window.location = window.location not work in IE7 - javascript

To refresh the page I am using window.location = window.location it works fine with FireFox but not with IE7
any Idea??

Call the reload method instead

To reload the page, the good solution is to use window.location.reload();
You say this pops up for confirmation? This is probably because the page you are on was called with POST data sent.
If you want thoses POST data to be sent again, you don't have an easy solution to avoid this confirmation (maybe using ajax you could do it.... you'll spend a lot of time doing this).
If you don't want to POST again the data, than you don't want to reload the page ! You only want to load the same URL.
The problem is, if you say to your browser, load this URL, it will do nothing because the URL you're speaking of is already loaded (for most browser, no URL change -> no page reload) !!
An easy way to get around this problem can be to call the same URL plus a random query string value. This way the URL you call is a new one.
To do this a really easy way : += '&' + Math.random();
One problem with this solution is that your URL can become messy....
Depending on your needs and your URLs, you can probably find a way to make very little changes, just enough to make the browser reload the page.

Another simple solution is submitting empty form.. tested it now for IE, FF and Chrome:
function Reload() {
var oForm = document.createElement("form");
This way you can also read the posted data back from the server and submit it again without having the "confirmation" you mentioned, if it's relevant let us know what server side language you're using.


After Redirecting to a page after loading another page

Currently I have a page that when you fill out a text box and click a button, it redirects you to another page.
The page needs to be loaded, since it updates and shows xml. (I cannot currently change how this is)
However what I what to do is after page was redirected once, redirect it again or just load another page in general.
The thing to note about the xml link, is that part of it is created with the text box, so it will be dynamic.
I currently have something along the lines of this
//please note that username is a textbox, I've just left it out
<script runat = "server">
void Button_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
var url = "" + username.text "/value/0"
Response.Redirect(url, true);
catch(Exception ex)
{//From what I learnt, adding true to redirect throws an exception,
//which is how I tried executing another redirect, but it doesn't seem to
//to load the first direct, and skips straight to this, I also put this
//in finally, because it seemed more appropriate to no avail
Response.Redirect(someurl, true);
So I'm wondering if this is actually possible, I also wonder if I'm just looking up the wrong keywords to find a solution.
I've spent a bit of time on this, and have yet to come to some sort of solution, but I'm new to web development so I may just be missing some incredibly simple.
Also I only really understand how C# works in asp, but am willing to learn how to add in javascript or VB if necessary.
Thanks in advance for the help
Edit: Solution!
So I managed to use javascript to append the textbox value to the xml link, request it and without showing the user (showing the user, is not necessary in this case).
After which a popup confirms that it is successful then reloads the page.
it is very self explanatory but what I did was
url = "website";
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
return true;//this reloads the page, that or just window.location.reload();
For an added check, I will see if I can verify that the username is a valid username, and popup with failure text if not.
You seem to have a misunderstanding about what Response.Redirect(...) actually does. The method name is, in my opinion, a bit misleading. It suggests that somehow the Response to the currently executing request will be sent somewhere else than the requesting browser. This is not the case. The name could as well have been Response.SendRedirectResponseToBrowser, because that's what Response.Redirect does.
So when you do Response.Redirect(url) you are telling the server that is executing your page that is should send a response to the browser, telling the browser to do a GET request of the supplied url. The browser will then do that, at which point that page needs to include a separate Redirect in order to further tell the browser where to go next.
In this case then, the page at "" + username.text "/value/0" needs to be patched up so that after processing the request, it will also send a redirect response with the url you want to display next.
If you have no control over that page, then you must solve this some other way. Some options:
Use ajax to request the "" + username.text "/value/0" url. Then after completion set the page location to the url you want to show next.
Open the url in a _blank target, then set to location to the next page.
Use System.Net.Http.HttpClient in your code behind method to request the url, then do a redirect. This means that the server requests the url as part of processing the button click.
If the url updates some state (like store some changes in a database or similar), then you should request it using a POST request, not a GET. GET requests can get a cached response which means that the server might never actually see the request, and therefore not do any processing.
Piecing together the url like this "" + username.text "/value/0" looks risky. You should at the very minimum url encode the username.text - HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username.text). Better yet would be the first validate that the entered username is actually a valid user name.
You can add a Refresh header (not a meta-refresh element) to the response that contains the XML. In the header, you can specify another URL and the number of seconds to wait before redirecting.
I guess it should be using JavaScript (front-end) instead of back-end error handling, because it goes to another page. Use promise to handle exception

Refreshing page via JS snippet

While testing a way in Firefox to reload an HTML page without caching, I've included the following snippet in my code:
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
This reloads the page after 5 seconds, however I get shown the prompt: "To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier."
If there a way to do a silent refresh via Javascript, one that doesn't show any prompt? For instance, if I used the refresh Meta tag (HTML), my browser silently refreshes. I want to approximate that same experience, but via JS (and no cache). BTW mine is a Django web app, and I inject the JS code in my Django template.
This is standard behaviour to protect people from submitting form information more than once (eg, prevent double payments in an ecommerce system). Try telling the Javascript to direct to a 'new' page:
Try using this, setting the url to your own;
window.location = "my.url/index.html?nocache=" + (new Date()).getTime();
Answer borrowed from here where there is also an explanation given for why this works -> How can I force window.location to make an HTTP request instead of using the cache?
Have you tried location.reload (true) ? If set to true, it will always reload from server. Set to false it'll look at the cache first.
You are getting this prompt because you ask to reload a POST request. You should always get this prompt when reloading a POST request, as it is not a safe method
However, if you wish, you can explicitely resend a POST request (though you might have difficulties to find back the POST data previously sent). Or explicitely send a GET request to the same URL.

Javascript reload to load a new instance and not reload the page

I am using window.location.reload in a jQuery dialog on close. The issue is that if users posted to the page earlier, it will give them a dialog to reload the post data. Is there a way to load the page without "reloading", or "refreshing".
Something similiar to PHP's header("Location");
I need it to load the same url, just not reload it.
I understand that I can use window.location = window.location, but this does not work.
How about window.location.href = document.URL;
In addition to the direct answers, looking at this issue from a broader scope might help.
The user is being prompted to reload post data because they came to that page via a POST method - if you were to employ the PRG pattern, you'd avoid the post data prompt, and reap the various other benefits it provides. That said, it is a bit more work :)

Downloading LATEST version of a page with JQuery/JavaScript?

The answer on Auto refreshing with Javascript? seemed like exactly what I needed, but after a while I found something not working like I wanted it to :( When I made a timer to check the web page every 5 seconds, it kept returning the same string even after the page changed. I think this is happening because it's doing the equivilant of F5; re downloading the page only if the php script has been changed by me, and if not just sending my Javascript what's in the browser's cache, if that makes any sense. The problem is, the page isn't actually being re-uploaded every five seconds, the reason the page would change is because of the database content the PHP is displaying. What I would like is a function similar to $.get but will act more like Ctrl-F5, not using any cache, just re downloading the whole page. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense...
UPDATE: What I'm asking for is not a Javascript script that Ctrl-F5's the page, what I'm asking for is a function like $.get that downloads from the server no matter what. urgle, see, $.get only downloads from the server if the page has been edited since x time (and if it hasn't it'll return a copy of the page from the browser's cache), but I don't want it to do the x time thing, I just want it to download the page no matter the last-edited time.
I always throw useless query like this:
$.get(url + '?v=' + Math.random(), success: function (data) {
// stuff
That math.random basically tricks the browser into not caching that request.
Use jQuery.ajax(). Pass through cache : false as one of the parameters.
For example, straight from the documentation:
url: "test.php",
cache: false,
success: function(){
The best solution I can imagine is to update/redirect to a page that redirects you back to current. I'm not sure if javascript has a ctrl+f5 function.
If using jQuery use the cache option with the .ajax call. Alternatively append a date stamp to the url to force the browser to fetch each time.

How can I refresh a webpage without the browser asking if I want to resend again

I got the following code to refresh my webpage. It works great if I don't submit anything with POST but if i do, i get a message from the browser when my webpage refreshes (see image below)
I'm not looking for the browser settings tweak. I'm looking for alternative code to refresh without asking.
This is caused due to the page being requested by POST instead of GET. Refreshing will resubmit the POST data. You can force a get using window.location = window.location.href;.
If you want to allow people to reload the page through their browser controls then you will need to implement the PRG pattern which redirects to a GET after a POST.
This will request for a page and not a reload.
window.location = window.location;
The solution: don't POST. GET is supposed to be idempotent (up to environmental changes), POST is supposed to be a modification.
After the POST, you should be performing an immediate GET to reload the page with the result of the POST. Then you can refresh at will.
<form method="POST" action="go.php"> ... </form>
// do stuff...
<script type="text/javascript"> location .reload (true); </script>
This is controlled on the browser end and not yours (ie you CAN'T control it). If you want to show the user a page that can be refreshed without the repost option, you'll have to do it via a redirect following the post to a page that you retrieve with a GET not a POST.
Try a javascript redirect. Or alternatively, POST the information using AJAX which will mean refresh reloads the original page, not the results of your ajax post.
you can save your data to and use the window.location = window.location.href trick. and when onload, check if you have data in, get it back and remove it from there. i use the as "session" storage quite often for situations like this.
(I'm spanish speaker, I´ll do my best)
In my case, I have a button to looking for open tickets in a DB, so, i need to press that button every time that I wanna know if there are new ones, I resolved with the next javascript function
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
setTimeout('document.getElementById("btn_busca_ticket").click()', 10000);
where 10000 is the time between every refresh, (10 seconds)
if you don't have a button, you can create a hidden one with an ID and a submit
(it's not so elegant, but works for me)

