best way to inject html using javascript - javascript

I'm hoping that this isn't too subjective. I feel there is a definitive answer so here goes.
I want to create this html on the fly using JS (no libraries):
<div id="progressBarOuter">
<div id="bytesLoaded"></div>
<div id="progressBar"></div>
<div id="currentTime">0:00</div>
<div id="totalTime">0:00</div>
using javascript. I know I can do this using createElement etc but it seems extremely long winded to do this for each element. Can anyone suggest a way to do this with more brevity.
I do not have access to a library in this no jquery etc.

Keep your markup separate from your code:
You can embed the HTML snippets that you'll be using as hidden templates inside your HTML page and clone them on demand:
<style type="text/css">
#templates { display: none }
<script type="text/javascript">
var node = document.getElementById("tmp_audio").cloneNode(true); = ""; // Don't forget :)
// modify node contents with DOM manipulation
<div id="templates">
<div id="tmp_audio">
<div class="progressBarOuter">
<div class="bytesLoaded"></div>
<div class="progressBar"></div>
<div class="currentTime">0:00</div>
<div class="totalTime">0:00</div>
Update: Note that I've converted the id attributes in the template to class attributes. This is to avoid having multiple elements on your page with the same ids. You probably don't even need the classes. You can access elements with:
node.getElementsByTagName("div")[4].innerHTML =
Alternatively, you can act on the HTML of the template:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tmp = document.getElementById("tmp_audio").innerHTML;
// modify template HTML with token replacement
container.innerHTML += tmp;

Shove the entire thing into a JS variable:
var html = 'Play';
html += 'Mute';
html += '<div id="progressBarOuter"><div id="bytesLoaded"></div><div id="progressBar"></div></div>';
html += '<div id="currentTime">0:00</div>';
html += '<div id="totalTime">0:00</div>';
document.getElementById("parentElement").innerHTML = html;
if you want theN:
document.getElementById("totalTime").innerHTML = "5:00";

You can use
<script type="text/javascript">
function appendHTML() {
var wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.innerHTML = '\
<div id="progressBarOuter"> \
<div id="bytesLoaded"></div>\
<div id="progressBar"></div>\
<div id="currentTime">0:00</div>\
<div id="totalTime">0:00</div>\

If you live in 2019 and beyond read here.
With JavaScript es6 you can use string literals to create templates.
create a function that returns a string/template literal
function videoPlayerTemplate(data) {
return `
<div id="progressBarOuter">
<div id="bytesLoaded"></div>
<div id="progressBar"></div>
<time id="currentTime">0:00</time>
<time id="totalTime">0:00</time>
Create a JSON object containing the data you want to display
var data = {
header: 'My video player',
subheader: 'Version 2 coming soon'
add that to whatever element you like
const videoplayer = videoPlayerTemplate(data);
document.getElementById('myRandomElement').insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", videoplayer);
You can read more about string literals here

edit: HTML import is now deprecated.
Now with Web Components you can inject HTML using an HTML import.
The syntax looks like this:
<link rel="import" href="component.html" >
This will just load the content of the html file in the href attribute inline in the order it appears. You can any valid html in the loaded file, so you can even load other scripts if you want.
To inject that from JavaScript you could do something of the likes of:
var importTag = document.createElement('link');
importTag.setAttribute('rel', 'import');
importTag.setAttribute('href', 'component.html');
At the time I am writing this, Chrome and Opera support HTML imports. You can see an up to date compatibility table here
But don't worry about browsers not supporting it, you can use it in them anyway with the webcomponentsjs polyfill.
For more info about HTML imports check

If you don't need any validation for your syntax (which is what makes createElement() so nice) then you could always default to simply setting the innerHTML property of the element you want to insert your markup inside of.
Personally, I would stick with using createElement(). It is more verbose but there are far less things to worry about that way.

If performance is a concern, stay away from innerHTML. You should create the whole object tree using document.createElement() as many times as needed, including for nested elements.
Finally, append it to the document with one statement, not many statements.
In my informal testing over the years, this will give you the best performance (some browsers may differ).
If HTML is ever declared in a variable, it should be simple and for a very specific purpose. Usually, this is not the right approach.

here's 2 possible cases :
Your HTML is static
Your HTML is dynamic
solution 1
In this case, wrap your HTML in double quotes, make it a string and save it in a variable. then push it inside HTML, here's a demo πŸ‘‡
<div id="test"></div>
let selector = document.querySelector("#test");
let demo_1 = "<div id='child'> hello and welcome</div>"
selector.innerHTML = demo_1;
solution 2
In this case, wrap your HTML in back ticks, make it a template literal and save it in a variable. then push it inside HTML,
here, you can use variables to change your content. here's a demo πŸ‘‡
<div id="test"></div>
let selector = document.querySelector("#test");
let changes = 'hello and welcome'
let demo_1 = `<div id='child'>${changes}</div>`
selector.innerHTML = demo_1;

You can concatenate raw HTML strings (being careful to escape text and prevent XSS holes), or you can rewrite jQuery (or something similar)

I have a situation where I pass text into a third party library, but if my model isPrivate, I'd like to add an element to the text.
return { id:, text: (item.isPrivate == true) ? "<i class=\"icon-lock\" title=\"Private group.\"></i> " + item.label : item.label };
This creates issues with the way the third party library builds up its markup.
This is never a good idea, but third party libraries are there so that we don't have to write everything ourselves. In a situation like this, you have to rely on passing markup though javascript.
When i find a proper solution to this, I will give you an update


json & JavaScript replacing html h1 heading?

When I reload my browser to show some json data the JavaScript code keeps replacing my HTML code? How can I correct the problem?
JavaScript code:
$.getJSON('', function, data) {
HTML Code:
<div class="container">
<div id="json_example">
<h1>json Example</h1>
Don't use document.write() as it replaces fully built HTML documents with the new content. document.write() should only ever be used to construct dynamic pages while the page is being built.
Instead, just populate some pre-existing element with data.title,
As in:
$.getJSON('', function, data) {
<div class="container">
<div id="json_example">
<h1>json Example</h1>
<span id="output"></span>
You are using document.write() which takes your document, and replaces it's content with the content you supply to the function. If you want to replace just the content of the <div id="json_example"></div> element, then you can use the following snippet in place of the document.write():
For non jQuery-version:
document.querySelector("#json_example").innerText = data.title;
If you want to replace the content of the <h1> the correct selector would be #json_example h1 instead.
In all the snippets what you do is find the element you want to change the content of using a CSS-selector. Both jQuery and pure Javascript supports this since IE8.
After finding the correct element, you set the elements content text to the content you want.
NOTE! Do NOT use innerHtml or .html() to set the content, as that opens you to script injections. Only use those methods when you generate the HTML yourself on the fly, in the browser. Even your database needs to be considered dirty.
try this
$.getJSON('', function, data) {
document.getElementById("json_example").textContent = data.title;
Since you're already using jQuery here's a possible solution which uses it.
$.getJSON('', function, data) {
$("#json_example").html("<h1>" + data.title + "</h1>");
This replaces your div html with your content.

How to automate selecting certain codes in an html?

Hi I have a question about automating selecting certain content in an HTML. So if we save an webpage as html only, then we'll get HTML codes along with other stylesheets and javascript codes. However, I only want to extract the HTML codes between <div class='post-content' itemprop='articleBody'>and</div> and then create a new HTML file that has the extracted HTML codes. Is there a possible way to do it? Example codes are down below:
<script src='.....'>
<div class='header-outer'>
<div class='header-title'>
<div class='post-content' itemprop='articleBody'>
<p>content we want</p>
<div class='footer'>
While I'm typing, I'm thinking about javascript, which seems to be able to manipulate HTML DOM elements..Is Ruby able to do that? Can I generate a new clean html that only contains content between <div class='post-content' itemprop='articleBody'>and</div> by using javascript or Ruby? However, as for how to write the actual code, I don't have a clue.
So anybody has any idea about it? Thank you so much!
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but I'll take a crack at it.
Can Ruby modify the DOM on a webpage?
Short answer, no. Browsers don't know how to run Ruby. They do know how to run javascript, so that's what usually used for real-time DOM manipulation.
Can I generate a new clean html
Yes? At the end of the day, HTML is just a specifically formatted string. If you want to download the source from that page and find everything in the <div class='post-content' itemprop='articleBody'> tag, there are a couple of ways to go about that. The best is probably the nokogiri gem, which is a ruby HTML parser. You'll be able to feed it a string (from a file or otherwise) that represents the old page and strip out what you want. Doing that would look something like this:
require 'nokogiri'
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
# finds the first child of the <div class="post-content"> element
text = page.css('.post-content')[0].text
I believe that gives you the text you're looking for. More detailed nokogiri instructions can be found here.
You want to use a regular expression. For example:
//The "m" means multi-line
var regEx = /<div class='post-content' itemprop='articleBody'>([\s\S]*?)<\/div>/m;
//The content (you'll put the javascript at the bottom
var bodyCode = document.body.innerHTML;
var match = bodyCode.match( regEx );
//Prints to the console
console.dir( match );
You can see this in action here:

How to display JavaScript variables in a HTML page without document.write

I am trying to display some JavaScript variable on my HTML page.
I was first using document.write() but it use to overwrite the current page when the function was called.
After searching around, the general consensus was that document.write() isn't liked very much. What are the other options?
I found a page suggesting using .innerHTML but that was written in 2005.
A jsFiddle illustrating my problem
Element.innerHTML is pretty much the way to go. Here are a few ways to use it:
<div class="results"></div>
// 'Modern' browsers (IE8+, use CSS-style selectors)
document.querySelector('.results').innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
// Using the jQuery library
$('.results').html('Hello World!');
If you just want to update a portion of a <div> I usually just add an empty element with a class like value or one I want to replace the contents of to the main <div>. e.g.
<div class="content">Hello <span class='value'></span></div>
Then I'd use some code like this:
// 'Modern' browsers (IE8+, use CSS-style selectors)
document.querySelector('.content .value').innerHTML = 'World!';
// Using the jQuery library
$(".content .value").html("World!");
Then the HTML/DOM would now contain:
<div class="content">Hello <span class='value'>World!</span></div>
Full example. Click run snippet to try it out.
// Plain Javascript Example
var $jsName = document.querySelector('.name');
var $jsValue = document.querySelector('.jsValue');
$jsName.addEventListener('input', function(event){
$jsValue.innerHTML = $jsName.value;
}, false);
// JQuery example
var $jqName = $('.name');
var $jqValue = $('.jqValue');
$jqName.on('input', function(event){
html {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
margin: 1em 0 0.25em 0;
input[type=text] {
padding: 0.5em;
.jsValue, .jqValue {
color: red;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>Setting HTML content example</title>
<!-- This <input> field is where I'm getting the name from -->
<label>Enter your name: <input class="name" type="text" value="World"/></label>
<!-- Plain Javascript Example -->
<h1>Plain Javascript Example</h1>Hello <span class="jsValue">World</span>
<!-- jQuery Example -->
<h1>jQuery Example</h1>Hello <span class="jqValue">World</span>
You can use javascript to access elements on the page and modify their contents. So for example you might have a page with some HTML markup like so:
<div id="MyEdit">
This text will change
You can use javascript to change the content like so...
document.getElementById("MyEdit").innerHTML = "My new text!";​
Here is a working example
You can also look at using the JQuery javascript library for DOM manipulation, it has some great features to make things like this very easy.
For example, with JQuery, you could do this to acheive the same result...
$("#MyEdit").html("My new text!");
Here is a working example of the JQuery version
Based on this example you provided in your post. The following JQuery would work for you:
var x = "hello wolrd";
Here is the working version
Using a P tag like this however is not recommended. You would ideally want to use an element with a unique ID so you can ensure you are selecting the correct one with JQuery.
there are different ways of doing this.
one way would be to write a script retrieving a command.
like so:
var name="kieran";
or we could use the default JavaScript way to print it.
var name="kieran";
and the html code would be:
<p id="output"></p>
i hope this helped :)
You could use jquery to get hold of the html element that you want to load the value with.
Say for instance if your page looks something like this,
<div id="FirstDiv">
<div id="SecondDiv">
And if your javascript (I hope) looks something as simple as this,
function somefunction(){
var somevalue = "Data to be inserted";
I hope this is what you were looking for.
If you want to avoid innerHTML you can use the DOM methods to construct elements and append them to the page.
​var element = document.createElement('div');
var text = document.createTextNode('This is some text');
innerHTML is fine and still valid. Use it all the time on projects big and small. I just flipped to an open tab in my IDE and there was one right there.
document.getElementById("data-progress").innerHTML = "<img src='../images/loading.gif'/>";
Not much has changed in js + dom manipulation since 2005, other than the addition of more libraries. You can easily set other properties such as = "100%";
hi here is a simple example: <div id="test">content</div> and
var test = 5;
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = test;
and you can test it here :
Add an element to your page (such as a div) and write to that div.
<title>Page Title</title>
<div id="myDiv"></div>
$('#myDiv').text('hello world!');
document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = 'hello world!';
Similar to above, but I used (this was in CSHTML):
var value = "Hello World!"<br>
<div class="output"></div>

How to store a HTML snippet and insert it later in the document?

Is there a way to store a HTML snippet in a variable using Javascript or jQuery like this? (obviously it's a non-working an example)
var mysnippet = << EOF
<div class="myclass">
<div class="anotherclass">
Some dummy text
And then insert it in the document using jQuery:
Please, read this before answering of commenting: What I have is a raw HTML snippet inside my JS file, and I need to store it in a Javascript variable using something like that EOF construction. I need to avoid putting it between quotation marks.
If it's not possible using Javascript and/or jQuery, then the question has no solution.
Just get the HTML code of the div you want by var content = $('#somediv').html(); and then append it to some div later on ! $('#otherdiv').append(content);
$().html(); delivers the HTML Content of that div. documentation:
$().append(<content>); appends the Content to a special div. documentatoin:
You could use javascript templates like ejs and haml-coffee.
You could write:
var mysnippet = "<div class='myclass'>"+
"<div class='anotherclass'>"+
"Some dummy text"+
and then insert is using the append function (which takes the snippet as argument).
Yes. Fiddle example
var html = '<b>Bold</b>'
<div class="myclass">
<div class="anotherclass">
Some dummy text
Unfortunately nothing like << EOF is available. Here's one solution:
$el = $('<div />')
$('<div />')
.text('Foo Bar')
Thinking on the same issue I have found this discussion. What I have in mind is to put a hidden textarea, containing the html, and then retrieving the html from there.
Thus there will be no conflicts with doubled DOM ids, since textarea content isn't rendered as html.
For those who come across this as I have...
You may wish to use the new
tag in HTML5.
It still doesn't store the HTML in the JavaScript unfortunately :(

JavaScript: How should I generate a lot of HTML? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is there a best practice for generating html with javascript
I want to generate large parts of a website with JavaScript.
The straightforward way is to form one large string containing all the HTML:
+ '<span>some text</span>'
+ '<form>'
+ '<input type="text" />'
But this gets quite annoying when one has to write a few hundred lines in this style. And the pain when such code has to be changed later on...
Can you think of an easier way?
Create snippets as templates, put them into an invisible <div>:
<div style="display: none">
<div id="template1">
<h2 class="header_identifyingClass">Hello from template</h2>
<div id="template2">
<span class="content">Blah blah</span>
Then find it,
fill it's internal values, e.g. find inside elements by XPath or jQuery and fill them e.g. using element.innerHTML = "Hello from new value", and move or copy it to the visible part of DOM.
Create multiple templates and copy it multiple times to generate many.
Don't forget to change the ID for copies to keep it working.
PS: I think I used this approach in the code of JUnitDiff project. But it's buried in XSLT which serves another purpose.
By far the best way to do this is to use some kind of JavaScript templating system. The reason why this is better than hiding HTML with CSS is that if (for example) someone has CSS disabled, they'll be able to see your templates, which is obviously not ideal.
With a templating system, you can put the templates in a <script> tag, meaning that they're totally hidden from everything except JavaScript.
My favourite is the jQuery templating system, mostly because jQuery is so ubiquitous these days. You can get it from here:
An example (taken from the jQuery docs):
<ul id="movieList"></ul>
<!-- the template is in this script tag -->
<script id="movieTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<li><b>${Name}</b> (${ReleaseYear})</li>
<!-- this script will fill out the template with the values you assign -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var movies = [
{ Name: "The Red Violin", ReleaseYear: "1998" },
{ Name: "Eyes Wide Shut", ReleaseYear: "1999" },
{ Name: "The Inheritance", ReleaseYear: "1976" }
// Render the template with the movies data and insert
// the rendered HTML under the "movieList" element
$( "#movieTemplate" ).tmpl( movies )
.appendTo( "#movieList" );
It's a simple example, but you could put all of the HTML you'd like to generate in the <script>, making it much more flexible (use the same HTML snippet for various jobs, just fill out the gaps), or even use many templates to build up a larger HTML snippet.
Use a dialect of JavaScript such as CoffeeScript. It has heredocs:
<span>some text</span>
<input type="text" />
If you need to throw in an occasional expression, you can use interpolations:
If it's static content that you're just adding to the page on a javascript event, you could consider simply having it in your main HTML page all along, but style with display:none;.
Then it's just a case of changing it's style to make it appear on the page. Much easier.
Even if it's dynamic, you could use this technique: have the shell HTML content there hidden in your page, and populate the dynamic bits before making it visible.
hope that helps.

