Javascript wrapper that gives us Rubyish Javascript? - javascript

Are there any frameworks/wrapper out there that gives us rubyish javascript?
Instead of the usual for() {} loop gives us the object.each {} loop like in Ruby?
Since javascript could be used in web browsers I do want to use it for the server side too, but I do like ruby syntax far more.

The Prototype library, having been developed by guys very close to Ruby on Rails, has a very Ruby-ish feel. It uses Ruby lingo (like mixins); for instance, the Enumerable mixin (which Prototype mixes in to arrays by default) adds the each method to an array, so you can do this:
["sample", "array"].each(function (item) {

look up jQuery. it has a
//do stuff

You might want to checkout JS.Class - Ruby-style JavaScript. From the docs,
JS.Class is a set of tools designed to make it easy to build robust object-oriented programs in JavaScript. It’s based on Ruby, and gives you access to Ruby’s object, module and class systems, some of its reflection and metaprogramming facilities, and a few of the packages from its standard library. It also provides a powerful package manager to help load your applications as efficiently as possible.
It comes with a well packaged standard library including modules and classes such as
The Enumerable module, for instance, is comparable to that in Ruby, and includes methods like

Here's a post by Ken Egozi which discusses adding .forEach and other helpers to the array prototype.


Why nodejs use magic strings in its core modules willy-nilly?

I'm learning nodejs and having previous experience with other {strongly typed} languages I'm suffering a bit finding the reason why there is so much abuse of magic values (mainly strings) in core modules of nodejs.
Just to give an example, let's take the implementation of the http module which has classes that extends EventEmitter and relies on strings to identify events, such as the http.Server class with its 'connection', 'connect' and 'request' events identifiers.
Is there a reason for that? Isn't there any better way to achieve that (like just using an object for instance)?
Is there a reason for that?
ECMAScript does not have enumerations. To model them, one would have to use one of the available types, namely numbers, strings or objects (or symbols, though they're younger than NodeJS). Now "magic strings" are far better than "magic numbers" or "magic empty objects".
I am not 100 % sure, but the formal definition on the official Node website describes Node as “a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.” and v8 was primarily built for the client side i.e web. So, if you look at the web events, you will see this pattern being used. Probably that is why i think.

Why does Underscore.js define function aliases

Underscore.js defines aliases for functions like _.each (alias: forEach) and (alias: collect) and I don't understand why.
I initially thought this was to avoid issues with browsers that didn't implement those functions natively, my thinking was that calling [].map() would throw an error in IE7 and 8 because they didn't implement it natively but found that there was no issue since Underscore already defines those.
Then I thought it could have something to do with conflicts with other JS libraries like Prototype that implement similarly named functions but then realised that having an alias doesn't actually make a difference in the case of since prototype implements .map and .colelct and actually I'd been using prototype's implementation all along (eg. this.collection.collect(...)).
So far it doesn't seem to have made any difference and it hasn't created any issues but I'd really like to know why this is happening.
I guess the purpose of aliases is to make the library more familiar for programmers with different backgrounds (eg, collect and include are used in Ruby, fold in functional languages etc).
Also, aliases can improve readability in some cases, for example
"sounds" better than
If you look at their documentation, you will find it pretty close to lodash library (, and jQuery's library, and also Backbone and Ruby (found in the home page).
My guess, is that both of them are made to do the same thing, one in Server (Lodash), other in Client (Underscore), and to use the same syntax, they have some methods aliases.
Also, adding some aliases is never good, since it decreases errors when writing in multiple languages.

node.js utility library for working with objects and arrays?

Is there good utility library for working with objects and arrays.
For example functions like: extend, forEach, copying objects/arrays ect,
What is common in node.js environments? I wonder are there decent alternatives to underscore.js?
underscore.js is a pretty good default for this kind of stuff. Here's a thread on compatibility issues that may be handy.
Edit, upon you're request for something beyond underscore:
As far as I know, underscore has become the defacto standard when you're looking for additional array operations (much like jQuery for DOM manipulation). Joyent maintains a pretty thorough manifest of node.js compatible modules, and the only seemingly comparable utility would appear to be an experimental library called fjs with an emphasis on currying (and judging from the source, most of the functionality comes from extending underscore functions anyway). There might be something else out there, but as far as I know nothing with the penetration and maturity of underscore.
Yet another edit - here are a handful of older libraries if you're so curious, but their maintenance has fallen off a bit - valentine, wu.js, Functional, and Sugar. Functional and valentine may be a bit thinner; wu.js looks to be about the same and sugar is even fatter.
lodash is a "drop-in replacement* for underscore.js" that you may also want to consider.
Lo-Dash v0.7.0 has been tested in at least Chrome 5-21, Firefox 1-15, IE 6-9, Opera 9.25-12, Safari 3-6, Node.js 0.4.8-0.8.8, Narwhal 0.3.2, RingoJS 0.8, and Rhino 1.7RC5
For extend specifically, you can use Node's built-in util._extend() function.
extend = require('util')._extend,
x = {a:1},
y = extend({}, x);
Source code of Node's _extend function:
Have a look at Ramdajs:
The primary distinguishing features of Ramda are:
Ramda emphasizes a purer functional style. Immutability and
side-effect free functions are at the heart of its design philosophy.
This can help you get the job done with simple, elegant code.
Ramda functions are automatically curried. This allows you to easily
build up new functions from old ones simply by not supplying the final
The parameters to Ramda functions are arranged to make it convenient
for currying. The data to be operated on is generally supplied last.
The last two points together make it very easy to build functions as
sequences of simpler functions, each of which transforms the data and
passes it along to the next. Ramda is designed to support this style
of coding.

js library to support various data structures? (like guava in java)

Coming from Java I really like the flexibility afforded by the rich collection of data structures provided by Guava. Is there a "guava-like" library in js or jquery?
Note: I heard about closure and it seems a bit heavy - anything simpler? (or is closure really what I need?)
Note 2: by "rich collection of data structures" I mean sorted maps and sets, multimaps (duplicate keys allowed) and multisets (sets with multiple entries allowed - seems strange but actually very useful!), etc.
If by "the rich collection of data structures" for JS you meant utility for operating on JavaScript Arrays and Objects and JavaScript itself, then I'd recommend Underscore.js:
Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a
lot of the functional programming support. (...) Underscore provides
60-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map,
select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function
binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It
delegates to built-in functions, if present, so modern browsers will
use the native implementations of forEach, map, reduce, filter, every,
some and indexOf.
It also has Set-like functions like union, intersection and difference, type-checking functions isXXX (isArray etc.), function goodies and more stuff you'd write yourself without such a library.
Underscore has clean code, is well tested and quite popular these days, I use it on daily basis in JS projects.
EDIT after question edit:
I know Guava has multimaps, multiset etc. but they are all consequesnce of Java design and it's hard to write 1 to 1 implementation of these collections in JS. It's because Javascript has no:
static typing,
classes in Java sense, uses prototyping instead (see this answer),
interfaces (but has functions as first-class objects on the other hand),
easily defined object equality (var t1 = { test: 1 }, t2 = { test: 1 }; t1 === t2 is false)
so it's hard to write general-use Set implementation, not mentioning Multiset or Multimap. There are for example some Set implementations like Closure's one or this one, but they are not perfect - first modifies elements inserted into Set (!), the second is not a mainstream, well-tested project (and personally I've never used it so can't say more).
In Javascript you just do var multimap = { key: [ 1, 2, 3.0 ], key2: [ 4, 'test', { bla: null }, 1 ] } and because of language design you can't just do multimap.containsValue({ bla: null }). I mentioned underscore.js because it has 95% utility functions you'll ever with JS collections, that is Arrays and Objects. If you want more, just use Closure's structs, but the library itself it's quite big.
There is a now a lighter, faster alternative to Underscore.js: Lo-Dash (
A javascript standard data structure library which benchmark against C++ STL.
This library has strict time complexity guarantee and can be used with confidence.
The latest beta version includes iterator functions which can be used like iterator in c++.
Included data structures
Set (using RBTree)
Map (using RBTree)
HashSet (for reference only)
HashMap (for reference only)
To help you have a better use, we provide this API document.

Linq for JavaScript vs standard methods

I am an architect for a software development team. I have built a sizeable warchest of web controls and tools for us using ASP.NET and JavaScript/jQuery.
Part of the toolkit is a functional equivalent to .NET's IEnumerable LINQ methods (where, select, etc.) for JavaScript arrays. I was surprised how simple these were to implement using the js prototype feature. My hope was that our devs could leverage their knowledge of LINQ seamlessly on the client side, and the results have been great so far.
There is just one snag, as I discovered today: there are already a handful of functionally identical methods as of JavaScript 1.6. They are filter, map, some, and every, corresponding to LINQ's where, select, any, and all methods, respectively.
They aren't supported by IE8 or earlier (which might explain why I had not heard about them), but it is trivial to provide an implementation so that they work cross-browser. Note that there are dozens of LINQ methods that do not have a native equivalent, such as sum, max, avg, groupBy, etc.
My question is this: how should my development team address this discrepancy? I think we have three options:
1 - Ignore the native JavaScript methods (or consume them internally in a pass through method) and use only the LINQ methods. Forbid the use of the native methods so that our codebase is self-consistent.
2 - Use the native JavaScript methods whenever applicable, and the LINQ methods when there is no equivalent.
3 - Allow either to be used.
I will suppose that most of the community will side with Option 2, as it is arguably more standards-compliant, but I feel it will be disorienting for devs to have to know that some functions are identical in JavaScript, while others have a different, arbitrary name. It really jacks up the cross-platform consistency we have achieved so far.
Which of these would you choose, and why? Is there another alternative I am not considering?
Bonus Question: jQuery has neither native functions nor LINQ functions. What method names should my jQuery extensions use?
I would opt for #1 out of the three you provided, because I value consistency, but also because it allows you to provide a fallback if the method is not natively available.
That's also similar to what Underscore.js does for some of its methods --- uses native implementation if available, otherwise resorts to its fallback implementation.
You can try manipula package that implements all of C# LINQ methods and preserves its syntax:

