Node.js: Connecting to a Server Using Sockets - javascript

I'm just starting to play with Node.js today, and thought I'd start with what I thought would be a simple script: Connecting to a server via sockets, and sending a bit of data, and receiving it back. I'm creating a command line utility. Nothing in the browser.
An example of a server would be memcached, beanstalkd, etc. It seems the net module is the right tool for the job, but I'm still a bit fuzzy on the Node.js way of doing things. Some help would be appreciated.
Update #1
Let me see if I can break this down in into a couple smaller questions. I hate even asking questions like this, but the Node.js documentation is very sparse, and most documentation written 6 months ago is already out dated.
1) So I can use to send data to the remote server, but I don't know how to get a response back. I'm not even sure how to test when write() is finished, because it doesn't take a callback.
2) A few clues on how the whole event.emit thing works would be great. I think that's really the key stone I'm missing in those whole thing.
Update #2
Here's where I'm still confused on implementing a client program. Let me diagram a typical send request => get response system:
1) I bind callbacks to the net module to get responses and other events, including the necessary bindings to get a response from the server.
2) I use stream.write() to send a request to the server.
3) I then do nothing, because my bound "data" event will get the response from the server.
Here's where things get tricky. Suppose I call stream.write() twice before my bound "data" event is called. Now I have a problem. When the "data" event does happen, how do I know which of the 2 requests it's a response for? Am I guaranteed that responses will take place in the same order as requests? What if responses come back in a different order?

First of all, let's make clear what a EventEmitter is. JavaScript and therefore Node.js are asynchronous. That means, instead of having to wait for incoming connections on a server object, you add a listener to the object and pass it a callback function, which then, "as soon" as the event happens, gets executed.
There's still waiting here and there going on in the background but that has been abstracted away from you.
Let's take a look at this simple example:
// #1) create a new server object, and pass it a function as the callback
var server = net.createServer(function (stream) {
// #2) register a callback for the 'connect' event
stream.on('connect', function () {
stream.write('hello\r\n'); // as
// #3) register a callback for the 'data' event
stream.on('data', function (data) {
// #4) register a callback for the 'end' event
stream.on('end', function () {
// #5) make the server listen on localhost:8124
server.listen(8124, 'localhost');
So we create the server and pass it the callback function, this function is not yet executed. Passing the function here is basically a shortcut for adding a listener for the connection event of the server object. After that we start the server at #5.
Now what happens in the case of an incoming connection?
Since the function we passed to createServer was bound to the connection event, it now gets executed.
It adds the connect, data and end event listeners to the stream object (which represents the individual connection) by hooking up callbacks for the events.
After that, the stream fires the connect event, therefore the function passed at #2 gets executed and writes hello\r\n to the stream. How does the function know which stream it should write to? Closures are the answer, the function inherits the scope it was created in, therefore inside the function stream is still referencing to the individual connection that triggered this very callback we're in right now.
Now the client sends some data over the connection, which makes the stream object call its data event, since we bound a function to this event at #3 we now echo the incoming data back to the client.
In case the client closes the connection, the function we've bound at #4 gets called, which writes goodbye\r\n and after that closes the connection from our side.
Does this make things a little bit more clear? Well it definitely makes the whole thing a lot easier. Node is, just as well as JavaScript is inside Browsers, single threaded. There's only one thing happening at a given point time.
To describe it simple, all these callbacks end up in a global queue and are then called one after another, so this queue may(abstracted) look like this:
| connection event for a new stream
| data event for stream #12
| callback set via setTimeout
v close event of yet another stream
These are now get executed top to bottom, nothing will ever happen in between those. There's no chance, that while you're doing something in the callback bound to the data event, something will other will happen and magically change the state of the system. Even if there is a new incoming connection on the server, its event will get queued up and it will have to wait until everything before it, including the data event you're currently in, finishes.


Only execute if Firebase data changed using nodejs

I'm writing a script in node.js to keep track of firebase data. I want a line to execute but ONLY when there's a change in the database. Meaning that the first time I execute the code, I don't want It to execute because it successfully read from the database. It should only execute If there's change later on.
Here's my code:
var forumRef = firebase.database().ref("Forum/ForumIds");
forumRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
console.log("new post");
Any help would be great. Thanks!
So with firebase you're always going to get the value of whatever node you are reading when you attach a listener. AFAIK there isn't a way to only receive events when your node changes and not upon initial listener attachment. You're best best is probably to just throw away the first invocation of your callback. There isn't even a way to get the previous value from within your callback to see if it's an actual change event or just a result of attaching the listener. Kinda sucks but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

JavaScript callbacks and control flow

When are callbacks executed, for example the callback of a setTimeout() or a click event?
Do they pause code, that is already running, or do they wait until it has finished?
I have a data structure (incrementalChanges) that records state changes caused by user interactions, for example mouse clicks. If I want to send all changes to another peer, I send him this data structure.
Another possibility is a full synchronisation (makeFullSync()), that means I send him my complete current state, so that I must empty the incremental changes (deleteIncrementalChanges()). That is, what you can see in the code. However I am not sure, what happens, if a user clicks something exactly between these two function calls. If this event fires immediately, then an item to the incrementalChanges structure would be added, but then in the second call directly deleted, so that it will never be sent and the other peer's state would became invalid.
/* what if between these 2 calls a new change is made, that is saved in the
changes data structure, that will be deleted by deleteIncrementalChanges()?
Then this change would be lost? If I change the order it is not better ...
Some good links and, in the case the first scenario (it pauses running code) is true, solutions are welcomed.
Javascript is single threaded, and keeps an event stack of stuff it needs to get to once it's done running the current code it's working on. It will not start the next event in the stack until the current one is finished.
If you make multiple asynchronous calls, such as calls for a server to update data on another client, you need to structure your code to handle the case where they don't necessarily reach the second client in the same order.
If you're sending changes one at a time to another user, you can time stamp the changes to track what order they were made on the first client.
Do they pause code, that is already running, or do they wait until it has finished?
They wait until it has finished. JavaScript is single threaded, more than one piece of code can not run at once. JS uses an event loop to handle asynchronous stuff. If an event such as a click handler or timer firing happens while another piece of code is running, that event is queued up and runs after the currently running code finishes executing.
Assuming makeFullSync(); and deleteIncrementalChanges(); are called in the same chunk of code they will be executed one after another without any click events being processed until after they have both run.
One almost exception to the nothing runs in parallel rule in JS is WebWorkers. You can send data off to a worker for processing which will happen in another thread. Even though they run in parallel their results are inserted back into the event loop like any other event.

Is RTCDataChannel send() a synchronous/blocking call?

I'm trying to send a file in chunks over WebRTC, and I'm wondering if I can create a callback function to be called after RTCDataChannel.send() finishes sending each chunk of the file.
Is RTCDataChannel.send() a synchronous/blocking call? If so, my callback can be executed on the line after .send().
If .send() is asynchronous/non-blocking, then this will get tricky since it doesn't seem like .send() accepts a callback function, and I want to avoid using a buffer and a timeout.
The send method is blocking. It however doesn't wait until the data went over the wire, but only puts the data on an internal buffer from where it might later (or in parallel to the script execution) be sent.
The amount of data that has not been transmitted is available as the bufferedAmount property, which will be synchronously increased by every send() call (and not be updated otherwise until the next event loop turn).
You might make your wrapper asynchronous therefore, and put a timeout before actually calling send() when the currently buffered data is "too much" (by whatever criterion you see fit).
As noted above send() is effectively async - you don't get delivery receipt.
However there is a callback onbufferedamountlow which is invoked when
the channel drains it's send buffer below a value set with bufferedAmountLowThreshold
(see MDN onbufferedamountlow)
You can use that callback to decide when to send the next chunk.
Note however that this is relatively new to the draft standard and may not be supported everywhere.

What exactly happens when you save a Backbone model?

What exactly happens when you save a Backbone model? Here's the best I can piece together by reading the documentation here:[attributes], [options]) is called
A "change" event is fired (but only if the attributes are new)
The server is notified of the change?
A "sync" event is called once the server returns
But I'm a Backbone noob and I'm sure someone else could do a way better job of explaining.
I'm partly just curious what happens. I'm also having trouble understanding how Backbone comes up with the JSON object it sends to the server. I'm having a separate problem where the JSON object is not what I want it to be, but I don't know how to change it.
The detailed process can be found in the annotated source code for and Backbone.sync.
If you ignore options.wait and options.silent, your decomposition is mostly correct.
When you issue a
the attributes passed to the function are set, a change event is fired if the values changed
save delegates the request to model.sync or Backbone.sync
sync serializes the data to a JSON string by calling JSON.stringify(model.toJSON())
An Ajax request is sent to sent to server, a POST request for a new object, a PUT for an update. The target URL is defined by model.url (or collection.url/id)
When the request completes, the model is updated with the server response, if any, and triggers a change event accordingly.
Success or error callbacks are called, a sync event is triggered if no success callback is defined.
Usually, you can customize this behaviour by overriding model.toJSON or model.sync
first,I suggest you read the source code of the backbone, is really very simple.Default backbone and server-side interaction is achieved through backbone.sync.
second,You can trace debug method of code again, naturally know the details.
I suggest you start here:

Any issue with setTimeout calling itself?

I have read a handful of setTimeout questions and none appear to relate to the question I have in mind. I know I could use setInterval() but it is not my prefered option.
I have a web app that could in theory be running a day or more without a page refresh and more than one check a minute. Am I likely to get tripped up if my function calls itself several hundred (or more) times using setInterval? Will I reach "stack overflow" for example?
If I use setInterval there is a remote possibility of two requests being run at the same time especially on slow connections (where a second one is raised before the first is finished). I know I could create flags to test if a request is already active, but I'm afraid of false positives.
My solution is to have a function call my jquery ajax code, do its thing, and then as part of ajaxComplete, it does a setInterval to call itself again in X seconds. This method also allows me to alter the duration between calls, so if my server is busy(slow), one reply can set a flag to increase the time between ajax calls.
Sample code of my idea...
function ServiceOrderSync()
// 1. Sync stage changes from client with the server
// 2. Sync new orders from server to this client
$.ajax( { "data": dataurl,
"success": function(data)
{ // process my data },
"complete": function(data)
// Queue the next sync
setTimeout( ServiceOrderSync, 15000 );
You won't get a stack overflow, since the call isn't truly recursive (I call it "pseudo-recursive")
JavaScript is an event driven language, and when you call setTimeout it just queues an event in the list of pending events, and code execution then just continues from where you are and the call stack gets completely unwound before the next event is pulled from that list.
p.s. I'd strongly recommend using Promises if you're using jQuery to handle async code.

