Check if an element is a child of a parent - javascript

I have the following code.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="hello">Hello <div>Child-Of-Hello</div></div>
<br />
<div id="goodbye">Goodbye <div>Child-Of-Goodbye</div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function fun(evt) {
var target = $(;
if ($('div#hello').parents(target).length) {
alert('Your clicked element is having div#hello as parent');
$(document).bind('click', fun);
I expect only when Child-Of-Hello being clicked, $('div#hello').parents(target).length will return >0.
However, it just happen whenever I click on anywhere.
Is there something wrong with my code?

If you are only interested in the direct parent, and not other ancestors, you can just use parent(), and give it the selector, as in target.parent('div#hello').
function fun(evt) {
var target = $(;
if (target.parent('div#hello').length) {
alert('Your clicked element is having div#hello as parent');
Or if you want to check to see if there are any ancestors that match, then use .parents().
function fun(evt) {
var target = $(;
if (target.parents('div#hello').length) {
alert('Your clicked element is having div#hello as parent');

.has() seems to be designed for this purpose. Since it returns a jQuery object, you have to test for .length as well:
if ($('div#hello').has(target).length) {
alert('Target is a child of #hello');

Vanilla 1-liner for IE8+:
parent !== child && parent.contains(child);
Here, how it works:
function contains(parent, child) {
return parent !== child && parent.contains(child);
var parentEl = document.querySelector('#parent'),
childEl = document.querySelector('#child')
if (contains(parentEl, childEl)) {
document.querySelector('#result').innerText = 'I confirm, that child is within parent el';
if (!contains(childEl, parentEl)) {
document.querySelector('#result').innerText += ' and parent is not within child';
<div id="parent">
<td><span id="child"></span></td>
<div id="result"></div>

If you have an element that does not have a specific selector and you still want to check if it is a descendant of another element, you can use jQuery.contains()
jQuery.contains( container, contained )
Description: Check to see if a DOM element is a descendant of another DOM element.
You can pass the parent element and the element that you want to check to that function and it returns if the latter is a descendant of the first.

Ended up using .closest() instead.
$(document).on("click", function (event) {
if($(".CustomControllerMainDiv").length == 1)
alert('element is a child of the custom controller')

You can get your code to work by just swapping the two terms:
if ($(target).parents('div#hello').length) {
You had the child and parent round the wrong way.

Without jquery
target.matches() with :scope
If you want to see if the target element has a parent which matches some selector use the .matches() method on the target and pass the selector followed by the :scope pseudo class.
The :scope here refers to the target element so you can use the in a :where pseudo class to help you write out a clean selector.
In the following example we will match all target elements which are a decedent of an a, button, or summary element.
const app = document.getElementById("app");
app.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (
":where(a, button, summary) :scope"
) {
<div id="app">
<span>Click Me</span>
<a href="#">
<span>Click Me</span>
<span>Click Me</span>
<span>Click Me</span>
Note the selector :where(a, button, summary) :scope could also have been written as:
a :scope,
button :scope,
summary :scope
If you are interested in seeing if the target element is a child of a specific element use .contains() on the potential parent element:
const app = document.getElementById("app");
const button = document.getElementById("button");
app.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (button.contains( {
<div id="app">
<button id="button">
<span>Click Me</span>
<span>Click Me</span>

In addition to the other answers, you can use this less-known method to grab elements of a certain parent like so,
$('child', 'parent');
In your case, that would be
if ($(, 'div#hello')[0]) console.log(`${} is an offspring of div#hello`);
Note the use of commas between the child and parent and their separate quotation marks. If they were surrounded by the same quotes
$('child, parent');
you'd have an object containing both objects, regardless of whether they exist in their document trees.

To know more background info on Aleksandr Makov's answer, checking the below page might be helpful.
The contains() method of the Node interface returns a boolean value indicating whether a node is a descendant of a given node, that is the node itself, one of its direct children (childNodes), one of the children's direct children, and so on.
It means, the answer is not using a reclusive function.


Remove class from parent element javascript

I have a container that opens via an onclick function. I then have a cross within the container that should close the parent element however I receive a
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
Code is here
<div class="post" onclick="postClick(el)">
function postClick(el) {
function postClose(event) {
var parent = this.parentNode;
Use to get the reference to the HTML element.
And you have an extra .id in the expression.
function postClick(event) {
const el =;
function postClose(event) {
const el =;
const parent = el.parentNode;
<div class="post" onclick="postClick(event)">
One way of doing this is using pure Javascript and bind the event listener like this
document.querySelector('#toggle').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
div {
padding: 20px 50px;
} {
background-color: red;
<div class="read">
<button id="toggle">Remove Parent Class</button>
Jut use this and you are done : 😊
if the project is complex and needs interactivity more than often then you use jquery library for the interactivity.
//to remove class
$( "p" ).removeClass( "myClass yourClass" )
$("#div123").toggle(); //if you want to temp hide elements
as your code suggests the 'read' items must be disabled, you can toggle them once an event handler is wrapped over the toggle method. you can pass this or $(this) in case you want to do stuff with the owner of the function call.
well i agree some adept devs didnt like this answer, it will be surely of some help to some beginner dev in future who is looking for an alternative option to hide elements or remove classes

How to dynamically remove elements in javascript?

Is there a way to dynamically remove elements with javascript or jquery. Suppose I have a function createElements() which creates new element and another function removeElement() which is suppose to remove the corresponding element. You will notice that when you run the snippet that when you click on the remove button all the element is gone! How could I implement this code? Isn't there a jquery selector where i could simply use removeElement(this) or somenething like that? Any suggestions are most welcome :) thank you.
function createElements() {
const boom = document.getElementById('boom');
'beforeend', '<div class="newElem"><p >new element created dynamically yay!</p><button onclick="removeElement()">remove</button></div>'
function removeElement() {
alert('element removed dynamically boOoOoOoOooo!')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="boom">
<button onclick="createElements()">Create new element</button>
You can do it like this:
function createElements() {
const boom = document.getElementById('boom');
'beforeend', '<div class="newElem"><p >new element created dynamically yay!</p><button onclick="removeElement(this)">remove</button></div>'
function removeElement(element) {
alert('element removed dynamically boOoOoOoOooo!')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="boom">
<button onclick="createElements()">Create new element</button>
You just need to follow one single API. Use either pure JavaScript or jQuery. I would also suggest you to use unobstructive approach. Also, the way you remove the elements is wrong. You are removing everything.
See this way:
$(function() {
$("button#add").click(function() {
$("#boom").after('<div class="newElem"><p >new element created dynamically yay!</p><button class="remove">remove</button></div>');
$(document).on("click", ".remove", function() {
alert('element removed dynamically boOoOoOoOooo!')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="boom">
<button id="add">Create new element</button>
To be able to always delete the div that encompasses the remove button, you have to traverse the DOM tree. There are lots of jQuery goodies for this:
In this particular case, I would do the following:
var elementCounter = 0;
function createElements() {
const boom = document.getElementById('boom');
'beforeend', '<div class="newElem"><p >'+elementCounter+': new element created dynamically yay!</p><button onclick="removeElement(event)">remove</button></div>'
function removeElement(event) {
alert('element removed dynamically boOoOoOoOooo!')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="boom">
<button onclick="createElements()">Create new element</button>
So you pass on the click event to the function as a parameter, and then with you find out which button was clicked. $(".newElem") will get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.

How to use 1 id for everything instead of 3 (for the following code)

I have the following html (it's a card) where a class is added to change the look of it:
<div class="card-small-half" id="card-1">
<a href="components/">
<div class="action-bar">
<p>Add Page</p>
<i class="material-icons">add</i>
and a switch made with a label that checks and unchecks an input type checkbox:
<div class="switch-wrapper" id="switch-wrapper-1">
<input type="checkbox" id="input-1" class="display-none">
<label class="switch" for="input-1"></label>
<p id="switch-caption-1">Visible</p>
With the following Javascript I add a class called "card-disabled" to the card:
window.onload = function () {
function check() {
if (document.getElementById("input-1").checked) {
document.getElementById("switch-caption-1").textContent = "Disabled";
} else {
document.getElementById("switch-caption-1").textContent = "Visible";
document.getElementById('input-1').onchange = check;
I know in css you can call id's or classes like so:
#switch-wrapper-1 input { /* styles */ }
#switch-wrapper-1 p { /* styles */ }
How can I do this with javascript, so I don't have to use an id for every element and instead use a global id for every wrapper.
The wrapper and input id's are unique! I want to call the paragraph inside the unique wrapper element something like this:
document.getElementById("switch-wrapper-1 p").textContent = "Disabled";
The 'p' here means paragraph
Is this possible and if so: how?
Query Selector is your friend here. You can use CSS selectors to retrieve DOM elements. In your case this call would return the first paragraph child in the #switch-wrapper-1 element.
var node = document.querySelector('#switch-wrapper-1 p');
If you also use jQuery, then as suggested in comments, you can simply use the $ function.
var $node = $('#switch-wrapper-1 p');
To select an individual element inside of an element with a specific ID using Javascript you can do:
So in your example it would be:
document.getElementById('switch-wrapper-1').getElementsByTagName('input')[0].onchange = check;
The [0] is used because getElementsByTagName returns an array of all the child elements inside the parent element with the specified tag. Note that you will have to keep the unique ID on the input field if you want the for attribute on the label to function correctly.

Jquery assign second child attribute

Is there a way to assign nested div attribute with variable? Like
<div sectionid="123">
BTW above component will be created by JavaScript.
I've tried something like this, but it didn't work.
var a = $('<div><div>123456</div></div>');
a.eq(":nth-child(2)").attr("sectionid", "123");
Try this snippet.
console.log("FOR DOM HTML");
//1st way
$('#input > div').find('div').attr("sectionid","123");
//2nd way
$('#input > div > div').attr("sectionid","321");
console.log("FOR JS OBJECT");
var input = $('<div><div>123456</div></div>');
//1st way
input.eq(0).children().attr('sectionid', '456');
var input = $('<div><div>123456</div></div>');
//2nd way
$(input[0]).children().attr('sectionid', '789');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="input">
nth-child(2) maches elements that are the second child element of their parent. This is not the case for your div, it is the first element of the parent div.
.eq finds an element at a specific index. It is not the place to pass a selector.
The child selector, >, will find a child element, i.e. div>div will find a div that is an immediate child of a div.
Note that the code you've provided, $('<div></div>123456<div></div>');, doesn't create a DOM tree like the one you've pasted.
Update, now that the code is edited, the value of a is a div with a child div. Since a.find will perform a search within a, you don't have to use a child selector, but can find the div immediately:
Just apply attribute to children. No complicated 'find', eq(), etc.
var a = $('<div><div>123456</div></div>');
a.children().attr('sectionid', '123');
<script src=""></script>
Why don't you add it in the first place? Not clear if you add it later!
$(document).ready(function() {
var sectionid = "123";
var a = $('<div><div sectionid="' + sectionid + '">123456</div></div>');
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
Try this - I have added comments to the code to explain what is happening.
Inspect the element to see that the attribute is added
var a = $('<div><div>123456</div></div>'); // change this to match the structure you want
a.children() // .children gets the direct descendant (which should be the nested div
.eq(0) // gets the first in the array that is returned (if there are multiple direct descendents) - it is a 0 based index selector
.attr('sectionid', '123');
<script src=""></script>
More information about .children()
More information about .eq()
try it :

JQuery: Don't search within children

Let's say I wan't to find all the elements that have a data-view attribute but I there can be elements that have data-view which are parents to other data-view elements. I don't want the children to be in the search, I want the parents.
$('[data-view]').each(function() {});
with the following HTML:
<div data-view="app">
<div data-view="hello1">
<div data-view="job">
It should return only app and job and not hello1. I've had no luck in using the .not selector has it stops selecting any [data-view] elements.
Any suggestions?
var target_attr = "[data-view]";
$(target_attr).filter(function () {
return !$(this).find(target_attr).length;
}).each(function () {
// Whatever
This will find all elements with the data-view attribute that have 0 descendants with the same attribute. In your case, that's hello1 and job.
If you're sure they're only <div>s, you should use div[data-view].
This will find all elements with the attribute that have 0 parents with the same attribute:
var target_attr = "[data-view]";
$(target_attr).filter(function () {
return !$(this).parents(target_attr).length;
}).each(function () {
// Whatever
In your case, that's app and job.
How about
$('[data-view]:not([data-view] [data-view])').each(function() {});
Try something like $("body").children("[data-view]"). The .children() will only look at the immediate descendents of the selected element.
This should do the trick:
$('[data-view]:not([data-view] [data-view])').each(function() { ... });

