What's difference between "$.FunctionName()" and "FunctionName()"? - javascript

what's the difference between a jQuery function
$.FunctionName = function(){ alert('Hello!') }
and normal javascript function?
function FunctionName(){ alert('Hello!') }

The former becomes a static method of the jQuery object.
The latter becomes just a regular function.
The only difference, really is the owner of the function. The jQuery object/constructor owns the first method, while the window object owns the second method, assuming it wasn't defined in another function scope.
Generally, you do not usually do the first one unless you want to attach a specific method that's related to jQuery. If you have a custom application specific function do the latter.

There is no significant differences. Both functions will work the same.
If you want to create you own functions library, better way is create new class (named not $) like
my_lib={} and then add functions to it like
my_lib.FunctionName = function(){ alert('Hello!'); }
FunctionName: function(){ alert('Hello!'); }


Javascript call function with “this” on event [duplicate]

I have created a 'control' using jQuery and used jQuery.extend to assist in making it as OO as possible.
During the initialisation of my control I wire up various click events like so
jQuery('#available input',
this.controlDiv).bind('click', this, this.availableCategoryClick);
Notice that I am pasing 'this' as the data argument in the bind method. I do this so that I can get at data attached to the control instance rather from the element that fires the click event.
This works perfectly, however i suspect there is a better way
Having used Prototype in the past, I remember a bind syntax that allowed you to control what the value of 'this' was in the event.
What is the jQuery way?
You can use jQuery.proxy() with anonymous function, just a little awkward that 'context' is the second parameter.
$("#button").click($.proxy(function () {
//use original 'this'
I like your way, in fact use a similar construction:
$('#available_input').bind('click', {self:this}, this.onClick);
and the first line of this.onClick:
var self = event.data.self;
I like this way because then you get both the element clicked (as this) and the "this" object as self without having to use closures.
jQuery has the jQuery.proxy method (available since 1.4).
var Foo = {
name: "foo",
test: function() {
$("#test").click($.proxy(Foo.test, Foo))
// "foo" alerted
I don't think jQuery has a built-in feature for that. But you could use a helper construct like the following:
Function.prototype.createDelegate = function(scope) {
var fn = this;
return function() {
// Forward to the original function using 'scope' as 'this'.
return fn.apply(scope, arguments);
// Then:
$(...).bind(..., obj.method.createDelegate(obj));
This way, you can create dynamic 'wrapper functions' with createDelegate() that call the method with a given object as its 'this' scope.
function foo() {
var myfoo = foo.createDelegate("foobar");
myfoo(); // calls foo() with this = "foobar"
HTML 5-compliant browsers provide a bind method on Function.prototype which is, probably the cleanest syntax and is not framework-dependent, though it is not built into IE until IE 9. (There is a polyfill for browsers without it, though.)
Based on your example, you can use it like this:
jQuery('#available input',
this.controlDiv).bind('click', this.availableCategoryClick.bind(this));
(side note: the first bind in this statement is part of jQuery and has nothing to do with Function.prototype.bind)
Or to use slightly more concise and up-to-date jQuery (and eliminate confusion from two different kinds of binds):
$('#available input', this.controlDiv).click(this.availableCategoryClick.bind(this));
you can use the javascript bind method like this:
var coolFunction = function(){
// here whatever involving this
var object = {coolValue: "bla"};
$("#bla").bind('click', coolFunction.bind(object));
jQuery does not support binds and the preferred way is to use functions.
Because in Javascript, this.availableCategoryClick does not mean calling the availableCategoryClick function on this object, jQuery advise to use this preferred syntax:
var self = this;
jQuery('#available input', self.controlDiv).bind('click', function(event)
OO concepts in Javascript are hard to understand, functionnal programming is often easier and more readable.
Seeing that functions changes scope, the most common way is to do it by hand, with something like var self = this.
var self = this
// refer to 'self' here

Should I use the optional context parameter if I don't use `this` keyword in the callback?

when using the multitude of utility functions that can accept it. For example:
function foo () {
_.each ([0,1,2,3], function(val) {
// I don't use this in the body
}, this);
It seems like one way is more concise and the other is there in case you add code later.
It seems like one way is more concise
Then use that.
in case you add code later.
You ain't gonna need it. Not until later, at least.
The optional parameter adds the context, in other words what 'this' refers to within the callback.
You only need to add it if you want it that way. If you're using a library like backbone, it can come in very handy (eg. when the function is called from within a view object, and you want 'this' to refer to the view).

why is it necessary to wrap function call in a function body

I often see something like the following in JavaScript:
$("#sendButton").click(function() {
Why is it necessary to wrap the call to sendForm() inside a function? I would think that doing it like this would be more readable and less typing.
What are the advantages/disadvantages to each approach? thanks!
There's typically two cases where you'd want to use the former over the latter:
If you need to do any post-processing to the arguments before calling your function.
If you're calling a method on an object, the scope (this reference) will be different if you use the second form
For example:
MyClass = function(){
this.baz = 1;
MyClass.prototype.handle = function(){
var o = new MyClass();
Console output:
Probably one too many answers by now, but the difference between the two is the value of this, namely the scope, entering sendForm. (Also different will be the arguments.) Let me explain.
According to the JavaScript specification, calling a function like this: sendForm(); invokes the function with no context object. This is a JavaScript given.
However, when you pass a function as an argument, like this: $(...).click(sendForm), you simply pass a reference to the function for later invocation. You are not invoking that function just yet, but simply passing it around just like an object reference. You only invoke functions if the () follows them (with the exception of call and apply, discussed later). In any case, if and when someone eventually calls this function, that someone can choose what scope to call the function with.
In our case, that someone is jQuery. When you pass your function into $(...).click(), jQuery will later invoke the function and set the scope (this) to the HTML element target of the click event. You can try it: $(...).click(function() { alert(this); });, will get you a string representing a HTML element.
So if you give jQuery a reference to an anonymous function that says sendForm(), jQuery will set the scope when calling that function, and that function will then call sendForm without scope. In essence, it will clear the this. Try it: $(...).click(function() { (function() { alert(this); })(); });. Here, we have an anonymous function calling an anonymous function. We need the parentheses around the inner anonymous function so that the () applies to the function.
If instead you give jQuery a reference to the named function sendForm, jQuery will invoke this function directly and give it the scope that it promises to always give.
So the answer to your question becomes more obvious now: if you need this to point to the element target of the click when you start work in sendForm, use .click(sendForm). Otherwise, both work just as well. You probably don't need this, so skip the anonymous function.
For those curious, scope can be forced by using the JavaScript standard apply or call (see this for differences between the two). Scope is also assigned when using the dot operator, like in: obj.func, which asks of JavaScript to call a function with this pointing to obj. (So in theory you could force obj to be the scope when calling a function by doing something like: obj.foo = (reference to function); obj.foo(); delete obj.foo; but this is a pretty ugly way of using apply.
Function apply, used by jQuery to call your click handler with scope, can also force arguments on the function call, and in fact jQuery does pass arguments to its click handlers. Therefore, there is another difference between the two cases: arguments, not only scope, get lost when you call sendForm from an anonymous function and pass no parameters.
Here you are defining an anonymous event handler that could call multiple functions inline. It's dirty and tough to debug, but people do it because they are lazy and they can.
It would also work like your second example (how I define event handlers):
Something you get by defining your event handlers inline is the ability to pass event data to multiple functions and you get this scoped to the event object:
$("#sendButton").click(function(event) {
// say #sendButton is an image or has some data attributes
var myButtonSrc = $(this).attr("src");
var myData = $(this).data("someData");
If all you are doing is calling sendForm, then there isn't much difference, in the end, between the two examples you included.
$("#sendButton").click(function(event) {
if(event.someProperty) { /* ... */ }
else { sendForm({data: event.target, important: 'yes'}); }
However, in the above case, we could handle arguments passed to the callback from click(), but if the sendForm function is already equipped to handle this, then there's no reason why you wouldn't place sendForm as the callback argument if that is truly all you are doing.
function sendForm(event) {
// Do something meaningful here.
Note that it is up to you where you handle the differing layers of logic in your program; you may have encapsulated certain generic functionality in a sendForm function then have a sendFormCallback which you pass to these sorts of function which handle the interim business of event/callback processing before calling sendForm itself.
If you are working in a callback-heavy environment, it would be wise to separate significant functionality from the callback triggers themselves to avoid callback hell and promote maintainability and readability in your source code.
It's just to lock scope. When you wrap that sendForm() in the anonymous function that closes over the current scope. In other words, the this will be kept with it. If you just pass sendForm then any calls to this will come from the calling scope.
This is a good question for learning about scope in javascript, and questioning conventions.
Nope, that second example is perfectly valid.
99.9% of jQuery examples use the first notation, that doesn't mean you need to forget basic JavaScript syntax.

Troubles with (function(){})() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?
(21 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
So far I've learned the benefits of using this function (is it wrapping?)
So, it almost acts like namespaces.
Suppose we have:
( function() {
function foo(){
foo(); //alerts true
( function() {
function foo(){ //the same title of the function as above
alert("another call of foo");
foo(); //alerts, ok.
Also I've noticed it can access public vars, like this:
var __foo__ = 'bar';
( function() {
alert(__foo__); //alerts bar
I have several questions regarding this approach
What I've tried:
Use Bing for tutorials (I' found them, but many of them don't answer my questions)
Play with passing objects into the body
Find the answer here
But, I'm still beating my head against the wall
So the questions are:
I've seen people pass objects as params, but when DOES it make sense?
For example, what does it mean?
( function(window) {
I saw smth like this in Jquery UI Lib
( function($) {
//some code of widget goes here
This makes inner code visible outside the function, right? (not sure) Why, this is because
we can access the object (say we have "modal" widget), simply by calling it,
$("#some_div").modal(); //here it's object the we got from the function
And the second question is: How does it work.
I've seen people pass objects as params, but when DOES it make sense? For example, what does it mean?
( function(window) {
The language does not treat parameters to immediately called functions differently than parameters to other functions.
It makes sense to use a parameter whenever you want a local name in your function body for an input. In this case it's a bit confusing since window and document are likely to be confused.
( function($) {
//some code of widget goes here
This makes inner code visible outside the function, right? (not sure) Why, this is because we can access the object (say we have "modal" widget), simply by calling it,
No. It does not by itself make any code visible outside the widget. It's just a parameter definition which provides a new&local name for a global variable.
What makes inner code visible outside is attaching it to an external object as in
$.exportedProperty = localVariable;
which is a common convention in jQuery code.
There are mainly 2 purposes of passing in the window and document objects such as seen below
(function(window, document){
// code
}(window, document);
Javascript can access local variables faster than global variables. This pattern in effect makes the names window and document local variables rather than global, thus making your script slightly faster.
Making these names local variables has another benefit: minifiers can rename them. So if you minify the above script, the local version of window might get renamed to a and document might get renamed to b, thus making the minified script smaller. If you were to reference them as globals, these renamings are impossible because that would break your script.
For more info, checkout these awesome videos
on your first question, I dont think you seen window and document but something more like:
(function(doc) {
var fubar = doc.getElementById("fubar"); // === document.getElementById("fubar")
you have a self-invoking function (or closure) with arguments like any function:
var b = function(str) { alert(str); }
b('hi there') //alert('hi there');
the same thing is it with the code above, but we are just calling the method at once we created it.
the other code you have:
( function($) {
//some code of widget goes here
is to reserve the $variable inside the metod to refer to the jQuery object, this is very handy if you have more frameworks or replaced the $ object with something else, everything inside that method with an $ will refer to the jQuery object and nothing else(if you don´t replace it inside your code).
the code:
$("#some_div").modal(); //here it's object the we got from the function
is calling jQuery and its a shortcut for $(document).ready
it will call the method:
$("#some_div").modal(); //here it's object the we got from the function
as soon as the DOM is ready
The pattern is called a closure. It makes sense to use when a module or function:
wants to avoid polluting globally-scoped variables
wants to avoid use globally-scoped variables and avoid other code polluting them
For an example of each, first take this pattern:
(function(window) {
// ...
Everything inside the closure will be able to use window as if it were a local variable.
Next, take the same pattern using the JQuery symbol:
(function($) {
// ...
If you have some code that relies on a symbol/namespace like $, but another module reassigns that, it can screw up your code. Using this pattern avoids this by allowing you to inject the symbol into a closure.
Whenever you pass an argument to that wrapping function it's so that you won't mess up with any other libraries or global variables that may be present in your application.
For example as you may know jQuery uses $ as a symbol for calling itself, and you may also have another library, that will also use $ for calling itselt, under this condition you may have trouble referencing your libraries. so you would solve it like this:
// here you're accessing jQuery's functions
// and in here you would be accessing the other library
This is specially useful when you're making jQuery or any other kind of library plugins.
What it does is allow you to use the $ variable inside your function in place of the jQuery variable, even if the $ variable is defined as something else outside your function.
As an example, if you're using both jQuery and Prototype, you can use jQuery.noConflict() to ensure that Prototype's $ is still accessible in the global namespace, but inside your own function you can use $ to refer to jQuery.

Calling class methods within jQuery function

So I have some javascript class and in one method I use jQuery to bind function to click event. And within this function I need to call other methods of this class. In usual js function I did it through "this.method_name()", but here, I guess, jQuery redefines "this" pointer.
jQuery doesn't redefine the this pointer, but that's how JavaScript functions work in general. Store a reference to the this pointer under a different name, and use that.
var self = this;
$("selector").click(function() {
See this answer for more approaches.
There are a few different ways to do this.
Anurag has a perfect example of one.
Two other ways are the jQuery Proxy class (Mentioned in other answers) and the 'apply' function
Now lets create an object with click events:
var MyObj = function(){
this.property1 = "StringProp";
// jQuery Proxy Function
//Will alert "StringProp"
// set the 'this' object in the function to the MyObj instance
//Apply Function
//args are optional
this.clickFunction = function(arg1){
$(".selector").click(this.clickFunction.apply(this,"this is optional"));
In addition to the possibility of temporarily storing a reference to this (self = this, see Anurag's answer), since ES6 it is possible to use arrow functions for this problem. These have no "own" this.
This means that the "usual" object-related this can be accessed again within an arrow function within an event handler:
$("selector").click(() => {
Further information:

