Running Javascript from external file loaded with AJAX - javascript

I've been trying to get this sorted all day, but really cant figure it out. I've got a page with <div id="ajax"></div> that is populated off a tab based menu pulling in a snippet of HTML code stored in an external file that contains some javascript (mainly form validation).
I've seen in places that I need to eval() the code, but then on the same side of things people say its the last thing to do.
Can someone point me in the right direction, and provide an example if possible as I am very new to jQuery / JavaScript.
Many thanks :)

pulling in a snippet of HTML code stored in an external file that contains some javascript (mainly form validation).
Avoid doing this. Writing <script> to innerHTML doesn't cause the script to get executed... though moving the element afterwards can cause it to get executed, at different times in different browsers.
So it's inconsistent in practice, and it doesn't really make any sense to include script anyway:
when you load the same snippet twice, you'd be running the same script twice, which might redefine some of the functions or variables bound to the page, which can leave you in extremely strange and hard-to-debug situations
non-async/defer scripts are expecting to run at parse time, and may include techniques which can't work when inserted into an existing document (in the case of document.write this typically destroys the whole page, a common symptom when trying to load third-party ad/tracking scripts).
Yes, jQuery tries to make some of this more consistent between browsers by extracting script elements and executing them. But no, it doesn't manage to fix all cases (and in principle can't). So don't ask it to. Keep your scripts static, and run any binding script code that needs to happen in the load callback.

If you fetch html via Ajax, and that html has a <script> tag in it, and you write that html into your document via something like $('#foo').append(html), then the JS should run immediately without any hassle whatsoever.

jquery automatically processes scripts received in an ajax request when adding the content to your page. If you are having a particular problem then post some code.
See this link
dataType: "html" - Returns HTML as
plain text; included script tags are
evaluated when inserted in the DOM.


Loading Coldfusion javascript asynchronously?

Whenever a page is loaded with Coldfusion, it loads many default Coldfusion javascripts. When I run the Goolge PageSpeed Tools, it always complain about the render-blocking JavaScript. Apparently, Coldfusion has many javascript when a page is loaded such as
These all are considered render-blocking scripts. I can't find any information on how to make them none-render-blocking because obviously I can't add the async="async" parameter to the Coldfusion script which I can't see. How can I make the Coldfusion script none-render-blocking or am I stuck with it?
Can someone please shed some lights?
If you really wanted to do something about this instead of rewriting your UI code, you can actually grab the output from the buffer before it is sent to the client and modify it. Your modifications could be as simple as removing a hardcoded list of script tags and replacing them with a custom script file that you host in your webroot. The custom script file would simply be all of the other script files' contents combined.
To do this:
In onRequestEnd in application.cfc you can call var outputBuffer = getPageContext().popBody().getBuffer() which will return the body to be sent to the client.
Run replacements on outputBuffer, looking for those script tags and removing them via regular expressions. You'll want to keep track of whether or not you've actually removed any to use as a flag in the next step.
Finally, you would append to the output with your new master script tag if your flag that replacements have been made is true. After you do that, the buffer will be automatically flushed to the client.
I believe that Adobe no longer updates the script files, so you basically don't have to worry about versioning your master script file to clear the browser cache.
Edit/Note: Definitely avoid using the CF UI stuff, but we don't know what your situation is like right now. If you have hundreds or thousands of hours of rewriting to do, then obviously rewriting it all is likely not something that is practical at this time.

Difference in performance and memory footprint between referencing a Javascript using src or directly injecting it in the HEAD

What are the differences in performance and memory footprint , if any, in these different approaches:
1. Using Src
<script type='text/javascript" src="1MBOfjavascript.js"></script>
2. Directly injecting in the Head
$('head').append("<script type='text/javascript'>1MBOfJavascriptCode</script>");
I'm interested because we are developing a Cordova App where we use the second method to Inject to the DOM a previously downloaded Javascript bundle read from the HTML Local Storage.
Given that the script will probably grow in size, I'd like to know if with the second method I could incur in some memory issues or other DOM problem.
I believe the overhead in such cases should be insignificant as the main processing/memory consumption is based on how the actual script works. Ie the memory used by file would be the total size of the script which is what 1MB at max? However during execution the same script can use up 100MB easily.
Anyways , coming to the point.
Plain text inclusion would be better if it has to be included in all cases as it skips a script execution and also does not cause re-rendering by browser after the append.
Append option should be used in cases where you only need the script under specific conditions on client side and do not load it un-necessarily.
The browser goes through all elements before to render the page so I would imagine it is exactly the same, if anything if you had scripts after the page is downloaded chances are that you will get errors of the type "call to undefined functions" if you call onto a function that you have added after the load.
My advise would be add them at load using src but keep things tidy.
Javascript impact a lot depending upon how and where you are loading your file, there are many ways to load a file or code.
First method you mentioned is an conventional way to load javascipt file that is load file using src and usually its loaded before closing </head> tag but now a days it is in trend to load file befor your </body> tag. it speeds up application load and prepare DOM faster.
second method is not obviously a good way to load javascript at first as there can be some code that should be working only after your DOM is ready and as here you are loading your javscript with javascript/jquery append which depends upon your jquery file loading which will delay your code execution. and there might be possible that some of your code will not have desired output (depending upon how you have called functions and how much they are dependent upon DOM ready )
I would prefer to load a javascript file with first method and at the bottom of the page/app if possible.
asyncrounous loading can also be tried.
i think because browser behavior after retrieving response from any web server
will try to parse all the elements first for building the DOm, after the DOM are ready then your script would be executed, based on this it is obvious its the main
reasons is which is the first
will be executed first than injecting it.
About the second method
i think javascript engine in each browser can handle that thing easily and withouth any problem. the engine does not care about the size actually it only about how long the script will be loaded and then executed. what will be the issue is when you try injecting any elements into DOM is when you try to do it in loop there might be a memory problem.
when you say big javascript files yeah we should think about the memory. but
about the method you previously said its just about which are executed first.
thats my opinion

How do I execute JavaScript, page specifically, from one file?

I have a single file, 'core.js', with a collection of my sites JavaScript. I like to combine my script this way so I can cut down on HTTP requests. My problem is, page specific code's, obviously, getting run on pages it needn't.
Without splitting 'core.js' into separate scripts, what's the best solution for ensuring my page specific code only gets run on the page it's supposed to be run on?
Many thanks!
The simplest way is to make everything in core.js be functions and then put one inline function call in each given page to call the code specific to that page. That makes core.js a resource and each page decides what functions in that resource to call.
I've also seen it done where you put a trigger class name on the body tag and then the code in core.js examines the classes on the body tag to decide what initialization code to run. This works best when you have a small number of types of pages and you want to run the same initialization code on all pages of the same type, but I don't think it's all that good if each page has different JS. In that case, I think it's better to use the first technique of let the page decide what JS initialization function to call.

AJAX Script Loading

I am currently writing a program that uses AJAX to load a form for editing objects on a website. I have found a similar question at Loading script tags via AJAX, but it doesn't really satisfy the needs of the program.
The ajax returned is a pre-built set of elements in a form, and when certain areas are called, say, a TinyMCE textarea (which it is), it returns a set of script tags built into the text.
So my question is, is it possible to run through the script tags that have been put in the div and run them?
Plus, I want to avoid using jQuery as it could be running on any number of platforms.
Yes, you can add the incoming html and scripts to the dom, then search the dom for any script tags. You would then eval the scripts and could ignore any jQuery script tags if you wish.
This sort of solution tends to be quite brittle.
It would be much better and more stable for you to modify the Ajax payload into separate html and javascript scripts. That way your Ajax handler would be able to handle them directly without trying to separate them.
Re: how to send back the html and javascript parts: you can either make separate Ajax calls, or return an JSON object that includes both parts. Eg:
{"js": "<the js part of the response>",
"html": "<the html part of the respons>"}
Use a json library on your host system to take care of the issue of escaping any quotes or other json special characters in either the js or html values.
Returning both the html and js at once saves an Ajax call (which can be significant) and will usually simplify your code quite a bit vs two calls.
I use this technique in production and it works well.
Do you mean you return a js script from the ajax and want to run it??If so, you can use the eval function.

Where to put JavaScript configuration functions?

What is the general developer opinion on including javascript code on the file instead of including it on the script tag.
So we all agree that jquery needs to be included with a script file, like below:
<script src=""
My question is, in order to get functions on a page that is not on all pages of a site. Do we include the functions like below in the same page or in a global include file like above called mysite.js.
alert("Thanks for visiting!");
ok. So the question is: if the code above is going to be called in every class="clickme" on a specific pages, and you have the ability to call it either from an include separate file called mysite.js or in the content of the page. Which way will you go?
Arguments are:
If you include it on the page you will only call it from those specific pages that the js functionality is needed.
Or you include it as a file, which the browser cached, but then jquery will have to spend x ms to know that that function is not trigger on a page without "clickme" class in it.
Ok. One point that I want to make sure people address is what is the effect of having the document.ready function called things that does not exist in the page, will that trigger any type of delay on the browser? Is that a significant impact?
First of all - $("#clickme") will find the id="clickme" not class="clickme". You'd want $(".clickme") if you were looking for classes.
I (try to) never put any actual JavaScript code inside my XHTML documents, unless I'm working on testing something on a page quickly. I always link to an external JS file to load the functionality I want. Browsers without JS (like web crawlers) will not load these files, and it makes your code look much cleaner to the "view source".
If I need a bit of functionality only on one page - it sometimes gets its own include file. It all depends on how much functionality / slow selectors it uses. Just because you put your JS in an external JS file doesn't mean you need to include it on every page.
The main reason I use this practice - if I need to change some JavaScript code, it will all be in the same place, and change site wide.
As far as the question about performance goes- Some selectors take a lot of time, but most of them (especially those that deal with ID) are very quick. Searching for a selector that doesn't exist is a waste of time, but when you put that up against the wasted time of a second script HTTP request (which blocks the DOM from being ready btw), searching for an empty selector will generally win as being the lesser of the two evils. jQuery 1.3 Performace Notes and SlickSpeed will hopefully help you decide on how many MS you really are losing to searching for a class.
I tend to use an external file so if a change is needed it is done in one place for all pages, rather than x changes on x pages.
Also if you leave the project and someone else has to take over, it can be a massive pain to dig around the project trying to find some inline js.
My personal preference is
completely global functions, plugins and utilities - in a separate JavaScript file and referenced in each page (much like the jQuery file)
specific page functionality - in a separate JavaScript file and only referenced in the page it is needed for
Remember that you can also minify and gzip the files too.
I'm a firm believer of Unobtrusive JavaScript and therefore try to avoid having any JavaScript code in with the markup, even if the JavaScript is in it's own script block.
I agreed to never have code in your HTML page. In I programmatically have added a check for each page to see if it has a same name javascript file.
Eg. MyPage.aspx will look for a MyPage.aspx.js
For my MVC master page I have this code to add a javascript link:
// Add Each page's javascript file
if (Page.ViewContext.View is WebFormView)
WebFormView view = Page.ViewContext.View as WebFormView;
string shortUrl = view.ViewPath + ".js";
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(shortUrl)))
_clientScriptIncludes["PageJavascript"] = Page.ResolveUrl(shortUrl);
This works well because:
It is automagically included in my files
The .js file lives alongside the page itself
Sorry if this doesn't apply to your language/coding style.

