Return String Outside Ajax Request - javascript

I am pretty new to this, so go easy on me:
I am building an image gallery with a main index page which allows users to select different categories of projects, a sub-index page which allows users to select specific projects within their selected category, and then the gallery page for that project.
The code below is for the main index page. I am trying to pass the value of the src attribute of the first image of the first gallery page to the main index page to use as a thumbnail.
I have effectively been able to load the correct URL into the imageLoc variable, but I need to pass it outside of the Ajax request to pass it into my HTML document.
Simply put, I am trying to pass the value of the imageURL variable to the imageLoc variable.
Thanks for your help.
$('.galleryIndex a img').hide().each(function(){
var destination = $(this).parent('a').attr('href');
var imageLoc = $.ajax({
url: destination,
success: function(data){
var pageLoc = $(data).find('.galleryList a:first').attr('href');
url: pageLoc,
success: function(data){
var imageURL = $(data).find('.galleryBox img:first').attr('src');
return imageURL

This will cause troubles do to the way the callback function is handled. It's a closure block that is called after the request has returned, so it runs apart from your main code in the function. If you want to alert the imageURL variable, alert it inside the callback function, or call another function to handle it. Since it is a callback function for an asynchronous server request, the part that alerts "imageLoc" will have run long before you ever get your async request back.
Edit: The only way to achieve what you're trying to do is to not make the ajax request asynchronously. If you set async:false, then you can call on the "responseText" property like this:
var html = $.ajax({
url: "some.php",
async: false
But be warned...this will halt browser operation while the request is pending. It's usually best to block user interaction by other means if you don't want them to screw with the page while something is loading.

I was able to get what I wanted as follows:
$('.galleryIndex a img[id!="fp"]').hide().each(function(){
var destination = $(this).parent('a').attr('href');
url: destination,
context: $(this),
success: function(data){
var pageLoc = $(data).find('.galleryList a:first').attr('href');
url: pageLoc,
context: $(this),
success: function(data){
var imageURL = $(data).find('.galleryBox img:first').attr('src'); //returns the src for the thumbnails
$(this).attr('src', imageURL);


Reload url in javascript with ajax

I'm trying to refresh an affiliate URL which is inside a piece of JavaScript with AJAX, but I can't get it to work.
Here's the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var mdWidgetUrl = "https://herecomestheurl";
var s = document.createElement("script"),
s1 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.async = true;
s.src = mdWidgetUrl;
s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1);
function fetchdata(){
url: 's.src',
type: 'post',
success: function(data){
// Perform operation on return value
What I'm trying to do is to AJAX reload the URL, which is known as "mdWidgetUrl", every 10 seconds without refreshing the whole page. This code doesn't work, because I don't know how to tag the s.src within the AJAX function.
Let's have a look to the different settings of your AJAX call:
When you try:
url: 's.src',
you are not passing the content of the src property of the s object; you are literally passing the string "s.src". But even if you do:
url: s.src,
it won't work because s is out of scope. s was declared inside an IIFE ( (function() {... ) and it lives just inside it. You can not access it from outside.
Instead, after you create your s script, you can give it an id. Like this:
var s = document.createElement("script"); = "mdWidgetScript";
Then, you can easily retrieve the value of the src attribute from the ajax call:
url: $("#mdWidgetScript").attr('src'),
Note that using an id is not mandatory. You could find the script like you found s1, selecting the first element with a <script> tag:
url: document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].getAttribute("src");
// or with jQuery
url: $("script:eq(0)").attr('src');
I just find using an id a cleaner and more bulletproof way.
It is an alias for method. You are retrieving data from the server, not sending to. Switch POST to GET (or leave this setting out, since GET is the default). Read this question about the differences.
You should set the dataType accordingly (check this question). If the URL points to a script, use dataType: "script",. Actually, you could use $.getScript() which is a shorthand method for this kind of AJAX call.
If after properly tuning your settings you still have troubles:
Check for errors in the console.
Ensure the data being send is well-formed
Read this other questions:
Why does jQuery insist my plain text is not “well-formed”?
jQuery.ajax success callback function not executed

JQuery - Looping a .load() inside a 'for' statement

I'm not sure if this will actually be possible, since load() is an asynchronous method, but I need some way to basically Load several little bits of pages, one at a time, get some data included in them via JavaScript, and then send that over via Ajax so I can put it on a database I made.
Basically I get this from my page, where all the links I'll be having to iterate through are located:
var digiList = $('.2u');
var link;
for(var i=0;i<digiList.length;i++){
link = "" + $(digiList).eq(i).find('map').children().attr('href');
So far so good.
Now, I'm going to have to load each link (only a specific div of the full page, not the whole thing) into a div I have somewhere around my page, so that I can get some data via JQuery:
var contentURI= link + ' div.row:nth-child(2)';
$('#single').load('grabber.php?url='+ contentURI,function(){
///////////// And I do a bunch of JQuery stuff here, and save stuff into an object
///////////// Aaaand then I call up an ajax request.
url: 'insertDigi.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {digimon: JSON.stringify(digimon)},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(msg){
////////This calls up a script that handles everything and makes an insert into my database.
}); //END ajax
}); //END load callback Function
} //END 'for' Statement.
Naturally, as would be expected, the loading takes too long, and the rest of the for statement just keeps going through, not really caring about letting the load finish up it's business, since the load is asynchronous. The alert('Inserted!'); is called before I even get the chance to load the very first page. This, in turn, means that I only get to load the stuff into my div before I can even treat it's information and send it over to my script.
So my question is: Is there some creative way to do this in such a manner that I could iterate through multiple links, load them, do my business with them, and be done with it? And if not, is there a synchronous alternative to load, that could produce roughly the same effect? I know that it would probably block up my page completely, but I'd be fine with it, since the page does not require any input from me.
Hopefully I explained everything with the necessary detail, and hopefully you guys can help me out with this. Thanks!
You probably want a recursive function, that waits for one iteration, before going to the next iteration etc.
(function recursive(i) {
var digiList = $('.2u');
var link = digiList.eq(i).find('map').children().attr('href') + ' div.row:nth-child(2)';
url: 'grabber.php',
data: {
url: link
}).done(function(data) {
// do stuff with "data"
url: 'insertDigi.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
digimon: digimon
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(msg) {
if (i < digiList.length) {
recursive(++i); // do the next one ... when this is one is done
Just in case you want them to run together you can use closure to preserve each number in the loop
for (var i = 0; i < digiList.length; i++) {
(function(num) { < // num here as the argument is actually i
var link = "" + $(digiList).eq(num).find('map').children().attr('href');
var contentURI= link + ' div.row:nth-child(2)';
$('#single').load('grabber.php?url=' + contentURI, function() {
///////////// And I do a bunch of JQuery stuff here, and save stuff into an object
///////////// Aaaand then I call up an ajax request.
url: 'insertDigi.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
digimon: JSON.stringify(digimon)
dataType: 'json',
success: function(msg) {
////////This calls up a script that handles everything and makes an insert into my database.
}); //END ajax
}); //END load callback Function
})(i);// <-- pass in the number from the loop
You can always use synchronous ajax, but there's no good reason for it.
If you know the number of documents you need to download (you can count them or just hardcode if it's constant), you could run some callback function on success and if everything is done, then proceed with logic that need all documents.
To make it even better you could just trigger an event (on document or any other object) when everything is downloaded (e.x. "downloads_done") and listen on this even to make what you need to make.
But all above is for case you need to do something when all is done. However I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly (just read this again).
If you want to download something -> do something with data -> download another thing -> do something again...
Then you can also use javascript waterfall (library or build your own) to make it simple and easy to use. On waterfall you define what should happen when async function is done, one by one.

jQuery onClick pass a variable via GET to URL and load that URL

I know how to pass variables through AJAX calls via onClick to a PHP file and asynchronously loading the results on the initial page.
I now need to analogously pass a variable via onClick to a PHP file but I need to open a new window or redirect the whole page with the passed variable. The URL needs to contain the variable, so that the query/results can be "statically" sent to someone, like 'xyz.php?var=xyz'
I thought I could do something like this
$("#submit").click(function(event) {
var category_id = {};
category_id['linkgen'] = $("#linkgen").val();
type: "GET",
url: "generatedlink.php",
dataType: "html",
data: category_id,
success: function(response){'generatedlink.php');
This only opens 'generatedlink.php'. I actually want what is passed via AJAX, i.e. 'generatedlink.php?linkgen=blabla' onClick in a new window/reloaded page! I'd very much appreciate your help.
just try: without ajax call
$("#submit").click(function(event) {'generatedlink.php?inkgen='+$("#linkgen").val());

Get AJAX data from server before document ready (jQuery)

I want take some data from server and write it to global array in JavaScript. Then in document ready I want to use this array to create some new elements (options). I should have global array with this data, because after first load client can modify user interface using this data.
$(document).ready(function () {
But I have strange behavior, when I debug page, I can see that method MakingInterfaceUsingGlobalArray working first, and just after I get data via AJAX with method UseAjaxQueryForFillGlobalArray and I don't have new interface(html options) with loaded data.
If I do like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
Then in Firefox working fine, but in another web-browsers incorrect in first load (for example go to this page by link). But if I refreshing by F5, I have correct user interface which loaded via AJAX to global JS array.
How to fix it? Maybe I using totally incorrect way?
Added after comments:
This is my ajax function:
function UseAjaxQueryForFillGlobalArray(){
var curUserId = '<%= Master.CurrentUserDetails.Id %>';
var curLocale = '<%= Master.CurrentLocale %>';
type: "POST",
url: "/segment.aspx/GetArrayForCF",
data: '{"userId":"' + curUserId + '","curLocale":"' + curLocale + '"}',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
//here is I doing parse my string from server and fill arrays.
I think that the problem is that you don't know exactly when the first function returns, since it'a asynchronous. So you should use the array in the callback only
function UseAjaxQueryForFillGlobalArray() {
// make the call
$.post(url, data, function() {
// let's be sure that the dom is ready
$(document).ready(function () {
// use the array
}();// invoke the function
It's like reviving this post from the dead, but I had the same problem today, jQuery version greater than 1.6 has this ability:
And I've used it like this:
var remoteJSONContent = null;
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
remoteJSONContent = data;
Without using holdReady, I was getting null, after, I got the content.
For anyone still searching the answer for this.

Load portfolio items with AJAX without reloading the page

I have a bunch of portfolio items sorted as tabs on this page. Link to the site. The site is built with Joomla 2.5 and I have a component that takes care of displaying each portfolio item.
What I need to do is to load each respective portfolio item without reloading the page. So basically here is the javascript function that has the AJAX call
function ajax_portfolio($pid) {
var url = 'index.php?option=com_jms_portfolio&task=item.ajax_load_portfolio&tmpl=component&id=' + $pid;
var x = new Request({
url: url,
method: 'post',
evalScripts: true,
evalResponse: true,
onSuccess: function(responseText){
document.getElementById('ja-content-main').innerHTML = responseText;
The issue in fact is not the AJAX call cause and the click event of tag, there is no problem with this event. The problem is to fire the javascript function aaaa() after each ajax call. Sorry if I was not clear but the problem is to fire the function aaa() after each ajax call, this function creates the slider for each portfolio item.
Remove the existing href attribute of the <a> tags that wrap the images. Then, add the a click handler through javascript to each <a> tag after giving them a unqiue id. This will then cause the ajax to be called when clicking on the images instead of redirecting to a new page.
As for calling the aaa function, I assume the issue is scope since you have not posted the method. To give aaa the correct scope, you can pass an extra parameter to ajax_portfolio to acomplish this.
A JQuery example follows.
<a port_id="56"><img>...</img></a>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function() {
ajax_portfolio($(this).attr("port_id"), $(this));
// Add the $elem parameter here to track which element called this method.
function ajax_portfolio($pid, $elem) {
var url = ...;
var x = new Request({
url: url,
method: 'post',
evalScripts: true,
evalResponse: true,
onSuccess: function(responseText){
document.getElementById('ja-content-main').innerHTML = responseText;
// Pass the element that was clicked on to the aaa function.

