Understanding javascript function calls in format of myFunc(arg).something() - javascript
I'm trying to understand the format of the Javascript functions that jQuery, among other people, use.
For instance jQuery(arg).hide() or $("#obj").hide
I'd like to write similar format functions but I don't understand how.
I know how to write
function myFunc(args) {
but I don't understand the second part ie the .hide()
is that a function within a function?
thanks for any help
It's called method chaining. The way to achieve this is for your first function to return an object, so the second function can be called as a method on that object.
The standard way to do this style of programming is to always return the same type of object, so for example, jQuery always returns a jQuery object representing a collection of HTML nodes. If one of the calls modifies the collection then the next call will be on that collection. That's how you can do something like $('#myid').parent().hide();. $('#myid') returns a jQuery object representing the #myid element and .parent() returns a jQuery object representing the parent element of #myid. .hide() returns the same object, so you could then call another method on the same object if you wanted.
This is called method chaining. I highly recommend picking up Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts". This is a very quick read but wonderfully explains OOP in JavaScript and identifies good versus bad language features. Highly recommend it.
As Skilldrick pointed out, this is called method chaining.
The most straightforward example for this is an object that returns itself when you call any of its methods:
var world = {
'hello': function() {
return this;
'goodbye': function() {
return this;
This is identical to world.hello(); world.goodbye();.
jQuery does a little more than that. Calling the jQuery or $ function on a valid selector string will return a jQuery object representing the matched elements (it's not actually an array, though you could think of it as one). Most of its methods will return the object itself after modifying the object (e.g. $("a").css({...}) will apply changes to the styling of the matched elements and then return the set of matched elements again).
But some jQuery methods allow modifying the set you're working with (e.g. $("a").parent() will return a jQuery object representing the parents of the matched elements). That is, they don't return the same object, but an object that behaves identically.
You have to be careful if you decide to use this style, though, as the flow will break if you need a method that has a return value of its own (e.g. if you want calculations or getter methods). This can be avoided by passing a callback function to the method, but the resulting coding style may be terribly convoluted.
Is there any reason to have nested calls to $ (jQuery)?
I was poking around the source code of a website when I came across some code like this: $($('#newForm_step1')).hide("slide", { direction: "left" }, 0); and this: $($($('.breadcrumbs')[0]).children().last()).html("..."); I've never seen the $ (jQuery) function used this way, and I was wondering if there'd be any practical reason to do something like this? To the best of my knowledge, wrapping a jQuery object with a call to $ simply returns a jQuery object for the same selector, and methods on jQuery objects return this, so I don't see why one would need nested calls to $.
No, there is no reason to do this. In the first example, $($(...)) is redundant. There is absolutely no effect in immediately wrapping a jQuery object in another jQuery object. The line should read $('#newForm_step1').hide("slide", { direction: "left" }, 0); In the second example, $(...)[0] returns a raw DOM element, so it's wrapped again before having jQuery's .children().last() invoked on it. The result of that is already a jQuery object, so there is no need to re-wrap it, and the "unwrapping" could have been avoided by calling .first() instead of [0]. The line should read $('.breadcrumbs').first().children().last().html("...");
There's no necessary to wrap jQuery object with jQuery. That will just result the same but over-coding and redundant. But when you have DOM Object then you need to wrap with jQuery so that it will be jQuery object. Taking your example: $('.breadcrumbs')[0];//[0] converts to JavaScript Object Now, if you want to work with jQuery again, you may then wrap with jQuery: $($('.breadcrumbs')[0]);//is now a jQuery Object But with this example is unnecessary because you can do just like this: $('.breadcrumbs:eq(0)');//selects first .breadcrumbs element However, if you have some DOM Object rather than jQuery object then you need jQuery wrapper to work with jQuery methods. You must remember this: JavaScript Object needs JavaScript methods to be chained: javascriptObject.javascriptMethods Ex- $('.breadcrumbs')[0].addEventListener();//javascript addEventListener method jQuery Object needs jQuery methods to be chained: jQueryObject.jQueryMethods Ex- $('.breadcrumbs').on();//jQuery on method
JQuery and JavaScript methods
In majority of JavaScript method(iterator) callback first argument is element and second is index. But in case of jQuery always second argument is element and first one is index. Why they formatted differently? Is that for avoiding confusion between them, since both contains methods like map, filter, etc. Is there any special meaning behind that? I'm just curious to know.
This is because jQuery relies on this; it doesn't need an element iterator. $('selector').each(function(){ // 'this' refers to unwrapped jQuery selector element; no need for arguments == cleaner code var $this = $(this); }); In Vanilla JS, iterators rely on the parameters: [].forEach(function(el, index){ // 'this' refers to Window object; use the argument el.querySelector('foo') }); Because jQuery can utilize the scoped element using this, it doesn't really need the arguments. I'd have to look up the history of the library to even see if the element existed as the second argument in earlier versions.
jQuery - Utility Vs QuerySelection - methods
Utility methods > Object.getOwnPropertyNames(jQuery).toString(); "prototype,fn,extend,expando,isReady,error,noop,isFunction,isArray,isWindow,isNumeric,isEmptyObject,isPlainObject,type,globalEval,camelCase,nodeName,each,trim,makeArray,inArray,merge,grep,map,guid,proxy,now,support,find,expr,unique,text,isXMLDoc,contains,filter,dir,sibling,Callbacks,Deferred,when,readyWait,holdReady,ready,acceptData,cache,noData,hasData,data,removeData,_data,_removeData,queue,dequeue,_queueHooks,access,event,removeEvent,Event,clone,buildFragment,cleanData,swap,cssHooks,cssNumber,cssProps,style,css,Tween,easing,fx,Animation,speed,timers,valHooks,attr,removeAttr,attrHooks,propFix,prop,propHooks,parseJSON,parseXML,active,lastModified,etag,ajaxSettings,ajaxSetup,ajaxPrefilter,ajaxTransport,ajax,getJSON,getScript,get,post,_evalUrl,param,parseHTML,offset,noConflict,length,name" Query selection methods > Object.getOwnPropertyNames(jQuery.prototype).toString(); "jquery,constructor,selector,length,toArray,get,pushStack,each,map,slice,first,last,eq,end,push,sort,splice,extend,find,filter,not,is,init,has,closest,index,add,addBack,parent,parents,parentsUntil,next,prev,nextAll,prevAll,nextUntil,prevUntil,siblings,children,contents,ready,data,removeData,queue,dequeue,clearQueue,promise,on,one,off,trigger,triggerHandler,text,append,prepend,before,after,remove,empty,clone,html,replaceWith,detach,domManip,appendTo,prependTo,insertBefore,insertAfter,replaceAll,css,show,hide,toggle,fadeTo,animate,stop,finish,slideDown,slideUp,slideToggle,fadeIn,fadeOut,fadeToggle,delay,val,attr,removeAttr,prop,removeProp,addClass,removeClass,toggleClass,hasClass,blur,focus,focusin,focusout,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick,mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,mouseenter,mouseleave,change,select,submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error,contextmenu,hover,bind,unbind,delegate,undelegate,wrapAll,wrapInner,wrap,unwrap,serialize,serializeArray,ajaxStart,ajaxStop,ajaxComplete,ajaxError,ajaxSuccess,ajaxSend,offset,position,offsetParent,scrollLeft,scrollTop,innerHeight,height,outerHeight,innerWidth,width,outerWidth,size,andSelf" From the documentation, I learnt that, Methods called on jQuery selections are in the $.fn namespace, and automatically receive and return the selection as this. Methods in the $ namespace are generally utility-type methods, and do not work with selections; they are not automatically passed any arguments, and their return value will vary. From the above statement, I infer that, 1) Methods applied on query selections[ex- jQuery('ul li')] come from jQuery.prototype. 2) Methods coming from jQuery are utility methods. Is my understanding correct? Note: beginner
Your understanding is correct. jQuery.fn is a reference to jQuery.prototype. When you define a function using jQuery.fn.myFunction = function() { }, you can access it using jQuery("div").myFunction(). Within this function, you can access the selected elements using this, so you can for example run this.html("newcontent"), which would in this example equal jQuery("div").html("newcontent"). When you define a function using jQuery.myFunction = function() { }, the function will not receive any selected elements, so it is only useful if you pass it some parameters.
creating a plugin return this question
it says in the documentation to allways return the this object in all cases i've seen so far you return this.each() function. So are there anyother cases other than this.each that you would return
If you are trying to add a method similar to .prev() or another such function included in jQuery, using this.map() may be useful. To answer another question on this site, I created a jQuery plugin that does exactly that. Likewise, one might want to return a string (or other data type) from a plugin (compare .attr(), .css(), and .data()), most often from the first wrapped element when only one argument is passed to the method. For most plugins, the main reasons to return this.each(function() { ... }) are: Your code is executed for every DOM element referred to within the jQuery object. It returns that same jQuery object to allow method chaining. Obviously, that doesn't apply for methods intended to return a new jQuery object, such as mine.
What does $([]) mean in jQuery?
var username = $("#username"), password = $("#password"), allFields = $([]).add(username).add(password); What is allFields? What is $([])? Being a newbie to Javascript/jQuery, I've never seen this $([]) notation before and I'm interested in its associated methods. Given that its "$([])", it's tricky to search for. And a Google search of arrays in Javascript (guessing that thing is an array of some sort) yields the typical arrays I'm familiar seeing. So what is $([])? Can anyone point me to some documentation? I'm interested in learning how to use this strange thing.
The jQuery function accepts an array of DOM nodes. $([document.body]) for example which will return a jQuery object by wrapping all the DOM elements passed in that array. However, since in your example there is no DOM object to begin with and it's just an empty array, there is not need to even pass an empty array. Calling the jQuery function without any arguments returns an empty set. Taken from jQuery docs, Returning an Empty Set As of jQuery 1.4, calling the jQuery() method with no arguments returns an empty jQuery set. In previous versions of jQuery, this would return a set containing the document node. So, your example would work the same if you had instead called $().add(username).add(password); As other answers have mentioned and the docs say, passing an empty array was required before v 1.4.
[] it's an empty array. Wrapping it with $() overcharges it with jQuery's functions. In javascript you can create an array this way: var foo = [];
It is an empty array being passed in the creation of a jQuery object. Presumably to initialize something. Shouldn't be necessary, at least not in the latest versions of jQuery. Here's an example without the Array: http://jsfiddle.net/MAzLN/ Works fine, as the alert() shows one element in the object. jQuery initializes the length property to 0 when the object is created, so I'm not sure what the purpose is, unless it was required in the past.
I believe it creates an empty jQuery collection object.