Facebook Logout from app without session (user app authorization) - javascript

I've been banging my head against a wall with this one for way too long now.
I have a page outside facebook, with a like-button. Because it should be on a public computer, we also need a visible logout-button. When "like" is clicked, the user is prompted for login credentials. If those are ok, the like-event goes through ok. The user then should be able to log out. Which doesn't work.
The like button is now an -element. When clicked, it creates an edge.create-event that I can catch nicely.
For Logout button, i've tried 2 options.
First one:
<fb:login-button autologoutlink="true"></fb:login-button>
problem with this is, the link stays as "login" even after the user has logged in through the like-link, even after page refresh.
and a plain button, that triggers
FB.logout(function(response) {
This returns an error "FB.logout() called without a session." this seems to be because the user hasn't authorized the application. So the application has no rights. Both logout-options work fine IF the user has authorized the application. Problem is, this is only asked when the "login"-button is clicked. In this use case it wouldn't make sense for the user to first login and then click like.
Any ideas how to get the logout to work without getting the app authorization from the user?
Or how to make "like"-button in a way that it will ask for the app authorization?

I don't think it is possible.
You can check if somebody is currently logged in to facebook but not your up, that's about the most you can do. If a user is not authorized your app then you can't do anything with their login session (or data).
I don't think you should worry about public computers though, it is facebook's problem after all, not yours. If a user checks "remember me" on a public computer during login then they most likely won't click your logout button either.


Is there a solution for logging out user which is clicking back button after login in laravel?

When the logged-in user clicks on the browser back button, he falls back to the login page from the main page he entered. And this happens without being routed in any way and running the controller functions because the browser's cache is loaded. I tried to clean all cache via middleware, but it didn't happen. Then, if the user tries to fill in his information from the login page and enter again, 419 page expired error is coming. I tried to do this with session checking method. I gave a key to the session, but the controller didn't recognize the key in the session because it didn't work. I looked through the history library (history.js) but couldn't find the solution as I wanted. My aim was to log out when the user presses the browser back button and show a box like Are you sure you want to exit, and then allow him to log in again. unfortunately, I couldn't do this in laravel I really need help and I can't find solution I think it can be done with AJAX or JS but I'm not sure. I am suffering from this situation for days. Your help will be rewarded. Thank you to everyone who has already read.

If user logs in from one system and trying to login from another system then show him Message and Logout from other system

In my project, when user logs in, then I make an entry in A table Called LogTable and show it to the Admin Page that this user is online. And when user clicks on the log out button, then I delete data of that user from the log table, so this user is not shown online to the admin.
Now the main problem is that if user will close his browser without clicking that button, then how to delete those data.
Or what can be other way to achieve it in the best way?
I want that if user logs in from one system and tries to login from another system, then firstly we show that you are logged in another system and if she/he clicks on retrieve, then her/his other login automatically logs out and she/he has to login again.
Integrate your c# with javascript, javascript detect browser close, if you want to delete your data from db then you have to make http request for deleting data in this function. Try to interate it or make xml ajax request when browser is closing.
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function() {
return "write your code over here for deleting data.";
I would suggest reading up on the ASP.NET life cycle here and here.
Usually, we store that information using Session state.
The session is created for each user individually and will be automatically destroyed after a certain amount of inactivity or after the user has moved away from the page.
You could possibly use Application state.
But application state is shared among all users and persists until the last user has navigated away from the site.
I hope this helps :)

Facebook api not passing user info to integrated site, if user already logged into facebook directly and try to login from integrated site

I am working on login with facebook into our site. I am using facebook js sdk for this. Now, if I clicked on fb login button (which is placed in our site), it opens a popup window asking for user name and password. If I login here by entering correct username and password, its logging in, after that, it gives the required info to me. so, I am passing that info into our site and logging the user. No issue in this flow. But, if user already logged into facebook directly by opening facebook.com from browser and opened our site in separate tab . Our site will also contains "login with facebook" button. So, when user clicks on this button, it opens a login window and closes immediately without giving any user info. I guess it is because, user already logged into facebook. But here also I need the logged in user info. How do I achieve this?
Please help me out.
Any help would be appreciable.

Detect total time the user is logged-in asp.net

I have asp.net web site in which user can login and also do logout
Now i need to capture the total time duration for which user was logged-in to the site.
So to do this i need to know two things
1. Login time
2. Logout time
At the time of login i can get the first thing which is "Login time", thats fairly easy
Now the second thing is more complicated. How do i update the Logout time? I know i can update it on the logout button but what if user directly close the browser?
I have setup the global.asax file but i dont think "Session_End" event will fire on closing the browser.
I have seen some of the website in which where you close the browser window it shows on dialog saying something like "press Ok to stay on the page OR press "Cancel" to stay on the current page". I am thinking i can use the UpdatePanel's PageMethods to do my task here. Is this possible? If yes then how?
Do you guys have any other idea to find out the total logged-in time for the user?
Thank you.
I haven't tried this but you can use the Window Close Event of the browser and make an ASP.net AJAX call to the server using AJAX page methods to end the Session, which you can catch in the Session_End event in global.asax file of your application.
There are some problems with this approach as the Window close event is not 100% guaranteed to fire, because the user can simple end the process using task manager.
Check https://stackoverflow.com/q/1824486/507184 for a jquery based solution for detecting browser close event
You can capture exactly time from login to logout. If your users login, then user logout after complete their work.
You cannot capture extracly time from login to logout. If your users login once, and never comeback, or they clear their browser cached and login again ....
So, the best way to do that, You check user's access every 15 minutes. Last 15 minutes, your users don't do anything in your site, you assume that they logged out.

Twitter connect from website without popup

I have a problem with a website I'm currently working on.
I have added a Tweet box to my page for the user to tweet about the current article. If the user submits from the Tweet box and is not currently logged in or is not connected with my site, he/she gets a popup from twitter asking for username/password and/or if he/she accepts the connection with my site.
If the user accepts the popup is closed and all is good, if the user declines the window is just closed and the tweet remains a dream of what could have been.
So far so good, But! My site is mainly aimed at smartphones (in particular iPhone), and if the user adds my site to the home screen (which I recommend) then the twitter popup fills the whole app window. This I can understand, and everything works out if the user accepts.
If, on the other hand the user declines, there is no window for the button to close so noting happens. My webapp is running fullscreen and standalone so doesn’t even have a back button. So if the user doesn’t accept the twitter connect, he/she basically needs to restart the app to get avay from the “popup”.
So (finally ;) ) my question is this; is there a twitter page that performs the connect authentication that is not required to be in a popup? A page that basically sends you back to the callback url on both accept and cancel? Or is there a different approach that I have over looked?
Looking forward to some helpful tips!
I was suggested The standard OAuth flow and Web intents, the problem is that the app needs to be client code/javascript only. This makes The standard OAuth flow impossible because it sends application secrets over http/https wich makes me put the secrets in the javascript ( I might be somewhat of a hobbyist programmer but there are limits ;) ).
Web intent pages don't have a cancel/back button so I'm still stuck if the user dont want to connect and is running my app in stanalone mode.
I guess I should have included this in the original post, thanks anyway for the suggestions.
The standard OAuth flow for Twitter does not require a popup. You can instead redirect the current window. You will then have to process the the form submit yourself and post the status through your server.
You might also checkout Web Intents. The user posts the tweet from a mobile optimized twitter.com page.

