Would JavaScript fare any better had it been multithreaded - javascript

This is a follow up question to Is there a point to multithreading?
If JavaScript were multithreaded, would it fare better than the existing system? Would multithreading with one UI thread and other tasks in different threads (background) bring in greater responsiveness and efficient usage of resources?
Why did the designers of the language decide to stick on to the single threaded model despite the advancements in no of CPUs/machine and the need to simultaneously pull different content and data from different mechanisms. Why are they still ok with the way JavaScript timers work when multithreading can offer far greater accuracy?
I am not trying to pin down JavaScript as inefficient, rather learn how multithreading brings in value in comparison to complexity it introduces to programming

Brendan Eich (Mozilla's chief technical officer) talked about the complexity this would create in "Threads suck".
His conclusion:
"So my default answer to questions such as the one I got at last May's Ajax Experience, "When will you add threads to JavaScript?" is: "over your dead body!"
Using web workers is the alternative.

If JavaScript were multithreaded,
would it fare better than the existing
What are you exactly referring to when you say "the existing system"? The exiting Javascript embedded in your browser? Or standalone Javascript implementations?
I am not trying to pin down JavaScript
as inefficient
A language by itself isn't efficient or inefficient, it's implementation is. :-)
Would multithreading with one UI
thread and other tasks in different
threads (background) bring in greater
responsiveness and efficient usage of
Rhino, the Javascript on JVM in Java can access and use threads and any other Java library, so yes, you can script up an entire Swing application in Javascript and it would work like any other Swing application in Java out there.
Anyways, the question of how multithreading brings value in comparison to the complexity it introduces is not specific to any language as such. There are some languages out there which provide a pretty good wrapper around the multithreading capabilities offered by the runtime, so don't. Multithreading is difficult but more so important these days given that we have multicore processors powering our everyday use desktop machines. :-)

Multithreading would not have made a difference to JavaScript, even now with WebWorkers, we don't need it much for most JS applications. Only now that JS is moving server side and bigger applications are written that are WebWorkers becomming useful and webworkers is infinatly better and easier then multithreading.
Next to webworkers, JS, server side JS in particular is also leaning towards asynchronous processing, further alleviating the need for linear processing.
In the past and even to this day, a majority of client side applications written in JS simply do not need multithreading as JS engines are also getting better and faster with HTML/CSS rendering being boosted by hardware acceleration as well.
And there's another nice thing, with JS (server to client) we can easily move a lot of processing to the client side, basically attaining a huge network of computers to do all the computing without clients needing to install fancy programs (just the browser).


Run business logic using scripting language

We have a web application in which the web pages are built dynamically. Dynamically meaning, the whole UI is stored as JSON in the back-end and the front-end draws the UI accordingly. There are use-cases where the data collection happens across multiple forms. The order in which the forms are displayed depends on the data entered in previous forms.
e.g. Assume the user is viewing form1 and there could be a business logic like if age > 25 show form2 else form3
This is a simple example but it could get much much more complicated. And the logic differs across the clients. This business logic could also be developed by third party developers.
javascript is one of the options to store this business logic. But, the application is being built in Java7 and deployed in Google App Engine. Performance and Security are the important criteria to decide the approach. Following are the approaches that we have considered as of now:
Have a separate NodeJS application and make an API call to execute the business logic
Run Javascript in JavaScript Script Engine which is part of JDK 7
Could you suggest what are the best approaches to executing javascript in a Java application?
Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users.
Here is a link - http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/
Given the global nature of Javascript and the fact that the specific logic you're referring to, I tend to agree with Alex about JS. That said there are complaints about Rhino's performance so I wouldn't recommend that right off. Unless the performance proves horrible for your use case, I'd recommend using the built-in to start out. Then as you know more about your use-case, and specific performance profile, you can shift to a better solution if needed.
Here are some additional thoughts to help you frame the question:
You should run any scripting interpreter open to 3rd parties with a babysitter thread. (i.e., kill them after certain amount of resources consumed--that's not what babysitters should do, but alas...). Any complete scripting language can do a simple "while(true): wait()"
Unless the complexity of the logic is massive (i.e., you said one or two if-then's in your example; this can be handled by any language) language isn't a function of security or performance, but one of comfort and familiarity with those using it--i.e., JavaScript should be easy. If your customization team knows python, then go ahead and use an embedded jython, etc.
I wouldn't spin up separate services for simple customization. Again unless the complexity is massive, an embedded engine would be preferred. Spinning up a separate NodeJS server to run 2-lines of script is a pretty big waste of overhead, devops complexity and maintenance (think of spinning up a dev instance every time to run an if-then) -- it's not that hard, but it could be the reason for a 2-day 24-hour marathon debugging exercise in 2 years when you forget about this, or when you hire a junior dev who doesn't know about this and butchers it...

Javascript and Scientific Processing? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Matlab, R, and Python are powerful but either costly or slow for some data mining work I'd like to do. I'm considering using Javascript both for
speed, good visualization libraries, and to be able to use the browser as an interface.
The first question I faced is the obvious one for science programming, how to do I/O to data files? The second is client-side or server-side? The last question, can I make something that is truly portable i.e. put it all on a USB and run from that?
I've spent a couple of weeks looking for answers. Server2go seems to address client/server needs which I think means I can get data to and from the programs on the client side. Server2go also allows running from a USB. The data files I work with are usually XML and there seem to be several javascript converters to JSON.
However, after all the looking around, I'm not sure if my approach makes sense. So before I commit further, any advice/thoughts/guidance on Javascript as a portable tool for scientific data processing?
I have to agree with the comments that JavaScript is not a good fit for scientific processing. However, you know your requirements best; maybe you already found useful libraries that do what you need. Just be aware that you'll have to implement all logic yourself. There is no built in handling of complex numbers, or matrices or integrals or ... Usually programmer time is far more valuable than machine time. Personally, I'd look in to compiled languages; after I created a first version that isn't fast enough in whatever language I like the most.
Assuming that JavaScript is the way to go:
Data I/O
I can think of three options:
Sending and receiving data with ajax to a server
Seems to be the solution you've found with Server2go. It requires you to write a server back end, but that can be kept quite simple. All it really needs to do be able to read and write files as a response to you client-side application.
Using a non-browser implementation of v8 which includes file I/O
For instance Node.js. You could then avoid the need for a server and simply use a command-line interface, and all code will be JavaScript. Other than that it is roughly equivalent to the first option.
Creating a file object using the file API which you ask the user to save or load
It is the worst option in my opinion, as user interaction is required. It would avoid the need for a server; your application could be a simple html file that loads all data files with ajax requests. You'd have to start Chrome with a special switch to allow ajax requests with the file:// protocol, as described here
These options are only concerned with file I/O and you can't do file I/O in JavaScript. This is because browsers cannot allow arbitrary web code to do arbitrary file I/O; the security implications would be horrendous. Each option describes one way to not do file I/O.
The first communicates with a server that does the file I/O for the client.
The second uses "special" versions of JavaScript, with conditions other than that of the browser so the security implications are not important. But that means you'll have to look up how file I/O is done in the actual implementation you use, it's not common to JavaScript.
The third requires the user to control the file I/O.
Even if you don't use JavaScript to do the actual processing, which so far is the consensus, there is nothing stopping you from using a browser as the interface or JavaScript libraries for visualisation. That is something JavaScript is good at.
If you want to interactively control your data mining tool, you will need a server that can control the tool. Server2go should work, or the built in server in Node.js if you use that or... If you don't need interactive control of the data tool; that is you first generate the processed data, then look at the data a server can be avoided, by using the file//: protocol and JSONP. But really; avoiding a server shouldn't be a goal.
I won't go into detail about interface issues, as there is nothing specific to say and very nearly everything that has been written about javascript is about interface.
One thing, do use a declarative data binding library like Angular.js or Knockout.js.
JavaScript speed is heavily overrated. This is a Web 2.0 myth.
Let me explain this claim a bit (and don't just downvote me for saying something you do not want to hear!)
Sure, JavaScript V8 is a quite highly optimized VM. It does beat many other scripting languages in naive benchmarks.
However, it is a very limited scope language. It is meant for the "ADHS world" of web. It is a best effort, but it may just fail and you have little guarantees on things completing or completing on time.
Consider for example MongoDB. At first it seems to be good and fast and offer a lot. Until you see for example that the MapReduce is single-threaded only and thus really slow. It's not all gold that shines!
Now look at data mining relevant libraries such as BLAS. Basic linear algebra, math operations and such. All CPU manufacturers like Intel and AMD offer optimized versions for their CPUs. This is an optimization that requires detailed understanding of the individual CPUs, way beyond the capabilities of our current compilers. The libraries contain optimized codepaths for various CPUs all essentially doing the same thing.
And for these operations, using an optimized library such as BLAS can easily yield a 5-20x speedup; at the same time matrix operations that are often in O(n^2) or O(n^3) will dominate your overall runtime.
So a good language for data mining will let you go all the way to machine code!
Pythons SciPy and R are good choices here. They have the optimized libraries inside and easily accessible, but at the same time allow to do the wrapper stuff in a simpler language.
Have a look at this programming language benchmark:
Pure JavaScript has a high variance, indicating that it can do some things fast (mostly regular expressions!) others much slower. It can clearly beat PHP, but it will be just as clearly be beaten by C and Java.
Multithreading is also important for modern data mining. Few large systems today have a single core, and you do want to make use of all cores. So you need libraries and a programming language that has a powerful set of multithreading operations. This is actually why Fortran and C are losing popularity here. Other languages such as Java are much better here.
Although this discussion is a bit old and I am not a Javascript guru by any stretch of the imagination, I find the above arguments doubtful about not having the processing speed or the capabilities for advance math operations. WebGL is a Javascipt API for rendering advance 2D and 3D graphics which relies heavily on advance math operations. I believe the capabilities are there from a technical point of view however what is lacking is good libraries to handling statistical analysis, natural language processing and other predictive analytics included in data mining.
WebGL is based on openGL, which in turn uses libraries like BLAS (library info here).
Advances like node.js, w8 make it technically possible. What is lacking is libraries like we can find in R and Scilab to do the same operations.

What are some advantages to using a Javascript-based server over a non-Javascript server?

Disclaimer: This question will be a bit open-ended. I also expect replies to be partly based off of developer preference.
I've been doing some research lately on Express.js (coupled via Node.js) and I'm struggling to find how I would fit either of these technologies into my current workflow for developing websites. Lately I've been working in either Wordpress or Ruby on Rails, the prior will run on Apache, the latter will run on it's own proprietary server (I assume).
Now perhaps I'm just not understanding something, but I fail to see the advantages to enlisting the support of a Javascript-based framework/server. If there are clear cut advantages to making this part of my workflow, what would they be? I haven't been able to find any ways to fit this into (per say) a Rails application or a Wordpress site. Could someone point me in the direction of some better help of implementing these technologies on top of ones I already use?
One last question, what happens if someone has Javascript disabled in their browser? How would a Javascript-based server react (if at all)?
There are two big differences:
Event loop
Node.js is a bit different from the usual Apache concept, because of the way it handles connections. Instead of having synchronous connections, Node uses an event loop to have non-blocking operations. Note that this is not unique to Javascript and there are C and Python based frameworks that also enable a similar event loop approach, however in Javascript it's probably the most natural feeling since this is how JS has worked since it was introduced.
Supposedly, this should enable you to handle more concurrent clients. However, it hasn't had as much real world exposure as the regular blocking solutions so this approach isn't as mature as most current implementations. The actual performance difference is questionable as it depends on the exact requirements for the application.
Code Sharing
This point is much less controversial than the previous difference, but in essence if you have the same language on both the client and the server, you can reuse a lot of the code, instead of having to rewrite your data structures etc in multiple languages, saving you a lot of development time. However, you have to understand that the concepts of server side JS are different from what you know on the browser, such as you don't have dynamic JS with jQuery or Prototype, but it's result and use-cases are more similar to what PHP is widely used for.
The primary advantage of having Javascript as your server-side language is that you're writing your whole system in a single language.
This has advantages in terms of:
Learning curve and mental context switching for the developer
and also in provides some possibility for sharing code between the two environments.
However, this last point is less helpful than it sounds, for a number of reasons, and this is where the disadvantages come in:
Not much code can actually be shared, because of the differences in what the two environments are actually doing. Maybe a bit of validation code, so you know that you're doing the same checks on both client and server, and maybe a few utility functions, but that's about it.
The libraries you use will be completely different between the two as well: jQuery only works on the client, and Node has libraries that are server-specific.
So as a developer, you still need to mentally context switch between environments, because the two environments are different. They may share a language, but their modes of operation are different, and what they do is different. In fact, sharing the language between the two can actually make it harder to context switch, and this can lead to errors.
Finally, it's worth bearing in mind that while Node is getting lots of attention from the developer community, it is still new and evolving quickly: if you're a business considering a it as a development platform, it's probably not quite yet stable enough to base a major project on.

Why and when to use Node.js? [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to decide when to use Node.js?
Sorry if I'm a bit ambiguous, but I'm trying to understand the real advantages of using Node.js instead of other server-side language.
I'm a JavaScript enthusiast, so I'm probably going to play with Node.js, but I want to know if I should use it in my projects.
It's evented asynchronous non-blocking I/O build ontop of V8.
So we have all the performance gain of V8 which is the Google JavaScript interpreter. Since the JavaScript performance race hasn't ended yet, you can expect Google to constantly update performance on V8 (for free).
We have non-blocking I/O which is simply the correct way to do I/O. This is based on an event loop and using asynchronous callbacks for your I/O.
It gives you useful tools like creating a HTTP server, creating a TCP server, handling file I/O.
It's a low level highly performant platform for doing any kind of I/O without having to write the entire thing in C from scratch. And it scales very well due to the non-blocking I/O.
So you want to use Node.js if you want to write highly scaling and efficient applications using non-blocking I/O whilst still having a high level scripting language available. If needed, you can hand optimise parts of your code by writing extensions in C.
There are plenty of OS libraries for Node.js that will give you abstractions, like Express.js and now.
You don't want to use Node.js if you want (slow) high level abstractions to do everything for you. You don't want to use Node.js if you want RAD. You don't want to use Node.js if you can't afford to trust a young platform, either due to having to write large pieces of code yourself to do things that are build into other frameworks or because you can't use Node.js, because the API isn't stable yet or it's a sub 1.0 release.
The two most oft-quoted advantages are:
JavaScript is both server-side and client-side. There are fewer things to learn, less context switching, and the ability to reuse code across the two sides.
Uses non-blocking I/O, and Chrome's V8 engine, to provide fast, highly scalable servers.
For me though, the most interesting part is the amount of activity happening in this area. There are a lot of very interesting ideas under development for node - be sure to check out the list of Node.js modules.
When you're (or even if you are not) a JavaScript enthusiast you can/should use Node.js for a number of reasons:
It's a low-level, lightweight and standalone framework which brings power of JavaScript to the server-side environment.
If you like more higher level abstraction then there is a large number of modules and the npm package manager where you can find wide range of ready-to-use applications.
Fast/unencumbered development process - for example, you don't need tons of additional tools in order to start writing serious stuff.
Big open source based community full of enthusiasts and very talented people.
Made for creating real-time web oriented applications - that's where the (near) future is.
Personally, I'd most likely use Node.js when:
I want to write a server that doesn't use the HTTP protocol.
I'm prototyping a server implementation.
I'm writing a server that isn't expecting a ton of traffic (although I've never profiled a Node.js implementation next to, say, a matching C++ implementation).
I want to get active in the community (which is apparently growing quite rapidly).

Will server-side JavaScript take off? Which implementation is most stable? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone see server-side JavaScript taking off? There are a couple of implementations out there, but it all seems to be a bit of a stretch (as in, "doing it BECAUSE WE CAN" type of attitude).
I'm curious to know if anyone actually writes JavaScript for the server-side and what their experiences with it have been to date.
Also, which implementation is generally seen as the most stable?
I like to read Googler Steve Yegge's blog, and recently I came across this article of his where he argues that Mozilla Rhino is a good solution for server-side JS. It's a somewhat sloppy transcript, you might prefer to watch the video of the talk. It also offers a little bit of insight on why he thinks server-side JS is a good idea in the first place (or rather, why he thinks that it's a good idea to use a dynamic language to script Java). I thought the points he makes were convincing, so you might want to check it out.
A while earlier, he also posted something about dynamic languages in general (he's a big fan of them), just in case you were wondering why to use JS at all.
Why would you want to process
something in Javascript when you can
process it in PHP or ASP.NET which are
designed specifically for this task?
Perhaps because JavaScript is a more powerful programming language than those two? For example, it has functions as first-class data types and support for closures.
Steve Yegge has blogged about porting Ruby on Rails to server-side JavaScript as an internal project within Google ("Rhino on Rails"). He did it because he likes Rails but using Ruby isn't allowed within Google.
Before it was acquired by Google, JotSpot used server-side JavaScript to let you query their database and display your pages. They used Rhino to do it. CouchDB uses server-side JavaScript to create views of their database.
As you can see from these examples, a great way to use JavaScript on the server is for plugins. One of the reasons it's used is that you can create a very isolated sandbox for people to run their code in. Also, because of the way that JavaScript as a language works, you can provide a user tooling specifically honed to the tasks your users need to complete. If you do this right, users don't need to learn a new language to complete their tasks, a quick glance at your API and examples is enough to get them on their way. Compare this to many of the other languages and you can see why using server-side JavaScript to provide a plugin architecture is so enticing.
A secondary popular solution, one which can be seen through a project like Jaxer, is that a common problem of web applications that do client-side validation is that, since JavaScript is easily bypassed in the browser, validation has to be run once again on the server. A system like Jaxer allows you to write some validation functionality that is reusable between both server and client.
Support for JS on the server has been getting stronger and the number of frameworks is getting bigger even faster.
Just recently the serversideJS group was founded. They have a lot of smart people that have been working on serverside JS for years (some of them more then 10).
The goal for this project is to create
a standard library that will
ultimately allow web developers to
choose among any number of web
frameworks and tools and run that code
on the platform that makes the most
sense for their application.
to the people who say "why would you choose JS over java or any other language?" - you should read this Re-Introduction by Crockford and forget about the DOM - the DOM is superugly, but that's not JS fault and JS is not the DOM.
I've never even heard of this, but it strikes me as using the wrong tool for the job. Since programming languages are just tools designed to help us solve some problem.
Why would you want to process something in Javascript when you can process it in PHP or ASP.NET which are designed specifically for this task?
Sure you can pound a nail in with a screw driver, but a hammer works much better because it was actually designed for it...
So no, I don't see it taking off.
Well, plain ol' ASP supported JavaScript server-side years ago and everyone onad their dog used VBShiate instead. But I have to agree with the others: JS does not seem to be the right tool here - and I love to do client-side JS :)
I personally did a whole site in server side JavaScript using ASP. I found it quite enjoyable because I was able to have some good code reuse. This included:
validation of parameters
object modeling
object transport
Coupled with a higher-level modeling tool and code gen, I had fun with that project.
I have no numbers on perf unfortunately, since it is used only on an intranet. However, I have to assume performance is on par with VBScript backed ASP sites.
It seems like most of you are put off by this idea because of how unpleasant the various client-side implementations of Javascript have been. I would check out existing solutions before passing judgment, though, because remember that no particular SS/JS solution is tied to the JS implementations currently being used in browsers. Javascript is based on ECMAScript, remember, a spec that is currently in a fairly mature state. I suspect that a SS/JS solution that supports more recent ECMA specs would be no more cumbersome than using other scripting languages for the task. Remember, Ruby wasn't written to be a "web language" originally, either.
Does anyone see Server-side Javascript
taking off?
Try looking at http://www.appjet.com a startup doing hosted JavaScript applications to get a feel for what you can do. I especially like the learning process which gently nudges the user to build things with a minimal overhead ~ http://appjet.com/learn-to-program/lessons/intro
Now it might seem a weird idea at the moment to use JavaScript but think back when PC's started coming out. Every nerd I knew of was typing away at their new Trash-80's, Commodore64's, Apple ]['s typing in games or simple apps in BASIC.
Where is todays basic for the younger hacker?
It is just possible that JavaScript could do for Web based server side apps as BASIC did for the PC.
XChat can run Javascript plugins.
I've some accounting software completely written in Javascript.
There's this interesting IO library for V8: http://tinyclouds.org/node/
CouchDB is a document database with 'queries' written in Javascript (TraceMonkey).
Considering this, i believe, server-side Javascript did take off.
Server-side programming has been around for a lot longer than client side, and has lots of good solutions already.
JavaScript has survived and become popular purely because developers have very little choice in the matter - it's the only language that can interact with a DOM. Its only competition on the client side is from things like Flash and Silverlight which have a very different model.
This is also why JavaScript has received so much effort to smart it up and add modern features. If it were possible for the whole browser market to drop JavaScript and replace it with something designed properly for the task, I'm sure they would. As it stands Javascript has strange prototype-based objects, a few neat functional programming features, limited and quirky collections and very few libraries.
For small scripts it's fine, but it's a horrible language for writing large complicated systems. That things like Firefox and Gmail are (partly) written in it is a heroic accomplishment on their part, not a sign that the language is ready for real application development.
Flash Media Server is scripted by using Server Side Action Script, which is really just javascript (ECMAScript). So, I do it a lot. In fact, most of my day was dealing with SSAS.
And I hate it. Though to be fair, a bunch of that is more related to the (not so great) codebase I inherited than the actual language.
I think server-side Javascript is guarenteed to take off. Its only a matter of time.
Mozilla, Google, and Adobe have so much vested interest for Javascript that it would take a miracle to dislodge it from the browser world. The next logical step is to move this into the server-side.
This is a step towards moving away from the hodge podge of Internet technology that usually includes all of these
Serverside Language J2EE/ASP/Ruby/Python/PHP
I haven't heard much about the current state of Javascript Server frameworks, except that they are mostly incomplete.
I see server-side js will offer considerable advantages in future applications. Why? Web apps that can go offline, client-side db store, google gears, etc...
Following this trend, more and more logic are moving into the client-side. Use an ORM that works for client-side, and use another on server-side (be it PHP / Ruby / whatever), write your synchronization logic twice in two different languages, write your business logic twice in two different languages?
How about use js on the client AND the server side and write the code once?
Personaly i've been developing and using my own JavaScript framework for about 4 years
The good thing about JS on serverside is that implemented in ASP Classic you don't need
any other plugin or software installed, besides i'm also using my javascript (client)
framework on my server, that allows me to enjoy of the same functionality and proven
performance of my functions at both environments client and serverside.
Not only for data validation, but also lets say HTML or CSS dynamic constructions
can be done client or serverside, at least with my framework.
So far it works fast, i have nothing to complain or regret except its great usability
and scalability that i have been enjoying during this past 4 years, until the point
that i'm changing my ASP Classic code to javascript code.
You can see it in pratice at http://www.laferia.com.do
Node.js has taken off and proven that server-side JavaScript is here to stay =)
I can't see most developers getting over their distaste for client-side JavaScript programming. I'd rather go to Java for server-side stuff before choosing JavaScript.

