Javascript / Dreamweaver CS4 - How to control the .flv player? - javascript

I need a solution to control the flv player of Dreamweaver CS4.. I think I have to use javascript for this. When you click on a div container it should start the video, another click on the same container will stop the video. - BTW I use the JQuery framework.. so may you can compress the code.. Thanks!!
Pseudo javascript:
If played == 0
On Click "#acooldiv"
PlayVideo "object flv"
played = 1
If played == 1
On Click "#acooldiv"
StopVideo "object flv"
played = 0
StopVideo should bring the video back to 0:00 (so its not a pause its a reset of the video playing)

Sorry I'm not familliar with Dreamweaver, but why you want to control the flv player in that program? Don't you want to play a flv when it's in the (html)webpage and play it via javascript?
If you mean play FLV when its in the webpage:
You can communicate with the flv player (see here). But maybe better to embed these play/pause features in the flv player itself, because it really basic and probably most flv players already have it.


AAC audio source with Cordova not playing properly.

I am using PlayCordovaAudio() function to stream audio (Shoucast).
The MP3 audio source is playing well with this code:
But, when trying to play an AAC audio source, the audio starts and stops right away. Even when using the same function:
Here is the app that I am developing. If you want, you can download it and test it:
(the first radio play is from the .mp3 audio source, the second one is an AAC audio source).
Any idea how could I fix this?
Thank you in advance

Integrating .html extensions with VideoJS?

So i'm using the VideoJS HTML5 video player
on my in progress video streaming website.
The problem i've encountered is that the player has no problem playing links that end in the
(.MP4) extension. But the way my site functions is it acts as a video aggregator
by pulling links from various websites, the websites are similar to this one
taking that website link for example >
Notice how it ends with the .html extension and when you go to it, it has it's own unique video player, what I want to do is to be able to play that video in video js.
My aggregator saves links to the videos (.html , .php) and not the actual video file itself, is there a way of achieving this? or is it impossible? thanks!

Can Popcorn.js be used to add subtitles to a YouTube video?

Let's say we embed a YouTube video on a web page.
Underneath the video player, could we display subtitles synched to the video using a media framework like Popcorn.js?
Interesting you mentioned Popcorn.js, because Popcorn does support Youtube.
Buuut, that documentation is out of date.
It is now:
"var example ="
There are new docs on their way.
If you choose the HTML5 version when embedding the YouTube video and if it's actually being played within an HTML5 browser, it's just a video tag so you can use Popcorn.js. When it's a Flash, I'm not sure if you can get into that Flash and know the progress and listen to the events.
If you use the YouTube JavaScript Player API, you can use player.getCurrentTime() to find out which line of subtitling to show.
Then again, YouTube already supports subtitles to begin with.

Is it possible to create a Flash video player that plays videos hosted on youtube

I want to create a custom video player to modify the skin of the play controls etc but still host the videos on youtube.
The youtube api allows for minor colour adjustments but not full customisation.
I know it would be possible if I download the FLVs but i want the video to remain hosted on youtube.
Is this possible?
Or is there a way of using the 'chromeless player' and creating custom controls around it?
Have you tried using chromeless player with the official AS3 API?
In player parameters you can just set controls to 0:
Values: 0 or 1. Default is 1. This
parameter indicates whether the video
player controls will display. If this
parameter is set to 0, then the player
controls will not display, causing the
player to look like the chromeless
it is possible ... you can check this to see how to get the url to the video
I've concluded that the only way to create custom controls for the youtube player that plays videos hosted on youtube (rather than playing FLVs) is to use the chromeless player without controls and then juse html/css/jquery to create the controls, for example:

playing links of music on my own video player

i have a problem, i have a player in my website and the music i want to play is just a link of music, and i want to play it in my own player. i need some idea about this...
thanks you!..
My favorite HTML5 solution for audio right now is this project:
It "fixes" the users browser so the HTML5 <audio /> tag works no matter which browser they are using (IE, FF, Safari, etc). Then with just a sprinkling of JS you can just add something like this to your page:
<audio src="/mp3/juicy.mp3" preload="auto" />
Check out the project page, the setup shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes.
Apparently there is also a videojs library to run HTML5 video. Its slightly more complicated but if you combine the two, it should give you all the power you need.

