Image preloading with array - javascript

I am using the following code to preload images in an image gallery:
$(window).bind('load', function(){
var imageNumber = $(".image").attr("alt");
var imageUp = parseInt(imageNumber) + 1
var imageUp2 = parseInt(imageNumber) + 2
var imageDown = parseInt(imageNumber) - 1
var preload = [
'image' + imageUp + '.jpg',
'image' + imageUp2 + '.jpg',
'image' + imageDown + '.jpg',
$(document.createElement('img')).bind('load', function(){
if(preload[0]) this.src = preload.shift();
I modified another basic javascript/jQuery preload script, adding variables in order to get a numeric value from the current image's alt-tag and preload images that are immediately before and after it (n+1 n+2 n-1) in the gallery. This works, though I imagine it may be kind of ugly.
What I want to do is add or call another array containing all images in the directory, so that after the previous and next images have loaded, the current page continues to preload other images, saving them in the browsers catche for future viewing as the user moves through the gallery.
Ideally, this second array would be called from an external .js file, so as to prevent having to update every page individually. (Or maybe it would be easier to save the entire script in a external .js file for each directory and fill out the rest of the array based on that directory's contents?).
Web design is only a hobby for me (I'm a photographer), so my knowledge of javascript is limited--just enough to customize pre-built functions and collage scraps of code.
I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on how to modify my code.
Thanks in advance,

I have never used a jQuery preload script but i have done a lot of preloading with 'vanilla' javascript.
Try the code i have added below, it may solve your problem.
function preLoad() { // my preload function;
var imgs = arguments, imageFolder = [];
for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i += 1) {
imageFolder[i] = new Image();
imageFolder[i].src = imgs[i];
var gallary = []; // all gallary images
$(window).bind('load', function(){
var imageNumber = $(".image").attr("alt");
var imageUp = parseInt(imageNumber) + 1
var imageUp2 = parseInt(imageNumber) + 2
var imageDown = parseInt(imageNumber) - 1
var preload = [
'image' + imageUp + '.jpg',
'image' + imageUp2 + '.jpg',
'image' + imageDown + '.jpg',
$(document.createElement('img')).bind('load', function(){
if(preload[0]) this.src = preload.shift();
preLoad(gallary); // preload the whole gallary
preLoad() : this function accepts image urls as arguments e.g preLoad('image_one.jpg', 'image_two.jpg','image_thre.jpg');
The preLoad function has two variables var imgs and var imageFolder, imgs stores all the image urls and imageFolder stores image Objects, that is, preload loaded images.


Javascript: preload next image

not very big on JS.
I currently have a script I use to load/change background images every xxx seconds.
What I would like is to display an image and preload the next one so it displays seamlessly (ie: no jittering or slow loads).
Here is my current script, can this be adapted to achieve such a result?
<!-- Background Image Changer inpired by: -->
var images = ['images/image01.jpg',
var numSeconds = 30;
var curImage = 0;
function switchImage()
curImage = (curImage + 1) % images.length = 'url(' + images[curImage] + ')'
window.setInterval(switchImage, numSeconds * 1000);
NOTES: There are 50 images in my script. I've only used fake named placeholders for clarity.
EDIT: To be clear, I only want one image displayed and the next (one) image to be preloaded. It's running on a RPi 3b so not much memory is available.
I want to add a different answer here. There are a few options you can use to improve your web page performance. Using <link> with preconnect and preload rel value can helps you to load resources before using them:
Use preconnect keyword for the rel attribute to tell the browsers that the user is likely to need resources from this origin and therefore it can improve the user experience by preemptively initiating a connection to that origin.
<link rel="preconnect" href="<your-images-base-url">
Use preload keyword for the rel attribute to declare fetch requests in the HTML's , specifying resources that your page will need very soon. This ensures they are available earlier and are less likely to block the page's render, improving performance. Taken from
Create preload link:
const preloadLink = document.createElement('link');
preloadLink.rel = 'preload'; = 'image';
function preloadNextImage(href) {
preloadLink.href = href;
function switchImage()
curImage = (curImage + 1) % images.length = 'url(' + images[curImage] + ')';
preloadNextImage(/* <next-image-url> */)
You could just load the next image when displaying the current one using the JavaScript Image object. When switchImages runs again then the image will be already in the browsers cache. Also, the cached images are stored in a new array, so the cache "generator" will be ran only once. With this snippet you will need enough delay between iterations, so the next image will have enough time to be downloaded from the sever.
var images = ['images/image01.jpg',
var numSeconds = 2;
var curImage = 0;
var cache = [];
function switchImage()
curImage = (curImage + 1) % images.length; = 'url(' + images[curImage] + ')';
if(images[curImage + 1] && !cache[curImage + 1]) {
cache[curImage + 1] = new Image();
cache[curImage + 1].src = images[curImage + 1];
window.setInterval(switchImage, numSeconds * 1000);

Javascript Slide show

I have a simple fading slide-show which works great for a while, but runs to about 300 images. After a while it starts jumping and missing some, which I assume is down to too many images being loaded. Is there a way of 'unloading' images once viewed, or is it likely to be something else?
Let all images load before you display the slide show, or skip not loaded images.
You could do this like this for example:
var images = ['./path1.jpg', './path2.jpg']; // Array with all images
var imageCount, imagesLoaded, c;
imageCount = images.length; // Get images count
imagesLoaded = 0;
for (c = 0; c < imageCount ; c++){ // Loop thorough all images
var image = document.createElement('img'); // Create img tag
image.setAttribute('src', images[c]); // Set src attribute
document.body.appendChild(image); // Add img tag to body
image.onload = function() {
imagesLoaded++; // Add loaded image to loaded images count
console.log('Loaded: ' + imagesLoaded + '/' + imageCount); // debug
if (imagesLoaded == imageCount){ // when all images loaded
// Start your slideshow

Why JavaScript code execute second part sometimes

I am draw background on canvas and also small images on that background. But sometimes, background draw on small images. Why ?
JavaScript code -
var canvasupdate = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
ctxupdate = canvasupdate.getContext("2d");
var background = new Image();
background.src = sitePath + "ATOM/chapter1/book/" + `bgimagename`;
background.onload = function() {
ctxupdate.drawImage(background, 0, 0); // set background image
var imageobj = new Array();
for (var d = 0; d < calloutImageArray.length; d++) // getting small images in array
imageobj[d] = new Image();
(function(d) {
imageobj[d].src = sitePath + "ATOM/chapter1/book/" + calloutImageArray[d];
imageobj[d].onload = function() {
ctxupdate.drawImage(imageobj[d], calloutImageArrayX[d], calloutImageArrayY[d], calloutImageArrayW[d], calloutImageArrayH[d]);
In above code, background image code should be execute first then call out image(small image) code execute but some time execute small images code and then background image code why?
All the images are loaded asynchronously. So sometimes the small images are loaded (and drawn) before the background image. Please take a look into e.g. Network tab in Chrome in which order the resources load is done.
The simplest solution for this problem is to move the loading of small images into the callback function for load event of the background image.
The onLoad function runs asynchronously. That means JavaScript will continue to run the rest of your code and will run the callback function when the background image is loaded. That's why your second part of the code runs first. So instead try to add your code inside the onload function like this:
var canvasupdate = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
ctxupdate = canvasupdate.getContext("2d");
var background = new Image();
background.src = sitePath + "ATOM/chapter1/book/" + `bgimagename`;
background.onload = function() {
ctxupdate.drawImage(background, 0, 0); // set background image
var imageobj = new Array();
for (var d = 0; d < calloutImageArray.length; d++) // getting small images in array
imageobj[d] = new Image();
(function(d) {
imageobj[d].src = sitePath + "ATOM/chapter1/book/" + calloutImageArray[d];
imageobj[d].onload = function() {
ctxupdate.drawImage(imageobj[d], calloutImageArrayX[d], calloutImageArrayY[d], calloutImageArrayW[d], calloutImageArrayH[d]);
that way you can be sure that the background will be set first and then your small images. Note that I didn't try your code to check if it does what you want, I just rearranged the code blocks to show you the logic and why does not run as you would expect.
Hope it helps

Get image dimensions with JavaScript using innerHTML

I'm working on an AJAX function that receives image URLs. However, I won't be using a node append to insert it. I'm using innerHTML, which makes it difficult to get the file dimensions.
At the moment, I'm using a function which is returning somewhat mixed results. Sometimes it gets the actual dimensions, other times it returns "0" as the image dimensions.
This is my function:
var url = "";
var width = getDimensions(url)[0];
var height = getDimensions(url)[1];
var insert = '<img src="'+url+'" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" />';
function getDimensions(path) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = path;
return [img.width, img.height];
Not sure why it's acting inconsistently though. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I was thinking it might be something to do with the AJAX inserting the image before it loads the dimensions, although not really sure.
Here's a fiddle, which seems to work as expected, but like I said, it's inconsistent.
Here is a second fiddle with a much larger image. I noticed it's a lot more inconsistent than a smaller image file
You'll have to wait for the image to finish loading before you can get the dimensions properly and reliably. What's currently happening is that it's returning the dimensions before the image is potentially fully loaded. If you have it already cached you may be getting correct dimensions but on a large image uncached you're not going to get reliable results.
Have a look at this demo about how you could perhaps achieve that.
var url = "";
var div = document.querySelector('div');
alert('loading image now');
var button = document.querySelector('.test');
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
div.innerHTML = insert;
function getDimensions(path) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = path;
img.onload = function () {
var width = img.width;
var height = img.height;
insert = '<img src="' + url + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" />';
button.disabled = false

Checking if an image is missing from folder in javascript

I am making a small slide show application to show images inside an html.
The name of images are something like:
"MOD01_004.jpg" and so for...
Sometimes one or more images is missing and the previous images still is in the cache, so I can't check if the new image was loaded checking for the width/height properties.
What can I do to check if an images are missing from the list (I know I can't access the file info from inside client browser).
This loads them all in, so it could be really terrible:
var images = ['MOD01_001.jpg','MOD01_002.jpg','MOD01_003.jpg'];
for (i in images) {
function checkIfImageExists(image_path) {
var img = new Image();
img.onerror = function(){
console.log('Could not load image: ' + img.src);
img.onload = function(){
console.log('Loaded image: ' + img.src);
img.src = image_path;

