clearInterval(); then call interval again - javascript

I have a setInterval function
var auto_refresh = setInterval(function () {
if ($('#addNewJuicebox:visible')) {
//rest of function
}, 8000); // refresh every 5000 milliseconds
I want to call the setInterval later again, what's the best way to do that?

Try breaking your code up into the storage of the interval and the setting.
var auto_refresh = "";
function startRefresh() {
if (auto_refresh != "") {
// already set
auto_refresh = setInterval(function() {
if ($('#addNewJuicebox:visible')) {
auto_refresh = "";
}, 8000);
Added a jsfiddle example for demonstrating starting and stopping an interval

This may be what you're looking for
Function TaskRunner(run, interval) {
this._taskId = null;
this._run = run;
this._interval = interval
TaskRunner.prototype.start = function(){
if (this._taskId) {
return; // Already running
this._taskId = setInterval(this._taskId, this._interval);
TaskRunner.prototype.stop = function(){
if (!this._taskId) {
return; // Not running
this._taskId = null;
var task = new TaskRunner(
if ($('#addNewJuicebox:visible')) {
// Do the update
}, 5000);
Now you can call `task.start()` from anywhere in your code to restart it.

clearInterval takes in a reference to the timer that you want to clear, you need to pass that in to it:
var auto_refresh = null;
var refresh = function () {
if ($('#addNewJuicebox').is(':visible')) {
auto_refresh = null;
var start_refreshing = function() {
if(auto_refresh != null) return;
auto_refresh = setInterval(refresh, 8000);

Maybe you just want to use setTimeout() instead, so that you have the control you're looking for?


Scripts crashing each other

well my problem is hopefully easy: 3 actions that shall happen while hovering a photo. The timer at the bottom works now, the other things crashed. A Page shall open in 5 seconds and the photo shall move out of the display before. Sounds easy, doesnt it? I hope so.
Do you guys know what I can do?
Thanks already and best regards!
var interval;
var timer = 5;
$('.HoverBalken').on({'mouseover': function () {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, );
timer = setTimeout(function () {
window.location = "FoliagePlates.html"
}, 5000);
}, 'mouseover': function () {
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (timer === 0) clearInterval(interval);
}, 1000);
}, 'mouseout' : function () {
timer = 5;
var interval;
var timer = 5;
var timeout1,timeout2;
.mouseover(function() {
//use different variable than your timer
timeout1 = setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000); //forgot time here
//use different variable than your timer and first timeout
timeout2 = setTimeout(function () {
window.location = "FoliagePlates.html"
}, 5000);
//stay in same scope, don't define event again
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (timer === 0) clearInterval(interval);
}, 1000);
.mouseout(function() {
//clear both timers
timer = 5;
this should fix it, notice the comments in code

How to incorporate delay on a function?

I'm trying to implement a delay on a function. Should I wrap the function inside a delay function? Or can I somehow add more code, so that the animation doesn't start before 5 sec after page load?
var typeThis = "blablablabla";
var displayText = "";
function type(fullString, typedSoFar) {
if (fullString.length != typedSoFar.length) {
typedSoFar = fullString.substring(0, typedSoFar.length + 1);
document.getElementById("logoType").innerText = typedSoFar;
setTimeout(function() {
type(fullString, typedSoFar)
}, 150);
document.getElementById("logoType").innerHtml = typeThis;
var element = document.createElement('h2');
element.innerHTML = typeThis;
typeThis = element.textContent;
type(typeThis, displayText);
<a class="navbar-brand" id="topper" href="#"><p id="logoType"></p></a>
I think what you are looking for is setTimeout.
window.setTimeout(function () {
type(typeThis, displayText);
}, 5000);
You can also add that to a listener to know when the window has finished loading:
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
window.setTimeout(function () {
type(typeThis, displayText);
}, 5000);
A full example:
var typeThis = "blablablabla";
var displayText = "";
function type(fullString, typedSoFar) {
if (fullString.length != typedSoFar.length) {
typedSoFar = fullString.substring(0, typedSoFar.length + 1);
document.getElementById("logoType").innerText = typedSoFar;
setTimeout(function() {
type(fullString, typedSoFar)
}, 150);
document.getElementById("logoType").innerHtml = typeThis;
var element = document.createElement('h2');
element.innerHTML = typeThis;
typeThis = element.textContent;
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
type(typeThis, displayText);
}, 5000);
Waiting 5 seconds...
<a class="navbar-brand" id="topper" href="#"><p id="logoType"></p></a>
Your best bet is not going to be adding more code to delay, but wrap this all in a Timeout:
Use setTimeout() like so:
var timeoutID;
function delayedAlert() {
timeoutID = window.setTimeout(slowAlert, 2000);
function slowAlert() {
alert("That was really slow!");
function clearAlert() {

How to show the count down in angular js

Trying to create a count down demo, using angular js.
Once am in idle state for 30 seconds, i need to show the count down starting from 10 to 0,
How to implement the count down timer.
this is what I have tried.
var time = $timeout(function () {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 1500);
}, 30000);
Its simple try this out
Working Demo
<div ng-app ng-controller="countController">Count starts after 30 seconds<div>Count :: {{countDown}}</div>
function countController($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.countDown = 10;
var time = $timeout(function () {
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if ($scope.countDown > 0) {
} else {
}, 1500);
}, 30000);
I have done this kind of thing to show the session time out information.
Check the following sample code. Which can be improved and used according to your requirements.
function MyCtrl($scope,$timeout) {
$scope.isUserActive = false;
$scope.userActivityInterval = 1000;
$scope.redirectLoginInterval =10000;
$scope.timerSpan= $scope.redirectLoginInterval/ $scope.userActivityInterval;
$scope.resetActivity=function () {
if ($scope.isUserActive == true) {
$scope.redirectTimer = $timeout( $scope.redirectToLogin, $scope.redirectLoginInterval);
$scope.timerSpan = $scope.redirectLoginInterval/ $scope.userActivityInterval;
else {
$scope.timerSpan -= $scope.userActivityInterval / $scope.userActivityInterval;
$scope.activityTimer = $timeout($scope.resetActivity, $scope.userActivityInterval);
$scope.isUserActive = false;
$scope.activityTimer = $timeout($scope.resetActivity, $scope.userActivityInterval);
$scope.redirectTimer = $timeout($scope.resetActivity, $scope.redirectLoginInterval);

javascript autoreload in infinite loop with time left till next reload

i need a JavaScript, that relaods a page every 30 seconds, and will show how much time there is until next reload at the ID time-to-update, Example:
<p>Refreshing in <span id="time-to-update" class="light-blue"></span> seconds.</p>
i also need it to repeat itself infinitely.
thank you for reading, i hope it helps not me but everyone else, and a real big thank you if you could make this script.
(function() {
var el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
var count = 30;
setInterval(function() {
count -= 1;
el.innerHTML = count;
if (count == 0) {
}, 1000);
A variation that uses setTimeout rather than setInterval, and uses the more cross-browser secure document.location.reload(true);.
var timer = 30;
var el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
(function loop(el) {
if (timer > 0) {
el.innerHTML = timer;
timer -= 1;
setTimeout(function () { loop(el); }, 1000);
} else {
var timer = {
interval: null,
seconds: 30,
start: function () {
var self = this,
el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
el.innerText = this.seconds; // Output initial value
this.interval = setInterval(function () {
if (self.seconds == 0)
el.innerText = self.seconds;
}, 1000);
stop: function () {

How would I toggle the state of a setInterval function in jQuery?

I want to be able to click a an element with an id of pause to start a count of the elements in a time object and if I re click the pause it will stop it and reclick start it exactly like the toggle feature in JQuery but with a setInteval function how would I go about doing this?
$("#pause").click(function(ffe) {
if(on == true) {
on = false
else {
on = true;
if(on == false) {
setInterval(function() {
$("#timet ul").append("<li>" + $("#time ul")
.children('li').length +"</li>");
}, 100);
else {
A classic technique is to use a single master setInterval loop and simply use if..else logic to determine what needs to run. This is how a lot of javascript games work:
var on = true;
// Our master scheduler:
setInterval(function() {
if (on) {
$("#timet ul").append("<li>" + $("#time ul")
.children('li').length +"</li>");
}, 100);
// Code to handle the pause button
$("#pause").click(function(ffe) {
on = !on;
You can use the setTimeout function, if you want to run the function once, setInterval runs continuously, try the following:
var on = false;
$("#pause").click(function(ffe) {
if (on) {
on = false;
setTimeout(function() {
$("#timet ul").append("<li>" + $("#time ul")
.children('li').length +"</li>");
}, 100);
} else {
on = true;
You need to use .clearInterval() to stop the execution.
Here is the code: (THE WORKING DEMO)
$("#pause").click((function () {
var interId = null;
var $ul = $("#timet ul");
return function (e) {
if (interId) {
interId = null;
} else {
interId = setInterval(function () {
$ul.append($('<li>').text($('li', $ul).length));
}, 100);

