PhoneGap Android - javascript

I am new to phonegap and android , i wanted to know how to access/make database through
javascript. and the second thing i want to ask is how to make Graphs just using html, css and javascript.
Every information is thankfully accepted.

First off, it is best to post each question separately.
To answer both your questions: the easy way is to use Google API's. With the Database API of Google Gears, you can "persistently store an application user's data" locally, and with the Google Chart Tools you can create graphs by simpy calling a URL with the right parameters. Both should work from any browser, including mobile.


Printing using Nodejs

I am having a really hard time figuring out how I am going to handle printing in my Nodejs application. I have a website where there is a bunch of purchase numbers. I want the users to print this numbers in a click of a button. These numbers are dynamically generated after querying the database.
I started using this npm library to print the purchase number. When I am developing in my local computer this library is working fine. I made it so that each time the user presses a button in the front end, I make a post request to my Nodejs Server which prints to the printer that I configured locally.
The problem is that I want to eventually deploy my website to Heroku. Website will be used by a group of people sharing the same network and printer. I do not know of a way to set heroku to communicate with the printer using this package.
I also thought that printing directly from the front end might be a better idea, but I have to open google on kiosk mode and then do the same for all the users that are going to use this website. Also, most of the users will be using a tablet device so configuring printer in those devices will be difficult as well.
I did not find anything online that I can use as a reference. Any advice or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
As for nodeJs printing I have no experience. It seems that you can use certain packages to print a pdf as given in the example answer here: Node.js : How to add print job to printer.
As for generating from html to PDF, that should be easy to find, less easy to style correctly though.
I would recommend doing it from HTML (you could still do the PDF conversion for more stable printing results)
As stated, the API is rather limited, you can use window.print to request a print action.
Note though that you have some options to make your life better when calling window.print().
You can create the page in a separate window to get rid of bloat, like navigation etc, or you could actually hide that with css.
You might already be aware of css being included for certain targets e.g. for your website you probably want to use the screen target, but you can create a separate stylesheet for printing.
More info at mozilla

Free Image database, behind website

I am working on a University project.
I have developed a test harness, one of the features of the test harness is visual regression testing.
I am developing a basic website, as a means to displays these generated images programmatically.
My original idea was to use a mongodb database, however after some reading many people advise not using mongodb to store images.
I then tried to use google drive and drop box, however they do not facilitate permanent url's to the stored images. Or in the case of dropbox, these urls are random so not programmatic.
I need to find a way to store these images, programmatically store them using a nodeJS script, programmatically access them using JS.
Any ideas?
You can use Amazon S3 for saving and retrieveing images with permanent url's

Use JS or some applet to create a screenshot in Firefox?

I'm creating a personal home page, due to the fact that iGoogle will be discontinued. One of the things I'm trying to create, is a speed dial-type interface, with website thumbnails as links, and I'd like to automate this process.
I've attempted screenshot automation a few years back with linux and the webkit engine. And it's fine. But my problem is, that I want the screenshots to be from my browser, i.e. my Gmail inbox, not the login page I'd get if attempting a remote screenshot.
I thought of using html2canvas but again, I'd have to load the source of the webpages remotely using a proxy, and that's not what I want. Another attempt of mine, was to load the website in an iframe, extract the source, and pass it on to html2canvas. Unfortunately most websites like google, facebook etc don't allow embeding their websites into iframes, so I'm still stuck.
How do plugins like FoxTab, and SpeedDial make the screenshots from within the browser without popups etc? They do it "browser side" silently, is it possible to duplicate this using just JavaScript? Or is there a way I could accomplish the same in another way, perhaps with a custom addon or something?..
Have you considered using a service like ? is also a great service for that if you want to do it yourself.
Take a look at phatomjs. We use it to take screenshots of all our hosted sites periodically. Phantomjs is a headless Webkit implementation.

Dragging files out of web page into your local disk?

I just read this blog post and it stated that:
Google is now working on reversing the
process -- allowing us to drag files
out of Gmail messages and drop them
onto our local folders.onto our local folders.
My question is: how is this possible?
It isn't — in current browsers.
It will require browsers to implement an API to make it possible and for pages to make use of that API. That, presumably, is what Google is working on.
Google has its own browser so it is possible with Google Chrome.

iphone, uiwebview with JS (google maps API)

two question for you:
reading google documentation i've make an html with the JS for make a google maps api call.
I've put this file in my project, and in a TABView i read and render this file in a uiwebview.
Works great but every time i start my app and go to this view i got this message: "appleweb://someID want to use your current location".
Is my fault or is normal? why my authrization is not saved in position auth?
Second: if i must make some other request on my map and passing new data or refreshing existent data is better that i do this via javascript or there's some option in cocoa to refresh my view?
It is surely not your FAULT, and yes it is normal. user location authorization SHOULD NOT be saved because the next time user launches his app he wont be knowing that his current location is being used (just in case he wants to avoid that for whatever reason).
I dont know the answer to you second question but just a suggestion: why don't you use MapKit API provided by apple instead of going with html and js for google maps? It is pretty easy to use and theres enough documentation and sample codes available on ADC.

