What other options for replacing entire HTML document via W3C DOM? - javascript

I am curious about people's experiences with replacing the entire document at runtime in an Ajax web app. It's rare, but I've found a few situations where the app requires an entire page rebuild and everything is present locally without needing another server round-trip.
I can easily prepare the new document as either a new DOM tree or as a String. So I'm evaluating the trade-offs for various approaches.
If I want to use the String approach this seems to work:
Most browsers do this just fine, but many have a slight flicker when re-rendering. I've noticed that on the 2nd time through Firefox 4.0b7 will just sit there and spin as if it is loading. Hitting the stop button on the location bar seems to complete the page render. (Edit: this appears to be fixed in 4.0b8) Also this method seems to prevent the user from hitting refresh to reload the current URL (it reloads the dynamically generated page).
If I use a new DOM tree approach (which has different advantages/disadvantages in flexibility and speed), then this seems to work:
document.replaceChild(newDomDoc, document.documentElement);
Most browsers seem to handle this perfectly fine without flicker. Unfortunately, IE9 beta throws "DOM Exception: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR (3)" on replaceChild and never completes. I haven't tried the latest preview release to see if this is just a new bug that got fixed. (Edit: this appears to be fixed in RC1.)
My question: does anyone have a different approach than either of these? Does anyone have any other caveats where perhaps a particular browser fundamentally breaks down with one of these approaches?
Update: Perhaps this will add context and help the imagination. Consider a situation where an application is offline. There is no server available to redirect or refresh. The necessary state of the application is already loaded (or stored) client-side. The UI is constructed from client-side templates.
I believe that Gmail uses iframes embedded within a root document. It appears the starting document for at least some of these iframes are just a bare HTML5 document which the parent document then manipulates.
Using an iframe would be another variant on the requirement to replace the current document by replacing the entire child iframe or just its document. The same situation exists though of what approach to attach the new document to the iframe.

I guess I will answer this with my own findings as I'm wrapping up my research on this.
Since the two browsers which have issues with one of these methods are both beta, I've opened bug reports which hopefully will resolve those before their full release:
Firefox 4 Beta: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=615927
Edit: Fixed in FF 4b8.
Internet Explorer 9 Beta: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/626473
Edit: Fixed in IE9 RC1.
I've also found pretty consistently that this...
document.replaceChild(newDomDoc, document.documentElement);
...is 2-10x faster than this...
var doc = document.open("text/html");
...even when including the time needed to build the DOM nodes vs. build the HTML string. This might be the reason for the flicker, or perhaps just another supporting argument for the DOM approach. Chrome doesn't have any flicker with either method.
Note the subtle change of storing the returned document which circumvents the bug in Firefox 4.0b7.
Also note this added MIME type which the IE docs claim is "required".
Finally, Internet Explorer seems to have a bit of trouble resolving link tags that were built before the new document is swapped in. Assigning the link href back to itself appears to patch it up.
// IE requires link repair
if (document.createStyleSheet) {
var head = document.documentElement.firstChild;
while (head && (head.tagName||"") !== "HEAD") {
head = head.nextSibling;
if (head) {
var link = head.firstChild;
while (link) {
if ((link.tagName||"") === "LINK") {
link.href = link.href;
link = link.nextSibling;
One could cover all bases and combine them like this...
var doc = document;
try {
var newRoot = newDoc.toDOM();
doc.replaceChild(newRoot, doc.documentElement);
// IE requires link repair
if (doc.createStyleSheet) {
var head = newRoot.firstChild;
while (head && (head.tagName||"") !== "HEAD") {
head = head.nextSibling;
if (head) {
var link = head.firstChild;
while (link) {
if ((link.tagName||"") === "LINK") {
link.href = link.href;
link = link.nextSibling;
} catch (ex) {
doc = doc.open("text/html");
...assuming you have the ability to choose your approach like I do.


Controlling a Firefox Extension via Javascript

Is it possible, using javascript, to control an overlay firefox extension? I've extracted the contents of the extension and have identified what functions/methods I need to run, but they are not accessible within the scope of the console.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Yes it possible to interact with other add-ons, given the right circumstances.
My test case here will be com.googlecode.sqlitemanager.openInOwnWindow(), which is part of the SqliteManager addon.
In newer builds (I'm using Nightly), there is the Browser Toolbox. With it is is as simple as opening a toolbox and executing com.googlecode.sqlitemanager.openInOwnWindow() in the Console.
You may instead use the Browser Console (or any chrome enabled WebDev Console for that matter, e.g. the Console of "about:newtab"). But you need some boilerplate code to first find the browser window. So here is the code you can execute there: var bwin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); bwin.com.googlecode.sqlitemanager.openInOwnWindow()
Again, enable chrome debugging. Then open a Scratchpad and switch to Chrome in the Environment menu. Now executing com.googlecode.sqlitemanager.openInOwnWindow() in our Scratchpad will work.
You may of course write your own overlay add-on.
As a last resort, patch the add-on itself.
Bootstrapped/SDK add-ons: you can load XPIProvider.jsm (which changed location recently) and get to the bootstrapped scope (run environment of bootstrap.js) via XPIProvider.bootstrapScopes[addonID], and take it from there (use whatever is in the bootstrap scope, e.g. the SDK loader).
Now about the right circumstances: If and how you can interact with a certain add-on depends on the add-on. Add-ons may have global symbols in their overlay and hence browser window, such as in the example I used. Or may use (to some extend) JS code modules. Or have their own custom loader stuff (e.g. AdBlock Plus has their own require()-like stuff and SDK add-ons have their own loader, which isn't exactly easy to infiltate)...
Since your question is rather unspecific, I'll leave it at this.
Edit by question asker: This is correct, however I figured I'd add an example of the code I ended up using in the end, which was in fact taken directly from mozilla's developer network website:
In my chrome js:
var myExtension = {
myListener: function(evt) {
IprPreferences.setFreshIpStatus(true); // replace with whatever you want to 'fire' in the extension
document.addEventListener("MyExtensionEvent", function(e) { myExtension.myListener(e); }, false, true);
// The last value is a Mozilla-specific value to indicate untrusted content is allowed to trigger the event.
In the web content:
var element = document.createElement("MyExtensionDataElement");
element.setAttribute("attribute1", "foobar");
element.setAttribute("attribute2", "hello world");
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("MyExtensionEvent", true, false);
Update for Firefox 47 and up
Things changed drastically in Firefox 47. This is the new way to access it.
var XPIScope = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm');
var addonid = 'Profilist#jetpack';
var scope = XPIScope.XPIProvider.activeAddons.get(addonid).bootstrapScope
Old way for < Firefox 47
Update for methods of today
Typically you will do so like this:
If i wanted to get into AdBlocks scope, I check AdBlock id, it is {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d} so I would go:
var XPIScope = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm');
var adblockScope = XPIScope.XPIProvider.bootstrapScopes['{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'];
You can now tap into anything there.
Another example, I have an addon installed with id NativeShot#jetpack
I would tap into it like this:
var XPIScope = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm');
var nativeshotScope = XPIScope.XPIProvider.bootstrapScopes['NativeShot#jetpack'];
if you do console.log(nativeshotScope) you will see all that is inside.

IE 8 (ONLY) crashes with JavaScript / jQuery calls to plugins

I'm in need of some help.
I'm building a team bio page it keeps crashing IE8 when I call jQuery plugins.
I'm not sure what is going on and can't even run the IE debugger because it crashes so hard.
Any IE8 / jQuery experts out there willing to take a look and offer some help?
Here is the main team page. Clicking through to any of the links causes the crash in IE8.
I am using:
jQuery Tagsphere, AnythingSlider, and jQuery Cycle.
Thanks in advance for any insight into this.
I had a similar problem, most notably closing iframes with IE8. Stumbled across the following code in jquery-1.6.2, which was intended to solve problems with document.domain. Some comments on the web lead me to believe this was a recent problem. Dropped back to jquery-1.4.4 and the problem was resolved.
// #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing
// a field from window.location if document.domain has been set
try {
ajaxLocation = location.href;
} catch( e ) {
// Use the href attribute of an A element
// since IE will modify it given document.location
ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" );
ajaxLocation.href = "";
ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href;

Jquery - how to load everything except the images?

I'm currently working on a WordPress addition which loads full post content (normally it shows exceprts) when asked to. I did my code like this:
$(".readMore").click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr("href");
$(this).parent("p").parent("div").children("div.text").slideUp("slow", function () {
$(this).load(url + " .text", function(){
return false; });
And it works. But I don't want images to be loaded. I tried .text:not(img), but it didn't worked. How can I do this?
The trick, of course, is preventing the images from being downloaded unnecessarily by the user's browser; not displaying them is easy.
I only have two browsers were it's easy and convenient to tell what's downloading: Chrome and Firefox+Firebug. In my tests, Martin's solution using *:not(img) results in the images being downloaded (although not displayed) in both Chrome and Firefox+Firebug. (I emphasize "Firefox+Firebug" because Firebug can change the behavior of Firefox on occasion, and so it may well be changing its behavior here, although I don't think it is; more on that below.)
It took some tweaking, but this seems to do the trick (more on testing below):
url: url,
success: function(data) {
var div = $("<div>").html(data);
if (stripImages) {
// Find the images, remove them, and explicitly
// clear the `src` property from each of them
div.find("img").remove().each(function() {
this.src = "";
error: function(jxhr, status, err) {
display("ajax error, status = " + status + ", err = " + err);
Live example The "Include big image" checkbox includes a large file from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD).
The key there was setting the src of the img elements to "". On Chrome, just removing the elements was enough to prevent Chrome starting the download of the images, but on Firefox+Firebug it not only started downloading them, but continued even when the download took considerable time. Clearing the src causes Firefox to abort the download (I can see this in the Firebug Net console).
So what about IE? Or Firefox without Firebug? I only did unscientific testing of those, but it's promising: If I run my live example of Martin's solution on either IE or Firefox without Firebug in a VM, I see the VM's network interface working hard, suggesting that it's downloading that big APOD picture. In contrast, if I run my solution above in that same environment (with caches cleared, etc., etc.), I don't see the VM network interface doing that work, suggesting that the download is either not being started or is being aborted early on.
.text *:not(img) will select every descendant from .text that is not an image, so in theory it should work.

Why does TinyMCE require typing something before being able to use the delete key properly?

I have just implemented TinyMCE and it is working fine, except that the user must type something, even a space character, before being able to delete content.
Please tell me if you need more information.
It's a browser bug. There is a hacky workaround I've seen and used in the past; I can't verify it at the moment. If you call the following once the TinyMCE editing iframe has loaded, it may work:
// doc is a reference to the iframe's document
try {
doc.execCommand("Undo", false, false);
} catch (ex) {}
Indeed it is a browser bug (almost FF). My workaround for this resets the design mode:
editor_instance = tinymce.EditorManager.getInstanceById(editor_id); //editor id needed here (ed.id)
editor_instance.getDoc().designMode = 'Off';
editor_instance.getDoc().designMode = 'On';

Is there a way to have browsers ignore or override xml-stylesheet processing instructions?

I'm trying to write a bookmarklet to help some QA testers submit useful debugging information when they come across issues. Currently I can set window.location to a URL that provides this debugging information, but this resource is an XML document with an xml-stylesheet processing directive.
It would actually be more convenient if the testers were able to see either the raw XML data as plain text, or the default XML rendering for IE and Firefox.
Does anyone know a way to disable or override xml-stylesheet directives provided inside an XML document, using Internet Explorer or Firefox?
Edit: I've opened a bounty on this question. Requirements:
Client-side code only, no user intervention allowed
Solutions for both IE and Firefox needed (they can be different solutions)
Disabling stylesheet processing and rendering it as text is acceptable
Overriding stylesheet processing with a custom XSL is acceptable
Rendering the XML with the browser default XML stylesheet is acceptable
EDIT: too bad, though all seemed fine in the preview, the clickable examples seem to mess up things... Maybe the layout is fine in the history.
I've heard, but cannot validate for IE, that both IE and Firefox support the "view-source:" pseudo-protocol. Firefox on Mac indeed understands it, but Safari does not.
The following bookmarklet will not trigger the XSLT transformation specified in the XML. And though Firefox will render this using some colours, it does not execute the default transformation it would normally use for XML without any XSLT (so, the result of view-source does NOT yield a collapsable document tree that Firefox would normally show):
var u = 'http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/cdcatalog_with_ex1.xml';
var w = window.open();
w.document.location.href = 'view-source:' + u;
When fetching the document using Ajax then one is not limited to the alert oneporter used, but can display it in a new window as well. Again: this will not invoke the XSLT transformation that is specified:
var u = 'http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/cdcatalog_with_ex1.xml';
var w = window.open(); /* open right away for popup blockers */
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.open('GET', u, true);
x.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(x.readyState == 4){
/* hack to encode HTML entities */
var d = document.createElement('div');
var t = document.createTextNode(x.responseText);
+ d.innerHTML + '</pre></body></html>');
Can't you just do "View Source" in both browsers?
You can avoid a processing instruction by using an intermediary step to pre-process the XML before the content is output in the browser.
Client-side suggestion
Retrieve the relevant XML document via an AJAX request
Parse the XML into a DOM (note: a DOM not the DOM)
Traverse the DOM and render in the browser the required data
Server-side suggestion
Instead of directly requesting the pertinent XML document, make a request instead to a proxy script that removed from the XML content all processing instructions, or indeed all that you don't want.
Instead of:
window.location = 'http://example.com/document.xml';
window.location = 'http://example.com/proxy/';
The script at http://example.com/proxy/ would:
Load document.xml
Use whatever is necessary to remove the processing instruction from the XML content
Output the XML content
As long as you wouldn't have to deal with cross domain permissions, a simple ajax request / alert box with the XML source would do the trick. You'll have to add a little bit to the xmlHttp declaration to make it compatible with IE.
<script language="JavaScript">
function ajaxFunction()
var xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();;
As far as I know, there is no way of doing what you are trying to do. The issue is, javascript cannot read the dom of the xml from a client side xml/xsl transform. As far as the javascript is concerned, it is executing on a normal html dom.
However, there may be some hope depending on the type of webapp. You could use ajax to get the xml of the current url. As long as there is no post data, or any other randomness, this method should work fine.

