How to make a selection list to null in runtime? - javascript

I have a code that fetches a list from DB. Using that returned array i am creating a grid table and two combo boxes dynamically. Now, the code is working fine for first time. I can also able to add new entry to the database and show it in the grid. Now the problem is with the combo box.
Whenever i add a new entry, the table gets updated by deleting the previous content in the table and fetching again from the DB along with new entry. But the combo options get appended with the newly arrived data. See, the image. Chemical Engg is newly addded.
But i dont know to reset or delete existing combo box contents. I know that the solution is a piece of code that makes the combo box null. It has to be placed on the top of combo box generation code. So, that it ll reset every time before generating new elements.
My question is how to make that combo box null in the starting point.(I dont know what exact term is "null" or "reset", i new to DOM elements).
Here my Code.
<select id="departmentField" >//Both using same data source.
<select id="searchDepartments">
The Script:
Its DWR Call... I think the problem comes below the grid.
EmployeeManagement.getDeptList(function(deptRecords) {
$("#depts").jqGrid('addRowData', "deptID", deptRecords);
var deptSearchSelect = document.getElementById('searchDepartments');
var searchOptions = null;
searchOptions = document.createElement('option');
searchOptions.value = 0;
searchOptions.innerHTML = "ALL";
var depFieldSelect = document.getElementById('departmentField');
var deptFieldOpts = null;
deptFieldOpts = document.createElement('option');
deptFieldOpts.value = 0;
deptFieldOpts.innerHTML = "";
for(i = 0; i<deptRecords.length; i++) {
var dept = deptRecords[i];
searchOptions = document.createElement('option');
searchOptions.value = dept.deptID;
searchOptions.innerHTML = dept.deptName;
deptFieldOpts = document.createElement('option');
deptFieldOpts.value = dept.deptID;
deptFieldOpts.innerHTML = dept.deptName;
deptSearchSelect.selectedIndex = "ALL";
deptSearchSelect.selectedIndex = "";
//var respDiv = document.getElementById("respCheck");
How shall i reset?
Any suggestions would be more appreciative
Thanks in advance!!!

Try deleting each element in the select:
while(deptSearchSelect.hasChildNodes()) {
while(depFieldSelect.hasChildNodes()) {
Are you also not able to set the select box properly?


Empty a select if the option was already selected

I have a button that append a row with a select with its options. I gave those select a class (".nuevaDescripcionProducto"). The select has its first option (with the value: "Select an option" or whatever) and the rest of the options are added when I click the button to add the new row. Ok, what I want is: To go back to the first option if I select an option that is already selected in another row. Maybe you could get it more clear by looking a the picture:
This is my code so far:
$(".formularioVenta").on("change", "select.nuevaDescripcionProducto", function() {
var nombreProducto = $(this).val();
var productos = $(".nuevaDescripcionProducto");
for (var i = 0; i < productos.length; i++) {
var x = $(productos[i]).val();
if(nombreProducto == x) {
I think most of what is needed its done. But I would hugely appreciate any help for you. Thanks.

Select programmatically Kendo grid row

I found posts with similar titles but I still cannot resolve my issue. Definitely I am doing something wrong.
In Kendo grid configuration have some function which take context (grid) and read selected row:
change: function (e) {
This is how I configured "change" event.
In function "refresh(grid)" I am getting selected row on following way:
refresh: function (grid) {
var selectedRows =;
var selectedRow = grid.dataItem(selectedRows[0]);
var id = selectedRow.Id;
This approach works perfect when I select grid row manually. But when I select row programatically "selectedRow" variable is null.
I am selecting programatically on following way:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var rows =;
var row = rows[rows.length - 1];;
As I sad in above, in previous "refresh(grid)" method variable selectedRow will be null.
Does anybody have some opinion about that? Why is it happened?
According to the Grid documentation the "select" method accepts "string" parameter (selector) or jQuery element. That why if you need to correctly select the row you should modify your current code as follows:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
//if you are using the "pageable" option of the grid
//you should get the visible rows using the .view() method
var models =;
var model = models[models.length - 1];
var lastRowUid = model.uid;
//find the target row element:
var row = grid.table.find("[data-uid=" + lastRowUid + "]");;

Kendo grid - get current editing row

How do you get the current row that's been edited even when it's not selected? I have a batch enabled Kendo grid that is navigatable. My goal is to manually edit data in a column using the dataItem.set() method. However, when you add a row it does not get selected automatically. Hence, vm.testGrid.dataItem( cannot be used.
vm.testGrid.dataSource.get(e.model.get("Id")) gets the newly added row, but if multiple rows were added before saving, it will always get the first added row ("Id" is set to auto increment and is automatically generated by the database server, therefore all newly created rows will initially have 0 before saving).
vm.onEdit = function (e) {
$('input.k-input.k-textbox').blur(function (f) {
//var data = vm.testGrid.dataItem(;
var data = vm.testGrid.dataSource.get(e.model.get("Id")); // will always get the firstly added row
data.set("LookupCol", "1000");
Is there a better solution to get the row that's been currently edited? Or is there a better way to edit the current row?
The following will give you the data item associated with the current cell:
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(grid.current().closest("tr"));
// You can then set properties as you want.
dataItem.set("field1", "foo");
dataItem.set("field2", "bar");
I used the JQuery closest() function:
vm.onEdit = function (e) {
$('input.k-input.k-textbox').blur(function (f) {
var data = vm.testGrid.dataItem($(e.container).closest("tr"));
data.set("LookupCol", "1000");
You can also write an extension for the grid, e.g. like this
// extend the grid
kendo.ui.Grid.fn.getCurrentDataItem = function() {
var that = this, current = that.current(), dataItem = null;
if (current) {
dataItem = that.dataItem(current.closest('tr'));
return dataItem;
JSFiddle example

Get Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView Selected Text with JavaScript

I use Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView in my ASP.NET usercontrol, I know this control is obsolete, but for some reasons I can't change it, and I need to get the selected node text by javascript, I can get the selected index:
function GetSelectedNodeText()
var TreeNodeObj = document.getElementById("mytreenodeId");
var selectednodeIndex = TreeNodeObj.selectedNodeIndex;
But I can't get the text of selected node. does any one have any idea about this?
function GetSelectedNodeText()
var tree = document.getElementById("myTreeId");
var treeNode = tree.getTreeNode(tree.selectedNodeIndex);

Removing localstorage data from table row

I've been trying create like a Clear Cells button but I am not sure it's affecting the LocalStorage. What is the best way to alter data (remove data) from all rows?
I am using this to pre-created fiddle:
Here is what I have so far, this is controlled by a button just to test if one cell can be deleted.
function emptyIt()
var form = document.getElementById("A1");
Please check updated fiddle.
and code is below for clearing all data with localstorage too. if you just want to remove localstorage you can comment other lines or for specific entry only then you can make condition for it also.
(window.calAll = function() {
localStorage[] = "";
DATA[] = "";
elm.value = "";
You can check condition like
(window.calAll = function() {
if( == "A1")
localStorage[] = "";
DATA[] = "";
elm.value = "";

