Changing http-referer via a redirect - javascript

We are signing up to an online resource that uses http-referer as authentication (bad idea, I know) to prove that the request comes from our intranet (IP address is not available for this as there is a higher level proxy).
Unfortunately it might be that their system requires a specific referer URL rather than taking the domain. This will mean when we want to link to the resource from a different page we will need to either register yet another URL with them or link to effectively a splash page they have to click through again.
If we need to go down this route I'd like to make it as unnoticeable as possible and so was wondering what the best approach would be to achieve the following:
http://intranet/somerandomurl has a link to
http://intranet/AuthorisedUrl which needs to be the referrer to
Is there any way to do this without literally making people click on a link? (the vast majority of browsers will be IE6 or IE7 if that helps, if some need to click on the link but I can use JS for most I'm ok with that).

Put this code on link 2. For those with JavaScript enabled,
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = ""
This will redirect them to as soon as it executes. Put this as early on within the <head> as possible, so that the redirect occurs as early in the page loading as possible
Then just put a manual link on the page for those with JavaScript disabled.
Either way, link 2 will be the referrer for externalsite.
(Caveat: This is a really, really unsecure method of authentication.)
EDIT: It looks like there's a known issue with some IE versions not passing a Referer header after javascript redirects. Here is the workaround:


Can sites detect auto-refreshing tools?

I don't want to get into details of my situation, but it's like this:
I'm part of a website and so are other people. On this site, we are all waiting for something to appear on the site, but one must refresh the site to see if anything new appeared. The site rules explicitly mention that auto-refreshing tools are prohibited.
If I for example use a browser extension that would refresh the site every minute, could the site detect that? Do these extensions make the same request to the site as if I clicked the refresh button? I'm sure they could detect the refreshing intervals, but that can be avoided by a random timer. So what is the most undetectable way of autorefreshing a site?
Different extensions work differently.some use the javascript reload function, some will just grab the url and replace window.location with it effectively making another GET request
The only difference in the actual request will be whether or not cache control is set they might use that for detection.So definitely you need to take a look in the documentation to see how the request is being issued in that specific extension
As far as circumstantial evidence they can cookie you,use local data storage,use your ip address to determine you are the same user which in that case you would need to find a workaround for each one

Should AJAX use hashtag /#!/ or not?

I've made a webpage that has the URL-form
It's a very dynamic webpage, actually it is a web app.
To make it as responsive as possible, I want to use AJAX instead of normal page requests. This is also enabling me to use JavaScript to add a layer to provide offline capabilities.
My question is only: How should I make the URLs? Should they be or!/module/content?
Following is only my thoughts in both directions. You don't need to read it if you already have a clear thought about this.
I want to use the first version because I want to support the new HTML5 standard. It is easy to use, and the URLs look pretty. But more importantly is that it allows me to do this:
If the user requests a page, it will get a full HTML page back.
If the user then clicks a link, it will insert only the contents into the container div via AJAX.
This will enable users without JavaScript to use my website, since it does not REQUIRE the use to have JavaScript, it will simply use the plain old "click a link-request-get full html page back"-approach.
While this is great, the problem is of course Internet Explorer. Only the last version of IE supports History API, and to get this working in older versions, one needs to use a hashtag. (50 % of my users will be using IE, so I need to support it...) So then I have to use /#!/ to get it working.
If one uses both these URL-versions, the problem arises that if a IE user posts this link to a website, Google will send the server a _unescaped_string (or similar..) And it will index the page with the IE-version with the hashtag. And some pages will be without the hashtag.
And as we remember, a non-hashtag is better on many different things. So, can this search engine problem be circumvented? Is it possible to tell the GoogleBot that if it's reaching for the hashtag-version of the website, it should be redirected to the non-hashtag-version of the webpage? This way, one could get all the benefits of a non-hashtag URL and still support IE6-IE9.
What do you think is the best approach? Maybe you have tried it in practice yourself?
Thanks for your answer!
If you want Google to index your Ajax content then you should use the #!key=value like this. That is what Google prefers for Ajax navigation.
If you really prefer the pretty HTML5 url without #! then, yes, you can support both without indexing problems! Just add:
<link rel="canonical" href="preferredurl" />
to the <head> section of each page (for the initial load), so to help Google know which version of the url you would prefer them index. Read more about canonical urls here.
In that case the solution is very easy. You use the first URL scheme, and you don't use AJAX enhancements for older IE browsers.
If your precious users don't want to upgrade, it's their problem, but they can't complain about not having these kewl effects and dynamics.
You can throw a "Your browser is severely outdated!" notice for legacy browsers as well.
I would not use /#!/ in the url. First make sure the page works normally, with full page requests (that should be easy). Once that works, you can check for the window.history object and if that is present add AJAX. The AJAX calls can go to the same url and the main difference is the server side handling. The check is simple, if the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH is set then the request is an AJAX request and if it is not set then you're dealing with a standard request.
You don't need to worry about duplicate content, because GoogleBot does not set the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH request header.

How to change content after page is loaded (JS)?

I would like a javascript to run after a page is loaded , like on the example below with a delay of 6seconds. Right after the page loads the rest of JS is lost (obvious)...
Got any ideea how change content after page is loaded without clicking a button?
javascript:window.location = "";
setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('lightbox').style.display = 'none';
}, 6000);
Once you set window.location the original page will be unloaded before the new page is loaded by the browser. This means your script will be gone before the new page start loading and thus can't modify the new HTML anymore.
This behavior is inherent to the security model of the browser. Without it you could inject any JavaScript into any web site of your choosing, which would be a huge security risk. What you are asking for is so-called XSS (for cross site scripting), which is prevented by the browser applying a so-called SOP (for same-original policy).
There are some common ways to work around this limitation in a safe way:
Set up a proxy to serve both your JavaScript and the original site. This way both your script and the original site come from the same domain and satisfy the browser's same-original policy (SOP). You could run the original site in an iframe with your custom script occupying the top-level window. Alternatively you could inject your script into the HTML as it is being retrieved through your proxy.
Run your script as a browser add-on or user-script. If you choose to do this, the user will have to specifically grant your script the rights to run locally with elevated rights. Greasemonkey popularized client-side scripts for Firefox a few years ago, but recently they seem to have lost momentum.
Ask the site owner to include your script. I doubt this is a valid option for your situation. But if it is a valid option it is definitely the simplest one.
Ask the user to run your script after the site has loaded. This one is probably also not valid for you, but if valid it would once again be a very simple solution.
Your example shows that you are first redirecting and then attempting to hide #lightbox. This script would not work, because you are redirecting the browser to another site before #lightbox gets hidden.
In short, you cannot have Javascript of a previous page manipulate DOM of the next page if you redirect the user to another URL (or even the same URL). Only Javascript that is 'on currently open page' can manipulate currently open page and no other pages.
I have not understood what you are saying. JS is lost? Please be more clear.
I think what you are talking about is the jquery ready function which runs after the DOM is ready. Or in the other case, try using window.onload() function.
This should do the job:
$(window).bind('load', function() {
// your code here
Then simply add the delay to your added code with .delay("6000");
The inserted code will only run when your page is completely loaded.

Java script in IFRAME security issues

On the website the typewriter is inside of an IFAME . Everything works correctly on all browsers when you go to the site directly but when viewing the version embeded in an IFRAME it does not work on IE and throws errors in Chrome.
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.
This is the source code for the embedded IFRAME
I understand that this is a security problem but I don`t know how to fix it and can not find any material that would help me solve the issue.
The easiest method is to set a PHP (or any server language) proxy that just gets the content of the page from the other domain and outputs it. The only real drawback is that the cookies of the client for the remote domain aren't sent.
Take a look at This is a jquery plugin that sends message between the two frames. The two frames do not need to be on the same domain. But you do need to access both pages to be able modify them. I also wrote a post here that answers communication between iframes. How to capture clicks from iframe on another domain?
Your only chance is something like easyXDM. (or do it manually using the hash, but would prefer easyXDM)
See the SO answer: Cross-domain hash change communication
eg. if you wanna call a method:
If I try your demo in firefox I don't get the "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access" error at all. But in Chrome it's thrown many times.
You have so much other code in your example that I'm not even sure that your code causes the problem. You should do a very limited/basic test to see if your flash-communication works, without all those other javascripts.
I have had similar issues with this before. Basically if you have an iframe that contains a page from a domain that differs from the main page's domain, javascript will not be able to cross the boundaries between them. Javascript within the iframe will be able to talk within the iframe, javascript in the main page will be able to talk within the main page, but they will not be able to talk to each other.
This is a security issue that aims to stop cross-site scripting attacks. There are a number of hacks that you can put in place to get around this problem but they are all (or at least the ones I know of) rather hairy.
Here are some questions that you should answer before trying to go further:
1) What exactly are you trying to do between the pages using javascript?
2) Do you have access to the source of both pages?
It may be waaay simpler than the above answers. It looks like this function:
function playSound(){
Is written in the DOM timeline before swf is actually assigned to the swfObject in the function below it.
I would recommend moving that function down further and then retest.

How can I tell if my page is set as the user's homepage?

Is there any way I can detect when my page has been set as the user's homepage in their browser?
I'm most interested in something in javascript, but I'd be happy to hear about other approaches as well.
Edit: I'm not looking for anything sneaky. I'm wondering if there is anything that is explicitly allowed through the browsers to find out this information.
There isn't likely to be a foolproof method, as that's an intrusion into the privacy of the user.
One thing that comes to mind is checking for a referrer. If the user arrived at your page without following a link, they a) typed the url, b) followed a bookmark, or c) have your page set as their homepage. But that's about the best I can do.
Nope. You can tell if they got to your page by following a link or not. Check the referrer. However, the browser going to your page as the home page will not appear any different than the user typing in your page or using a bookmark.
Mozilla/Firefox has a window.home() method which loads the user's home page. This method could be used (in an iframe, maybe) combined with server access logging, to see if the site's home page is instantly requested loaded by the current user.
However, other browsers don't seem to support this javascript method.
Simple solution, you shouldn't be checking if you or anyone else's site is set as the user's homepage. If they want it as their homepage, they'll make it so.
However, if you've got some Javascript that will check their email and see if they've sent links to your site to their friends or colleagues, I'd be very interested in that functionality ;-)

