you need to the features of a closure.
It's an anonymous function being called.
The purpose of that is to create a new scope from which local variables don't bleed out. For example:
var test = 1;
(function() {
var test = 2;
test == 1 // true
One important note about this syntax is that you should get into the habit of terminating statements with a semi-colon, if you don't already. This is because Javascript allows line feeds between a function name and its parentheses when you call it.
The snippet below will cause an error:
var aVariable = 1
var myVariable = aVariable
(function() {/*...*/})()
Here's what it's actually doing:
var aVariable = 1;
var myVariable = aVariable(function() {/*...*/})
Another way of creating a new block scope is to use the following syntax:
new function() {/*...*/}
The difference is that the former technique does not affect where the keyword "this" points to, whereas the second does.
Javascript 1.8 also has a let statement that accomplishes the same thing, but needless to say, it's not supported by most browsers.
That is a self executing anonymous function. The () at the end is actually calling the function.
A good book (I have read) that explains some usages of these types of syntax in Javascript is Object Oriented Javascript.
This usage is basically equivalent of a inner block in C. It prevents the variables defined inside the block to be visible outside. So it is a handy way of constructing a one off classes with private objects. Just don't forget return this; if you use it to build an object.
var Myobject=(function(){
var privatevalue=0;
function privatefunction()
privatevalue=1; //no worries about the execution context
return this;})(); //I tend to forget returning the instance
//if I don't write like this
See also Douglas Crockford's excellent "JavaScript: The Good Parts," available from O'Reilly, here:
... and on video at the YUIblog, here:
The stuff in the first set of brackets evaluates to a function. The second set of brackets then execute this function. So if you have something that want to run automagically onload, this how you'd cause it to load and execute.
John Resig explains self-executing anonymous functions here.

