Never store intermediate program state in DOM? - javascript

I managed to run into this funny bug the other day where too quick modifications of the DOM caused the entire internet explorer to crash. So i was thinking, why am i even setting these values if i'm going to change them later anyway? (the modifications are very unpredictable so completely avoiding the scenario is impossible)
Some background, my website is more like a game/application and has alot of custom elements etc. Performance is key and moving around and modifying objects should be fast, smooth and without flicker. In one iteration tons of objects can have their state modified.
The objects in my application right now follows something similar to this pattern. domElement is the actual element used in the DOM, created with document.createElement or getElementById.
function SetWidth(w) {
this.width = w; = w + "px";
Obiously an object has more styles than just width but just to simplify things. This works pretty well right now but what if i for some reason set the width of one object twice inside one "program loop". This will mean the DOM will be modified twice but it's only the second state that should be displayed. In most new browsers this doesn't make a difference because the page is not rendered until all user javascript has completed. But in some browsers you can get updates unpredictably anytime. And even if there is no visible change, does it impact the performance?
Another problem is that some elements depend on being attached to the DOM before you can set/get some properties on them which you can easier avoid with the pattern below.
What i was thinking of doing instead was going back to the old-school render-loop pattern.
So the above object would look like this:
function SetWidth(w) {
this.width = w;
this.stateChanged = true;
function Render() {
if(this.stateChanged) = this.width + "px";
Once the "program-loop" is done you loop through every object only to "render" them (or use some more sophisticated structure keeping track of all modified objects).
To me this seems like defeating the whole purpose of having the DOM as you are basically reinventing what is already in place but sometimes it feels like it doesn't work properly so you have to roll your own version.
Has anyone used something similar and is it worth it? What are the pros and cons? What else do i have to think of? Adding and removing objects and managing z-index also should be taken into consideration.

One of the things to watch out for is that if you request the value of property that is dependant on the layout, the browser will recalculate the layout to get the value, which may take a significant amount of time. So " = '80px'" will be quick but " = '80px'; var wid = this.clientWidth;" will take much, much longer. Of course, if you use the setWidth/render pattern above, you won't be able to get the value of
clientWidth until after the render phase.
The setWidth/render pattern is a reasonable one for your use case, but I'd create a sub object to hold the pending layout values rather than storing them directly on the 'this' object. If you empty/recreate the sub object at the end of the render step, you won't need to store a separate stateChanged variable, the presence of the property in the sub object can serve that purpose.


What is the fastest way to get height/width of unstyled element in JavaScript?

I came across performance issues with measuring height/width of a non-tempty unstyled element. Reading following properties seems to be very slow:
I've read elsewhere that it is slow because somehow reading them causes reflow. At least, that's what I've found about offsetHeight, but the other two perform the same. There is some kind of quantum magic here, because logically reading a property should not cause page reflows. Anyway, is there a faster way to find width/height of an element in the easiest possible conditions, where the element doesn't have any style like margin, padding, border applied to it, or no other styles whatsoever?
.style.height just returns empty string because it only reads the values from style="" attribute, which is empty until explicitly defined.
Update: window.getComputedStyle(el).height performs just as slow.
There is no fastest way, all of them will have the penalty of at least calling the function and recalculating layout if DOM has changed. Browser optimizations vary, some vendors batch things etc. What you can do is to:
Batch all DOM changes you want to do, do them in one go, by using document.createDocumentFragment etc., and then call the method of your choice
Throttle the call using requestAnimationFrame, nextTick using MessageChannel trick or async functions for next microtask, like here or:
const query = ((cache) => {
const _ = void(0),
raf = window.requestAnimationFrame; //switch it to something else like `next.tick()` or `setTimeout` etc.
return (el) => {
if (cache.value !== _){
return cache.value;
raf(()=> cache.value = _);
return cache.value = el.offsetHeight; //change this to whatever method
})({value: void(0)});
query(someEl);//2000 etc.
Like #Kaiido suggested, you can use ResizeObserver, although remember that older browser won't support the API (you will need to use onScroll trick on hidden elements to simulate same behavior) and both API and polyfill has the drawback of events not firing on CSS Transforms.
At the end of the day, there will be situations where you will have to trigger layout change/reflow whatever you use. So >%50 of what you can do boils down to limiting how much you can call your query function.
(no framework can cheat here, and NO, they do not give you an advantage if you know what you are doing).
What if you use the getBoundingClientRect() method: This method returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport. It does not trigger a reflow, so it can be faster, but it all depends on the complexity of the page and the number of elements on the page.
The Window.getComputedStyle() method returns an object containing the
values of all CSS properties of an element, after applying active
stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may

JavaScript : Fastest way to insert DOM element in sort order

so I've got several (~30) async calls returning with data (~25 records per call), which I want to display in a specific order.
Currently, the page waits for everything to load, sorts a single internal array, then adds the DOM elements (each item of data is applied to an HTML template/string which is effectively concatenated and added once to the parent element's innerHTML).
I'd LIKE the data to be inserted with each dataset (as it comes back)... but that implies that I need a different way to handle the sort/ordering.
Approaches I've considered:
Ideally, mirror the DOM in some sort of B-Tree, so that INSERT operations just traverse the tree looking for the correct element to insertBefore/insertAfter... since I've yet to see any library to address this need, it seems like I'd end up writing a bit of code.
manually iterate the DOM looking for the element to insertAfter... seems tediously slow, relatively speaking.
just use jQuery.sort(fn) after loading each dataset... seems hacky at best (given the number of times it'd be run, and the volume of DOM manipulation), but by far the easiest to implement code-wise, since it's like 5 lines.
I considered some sort of buffer queue between the async returns and the DOM manipulation, but there's far too much that I DON'T know about JS and threading to feel comfortable with that method.
I like the idea of inserting directly into the sorted slot, but I am aware that DOM manipulation can be "slow" (depending on how it's done, etc - and I am by no means a JS guru - thus asking here). The idea of the buffer queue with a separate reader/DOM handling seemed like it might provide a reasonable compromise between responsiveness and the DOM manipulation pains, but that's all theoretical for me at this point... and all said and done, if it ends up being more hassle than it's worth, I'll either leave as-is, or just go the lazy route of jQ.sort the DOM.
your knowledgeable advise would be greatly appreciated :)
I'd go with Option 2. The DOM is just objects in a tree structure, so there's no need for a separate abstract tree other than if you want one. You can associate data directly with the elements via attributes or expando properties (if doing the latter, beware of naming conflicts, pick something very specific to your project) — the latter have the advantage of speed and not being limited to strings.
Searching through a list of DOM elements isn't markedly slow at all, nor is it much work.
Example inserting random numbers in divs within a container div:
var container= document.getElementById("container");
function insertOne() {
// Our random number
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
// Convenient access to child elements
var children =;
// Find the one we should insert in front of
var before = children.find(function(element) {
return element.__x__random > num;
// Create the div
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = num;
div.__x__random = num;
// Insert (if `before` is null, it becomes an append)
container.insertBefore(div, before);
// Do it every 250ms
var timer = setInterval(insertOne, 250);
// Stop after 5 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
<div id="container"></div>

EaselJS turbomedia reversibility through an exposure sheet

So, I recently discovered EaselJS (and more generally CreateJS) and I'm trying to figure out a way to make turbomedia (ie this kind of thing) with it.
At the current time, I'm working on reversibility. A turbomedia tells its story through a series of states/frames, and a key feature is the ability to move back and forth between these frames at will (usually through keystrokes). In order to achieve this property of reversibility, I need states to be independent from previous events (ie state #2 must be the same whether it's reached from state #1 or state #3).
Until recently, I'd simply work with single bitmaps (such that each state would correspond to one existing file) so the problem would never present itself. However, now I'd like the ability to have states be compositions made out of multiple images (since this allows a lot more flexibility). Thus, a state might be described by the array ["sky3", "ground2", "character5"], meaning "this state contains the images stored in sky3, ground2 and character5".
The problem I'm hitting is twofold.
First, I need the ability to compare array contents so that whenever the current state changes, the new state is compared with the previous one and images are swapped around as needed (ie going from ["sky1", "kid1"] to ["sky2", "kid1"] will remove sky1 from the stage, add sky2, and keep kid1 since it's present in both states). This is to preserve animation timings across states, and to try and make transitions lighter (although I'm not sure that's needed?).
But I have no idea how to compare arrays contents like this.
The second problem is probably much simpler, but I lack experience with Javascript and honestly I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I am unable to target the content of my states. Here is my init():
stage = new createjs.Stage("testing");
currentstate = 1;
terra1 = new createjs.Bitmap("terra1.png");
terra2 = new createjs.Bitmap("terra2.png");
bullet1 = new createjs.Bitmap("bullet1.png");
bullet2 = new createjs.Bitmap("bullet2.png");
state1 = ["terra1"];
state2 = ["terra2", "bullet1"];
state3 = ["terra2", "bullet2"];
calcstate = "state" + currentstate;
// Call the first state (at least that's what I'm going for).
// This returns "state1". I want it to return ["terra1"] since that's the
//content of state1.
for (i = 0; i < calcstate.length; i++) {
// Currently useless since previous code doesn't work, but would be the
// function to "create the first stage".
So yeah, for now I'm pretty much stuck. Any suggestion?
You are not referring to the instances properly.
Your calcState will be a string (such as "state1"), and not a reference to the variable state1. You could use bracket access to reference it:
// OR, depending on your scope
Even if your reference the state arrays correctly, they just contain strings themselves, so you would be adding "terra1" to the stage, and not the instance terra1. You can use bracket access here too, but a better way is to actually add the instances to your state arrays instead:
state1 = [terra1];
state2 = [terra2, bullet1];
state3 = [terra2, bullet2];
I recommend using console.log() to output the values calcState, as well as the calcstate[i] in your for loop, which should shed some light at what your are looking at.
An easier way to handle this would to make a states array, which has sub-elements:
states = [
[terra2, bullet1],
[terra2, bullet2]
// Refer to your states. Note that calcState should be 0-2 and not 1-3
Hope that helps.

Why shouldn't I access elements more "directly" (elemId.innerHTML)

I've seen some JavaScript code to access HTML elements like this: elementID.innerHTML, and it works, though practically every tutorial I searched for uses document.getElementById(). I don't even know if there's a term for the short addressing.
At first I thought simplistically that each id'ed HTML element was directly under window but using getParent() shows the tree structure is there, so it didn't matter that elements I wanted were nested. I wrote a short test case:
<div id="fruit">Mango<div id="color">red</div></div>
<div id="car">Chevy</div>
<div id="result" style="color: #A33"></div>
result.innerHTML = "I like my " + color.innerHTML + " " + car.innerHTML;
The "short" method looks like a nice shortcut, but I feel there is something wrong with it for it practically not appearing in tutorials.
Why is document.getElementById() preferred, or may be even required in some cases?
Why shouldn't I access elements more “directly” (elemId.innerHTML)
Because, according to the others in this thread, referencing arbitrarily by id name is not fully supported.
So, what I think you should be doing instead is store their selections into a var, and then reference the var.
Try instead
var color = document.getElementById('color');
color.innerHTML = 'something';
The reason why this would be a good thing to do is that performing a lookup in the DOM is an expensive process, memory wise. And so if you store the element's reference into a variable, it becomes static. Thus you're not performing a lookup each time you want to .doSomething() to it.
Please note that javascript libraries tend to add shim functions to increase general function support across browsers. which would be a benefit to using, for example, jquery's selectors over pure javascript. Though, if you are in fact worried about memory / performance, native JS usually wins speed tests. ( is a good tool for measuring speed and doing comparisons.)
It's safer I guess. If you had a variable named result in the same context that you are doing result.HTML I'm pretty sure the browser will throw a wobbler. Doing it in the way of document.getElementById() in this instance would obviously provide you with the associated DOM element.
Also, if you are dynamically adding HTML to the page I may be wrong, but you could also encounter unexpected behaviour in terms of what result is :)
Also I will add that not all ID's can have values that will not work as variable names. For instance if your ID is "nav-menu".
Although I suppose you could write window["nav-menu"].innerHTML
Which makes me think, what happens if you create a window level variable with the same name as an ID?
Checkout this jsfiddle (tested in chrome):
This really seems like a bad idea altogether. Just use document.getElementById("id") and store the result to a variable if you will be using the reference more than once.

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?

Let's say that we have a DIV x on the page and we want to duplicate ("copy-paste") the contents of that DIV into another DIV y. We could do this like so:
y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML;
or with jQuery:
$(y).html( $(x).html() );
However, it appears that this method is not a good idea, and that it should be avoided.
(1) Why should this method be avoided?
(2) How should this be done instead?
For the sake of this question let's assume that there are no elements with ID's inside the DIV x.
(Sorry I forgot to cover this case in my original question.)
I have posted my own answer to this question below (as I originally intended). Now, I also planed to accept my own answer :P, but lonesomeday's answer is so amazing that I have to accept it instead.
This method of "copying" HTML elements from one place to another is the result of a misapprehension of what a browser does. Browsers don't keep an HTML document in memory somewhere and repeatedly modify the HTML based on commands from JavaScript.
When a browser first loads a page, it parses the HTML document and turns it into a DOM structure. This is a relationship of objects following a W3C standard (well, mostly...). The original HTML is from then on completely redundant. The browser doesn't care what the original HTML structure was; its understanding of the web page is the DOM structure that was created from it. If your HTML markup was incorrect/invalid, it will be corrected in some way by the web browser; the DOM structure will not contain the invalid code in any way.
Basically, HTML should be treated as a way of serialising a DOM structure to be passed over the internet or stored in a file locally.
It should not, therefore, be used for modifying an existing web page. The DOM (Document Object Model) has a system for changing the content of a page. This is based on the relationship of nodes, not on the HTML serialisation. So when you add an li to a ul, you have these two options (assuming ul is the list element):
// option 1: innerHTML
ul.innerHTML += '<li>foobar</li>';
// option 2: DOM manipulation
var li = document.createElement('li');
Now, the first option looks a lot simpler, but this is only because the browser has abstracted a lot away for you: internally, the browser has to convert the element's children to a string, then append some content, then convert the string back to a DOM structure. The second option corresponds to the browser's native understanding of what's going on.
The second major consideration is to think about the limitations of HTML. When you think about a webpage, not everything relevant to the element can be serialised to HTML. For instance, event handlers bound with x.onclick = function(); or x.addEventListener(...) won't be replicated in innerHTML, so they won't be copied across. So the new elements in y won't have the event listeners. This probably isn't what you want.
So the way around this is to work with the native DOM methods:
for (var i = 0; i < x.childNodes.length; i++) {
Reading the MDN documentation will probably help to understand this way of doing things:
Now the problem with this (as with option 2 in the code example above) is that it is very verbose, far longer than the innerHTML option would be. This is when you appreciate having a JavaScript library that does this kind of thing for you. For example, in jQuery:
$('#y').html($('#x').clone(true, true).contents());
This is a lot more explicit about what you want to happen. As well as having various performance benefits and preserving event handlers, for example, it also helps you to understand what your code is doing. This is good for your soul as a JavaScript programmer and makes bizarre errors significantly less likely!
You can duplicate IDs which need to be unique.
jQuery's clone method call like, $(element).clone(true); will clone data and event listeners, but ID's will still also be cloned. So to avoid duplicate IDs, don't use IDs for items that need to be cloned.
It should be avoided because then you lose any handlers that may have been on that
DOM element.
You can try to get around that by appending clones of the DOM elements instead of completely overwriting them.
First, let's define the task that has to be accomplished here:
All child nodes of DIV x have to be "copied" (together with all its descendants = deep copy) and "pasted" into the DIV y. If any of the descendants of x has one or more event handlers bound to it, we would presumably want those handlers to continue working on the copies (once they have been placed inside y).
Now, this is not a trivial task. Luckily, the jQuery library (and all the other popular libraries as well I assume) offers a convenient method to accomplish this task: .clone(). Using this method, the solution could be written like so:
$( x ).contents().clone( true ).appendTo( y );
The above solution is the answer to question (2). Now, let's tackle question (1):
y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML;
is not just a bad idea - it's an awful one. Let me explain...
The above statement can be broken down into two steps.
The expression x.innerHTML is evaluated,
That return value of that expression (which is a string) is assigned to y.innerHTML.
The nodes that we want to copy (the child nodes of x) are DOM nodes. They are objects that exist in the browser's memory. When evaluating x.innerHTML, the browser serializes (stringifies) those DOM nodes into a string (HTML source code string).
Now, if we needed such a string (to store it in a database, for instance), then this serialization would be understandable. However, we do not need such a string (at least not as an end-product).
In step 2, we are assigning this string to y.innerHTML. The browser evaluates this by parsing the string which results in a set of DOM nodes which are then inserted into DIV y (as child nodes).
So, to sum up:
Child nodes of x --> stringifying --> HTML source code string --> parsing --> Nodes (copies)
So, what's the problem with this approach? Well, DOM nodes may contain properties and functionality which cannot and therefore won't be serialized. The most important such functionality are event handlers that are bound to descendants of x - the copies of those elements won't have any event handlers bound to them. The handlers got lost in the process.
An interesting analogy can be made here:
Digital signal --> D/A conversion --> Analog signal --> A/D conversion --> Digital signal
As you probably know, the resulting digital signal is not an exact copy of the original digital signal - some information got lost in the process.
I hope you understand now why y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML should be avoided.
I wouldn't do it simply because you're asking the browser to re-parse HTML markup that has already been parsed.
I'd be more inclined to use the native cloneNode(true) to duplicate the existing DOM elements.
var node, i=0;
while( node = x.childNodes[ i++ ] ) {
y.appendChild( node.cloneNode( true ) );
Well it really depends. There is a possibility of creating duplicate elements with the same ID, which is never a good thing.
jQuery also has methods that can do this for you.

