JavaScript logger into a rolling file - javascript

i've a JavaScript application.
I'd like to use a logger but instead of logging to a console (like Firebug or Yahoo UI), I'd like to log to a file or several files.
Ideally, It should be possible to back up the files when they reach a certain limit.

Writing to a file on the client machine is not generally possible via JavaScript running in a web page. It can be done in IE using ActiveX (when the user has allowed it) and I think also in Firefox when the user has enabled an obscure setting, but is generally not possible. There are various questions about this in Stack Overflow. For example:
Is it possible to write to a file (on a disk) using JavaScript?
Read/write to file using jQuery
Bearing that in mind, it has never seemed worthwhile implementing a local file appender in log4javascript. If you do want to log to a file, I would suggest using the AjaxAppender to send log messages to the server and log those messages to log4j / log4net / log4php / whatever set up with a rolling file appender.

You may want to check out log4js. It is a logging API based on the popular log4j framework. It is an open source project, using the Apache License 2.0.
You may also want to check out the log4javascript project, written by the Stack Overflow regular #Tim Down.


How do I make a chrome extension that will take the current webpage and upload it to my custom domain via FTP so I can view it on a phone?

I am trying to make a Chrome Extension that takes the currently open html page and all its dependencies (CSS, JS) and uploads it to a custom domain via FTP. I would then be able to open it on my phone to make sure the website looks good on a phone.
Basically, I am trying to replicate the VSCode extension Live Server's functionality, but with it uploading the file to a custom domain. I know you'd normally be able to access live server's locally hosted server from a phone, but my university's internet setup doesn't seem to allow for this, hence my desire for an extension like this.
All I know about my hosting service is that it uses cPanel and supports FTP, which I assume is all I need. I can set up new FTP connections and logins. All the FTP details in the code will be hardcoded, but drawn from a separate file and .gitignored so they aren't in my commit history, which I hope is enough.
What I've Tried & What I'm Stuck On
I have most of the chrome extension stuff figured out; The FTP transfer process is what's giving me issues.
I first tried using chrome-app-ftp, but quickly realized that was old and was running into issues, so I switched to jsftp.
I used browserify to fix the "require" issue, and that cleared up some stuff.
I'm currently stuck on the following bug:
Error: TypeError: createConnection is not a function
I've done my research, and I do not think the error is because of an issue in my code; I believe that it is just a limitation of the tools I am using. This seems to be an issue with front-end JS not supporting the "net" module, which brings me to my question.
My Question
How do I circumvent my lack of support for the "net" module in the front-end? Do I need to set up some sort of local back-end for this with node or something like that? I have basically zero experience with anything back-end, so I might need pointed towards what sort of back-end is best for this. I more just need to know which tech stack is best for doing this.
If additional information is necessary I'll be checking back frequently and happy to help. Thanks in advance.

Web Scraping with JavaScript? JavaScript file I/O? JavaScript iterate through URLs? Automatically load external scripts?

I am looking to do some web-scraping, without going through help desk and IT to install and configure Python (I don't have admin rights because I'm an intern).
I have already written the logging functions I need in JavaScript, but I need to extract the data out of the program into a CSV so I can convert to .XLS afterward.
I'm wondering if it's possible for JavaScript to do these things:
Can JavaScript write to a file?
Can I run external scripts with a click of a button somehow? i.e. without pasting the code into the console every single page. Or even, perhaps, run external scripts automatically upon page-load?
Can I automatically iterate through and load URLs? The URL details all remain the same, with only an integer value that changes from page to page.
Thanks in advance for any input!!
1) Yes, you can use javascript to write to file using node.js Use the fs module like so.
const fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile('file.txt', data_to_write[, options], callback)
Refer :
2) Yes, you can use puppetter to run Headless Chrome scripts
3) Go through the puppeteer documentation and you can find how to load URLs on the browser. Iterate the links and store them in a string and open the page. Then use page.evaluate() to run you code and scrape the contents.
Yes, you can do all those things with JavaScript. No, you can't do all those things with JavaScript purely in the browser because of the Same Origin Policy.
Two things that let you do this (offhand):
Node.js, which you can download and expand from a zip (doesn't require an installation step). Whether you can do that on your workstation depends on how locked down it is. There are lots of modules available for Node.js for handling the heavy-lifting of web scraping.
A Java JVM (via its scripting support, though JavaScript scripting hosts for the JVM trail behind in terms of up-to-date JavaScript features). If one isn't already installed, again, you may be able to install one without admin rights, or not, depending.
You can definitely do it with node.js from server-side.
But you'll face the cross-origin problem doing it from HTML page in browser.
So for browser you'll have to make a browser plugin (aka add-on aka extension).

Create ActiveXObject on *server*

I have created a little html stub that allows a user to compare various spellers. I would like to include the Word speller and I have written code in a .js file to create an ActiveXObject thus:
var wordApp = new ActiveXobject("Word.Application");
This works fine on my local machine but I get the dreaded 'Automation server can't create object' error when I try it on other machines. I have searched and read the various articles on the topic and I understand that what I am trying to do is very,very bad, not safe, doesn't work on any browser than IE, and so on. This is for an internal test app in a trusted environment and all I want is for others to be able to access the page and see the result without forcing them to make extreme changes to their security settings.
So, here is my question. Is there a way that I can get this to run server side on my machine running IIS and hosting the website? Ideally I would like to be able to insert my HTML into an aspx file and, when the submit button is pushed, have it either run all the javascript on server side or at least run the portion that calls the activeX code. If this isn't feasible, can I migrate the specific functions that call the activeX and get the data to C# or VB and still run the safer functions in JS?
Thanks for your advice!

Saving data to a local file using only JavaScript

The set-up in question:
I have a stand alone, offline, kiosk mode instance of Chrome running on a Windows machine. I have full access to the system and any admin rights. I can start Chrome with any flags set or unset.
The task:
I have been asked to create a log file which tracks user activity within the offline app I am coding. It's a simple form of analytics which will append each event to the end of the file separated with a comma. The file will then be sent to a server once a day via a scheduled task. (None of this is my idea so please don't troll me)
Ruled out:
Any server side code - I have lobbied for Node, PHP etc but as this will be distributed to many different installations so we cannot guarantee this will be installed.
Flash/ActiveX/Java - ideally would like to avoid this (even though these will be installed by default)
Possible solutions:
File API - I have looked at this but AFAIK if opens dialogue boxes to save the data to each file and this needs to happen in the background.
Security - I have read in other SO Questions that this can be achieved if the security settings are reduced but no-one goes on to explain which ones. Is there a simple flag which allows it?
How to enable local file system read write access from Google chrome? - similar question!
Ideal result: (something akin to PHP)
$file = 'log.txt';
$current = file_get_contents($file);
$current .= ",clicked:link";
file_put_contents($file, $current);
Possible ideal side result: proving this isn't possible and forcing PHP/Node/Java to be used ;)
In reply to those suggesting local storage : I'm not storing unique key/value pairs and that is very much like setting a cookie. Similarily there are file size limits.
To those suggesting web SQL such as SQLite in chrome - there are file size limits if it's not a chrome extension. The only way I see that working is if I were to find the location of the file in the windows directory (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\databases) and upload that from the schedules task. Perfectly feasible but it is not a desirable answer.
You could use HTML5?
var foo = localStorage.getItem("bar");
// ...
localStorage.setItem("bar", foo);
You can use the Chrome Apps File API, you will need to grant access to the file via a user action once, but after that you can get access the file again by using restoreEntry
You can use localStorage to save offline data. It's impossible to access other files using Javascript since it's a violation of the sandbox.
JavaScript and the DOM provide the potential for malicious authors to deliver scripts to run on a client computer via the web. Browser authors contain this risk using two restrictions. First, scripts run in a sandbox in which they can only perform web-related actions, not general-purpose programming tasks like creating files.
You may want to look into Local Storage which is part of the HTML5 spec.
This will only be supported in modern browsers though.
If you need to use older browsers then may still be able to achieve what you're after using
Use HTML5 features like Web Storage or Web SQL database to store your logs.
Whenever needed read logs from the client side storage and send it back to the server & delete the client storage.

Least complicated way to get full file paths with Javascript

This has been asked a lot of times already: I need to get the full file path via a web-page. The use case is an application running on the same machine as the browser (i.e. the application starts a local HTTP server and fires up the browser.) File-paths are of course valid and the same for both client/server now. The use case it that the user selects a file and then the server process does some computation on it, and the input files are typically large (read: several GiB in size.)
The easiest thing would be to directly access the path using , but for security reasons, this is disabled. I'm looking now for the least intrusive workaround to this problem. The target browser in question is Chrome. I'm fine if the user has to click "accept" once on some security warning, as long as I can ensure that it won't appear again.
Do I have to write an extension, NSPlugin, can I use some special header magic to mark my page as "local", is there some security setting I can set? The less the client has to do the better, and I would prefer some "click here to allow access ..." solution above everything else. Can I directly install an extension from the server process that would do this (after the user clicks accept?)
Is it possible to do this with a Java applet/Flash? That would be the easiest solution, and clients are guaranteed to have Flash installed (as it is bundled in Chrome...)
You can create Java applet for tasks like this and self-sign it. User will have to allow it to run, but then you will be able to access applet's function that will return file path string via Javascript.
Clearly file io on the client's system is forbidden from JavaScript. If this wasn't the case it would be absolutely trivial to hack every web browser that visits your website.
Battlefiled 3 is controlled though the browser. To do this EA wrote a browser extension for the top three browsers. But that's resource intensive. If you just care about chrome you can use an addon, and for that i suggest using the NPAPI.
And as MOleYArd said, Java is a good solution and probably more common than an extension or addon.

