Calling a function in JavaScript without parentheses - javascript

Is there a way in JavaScript to call a function without parentheses?
For example in jQuery:
$('#wrap').text("asdf"); will work and so will $.ajax(ajaxOptions);
I'm mapping a function (class) to window.$ that has a set of functions I want to be able to call with or without parentheses. Like jQuery.
Here's a code example:
function Test(asdf) {
this.test = function(testVar) { return testVar + ' asdf'; }
And I map Test() to $:
window.$ = new Test();
I have to call the function (class) like this:
But I want to be able to call it like this:

JavaScript is extremely flexible since objects are basically a map and can contain any number of key value pairs, where the value itself can be an object and thus you get nesting. Another interesting aspect of JavaScript is that functions are themselves first class objects, so in a key value pair, you can have a function as a value.
To get something like jQuery then becomes very simple. You start off with a function (constructor function, or class if you will),
function myFunction() {
// do some awesome web 2.0 stuff
Since myfunction is a function and also an object, so you attach key value pairs to it as well which is what jQuery does. To verify that myFunction is also an object, do an instanceof check:
myFunction instanceof Function; // true
myFunction instanceof Object; // true
So we can add properties to a function which could be simple values, or functions themselves.
// adding a simple property that holds a number
myFunction.firstPrime = 2;
// adding a function itself as a property to myFunction
myFunction.isPrime = function(number) {
// do some magic to determine if number is prime
But if that is not your question, and you really want to know if you can literally call a function without using parentheses, then the answer is yes, you can, using the additions in ECMAScript 5th ed.
Here's an example of calling a function without using parentheses using Object.defineProperty and defining it as a getter:
var o = {};
Object.defineProperty(o, "helloWorld", {
get: function() {
alert("hello world");
set: undefined
o.helloWorld; // will alert "hello world"
Try this example in Chrome or Safari, or Firefox nightly.

You can call a function using new. The twist is, within the function this becomes an object being constructed by the function instead of whatever it would normally be.
function test () { alert('it worked'); }
new test; // alerts "it worked"
call and apply
You can use call or apply to call a function indirectly. You'll still need parentheses (unless you use new), but you won't be directly invoking the function with parentheses.

function message() {return "Hello crazy world!"; }
Function.prototype.toString = function() { return; };

The difference in those examples is that .text() is a function on jQuery objects (instances of them, wrappers of elements), it's on $.fn (jQuery's prototype shortcut) so it's specifically for jQuery objects.
$.ajaxSetup() is a method on the jQuery object/variable itself.
If you look at the API it's easy to tell which methods are where, the jQuery.something() methods are methods on the jQuery variable/object, not related to an element set, everything else that's just .something() are the methods to run against element sets (on jQuery object instances).
For what you want to do, yes it is possible, but it doesn't make much sense, for example:
$.myFuntion = $.fn.myFunction = function() { alert('hi'); };
You should place your methods where it makes sense, if it's for a set of elements, use $.fn.myFunction and this refers to the set of elements inside. If it's a static method unrelated to an element set place it outside separately or possibly at $.myFunction.

You can try something like this
var test = {
method1 : function(bar) {
// do stuff here
method2 : function(bar) {
// do stuff here

You can make a function reference, but you won't be able to pass arguments:
function funky() { alert("Get down with it"); }
obj.onclick = funky;

Use template literals:
It is cleaner and shorter, without having to rely on jQuery, call, etc.


What is the purpose of using (function ($) {...}) [duplicate]

I am just starting out with writing jQuery plugins. I wrote three small plugins but I have been simply copying the line into all my plugins without actually knowing what it means. Can someone tell me a little more about these? Perhaps an explanation will come in handy someday when writing a framework :)
What does this do? (I know it extends jQuery somehow but is there anything else interesting to know about this)
(function($) {
What is the difference between the following two ways of writing a plugin:
Type 1:
(function($) {
$.fn.jPluginName = {
$.fn.jPluginName.defaults = {
Type 2:
(function($) {
$.jPluginName = {
Type 3:
//Attach this new method to jQuery
var defaults = {
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
//This is where you write your plugin's name
pluginname: function() {
//Iterate over the current set of matched elements
return this.each(function() {
//code to be inserted here
I could be way off here and maybe all mean the same thing. I am confused. In some cases, this doesn't seem to be working in a plugin that I was writing using Type 1. So far, Type 3 seems the most elegant to me but I'd like to know about the others as well.
Firstly, a code block that looks like (function(){})() is merely a function that is executed in place. Let's break it down a little.
1. (
2. function(){}
3. )
4. ()
Line 2 is a plain function, wrapped in parenthesis to tell the runtime to return the function to the parent scope, once it's returned the function is executed using line 4, maybe reading through these steps will help
1. function(){ .. }
2. (1)
3. 2()
You can see that 1 is the declaration, 2 is returning the function and 3 is just executing the function.
An example of how it would be used.
doc.location = '/';
})(document);//This is passed into the function above
As for the other questions about the plugins:
Type 1: This is not a actually a plugin, it's an object passed as a function, as plugins tend to be functions.
Type 2: This is again not a plugin as it does not extend the $.fn object. It's just an extenstion of the jQuery core, although the outcome is the same. This is if you want to add traversing functions such as toArray and so on.
Type 3: This is the best method to add a plugin, the extended prototype of jQuery takes an object holding your plugin name and function and adds it to the plugin library for you.
At the most basic level, something of the form (function(){...})() is a function literal that is executed immediately. What this means is that you have defined a function and you are calling it immediately.
This form is useful for information hiding and encapsulation since anything you define inside that function remains local to that function and inaccessible from the outside world (unless you specifically expose it - usually via a returned object literal).
A variation of this basic form is what you see in jQuery plugins (or in this module pattern in general). Hence:
(function($) {
Which means you're passing in a reference to the actual jQuery object, but it's known as $ within the scope of the function literal.
Type 1 isn't really a plugin. You're simply assigning an object literal to jQuery.fn. Typically you assign a function to jQuery.fn as plugins are usually just functions.
Type 2 is similar to Type 1; you aren't really creating a plugin here. You're simply adding an object literal to jQuery.fn.
Type 3 is a plugin, but it's not the best or easiest way to create one.
To understand more about this, take a look at this similar question and answer. Also, this page goes into some detail about authoring plugins.
A little help:
// an anonymous function
(function () { console.log('allo') });
// a self invoked anonymous function
(function () { console.log('allo') })();
// a self invoked anonymous function with a parameter called "$"
var jQuery = 'I\'m not jQuery.';
(function ($) { console.log($) })(jQuery);
Just small addition to explanation
This structure (function() {})(); is called IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), it will be executed immediately, when the interpreter will reach this line. So when you're writing these rows:
(function($) {
// do something
this means, that the interpreter will invoke the function immediately, and will pass jQuery as a parameter, which will be used inside the function as $.
Actually, this example helped me to understand what does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean.
Consider this:
// Clousure declaration (aka anonymous function)
var f = function(x) { return x*x; };
// And use of it
console.log( f(2) ); // Gives: 4
// An inline version (immediately invoked)
console.log( (function(x) { return x*x; })(2) ); // Gives: 4
And now consider this:
jQuery is a variable holding jQuery object.
$ is a variable
name like any other (a, $b, a$b etc.) and it doesn't have any
special meaning like in PHP.
Knowing that we can take another look at our example:
var $f = function($) { return $*$; };
var jQuery = 2;
console.log( $f(jQuery) ); // Gives: 4
// An inline version (immediately invoked)
console.log( (function($) { return $*$; })(jQuery) ); // Gives: 4
Type 3, in order to work would have to look like this:
//Attach this new method to jQuery
//This is where you write your plugin's name
'pluginname': function(_options) {
// Put defaults inline, no need for another variable...
var options = $.extend({
'defaults': "go here..."
}, _options);
//Iterate over the current set of matched elements
return this.each(function() {
//code to be inserted here
I am unsure why someone would use extend over just directly setting the property in the jQuery prototype, it is doing the same exact thing only in more operations and more clutter.

Confused about when to use `bind` in an Event Handler

The following successfully prints 'foo'.
var obj = {
name: 'foo',
printName: function printName() {
var printButton= document.getElementById('printIt');
printButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
The following doesn't, however:
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName() );
I know the solution... simply use bind so that we're referencing the obj object. i.e:
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName.bind(obj) );
Why then don't we need to use bind in the first example. I don't know why wrapping obj.printName() function call in the anonymous function results in the console.log correctly referencing and printing this properly, but when called directly after click, you needs to use bind
Alright, I commented with some good information on this question so I might as well answer!
Functions are first class
Okay, let's starts with some fundamentals of javascript that is very dissimilar to some other programming languages: in javascript functions are first class citizens--which is just a fancy way of saying that you can save functions into variables and you can pass functions into other functions.
const myFunction = function () { return 'whoa a function'; } () { return x + 1; });
And because of this wonderful feature, there is a big difference between the expressions:
Expression 1
Expression 2
In expression 1: the function isn't being invoked so the value of the expression is of type function
In expression 2: the function is being invoked so the value of the expression is what the function returns. In your case, that's undefined
The method addEventListener takes in two arguments:
a string of the type of event
a function that will be run when the event fires.
Alight, so what does that mean?
When you call
// doesn't work
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName() );
you're not passing a value of type function to the addEventListener method, you're actually passing undefined.
// works
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName.bind(obj) );
then works (for one reason) because the second argument is actually of type function.
What does bind do? Why does it return a function?
Now we need to discuss what bind actually does. It related to the pointer* this.
*by pointer, I mean a reference identifier to some object
bind is a method that exists on every function object that simply binds the this pointer of a desired object to the function
This is best shown by an example:
Say you have a class Fruit that has a method printName. Now that we know that you can save a method into a variable, let's try that. In the example below we're assigning two things:
boundMethod which used bind
unboundMethod that didn't use bind
class Fruit {
constructor() { = 'apple';
printName() {
const myFruit = new Fruit();
// take the method `printName`
const boundMethod = myFruit.printName.bind(myFruit);
const unboundMethod = myFruit.printName;
boundMethod(); // works
unboundMethod(); // doesn't work
So what happens when you don't call bind? Why doesn't that work?
If you don't call bind in this case, the value of the function that gets stored into the identifier unboundMethod can be thought to be:
// doens't work
const unboundMethod = function() {
where the contents of the function is the same contents of the method printName from the Fruit class. Do you see why this is an issue?
Because the this pointer is still there but the object it was intended to refer to is no longer in scope. When you try to invoke the unboundMethod, you'll get an error because it couldn't find name in this.
So what happens when you do use bind?
Loosely bind can be thought of as replacing the this value of function with the object you're passing into bind.
So if I assign: myFruit.printName.bind(myFruit) to boundMethod then you can think of the assignment like this:
// works
const boundMethod = function() {
where this is replaced with myFruit
The bottom-line/TL;DR
when to use bind in an Event Handler
You need to use Function.prototype.bind when you want to replace the thises inside the function with another object/pointer. If your function doesn't ever use this, then you don't need to use bind.
Why then don't we need to use bind in the first example?
If you don't need to "take the method" (i.e. taking the value of type of function), then you don't need to use bind either Another way to word that is: if you invoke the method directly from the object, you don't need bind that same object.
In the wrapper function, you're directly invoking the method of the object (as in expression 2). Because you're invoking the method without "taking the method" (we "took" the methods into variables in the Fruit example), you don't need to use bind.
printButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
// directly invoke the function
// no method "taking" here
Hope this helps :D
Note: You need to call printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName() ); without parenthesis in obj.printName() since you want to pass the function.
The answer lies in the way this is bound in Javascript. In JS, the way a function is called decides how this is bound. So when you provide the callback function like below:
printButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
Notice, printName is being called via dot notation. This is called implicit binding rule when this is bound to an object before dot, in this case obj. Clearly in this case, you get the expected output.
However, when you call it like this:
printButton.addEventListener('click', obj.printName );
Notice that, all you are passing is the address of the function that is inside obj. So in this case info about obj is lost. In other words, the code that calls back the function doesn't have the info about obj that could have been used to set this. All it has is the address of the function to call.
Hope this helps!
Look at this crude implementation I call bind2 that mimics native bind. This is just to illustrate how native bind function returns a new function.
Function.prototype.bind2 = function (context) {
var callBackFunction = this;//Store the function to call later
return function () { //return a new function;//Later when called, apply
//context, this is `obj` passed
//in bind2()
function hello() {
obj = {
var f = hello.bind2(obj);
Notice: How function f() is hard bound here. f() has hard bound this with obj. You cannot change this to other than obj now. This is another thing with bind that probably will help you knowing.

Override js alerts failing [duplicate]

I would like to override a Javascript built-in function with a new version that calls the original (similarly to overriding a method on a class with a version that calls super in many languages). How can I do this?
For example...
window.alert = function(str) {
//do something additional
if(console) console.log(str);
//super.alert(str) // How do I do this bit?
Store a reference to the original function in a variable:
(function() {
var _alert = window.alert; // <-- Reference
window.alert = function(str) {
// do something additional
if(console) console.log(str);
//return _alert.apply(this, arguments); // <-- The universal method
_alert(str); // Suits for this case
The universal way is <original_func_reference>.apply(this, arguments) - To preserve context and pass all arguments. Usually, the return value of the original method should also be returned.
However, it's known that alert is a void function, takes only one argument, and does not use the this object. So, _alert(str) is sufficient in this case.
Note: IE <= 8 throws an error if you try to overwrite alert, so make sure that you're using window.alert = ... instead of alert = ....
There is no "super". Anyway, create a closure to "keep" around the original function-object.
Note the "self invoking function" that returns a new function-object (that is assigned to the window.alert property). The new function-object returned creates a closure around the variable original which evaluates to the original value of window.alert that was passed in to the "self invoking function".
window.alert = (function (original) {
return function (str) {
//do something additional
if(console) {
However, I believe some browsers may prevent alert and other built-ins from being modified...
Happy coding.
I'm assuming your question is how do you overwrite a built-in and still be able to call it. First off as a disclaimer, you should never overwrite built ins unless you have a good reason for doing it since it will make it impossible to debug/test.
This is how you would do it:
window._alert = window.alert;
window.alert = function(str) {
if(console) console.log(str);
How to do simple classical inheritance in Javascript: // inherit from SuperClass (multiple inheritance yes)
How to override functions:
this.myFunction = this.myFunction.override(
this.superFunction(); // call the overridden function
The override function is created like this:
Function.prototype.override = function(func)
var superFunction = this;
return function()
this.superFunction = superFunction;
return func.apply(this,arguments);
Works with multiple arguments.
Fails when trying to override undefined or nonfunctions.
Makes "superFunction" a "reserved" word :-)
JavaScript does not use a classical inheritance model. There is a nice article here which describes a way to write your classes so that a similar syntax can be used, but it's not natively supported.
By using proxy object you can do this.
window.alert = new Proxy(window.alert , {
apply: function(target,that,args){
console && console.log(args.join('\n'));

Eventmanager that calls other objects' functions

I'm using javascript and jQuery. I have a "problem" that my web app has different views, and one action (like mouse click) should do different things in the different views.
I've created an ActionManager that get's notified when an click event is fired. This manager object knows about the current view. Now I wan't the actionmanager to be able to trigger a function in different objects.
What I've done is that the manager gets an instance of the different objects. This is done via a registration when they are initialized, where they register what kind of event they wan't to handle and what kind of view they are responsible for.
the problem is that I want to make this as generic as possible, so that the actionmanager doesn't need to know about what the name of the function that is gonna be called is. Then the different instances can have different function names without letting the actionmanager to know about it. I could let the registration part store the function name for that event in that instance by sending a reference to the function, but then I can't do this:
myfunc : function (myinstance, myfunction)
that will assume that myfunction() exists as a function in myinstance, and not use the real function name which could be "onMouseClick".
Explanation for others seeing this tread and wondering why: The reason for my eventmanager is that I want to only add one click event on the elements that need it, and not changing the click event code. I also want to only call one method and run the code in that method. I don't want to call several methods and let the methods decide based on the view if they should run or not.
If myfunction is a string:
You can do this:
myfunc : function (myinstance, myfunction)
A function on an object is simply a function object assigned to a property on that object. In JavaScript, you can access properties in one of two ways:
Using dotted notation and a literal for the property name, e.g. x =;, or
Using bracketed notation and a string for the property name, e.g. x = obj["foo"];
They do exactly the same thing, but of course the second form is much more flexible — designed, in fact, for exactly the situation you're describing.
If myfunction is an actual function object:
You can do this:
myfunc : function (myinstance, myfunction)
That calls myfunction and ensures that this = myinstance during the call. All JavaScript function objects have a call function and an apply function. They both do the same thing (call the function with a specific this value), but they differ in how you pass arguments to the function:
With call, you pass them as discrete arguments in the call call:, arg1, arg2, arg3);
With apply, you pass in an array of arguments:
func.apply(inst, [arg1, arg2, arg3]);
// ^----------------^---- note that this is an array
var a = [arg1, arg2, arg3];
func.apply(inst, a);
Example of all of the above
Live copy - Since you said you were using jQuery, I went ahead and used it for convenience, but none of the above is related to jQuery, it's how vanilla JavaScript works.
var myinstance = {
foo: "bar",
myfunction: function(arg1, arg2) {
display("<code>myfunction</code> called, <code></code> is: " +;
if (arg1) {
display("<code>arg1</code> is: " + arg1);
if (arg2) {
display("<code>arg1</code> is: " + arg2);
// Without arguments
callUsingString(myinstance, "myfunction");
callUsingFunction(myinstance, myinstance.myfunction);
// With arguments
callUsingStringWithArgs(myinstance, "myfunction", ["one", "two"]);
callUsingFunctionWithArgs(myinstance, myinstance.myfunction, ["one", "two"]);
function callUsingString(inst, func) {
function callUsingFunction(inst, func) {;
function callUsingStringWithArgs(inst, func, args) {
// Easier using the function reference:
callUsingFunctionWithArgs(inst, inst[func], args);
function callUsingFunctionWithArgs(inst, func, args) {
func.apply(inst, args);
(display just appends a paragraph element to the page with the given text; sep just appends an hr element.)
More reading:
Mythical methods
You must remember this
If myFunction is a string you can do it this way.
myfunc : function (myinstance, myfunction)
But if myFunnction is a function object, you have to call that function. Where the this object within the myFunction references to myinstance.
myfunc : function (myinstance, myfunction)
You can do it this way, but why don't you use the .bind() and the .trigger() to handle events? DEMO

jQuery function declaration explanation

I've opened jQuery 1.7.1 library and wanted to study the code, but I've found a that functions are declared in strange way (for me). For example:
show: function() {
//some code here
I learned to define function on this way:
function show() {
//some code here
Can someone explain me why show function is not written on second way (like in most tutorials on internet)?
This is because it is within an object. Object Literals have their properties defined in this way:
name: value,
'name': value
Where value can be nearly anything such as a number, string, function, or even another object. In JavaScript you can also declare anonymous functions and assign them to a variable. In fact, the following declarations have the same effect:
//declares the myFunc1 function
function myFunc1() {}
//declares an anonymous function and assigns it to myFunc2
var myFunc2 = function() {};
//you can now call either like so:
So, combining those two concepts if I have an object and I want one of its properties to be a function I would do it like so:
var myObj = {
name: 'My Object',
init: function() {
return 'Initializing!';
version: 1.0
You would then get the output: Initializing!. Make sure to check out the great documentation and tutorials on the Mozilla Developer Network, including their JavaScript Tutorial Series
Hope this helps!
Writing it the first way is in essence, setting a function as property of an object.
For example:
// I can create a new empty object
var myObject = {};
// or I can create a new object with a basic property
var myObject = {
color: "blue"
// I can also create an object with methods (like jQuery)
var myObject = {
color: "blue",
showColor: function(){
// and you can use the object like this
myObject.showColor(); // calls the showColor method and will alert "blue"
This helps jQuery to encapsulate, namespace, and organize code.
Here are a couple of pretty good write-ups:
Why do you need to invoke an anonymous function on the same line?
The first declaration, i.e., show: function, defines show to be a field in an object having type function. The second declares a function named show within the current scope (possibly global?)
they're being described as a js object function. In this case:
var jQuery = {
show: function(){
//some code here
so you access it like for example.
I would say Chad's answer is most accurate for in depth research. You should look into them as they can revolutionize how you write js in a very clean way that is much less likely to conflict with other libraries.

