Why are there non-breaking spaces in my page title? - javascript

I'm injecting a script via JSONP and using it to call a method in my web application like so:
(function jsonp(src){
var b = document.body;
var t = document.title;
var u = encodeURI(document.location.href);
var o = document.getElementById('srv-call');
o && b.removeChild(o);
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.id = 'srv-call';
s.src = src + '?w=' + textSelection + '&cb=autoCall&u=' + u + '&pt=' + t + '&t=' + (new Date().getTime());
Unfortunately, my document.title is getting filled with non-breaking spaces. An example http request is this:
The script that is injected in the page has the correct src, but the HTTP request is incorrect. Any idea why these are being inserted and if I have any way to avoid this, other than parsing them out via regex?
Thanks so much for any help you can give.

And I just realized the culprit. I apologize for wasting everyone's time, but in the event anyone else runs across this problem, the issue was the SMRT Safari Extension to alter Safari's URL auto-complete feature. -1 for me for not disabling all extensions and trying multiple browsers. Thanks, all.

Have you tried with decodeURIComponent(t) instead of just t?
s.src = src + '?w=' + textSelection + '&cb=autoCall&u=' + u + '&pt=' + decodeURIComponent(t) + '&t=' + (new Date().getTime());

what you need to do is take the variable t off in your line that says
s.src = src + '?w=' + textSelection + '&cb=autoCall&u=' + u + '&pt=' + t + '&t=' + (new Date().getTime());
so your link would look something like this instead:
and if you must have the t variable then insert it into the line like so
....(code before) '&pt=' + decodeURIComponent(t) + (code after)......
Hope this helps. thanks

Those are not non-breaking spaces, but zero-width spaces (U+200B). They are normally not visible, and may be present in the original title (for text wrapping, or whatever other reason).


Javascript .indexof 'typeError' error despite forcing string conversion

JS drives me insane with issues like this. I have the following code which creates a string (composed of session data and date information) to be written to an array, as such:
var _writes = String(req.session.subscriber + ":" + req.session.postal + "[" + req.session.id + "]=" + _onYear + "-" + _onMonth + "-" + _onDay + "-" + _onHour + "-" + _onMinute);
Later, I wish to perform an 'indexof' command on the string of the array, as such:
for (_cycle = 0; _cycle < _users.length; ++_cycle) {
_seeks = String(_users[_cycle]);
_score = _seeks.indexof("="); //ERROR THROWN HERE
//do other stuff here...
} //for loop
My error is "TypeError: _seeks.indexof is not a function"...? I thought by converting everything to a string I should be able to perform the 'indexof' command. Can somebody please advise what the issue is here? I thank you in advance.
Probably not a js issue. You are using "indexof" instead of "indexOf" (Uppercase O). Check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/indexOf
It should be:
Don't give up, it will make sense soon :)

execsync fails if passed special characters

I am trying to run a some commands on video files for processing. The video filenames may contain special characters like spaces, ' and ", among others. Because of this, my first attempt breaks on multiple files:
objMedInfo = JSON.parse(proc.execSync('mediainfo "' + currentfilename + '" --output=JSON').toString());
I then thought perhaps a different format would be more robust:
objMedInfo = JSON.parse(proc.execSync("mediainfo", [currentfilename,"--output=JSON"]).toString());
However, it won't run at all. Can someone help?
(Particularly, why doesn't the second form work?)
Not sure if this will help, and seems like a band-aid.
execSync in node.js doesn't run shell command properly
Hopefully can provide some help until someone smarter sees this :).
You need to escape the quotes and prevent any cmd injection shinanigans.
function shellescape(a) {
let ret = []
a.forEach(function (s) {
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9_/:=-]/.test(s)) {
s = "'" + s.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'"
s = s.replace(/^(?:'')+/g, '').replace(/\\'''/g, "\\'")
return ret.join(' ')
currentfilename = 'filenames"with\'quotesAnd Spaces;shutdown now;.jpg'
console.log('mediainfo ' + shellescape([currentfilename]) + ' --output=JSON')
// mediainfo 'filenames"with'\''quotesAnd Spaces;shutdown now;.jpg' --output=JSON

replace segment of a URL with regex

I have a button that takes a value from a checkbox and inserts it dynamically into a URL parameter. the URL looks like this:
&site=site1 is what is being updated dynamically by the value of a checkbox. My code for that looked like below at first:
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + location.host + location.pathname + location.search;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
The problem with the first approach is when you click the button multiple times, it just adds the new parameters to the URL, so it ends up looking like:
When I only need to change &site=site3&page=1 - I tried using a regex to select that part of the URL and replace it with the new one. My attempt at that is below:
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + location.host + location.pathname + location.search;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = filterSite + '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
var url = filterUrl.match(/&([^ ]*)/)[1];
console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
window.location.replace(url, filterUrl);
What this block does is remove the search query and just returns
example.com/site=site1&page=1 which gives a 404.
I need to somehow update a segment of a URL, and not the entire thing. I believe I need to do some sort of regex to target it and change it. What are the next steps? How can I update a certain section of a URL?
EDIT: This is where it stands now:
// apply filter, go to page
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + location.host + location.pathname + location.search;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = filterSite + '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
var url = filterUrl.match(/&([^ ]*)/)[1];
// console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
if (window.location.href.indexOf("&site=") > -1) {
filterSite.replace(/&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection);
} else {
but the .replace() method doesn't seem to be working.
Correct me if I got it wrong:
You have something like this: example.com/search?q=searchterm&site=site1&page=1 and you need to update ONLY THIS PART: &site=site1.
One way:
filterSite.replace(/&site=site\d+/,'&site=site' + filterSelection);
This works only if the updatable part of the url is ALWAYS going to be of the form &site=site<number>, ie: filterSelection is always a number
anyhow, let me know
Assuming what you mean by The .replace() method won't change the parameter, is that the URL won't change, you are right: when you do this:
filterSite.replace(/&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection);
what you are modifying is the variable filterSite, the page won't automatically reload to the new url, which I think is what you intend after seeing this other line:
replace it with:
to make the page go to the new url
More about window.open and its arguments
One last thing, I noticed you are using /&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection as args for replace which will not match example.com/search?q=searchterm&site=site1&page=1. So, unless you changed the structure of the url, you might want to look on that too.
let me know
URL Constructor
var uri = new URL( "http://example.com/search?q=searchterm&site=site1&page=1" );
>> true
uri.searchParams.set( "site", "site2" );
uri.searchParams.set( "page", "2" );
>> "http://example.com/search?q=searchterm&site=site2&page=2"
Browser Suport: ( ? )[ Chrome 49, Firefox 44, Opera 36, IE12 ]
I suggest you to use A POST request method and Jquery has already a method to construct that params to send based in the form

eval javascript function IE6 taking long time

I have the below chunk of code. I've debugged through and located the snippet that is causing a long delay in IE6.
Basically the code loops through a document converting it to XML and sending to a PDF. On Ubuntu and Firefox 4 it takes 3 seconds. On IE it can take up to 40 seconds regularly.
* This function builds up the XML to be saved to the DM.
function getXMLToSave(){
var text="<workbook><sheet><name>Adv4New</name>";
//show_props(document.adv4.row10col1, "document.adv4.row10col1");
text = text + "<row number='" + i + "'>";
text = text + "<col ";
text = text + "number='" + j + "' label='" + eval('document.adv4.row'+i+'col'+j+'.className')+ "'";
catch (e) {
text = text + "number='" + j + "' label=''";
try {
text = text + " type='readonly'";
text = text + " type=''";
catch (e) {
text = text + " type=''";
try {
text = text + " color='" + eval('document.adv4.row'+i+'col'+j+'.style.color') + "'";
catch (e) {
text = text + " color=''";
text = text + ">";
try {
// don't wrap in a CDATA (like previously), but run cleanNode
// this fixes html entities
var content = eval('document.adv4.row'+i+'col'+j+'.value');
text = text + cleanNode(content);
catch (e) {
text = text + "0";
text = text + "</col>";
text = text + "</row>";
text = text + "</sheet></workbook>";
return text;
I believe its the eval function causing the delay in IE6. Is there a neat solution to fix this. Thanks very much
Why are you using eval in the firts place?
Use bracket notation!
You don't need eval() at all:
text = text + "number='" + j + "' label='" + document.adv4['row' + i + 'col' + j].className + "'";
Also, in IE6 (but not in newer browsers), building up large strings by repeatedly adding more content is really, really slow. It was way faster in that browser to build up strings by creating an array of substrings and then joining them all together when finished with all the pieces.
Don't use eval EVAL is EVIL. Having said that, you really shouldn't care about IE6: Even MS doesn't support it any longer, why should you bother?
Anyhow, change all eval calls like:
document.adv4['row' + i + 'col' + j].value;
To access the elements directly. Remember that Nodes are objects, so their properties can be accessed either using the dot-notation (foo.bar) or the "associative array" notation: foo['bar'], the latter being very useful when you need the value of a variable to access properties
Don't use eval - period. The eval() should be renamed to evil(). There is almost no situation where you really need to use the eval function.
In this case you can use document.getElementById() to find a DOM node with a specific id.
It's likely that it's all the string concatentation that makes it slow. Each time you add something to the text, it will copy all the previous text into a new string.
Newer browsers have optimised code for this special case, so for them the impact is less.
Instead of concatenating strings like this:
text = text + "something";
use an array instead:
var text = [];
then add items to the array using the push method:
Finally just join the strings together:
return text.join('');
One solution could be generating a color array (or maybe an object if you need it) and then using it.
But then, ask yourself the question "Should I really support IE6?"

Calling Html Helper Method from Javascript Function

I am trying to call a custom Html helper method that I have written from a javascript function that is used by jqGrid to return formatted text, in this case a link, for a cell:
function formatGroupPlanEditLink(cellValue, options, rowObject) {
//var cellHtml = "<a href='/Insurance/GroupPlanEdit/?id=" + rowObject[0] + "'>" + rowObject[1] + "</a>";
var functionArgs = rowObject[1] + ',Url.Action("GroupPlan", "Insurance", new { id = ' + rowObject[0] + ' }),String.Format("Edit {0}", ' + rowObject[1] + '), listId,Url.Action("GroupPlanList", "Insurance"),false';
var cellHtml = '#Html.DialogFormLink(' + functionArgs + ')';
return cellHtml;
The problem that I have is that I cannot concatenate the entire string before the helper is executed. So the browser is trying to execute "#Html.DialogFormLink(" - which of course causes an error. I guess there must be a better way to go about this. I really want to still be able to use the Html helper method as I use it elsewhere, and it works nicely for my requirements.
I'm not that familiar with Razor, but the quotes around the #Html helper look suspicious.
var cellHtml = '#Html.DialogFormLink(' + functionArgs + ')';
The browser doesn't execute #Html.DialogFormLink; the server evaluates it. I suspect the server is injecting the literal '#Html.DialogFormLink' into your js.

