JavaScript insert text after first parenthesis - javascript

everyone. I've got a string looks like
var s = "2qf/tqg4/ad(d=d,s(f)d)"
And I've got another string
var n = "abc = /fd/dsf/sdf/a.doc, "
What I want to do is insert n after the first '('
So it will look like
"2qf/tqg4/ad(abc = /fd/dsf/sdf/a.doc, d=d,s(f)d)"

Just use the replace function:
var result = s.replace("(", "("+n);

This barely needs REs.
var t = s.replace(/\(/, '('+n);
This doesn't need REs at all, as String.replace takes strings as well as REs to specify what should be replaced.
var t = s.replace('(', '('+n);


JS What's the fastest way to display one specific line of a list?

In my Javascript code, I get one very long line as a string.
This one line only has around 65'000 letters. Example:
What I have to do is replace all & with an break (\n) first and then pick only the line which starts with "path_of_code=". This line I have to write in a variable.
The part with replace & with an break (\n) I already get it, but the second task I didn't.
var obj = document.getElementById('div_content');
var contentJS= obj.value;
var splittedResult;
splittedResult = contentJS.replace(/&/g, '\n');
What is the fastest way to do it? Please note, the list is usually very long.
It sounds like you want to extract the text after &path_of_code= up until either the end of the string or the next &. That's easily done with a regular expression using a capture group, then using the value of that capture group:
var rex = /&path_of_code=([^&]+)/;
var match = rex.exec(theString);
if (match) {
var text = match[1];
Live Example:
var theString = "config=123&url=http://localhost/example&path_of_code=blablaba&link=kjslfdjs...";
var rex = /&path_of_code=([^&]+)/;
var match = rex.exec(theString);
if (match) {
var text = match[1];
Use combination of String.indexOf() and String.substr()
var contentJS= "123&url=http://localhost/example&path_of_code=blablaba&link=kjslfdjs...";
var index = contentJS.indexOf("&path_of_code"),
substr = contentJS.substr(index+1),
res = substr.substr(0, substr.indexOf("&"));
but the second task I didn't.
You can use filter() and startsWith()
splittedResult = splittedResult.filter(i => i.startsWith('path_of_code='));

replace a string partially with something else

lets say I have this image address like
how is it possible to replace FILE_NAME.jpg with THUMB_FILE_NAME.jpg
Note: FILE_NAME and THUMB_FILE_NAME are not static and fix.
the FILE_NAME is not fixed and I can't use string.replace method.
eventually I don't know the File_Name
Use replace
.replace(/(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=(.jpg))/g, "THUMB_FILE_NAME")
or if you want to support multiple formats
.replace(/(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=(.(jpg|png|jpeg)))/g, "THUMB_FILE_NAME")
var output = "".replace(/(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=(.jpg))/g, "THUMB_FILE_NAME");
console.log( output );
(?<=\/) matches / but doesn't remember the match
[^\/]* matches till you find next /
(?=(.jpg) ensures that match ends with .jpg
To match the FILE_NAME, use
var pattern = /[\w-]+\.(jpg|png|txt)/
var c = '
c.replace(pattern, 'YOUR_FILE_NAME.jpg')
you can add any format in the pipe operator
You can use the String's replace method.
var a = "";
a = a.replace('FILE_NAME', 'THUMB_FILE_NAME');
If you know the format, you can use the split and join to replace the FILE_NAME.
let str = "";
let str_pieces = str.split('/');
let str_last = str_pieces[str_pieces.length - 1];
let str_last_pieces = str_last.split('?');
str_last_pieces[0] = 'THUMB_' + str_last_pieces[0];
str_last = str_last_pieces.join('?');
str_pieces[str_pieces.length - 1] = str_last;
str = str_pieces.join('/');

Extract url from javascript String

I would like to extract the following String :
from this String :
And before, extract, i would like to check if the global String contains more than one time "http" to be sure to extract the jpg only when needed.
How can i do that ?
Extract the data like this:
var myStr = ""
var splittedStr = myStr.split("-");
var extractedStr = splittedStr[3].slice(1);
To find out how many "http" is present in the string:
var count = (myStr.match(/http/g)).length;
Hopes it helps
var source = ""
var temp = source.replace("https","http").split("http");
var result = 'http'+temp[2];
use split()
var original = "";
original = original.split('-/');
your require URL shows in alert dialog
You can use regex :

Javascript string separated by a comma

I'm trying to get everything before/after a comma from a string
var test = 'hello,world';
var one = 'hello';
var two = 'world';
What would be a good way to this?
Extra text because I need to write 15 characters for this submission to be approved.
-- edit
okay, more explicitly:
var k = "a,b".split(",");
var test = 'hello,world',
words = test.split(',');
var one = words[0]; // hello
var two = words[1]; // world

Quick Problem - Extracting numbers from a string

I need to extract a single variable number from a string. The string always looks like this:
with the variable being 5.
How can I isolate it? Many thanks in advance.
Here is one way, assuming the number is always surrounded by parentheses:
var str = 'javascript:change(5);';
var lastBit = str.split('(')[1];
var num = lastBit.split(')')[0];
Use regular expressions:-
var test = "javascript:change(5);"
var number = new RegExp("\\d+", "g")
var match = test.match(number);
A simple RegExp can solve this one:
var inputString = 'javascript:change(5);';
var results = /javascript:change\((\d+)\)/.exec(inputString);
if (results)
alert(results[1]); // 5
Using the javascript:change part in the match as well ensures that if the string isn't in the proper format, you wont get a value from the matches.
var str = 'javascript:change(5);', result = str.match(/\((\d+)\)/);
if ( result ) {
alert( result[1] )

