JQuery - getting all JS functions - javascript

Do you know of a way to use JQuery for getting JavaScript elements of a web page?
For example, getting all JavaScript function names that are used in page and so on.
Thank you!

Getting all the function names is something that jquery should not be needed for--it is more of a language issue.
You can get all of the functions and variables in the global scope by looking at the window object, since everything in the global scope in the browser is really a property of this object. However, this will contain all of the variables in the global scope, including ones there by default and not added by another script.
You can loop through all of the properties of the window object with a for...in loop. Here is an example:
for (var obj in window) {
// obj is just the name of each property
// do stuff with window[obj]
However, if this is not strictly necessary, you should really avoid it. It's possible, but I would think twice before doing this and would be very careful.

not entirely sure if this works but...
doesnt remove only functions but should remove all script elements completely.
nvm thought i read you wanted to remove the functions


Referring to element without document [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Do DOM tree elements with IDs become global properties?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Just today after a couple of years of javascript programming I came across something that left me startled. Browsers create objects for every element with an id. The name of the object will match the id.
So if you have:
<div id ="box"></div>
You can do:
alert(box); //[object HTMLDivElement]
Without first assigning anything to that variable. See the demo.
This for some reason seems to be in the standards even though it can break the code in some cases. There is an open bug to end this behavior but I'm more interested in getting rid of it now.
Do you guys know if there is a way to disable this (strict mode maybe)? Am I giving this too much importance? Because it certainly seems like a bad idea. (It was introduced by IE to give you a hint).
Update: It seems FF only does this in quirks mode. Other browsers like IE6+ and Chrome do it right off the bat.
ECMAScript 5 strict should help with this as you cannot use undeclared variables. I'm not sure which browsers currently support strict mode but I know Firefox 4 does.
The HTML spec you linked mentions a proposal to reduce pollution of the global scope by limiting this behavior to quirks-only.
I don't know if this feature is in the original spec but I do expect it to be removed, prohibited or otherwise nullified in subsequent versions of ECMAScript. ES6 will be based on ES5 strict.
JavaScript has many features that make it easier to use for beginners and novices, I suspect this is one such feature. If you're a professional and you want quality code use "use strict"; and always JSLint your code. If you use these guidelines this feature should never bother you.
Here is a useful video about ES5 courtesy of YUI Theater (it's already 2 years old though, but still relevant currently as there is no ES6 yet).
I don't think this is much of a big deal. It seems messy especially to those of us who think about global namespace pollution and conflicts, but in practice it doesn't really cause a problem.
If you declare your own global variable, it will just override anything the browser created for you so there's not really any conflict. The only place I could see it potentially causing a problem is if you were testing for the existence of a global declaration and an "auto" global based on an object ID got in the way of that and confused you.
In practice, I've never seen this to be a problem. But, I'd agree it seems like something they should get rid of or allow you to turn off.
Yes most browsers do this but then again like you said some don't (firefox) so don't count on it. It's also easy to overwrite these variables in js, I can imagine something like container might be overwritten right of the bat by someone using that variable without declaring it first.
There is no way to turn this of in chrome afaik but even then it might be a hassle to figure this out and fix it for all browsers.
Don't give it too much importance, but beware of it. This is one of those reasons why you would evade the global scope for variables.
For the sake of completion, these browsers definitly do it by default: Chrome, IE9 & compat, Opera
Update: Future versions of ECMAScript might include an option of some sort since yes discussion is going on, but that will not fix the 'problem' in older browsers.
I don't think there's a way to disable it, but you don't need to put much importance to it. If you are afraid of unpredictable bugs, you could avoid them by using JSHint or JSLint. They will help you avoid mistakes. For example, they will warn you if you use an undeclared variable.
The problem here is that the global scope has objects defined in it at runtime by the browser, and you would like to prevent these definitions from interfering with your code. I'm not aware of a way to turn off this behaviour, but I do have two workarounds for you:
1) As suggested in the article you linked to, you can work around this by ensuring that you define each variable before you use it. I would achieve this by running my code through JSLint, which warns about this sort of thing (in addition to a bunch of other common errors).
2) However, since it's possible to forget to run your code through JSLint, you might prefer a step in the tool chain that you can't forget. In that case, have a look at CoffeeScript - it's a langauge very similar to javascript that you compile into javascript before use, and it will insert the correct var definitions for you. In fact, I suspect that you can't write code that relies on the automatic element variable creation using CoffeeScript.
This is what I've been able to come up with to remove global variables that are automatically created for DOM objects with an ID value:
function clearElementGlobals() {
function clearItem(iden, item) {
if (iden && window[iden] && (window[iden] === item)) {
window[iden] = undefined;
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = list[i];
clearItem(item.id, item);
clearItem(item.name, item);
This gets a list of all objects in the page. It loops through looking for ones with an id value and when there's an id value and a global variable exists for it and that global variable points to that DOM object, that global variable is set to undefined. As it turns out browsers also do this same auto-global for some types of tags with a name attribute (like form elements) so we clear those too.
Of course, this code can't know whether your own code makes a global variable with the same name as the id so it would obviously be best to either not do that in your own code or call this function before your global variables are initialized.
Unfortunately, you cannot delete global variables in javascript so setting it to undefined is about the best that can be done.
FYI, I tried doing this the other way around where you enumerate global variables looking for variables that are an instance of HTMLElement and that have a name that matches the id of the element they point to, but I couldn't find a reliable way to enumerate global variables. In Chrome, you can't enumerate them on the window object even though you can access them through the window object. So, I had to go the other way around by getting all DOM objects with an id and looking for globals that match them.
FYI, you asked about strict mode in your question. strict mode only applies to a given scope of code so there would not be any way to cause it to affect the way the global namespace was set up. To affect something like this, it would have to be something at the document level before the document was parsed like a DOCTYPE option or something like that.
Caveats with this function.
Run it before you create any of your own globals or don't create any of your own globals with the same name as the ID or name attribute that also point to that DOM object.
This is a one-time shot, not continuous. If you dynamically create new DOM objects, you would have to rerun this function to clear any new globals that might have been made from the new DOM objects.
The globals are set to undefined which is slightly different than if they were never there in the first place. I can't think of a programming case where it would really matter, but it isn't identical. Unfortunately, you can't delete global variables.

jQuery why can I select the id using dot notation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Do DOM tree elements with IDs become global properties?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Just today after a couple of years of javascript programming I came across something that left me startled. Browsers create objects for every element with an id. The name of the object will match the id.
So if you have:
<div id ="box"></div>
You can do:
alert(box); //[object HTMLDivElement]
Without first assigning anything to that variable. See the demo.
This for some reason seems to be in the standards even though it can break the code in some cases. There is an open bug to end this behavior but I'm more interested in getting rid of it now.
Do you guys know if there is a way to disable this (strict mode maybe)? Am I giving this too much importance? Because it certainly seems like a bad idea. (It was introduced by IE to give you a hint).
Update: It seems FF only does this in quirks mode. Other browsers like IE6+ and Chrome do it right off the bat.
ECMAScript 5 strict should help with this as you cannot use undeclared variables. I'm not sure which browsers currently support strict mode but I know Firefox 4 does.
The HTML spec you linked mentions a proposal to reduce pollution of the global scope by limiting this behavior to quirks-only.
I don't know if this feature is in the original spec but I do expect it to be removed, prohibited or otherwise nullified in subsequent versions of ECMAScript. ES6 will be based on ES5 strict.
JavaScript has many features that make it easier to use for beginners and novices, I suspect this is one such feature. If you're a professional and you want quality code use "use strict"; and always JSLint your code. If you use these guidelines this feature should never bother you.
Here is a useful video about ES5 courtesy of YUI Theater (it's already 2 years old though, but still relevant currently as there is no ES6 yet).
I don't think this is much of a big deal. It seems messy especially to those of us who think about global namespace pollution and conflicts, but in practice it doesn't really cause a problem.
If you declare your own global variable, it will just override anything the browser created for you so there's not really any conflict. The only place I could see it potentially causing a problem is if you were testing for the existence of a global declaration and an "auto" global based on an object ID got in the way of that and confused you.
In practice, I've never seen this to be a problem. But, I'd agree it seems like something they should get rid of or allow you to turn off.
Yes most browsers do this but then again like you said some don't (firefox) so don't count on it. It's also easy to overwrite these variables in js, I can imagine something like container might be overwritten right of the bat by someone using that variable without declaring it first.
There is no way to turn this of in chrome afaik but even then it might be a hassle to figure this out and fix it for all browsers.
Don't give it too much importance, but beware of it. This is one of those reasons why you would evade the global scope for variables.
For the sake of completion, these browsers definitly do it by default: Chrome, IE9 & compat, Opera
Update: Future versions of ECMAScript might include an option of some sort since yes discussion is going on, but that will not fix the 'problem' in older browsers.
I don't think there's a way to disable it, but you don't need to put much importance to it. If you are afraid of unpredictable bugs, you could avoid them by using JSHint or JSLint. They will help you avoid mistakes. For example, they will warn you if you use an undeclared variable.
The problem here is that the global scope has objects defined in it at runtime by the browser, and you would like to prevent these definitions from interfering with your code. I'm not aware of a way to turn off this behaviour, but I do have two workarounds for you:
1) As suggested in the article you linked to, you can work around this by ensuring that you define each variable before you use it. I would achieve this by running my code through JSLint, which warns about this sort of thing (in addition to a bunch of other common errors).
2) However, since it's possible to forget to run your code through JSLint, you might prefer a step in the tool chain that you can't forget. In that case, have a look at CoffeeScript - it's a langauge very similar to javascript that you compile into javascript before use, and it will insert the correct var definitions for you. In fact, I suspect that you can't write code that relies on the automatic element variable creation using CoffeeScript.
This is what I've been able to come up with to remove global variables that are automatically created for DOM objects with an ID value:
function clearElementGlobals() {
function clearItem(iden, item) {
if (iden && window[iden] && (window[iden] === item)) {
window[iden] = undefined;
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = list[i];
clearItem(item.id, item);
clearItem(item.name, item);
This gets a list of all objects in the page. It loops through looking for ones with an id value and when there's an id value and a global variable exists for it and that global variable points to that DOM object, that global variable is set to undefined. As it turns out browsers also do this same auto-global for some types of tags with a name attribute (like form elements) so we clear those too.
Of course, this code can't know whether your own code makes a global variable with the same name as the id so it would obviously be best to either not do that in your own code or call this function before your global variables are initialized.
Unfortunately, you cannot delete global variables in javascript so setting it to undefined is about the best that can be done.
FYI, I tried doing this the other way around where you enumerate global variables looking for variables that are an instance of HTMLElement and that have a name that matches the id of the element they point to, but I couldn't find a reliable way to enumerate global variables. In Chrome, you can't enumerate them on the window object even though you can access them through the window object. So, I had to go the other way around by getting all DOM objects with an id and looking for globals that match them.
FYI, you asked about strict mode in your question. strict mode only applies to a given scope of code so there would not be any way to cause it to affect the way the global namespace was set up. To affect something like this, it would have to be something at the document level before the document was parsed like a DOCTYPE option or something like that.
Caveats with this function.
Run it before you create any of your own globals or don't create any of your own globals with the same name as the ID or name attribute that also point to that DOM object.
This is a one-time shot, not continuous. If you dynamically create new DOM objects, you would have to rerun this function to clear any new globals that might have been made from the new DOM objects.
The globals are set to undefined which is slightly different than if they were never there in the first place. I can't think of a programming case where it would really matter, but it isn't identical. Unfortunately, you can't delete global variables.

Why is it bad practice to use implicit id references in javascript?

I have seen and avoided code like this:
<div id="myDiv" onClick="alert('hi!');">Div</div>
myDiv.click(); // <-- this bit seems wrong
It just seems wrong to me that I should refer to the node by it's id alone without explicitly assigning it to a variable first. Like this:
var myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');
Is there a good reason why we shouldn't use code like in the first example or am I just superstitious?
It's bad practice to use the identifiers from the page without specifying where they come from.
The identifiers are "magically" created as properties in the document object. If you use those, it's not clearly apperent how they got there in the first place. If you rename the element, the same Javascript code now creates a global variable instead, and it's hard to see by looking at the code what it was supposed to do, and why it's not working any more.
Also there is a risk for conflicts. If you create a global variable with the same name as the element id, then it will shadow the element and you can no longer reach it.
By using getElementById the code clearly says that there should be an element with that id in the page, and it also only looks for an element so the risk for naming conflicts is less.
Thanks to Bergi and Pete for links to useful information on this topic.
From these I have gleaned there are few main reasons why this is bad practice:
It's not supported in all browsers (although with html5 adopting implicit references this approach this may not be an issue going forward).
Namespace collision - the reference is put as a property on this window object. If a window property with a name the same as the id exists it may not be assigned.
Due to point 2, your code could break unexpectedly if a browser introduces a property with the same name as one of your ids.
First of all, it is a bad practice since the maintenance of such code will be very difficult, consider that the script is not located next to the element or even not in the same file.
Moreover, using ids in general is not recommended when your HTML page/app grows. The id attribute must remains unique and you may find it hard to follow it

Why wrap every prototype "class" object with an anonymous function in JS?

Looking at this JS code by David Fowler he wraps every "class" with an anonymous self executing method where he sends in jQuery and window. I get that this is a way for ensuring that $ and window are actually the global jQuery and winndow variables you'd expect them to be.
But isn't this a bit over-protective? Should you protect yourself from someone else changing the $ and window variable - is there actually code that does that, and if so why? Also, are there other advantages to wrapping everything like this?
If I remember correctly there are some other libraries than jQuery using the $.
The concept of using function context to create local / function scopes is all about to protect your own code. This especially makes sense if you expect your Javascript code to run in an environment where multiple other (maybe even unknown) scripts may get loaded.
So, if some other Javascript code which got load before your own, assigns window.$ with some other value (it might load the prototype framework for instance), then your code is already screwed if you try to access jQuery specific things.
Another point there is the "a--hole"-effect. Someone creates a line like
window.undefined = true;
Now, all your checks against undefined will pretty much fail. But by explicitly creating those variables/parameters and filling them with the values you expect, you can avoid all those problems.
(function(win, doc, $, undef) {
}(window, window.document, jQuery));
Generally most top-level JavaScript code should be wrapped in an IIFE, whether they pass in particular variables or not. This prevents variables created with var from polluting the global scope.
Another small benefit is minification: if you minify your code, making window into a "local variable" by passing it in as a parameter allows the minifier to rename it. This benefit goes away if you gzip, however, so it's not a real win.
Mostly people just pick a pattern for their IIFEs and stick with it, so in his case he's decided this is they way he writes his .js files and he does so uniformly. Having a uniform standard is valuable in and of itself.
To clarify, the code can be written in slightly longer form with
(function () {
var $ = jQuery;
var window = window;
// ...
The code inside the anonymous function is the the function scope, so it prevent confliction with the global variables.
Imaging that if every jQuery plugin is not wrapped in a anonymous function, then there will be a global variables hell.
It's just to preserver integrity.
$ can be Prototype, so sending jQuery as argument will save your code if someone else add a library/variable which overwrite $.
About the second argument "window", I see it as a module you want to write on.

Pass data to encapsulated javascript code

in my webapp I have a variable like this
var data = {
getItem: function(key){
In all of my scripts I can use
But how can I use it in jquery plugins? Plugins often have following structure
(function($, window, document) {
How do I call this kind of structure? Is it possible to use my global data variable in such plugins?
If your data variable is global, then yes you can use it anywhere, including inside jQuery plugins.
You'll need to make sure that data is defined before any self-executing functions that are going to use it.
Actually they tend to have structure
(function($) {
// plugin-code
the points being that
they can assume that $ in this scope will always be jQuery, regardless of anything else loaded that defines $ e.g. prototype
everything is defined inside this closure and so only what you choose to expose (by $.fn or $.extend) is leaked out to the outside world
Obviously if it's just your plugin in your environment where you can assume you're always running $ = jQuery then you don't need these. (Yours also has document and window: I've never seen these overridden and I'm not sure what you'd pass in as arguments here other than document and window themselves?)
Were you asking about defining data inside the plugin or pulling it in from outside the plugin scope? There's no restrictions of what you can write inside, so if you define and use it inside then your code will work exactly as befoer. If you need to access data defined inside from the outside then you'll need to leak it out somehow, e.g. adding an accessor method to one of $, document or window.
If you're pulling in data from outside the plugin scope then you can still access global variables from inside your closure, or you could pass it in as an extra argument - I don't think it'd make any difference.

