Populating a textarea from several textfields - javascript

I have several textfields which will populate a text area.
I managed to populate it with a javascript function. On the onblur event of a textfield, the value of the textfield is passed and the textarea is field with this value.
However, my problem is the following:
If I modify a previously filled textfield, the textarea will simply append it again.
What I need is some functionality that if:
1: If I give focus to the textfield which is already been filled and I don't modify it, it will not be appended (I implemented this with an if statement and substring.
2: If I modify a previously filled textfield, the text area DOES NOT append it again at the end of the string BUT it replaces the part of the textarea with just that text field new value.
Take for instance the following 2 textfields:
<input type="text" id="txtName" name="txtName" />
<input type="text" id="txtSurname" name="txtSurname" />
If I fill up these textfields with John and Doe respectively, the textarea value will become:
I managed to implement this.
What I need is that if I edit txtName from John to Alex, the textarea value will be as follows:
and not like is currently being displayed, i.e.
Should I achieve this by using an array which will store all the textfields values?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.

the following code should work for you. I have wrapped the textboxes inside a div. and also registered a onkeyup event on both the textboxes.
The javascript code iterates through each textboxe inside the div, and prints its name and value in the textarea.
<div id="textBoxContainer">
<input type="text" id="txtName" onkeyup="UpdateTextArea();" name="txtName" />
<input type="text" id="txtSurname" onkeyup="UpdateTextArea();" name="txtSurname" />
<textarea id="textAreaResult"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
function UpdateTextArea() {
var textBoxContainerDiv = document.getElementById("textBoxContainer");
var textboxes = textBoxContainerDiv.getElementsByTagName("input");
var finalResult = "";
var textAreaFinalResult = document.getElementById("textAreaResult");
for (var i = 0; i < textboxes.length; i++) {
finalResult = finalResult + textboxes[i].id + "=" + textboxes[i].value + ",";
textAreaFinalResult.value = finalResult;
Hope this Helps! :)

For the record, I feel like this code is an ugly hack, but it should do the trick...
var fieldName = "txtName"; //your field name
var newValue = "Alex"; //your new value
var value = document.getElementById("my-textarea").value;
value = "," + value; //add a comma so we can ensure we don't replace the wrong value where the fieldname is a substring of another fieldname
if(value.indexOf("," + fieldName + "=") > 0) //see if a value is already defined
var index = value.indexOf("," + fieldName + "=") + fieldName.length + 2;
var start = value.substring(0, index); //get the portion before the value
var end = value.substring(index); //get everything else
if(end.indexOf(",") > 0)
end = end.substring(end.indexOf(",")); //remove the value by reducing the end to the location of the next comma
end = ""; //if there isn't another comma it was the last value in the list, so set the new end to nothing
value = start + newValue + end;
value = value.substring(1); //remove the starting comma we gave it
document.getElementById("my-textarea").value = value;
//append it to the end as you are already doing


getting the value of a textbox when user enters the name/id of the field

Using jquery to get the value of a textbox.
i need to enter the id of the textbox, then use that value to get the value of the textbox using jquery.
var tt = $("#fieldname").val()
that works
now how do i enter the fieldname at runtime, and get jquery to execute the val command as if it was hard coded?
There are a few ways that you could do this. One way is to listen to one of the keyboard or change events on the textbox you enter the id into, to help determine when the input has changed. So for example
$("#inputText").on("keyup", function(keyupEvent){
var textboxId = $("#inputText").val();
var textboxIdValue = $("#" + textboxId).val();
Or another way could be to use a click event with similar kind of logic, so for example
$("#clickMe").on("click", function(){
var textboxId = $("#inputText").val();
var textboxIdValue = $("#" + textboxId).val();
An example for the use case of both can be seen here https://fiddle.jshell.net/xpvt214o/114584/
Here is an example for you to get started with:
<p>Type "one" or "two" below</p>
<input id="search" />
<input id="one" value="This input is #one" />
<input id="two" value="And this is #two" />
<p id="result">No input specified</p>
And the corresponding jQuery code:
// Cache jQuery elements for performance and readability
var $search = $("#search");
var $result = $("#result");
$search.on("change", function() {
var search_value = $search.val();
if (search_value.length) {
search_value = "#" + search_value.toLowerCase().trim(); // Sanitise user input
if ($(search_value).length) {
} else {
$result.text("Input not found");
} else {
$result.text("No input specified");
This will show the value of the specified input, if it exists.
You can see it in action here: https://jsfiddle.net/jeevantakhar/xpvt214o/114558/

How to save the values in existing input fields when adding a new one?

This is what my program's body looks like:
<form id = "input">
<input id = "0" >
<p onclick = "add()"> Add Another</p>
And on clicking the above The following function is executed:
var inputArea = document.getElementById("input");
next = 1;
function add(){
inputArea.innerHTML+= " <input id = " + next+ ">" ;
Where next is the id of new input field. In this case, since 0 already exists so value of next is 1.
One problem that I am encountering with this is that after adding a new input field, the values in all existing input fields are lost. How to save these values? My attempt is to place this code in function add():
for (i=0;i<next;i++)
{inputs[i] = document.getElementById(i);
inputV[i]= inputs[i].value;
inputs[i].value = inputV[i];}
But this does not works..
var inputArea = document.getElementById("input");
next = 1;
function add(){
inputArea.innerHTML+= " <input id = " + next+ ">" ;
var inputs = new Array();
var inputV = new Array();
for (i=0;i<next;i++)
{inputs[i] = document.getElementById(i);
inputV[i]= inputs[i].value;
inputs[i].value = inputV[i];}
<form id = "input">
<input id = "0" >
<p onclick = "add()"> Add Another</p>
You may want to dynamically add elements to your DOM tree like so
function add() {
var form = document.getElementById("input");
var input = document.createElement("input");
The problem with what you're doing is that when you write inside an input field, the changes are not represented in the HTML code, only in the memory of the browser. Thus if you add text through to code to form.innerHTML, the browser is going to reinterpret the text inside the form which will be
<input id="0"> <input id="1"> ...
and this will result in two empty input of type text being displayed.
Edit: you can then add your id tag via
function add() {
var form = document.getElementById("input");
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.id = someValue;
N.B. please indent your code in a somewhat logical manner.
The reason this is happening is that the dom, or more specifically inputArea's innerHtml doesnt get changed when you type into a form field. And what youre doing is resetting the innerHTML with a blank input BEFORE youre capturing the values.
so whats going on is you have HTML like this:
<input id='0' />
then type into the form so that it behaves like:
<input id='0' value='foo' />
but thats not what the innerHTML actual is. its still <input id='0' /> because the value is kept in memory not on the dom.
if you want to add new elements to the form, you need to use appendChild instead
so convert
inputArea.innerHTML+= " <input id = " + next+ ">"

Skip field if empty

I have 4 fields that can be filled in by end user. I would like to send the contents of these in an email but I don't want blank spaces in the email. What I am looking for is a way to ignore those empty field and only return those that have value. I have this piece of code but it only ever returns the last value :
var Textbox = Browser.getValue("myTextBox");
var Field1 = Browser.getValue("myField1");
var Field2 = Browser.getValue("myField2");
var Field3 = Browser.getValue("myField3");
var Field4 = Browser.getValue("myField4));
if (Field1 != "" ){
Browser.setValue(TextBox), (Field1 += "\n" + Textbox));
if (Field2 != ""){
Browser.setValue(Textbox), (Field2 += "\n" + Textbox));
if (Field3 != ""){
Browser.setValue(Textbox), (Field3 += "\n" + Textbox));
if (Field4 != ""){
Browser.setValue(Textbox), (Field4 += "\n" + Textbox));
Can anyone help me? I basically need that the Textbox after each statement in updated and used in the next using just Javascript.
Thank you in advance
You seem to be trying to do something like the following. It goes over all the controls in the form and gets all the values that aren't the initial value and writes them to the textarea on new lines.
// Collect all the non–default values in the form and write
// on new lines to the text area
function consolidateValues(form) {
// Get the textarea to write values to
var textArea = form.myTextBox;
// Get all controls in the form
var control, controls = form.elements;
// Variable to hold the consolidated value
var text = [];
// Collect all the values, skipping the first control
for (var i=1, iLen=controls.length; i<iLen; i++) {
control = controls[i];
if (control.value != control.defaultValue) {
// write the value to the text area
textArea.value = text.join('\n');
// Stop form from submitting
return false;
<form onsubmit="return consolidateValues(this)">
<textarea name="myTextBox" size="100" rows="10"></textarea>
<input name="myField1">
<input name="myField2">
<input name="myField3">
<input name="myField4">
<input type="submit"> <input type="reset">

Get variable via user input

I want that the user can see the value of a variable by writing it's name in a textarea, simpliefied:
var money = "300$";
var input = "money"; //user wants to see money variable
alert(input); //This would alert "money"
Is it even possible to output (in this example) "300$"?
Thanks for help!
Instead of seprate variables, use an object as an associative array.
var variables = {
'money': '300$'
var input = 'money';
You can use an object and then define a variable on the go as properties on that object:
var obj = {}, input;
obj.money = "300$";
input = "money";
obj.anotherMoney = "400$";
input = "anotherMoney";
A simple way,you can still try this one :
var money = "300$";
var input = "money"; //user wants to see money variable
alert(eval(input)); //This would alert "money"
Here is an answer who use the textarea as asked.
JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/7ZHcL/
<form action="demo.html" id="myForm">
<label>Variable name:</label>
<textarea id="varWanted" name="varWanted" cols="30" rows="1"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<div id="result"></div>
$(function () {
// Handler for .ready() called.
var variables = {
'money': '300$',
'date_now': new Date()
//Detect all textarea's text variation
$("#varWanted").on("propertychange keyup input paste", function () {
//If the text is also a key in 'variables', then it display the value
if ($(this).val() in variables) {
$("#result").html('"' + $(this).val() + '" = ' + variables[$(this).val()]);
} else {
//Otherwise, display a message to inform that the input is not a key
$("#result").html('"' + $(this).val() + '" is not in the "variables" object');

jQuery: How can I add line break to form input?

I'm collecting information in a standard HTML form. I have, for example, <input type="text" name="UserName" id="name"/>. When the form is submitted, I want to add a line break to the value entered. So if the user entered "foo," the form would submit the value "foo\n."
Here's the jQuery function I'm using:
$("#formID").submit(function () {
$(":text").each(function () {
var value = $(this).val();
var newValue = value + " \n";
When the form is submitted, however, the value assigned to the form field does not have the line break.
My goal is for the line break to survive the output of the back-end form processing, which generates an email. Since I don't have control over the script that generates the mail, I'm trying to impose some formatting with what I can control.
Any assistance is appreciated.
I posted my previous answer before I saw your comment that the output is plain text. Now try this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#formID").submit(function () {
$(":text").each(function () {
var value = $(this).val();
var myname = $(this).attr('name');
var newValue = value + " \n";
var hid = '<input type="hidden" name="' + myname + '" value="' + newValue + '"/>';
Previous Answer
As Mark says, the line break character is not rendered as a line break when viewed in the browser (or email client for that matter), so instead of adding a line break character "\n", you should add a <br/>
$("#formID").submit(function () {
$(":text").each(function () {
var value = $(this).val();
var newValue = value + '<br/>';
Textbox doesn't holds "\n" only textarea does. What you can do is post the data yourself to the controller or store the values in hidden fields and submit the form and read the hidden fields in the server, if you don't have much control there match the names to the hidden fields.

