How to load another div while facebox pop up is still open? - javascript

I just figured out how to use Facebox. I can open hidden divs in Facebox but how do I get it to dump the current div and load another one without closing the pop-up? I want the Facebox pop-up to load another div (while dumping the previous one) if the user clicks on a link inside the pop-up. I already tried something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
<div id="div1" style="display:none;">
Load the other div
<div id="div2" style="display:none;">
<p>Other div</p>
I somehow knew it wasn't this simple. I already tried searching the net for answers but no dice. Is this even possible? I'm a complete noob when it comes to Javascript so please bear with me.

I found the answer already. Apparently, you need to bind it to a mouseclick event and perform recursion. Here's how I did it:
<script type="text/javascript">
function find_hidden(){
.bind('click', function() {
var glink = $(this).attr('href');
jQuery.facebox({div: glink});
I found the answer here.

From skimming through the source, I think you can just pass a string, like this:

Try this:
jQuery("#facebox_overlay").click();jQuery.facebox({ div: '#your-new-div-id' });


Need jquery to activate a click through by clicking on a different div

I was hoping someone could help...I'm new to Jquery ....all I want to achieve is a click through on a hyperlinked image but this occurs when a completely separate div on another part of the page is clicked on rather than the hyperlinked image I just mentioned. .......the hyperlinked image needs to be invisible also. In case anyone is wondering why I need this's because I want my own custom button rather than the standard one that comes with a CMS that I'm using and it can't be's basically a work around the owners of the system suggest.
Here's what I thought would work
margin: 0 auto;
width: 200px
display : none
<div id="my-custom-button">
<img src="../images/order-now.png">
<div id="the-standard-button">
proprietary PHP here that renders the standard button
<script type="text/javascript">
The whole
<?php propiertary blah blah ?>
makes it hard to decipher but my guess is that the handler is being generated for whatever is being created by php, i.e. the php generates
<button id="phpButton">
and then a handler like
Notice that the handler is NOT on "#the-standard-button". So, you need make sure that you are using the correct selector when calling the click() in $("#my-custom-button").click(...)
Check out this jsFiddle. Notice which secondary click event is fired.
I'm not sure I understand your question perfectly, if what you want is that when You click on one button it will act as though the other was clicked.
Here is a solution that will work IF the default button is also an anchor tag (<a>)
<div id="newButton">
<img src="/theimage.jpg"/>
<div id="oldDiv">
<img src"oldImage.png"/>
$("#newDiv > a").click(function(){
window.location = $("#oldDiv>a").attr("href");

Load Same Code Twice In Separate Div

I'm creating a resource database that has a scrolling container on the side. Essentially, when you click a thumbnail within the container, it will load the contents of a div which will fade in and display content for that category. Each div tag looks something like this:
<p><a style="float:right" class="a_demo_four" href="/Resources/file1.pdf" target="_blank">
</a>File Desc</p>
And will load as such:
Essentially, I want to be able to display the same exact content when I open another category on this page. I have several different categories, and want to be able to pull the code from say Category1, Category2, and so on and so forth so I can display all of them in a "View All" tab. I've attempted to use jQuery's load function as seen below:
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
<div id="includedContent"></div>
<h1>This is why I rule</h1>
to load the content from the original div into the view all category, but nothing shows up. Unfortunately, I have very limited knowledge with Javascript/jQuery so I'm having difficulty being able to use the same content in a different div without just copying and pasting the code over. This would also pose problems in the future when I am adding files and have to edit the code twice if I did so.
Thank you in advance!
You can keep your content in a variable like this:
var content = '';
//load first in a div
$('#includedContent').load('b.html', function(result){
content = result;
//from here on, you know you have b.html data in the variable content
//and you can use it elsewhere like this
If you call your code within document ready function will work.
However you will probably need to keep it somewhere as visualex suggested in order to add the content in multiple places as you require.
This is a working jsfiddle,
it loads content from

Display href link into div

I want to display the href link in the <div id="display"></div> tag so when I press anything in the menu or in my list it'll just open in the div with display as its id.
I have this menu like this done
<div class="menu">
<div id="display"></div>
and my JavaScript is like this
$('#display').html($('.menu a').html());
I don't know much about javascript, but I think the javascript code is actually wrong, I would appreciate is someone would help me.
I want to display the href
You need to fetch href property for that you can use .prop()
$('#display').html($('.menu a').prop('href'));
In case you mean retrieve the page and place it in the div:
// bind click event to all anchors within .menu
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
// fetch the page using AJAX and place the results in #display
// prevent navigating away from the page (default action of anchor)
(Or maybe it's just me, but the question seems very hard to understand. :shrug:)
$('.menu a').on('click',function(e){
e.preventDefault(); //this will keep your link from loading
var href = $(e.currentTarget()).attr('href');
We can use an iframe to display the link in the <a> tag.
Here's a fiddle
Here is my version...
<div class="menu">
<a id="xxx" href="" onkeydown="myFunc()">HOME</a>
<div id="display"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var data = $("a#xxx").attr("href");

How can I execute the code inside a <script></script> only when I'll show its container?

I have this code :
Show Agency
<div id="invisibleDiv">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/CompanyProfile" data-id="1035" data-format="inline" data-related="false"></script>
$("#showDiv").click(function () {
When I load the page, I see the scripts loaded from external source, also if the div is hidden. The scripts call with some API and generate HTML/Javascript.
Well, what I'm looking for is to force the script to be unloaded if the parent is hidden; than, when I'll show it (through the link), load the script inside the div.
How can I do it? I'll avoid AJAX.
Show Agency
<div id="invisibleDiv">
<script type="IN/CompanyProfile" data-id="1035" data-format="inline" data-related="false"></script>
$(function() {
$("#showDiv").click(function() {
If I understand it correctly, you just want to delay the running of arbitrary scripts that are provided by the third party? Would something like this work?
<div id="invisibleDiv" style="display:none">Please wait while we load some stuff from Facebook...</div>
Has the downside that you can't pre-fetch the HTML content, but I don't see any other way.
EDIT: ok, it looks like you edited the question whle I was typing this up... so YOU control the content of invisibleDiv, but you want to delay the loading of in.js? try this...
$.getScript("", function(){
Again, you have to make the user wait while the script downloads, hence my addition of pleaseWaitDiv
More edit:
New up a script node and append it.
var scriptNode = $("<script></script>")
$.getScript("", function(){
You can bind it to your showDiv click function, inline scripts are processed right away...the only other thing I can think of is to have the script be loaded via ajax which you don't want.
Try this :

Is it possible to copy javascript with javascript?

Is it possible to copy javascript with javascript? For example:
<div class="copyThis">
<script language="javascript">
<div style="width: 200px; height: 50px; background-color: gray;">
<a id="click" href="">click here to copy</a>
<div id="copyArea">
Put here:
But this doesn't copy the tag and its content. At least, not that I know of.
I came upon this question in relationship to a different question I had posted here: Infinite-loop question: Is it possible to make a "Copy this code to share", with a "copy this code to share" inside of it?
I hope it's ok to post this question separately as it's sort of a curiosity thing.
EDIT: I think this is what you want. This (demo) will fill a textarea for easy copying:
<div id="copyThis">
<script language="javascript">
<div style="width: 200px; height: 50px; background-color: gray;">
<a id="click" href="">click here to copy</a>
<textarea rows="10" cols="40" id="copyArea"></textarea>
You were doing DOM manipulation before ready. Use:
<script language="javascript">
See the demo.
I think in a round about way what your trying to do is covered by jquery's live methods.
<div class="copy">
<a class="click-me">click me</click>
<script type="text/javascript">
Using Live will re-bind the new element to the click handler without having to copy a javascript block
If you want the click event to be cloned also, you need to set the withDataAndEvents argument to true in clone
Note: this answer is to a question different from the one actually asked :-) I'll leave it here as a historical curiosity however.
The problem is very likely to be that your <script> tags are just not being executed. If what you want to happen is that your cloned <div> have the same "click" handler, however, you should really go about it in a totally different way:
Use a "class" instead of an "id" to mark the <div> elements that should be affected; say, "cloneMe"
Use the jQuery .live() or (better) .delegate() facilities to set up the handler so that it operates off of bubbled events, and can therefore handle clicks on cloned <div> blocks.
(then in your Javascript somewhere: )
$(function() {
$('body').delegate("div.cloneMe", "click", function(ev) {
Now you should be able to clone to your heart's content, and you don't have to worry about that bad old Javascript jammed so obtrusively into your code.
edit — ah - I now see that I was completely confused about what it was that was getting clicked. If the clicking is happening on a separate button (or <a> or whatever), then there's really no need to have the script stuck in the middle of the page at all; the whole thing should just be a simple event handler setup.

