Javascript Conflict with 2 scripts - Need Help! - javascript

If someone could help with a jscript issue I'd be very grateful! I have two scripts for different sections of the page which I'm placing in the head, but are in conflict on the same page and just can't seem to get them to work together. Both are as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function updatesubcat() {
$category = $('topcat').options[$('topcat').selectedIndex].value;
if ($category.match(' redir')) {
window.location.href='/<%=server.HTMLEncode(Session("PublicFranchiseName"))%>/' + $category.replace(' redir','') + '.html';
} {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
//Execute the slideShow, set 4 seconds for each images
function slideShow(speed) {
//append a LI item to the UL list for displaying caption
$('ul.slideshow').append('<li id="slideshow-caption" class="caption"><div class="slideshow-caption-container"><h3></h3><p></p></div></li>');
//Set the opacity of all images to 0
$('ul.slideshow li').css({opacity: 0.0});
//Get the first image and display it (set it to full opacity)
$('ul.slideshow li:first').css({opacity: 1.0});
//Get the caption of the first image from REL attribute and display it
$('#slideshow-caption h3').html($('ul.slideshow a:first').find('img').attr('title'));
$('#slideshow-caption p').html($('ul.slideshow a:first').find('img').attr('alt'));
//Display the caption
$('#slideshow-caption').css({opacity: 0.7, bottom:0});
//Call the gallery function to run the slideshow
var timer = setInterval('gallery()',speed);
//pause the slideshow on mouse over
function () {
function () {
timer = setInterval('gallery()',speed);
function gallery() {
//if no IMGs have the show class, grab the first image
var current = ($('ul.slideshow')? $('ul.slideshow') : $('#ul.slideshow li:first'));
//Get next image, if it reached the end of the slideshow, rotate it back to the first image
var next = (( ? (('id') == 'slideshow-caption')? $('ul.slideshow li:first') : $('ul.slideshow li:first'));
//Get next image caption
var title = next.find('img').attr('title');
var desc = next.find('img').attr('alt');
//Set the fade in effect for the next image, show class has higher z-index
next.css({opacity: 0.0}).addClass('show').animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000);
//Hide the caption first, and then set and display the caption
$('#slideshow-caption').slideToggle(300, function () {
$('#slideshow-caption h3').html(title);
$('#slideshow-caption p').html(desc);
//Hide the current image
current.animate({opacity: 0.0}, 1000).removeClass('show');
This editor is not allowing the script tags - but they are placed obviously at the top and bottom of each script
Any help much appreciated!

If you use jQuery.noConflict(); (as i know) You must use jQuery() instead of $()
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

The $ is a variable that references the jQuery object. I'm guessing the other scripts on the page also use the $ for a variable and this is causing the problem. You'll want to use the jQuery.noConflict() method, but you must assign it to a variable that you'll replace in your code.
var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
This will change your usage from:
$category = $('topcat').options[$('topcat').selectedIndex].value;
to something like this:
$category = jq('topcat').options[$('topcat').selectedIndex].value;
You don't have to use jq like I did, any variable should do the trick. Hope this helps.


Featured slider with new jQuery

I'm trying to run slider with new jQuery because some functions like rotate are deprecated. Slider works fine when page is uploaded and I'm working to load image from clicked tab from right side. When I clicked on tab, current image and current active tab are removed and new image and new active tab are loaded correctly than I call my startSlider(); function again but i'm loosing variable value of i so my startSlider(); running without loading image and active tab background. Please help me to solve this problem. This is slide image:
and this is my jQuery code:
$(function() {
var count = $(".ui-tabs-nav li").length;
var slideSpeed = 5000;
var fadingSpeed = 300;
var i = 1;
var $slider = $('#featured');
var interval;
function startSlider() {
interval = setInterval(function() {
$("#fragment-"+i).fadeOut(fadingSpeed, function() {
a = i+1;
if (i == count) {
a = 1;
i = 0;
$("#fragment-"+a).fadeIn(fadingSpeed, function() {
}, slideSpeed); // End setInterval function
function stopSlider() {
$('.ui-tabs-nav-item > a').click(function(evt){
i = $(this).attr('href'); // href's are values from 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
var id = $(".ui-tabs-active > a").attr('href');
$(".ui-tabs-nav li").removeClass("ui-tabs-active"); // This remove current tab background
$("#fragment-"+id).remove(); // This remove div with current image
$("#fragment-"+i).fadeIn(fadingSpeed, function() {
$(this).addClass("ui-tabs-activated"); // Load new image
$('#nav-fragment-'+i).addClass("ui-tabs-active"); // Set active background
startSlider(); // Start slider again
}); // jQuery function
Well, startslider() is using variable i to fadeout and remove active class, and variable a for fadein and add active class.
After click you are using variable i for fadein and adding active class.
Variable i is global, so when your restart startslider() it will use that i to fadeout.
Also, after click you are removing an element, but in the code your show right now I do not see anything that adds a new element or loads an image.

nivo-lightbox plugin slideIn images onclick of next or previous

I don't know how much people have used this plugin, demo but what I want is to change the default behavior of the plugin to something like animated. Currently, when you click on next or previous button, the images will be just appended without any visual animation. I just want to animate the images while appending! Can anybody suggest any good solution!! Below is the code where appending on the image takes place:
if (href.match(/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$/i) !== null) {
var img = $('<img>', { src: href });'load', function () {
var wrap = $('<div class="nivo-lightbox-image" />');
wrap.append(img); //gets appended here
// Vertically center images
'line-height': $('.nivo-lightbox-content').height() + 'px',
'height': $('.nivo-lightbox-content').height() + 'px' // For Firefox
}).each(function () {
if (this.complete) $(this).load();
OK with any sort of animation
Well I just added a fadeIn after appending which seems to do some sort of animation although which is what I was accepting. Here is what I did:

Creating Image slider using only jQuery

I'm trying to create an image slider using Jquery.
What I have is a main div with 3 sub divs with images.
Take a look at this fiddle. FIDDLE
Ok now i got the design just the way I want it. What is missing is the functionality.
When i hover over the div or the images, I want it to act like a clockwise slider.
This may look a bit confusing. Take a look at this demo. This is what i want.
This is what i want.The right div gets filled with the middle image src , the middle div gets the left div src. The left div get an new src from an array of images i have defined. Currently i can only change one image div at a time.
However I don't want to use any more plugins. Only Jquery plugin. A CSS only solution would be the best but I do not think it will be possible.
$('.maindiv img').mouseover(function () {
var image = this;
loop = setInterval(function () {
if (i < images.length - 1) {
$(image).attr('src', images[i]);
} else {
i = 0;
$(image).attr('src', images[i]);
}, 1500);
EDIT: I managed to get one part of this working. CHECK THIS.Just need to add fade effect Now the problem is after the images in the array end the first images dont loop back... Had not thought of this before.Does Anybody know how i can get over this issue?
Mabye something like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var images = [];
var loop;
var i = 0;
images[0] = "";
images[1] = "";
images[2] = "";
$('img', '.maindiv').mouseover(function () {
//Get divs inside main div and reverse them, so right is first
var divs = $($('div','.maindiv').get().reverse());
//Set up loop
loop = setInterval(function(){
divs.each(function(key, div){
if (divs[key+1])
//All divs gets image src from previous div > img
$('img', div).attr('src', $('img', $(divs[key+1])).attr('src'));
//This is left div
if (images && images[i])
//If picture url not in array then add it
if ($.inArray($('img', div).attr('src'), images) == -1)
images.push($('img', div).attr('src'));
$('img', div).attr('src', images[i]);
if (i>= images.length) i = 0;
}, 1500);

How to make an image slider in javascript

I am implementing an image slider in javascript/jquery.
The demo should work like this.
Anyway I don't won't to rely on because this lib is out of date (the last update is about 8 months ago ).
I decide to make the js code by me.
When clicking on next or prev button I would like to shift the images on the list of one item/image.
The script shifts the items but the display is quite crappy, because the next items is not displayed.
The list is made of 4 images. At the beginning only the first two images are displayed, then when clicking on the next button I would like to display the second and the third image.
Actually the script shows just the first and the second image even if I click on the next button.
Here is the demo:
Here is the code (1)
Any hints how should I fix it?
/*global jQuery */
(function ($) {
var imgs = [
var $list = $('.list-images');
var $slider = $('.slider');
var slideImage = function (direction) {
var unit = 150;
var left = parseInt($slider.attr('left'), 10) || 0;
left = (direction === 'prev') ? left - 150 : left + 150;
$slider.css('left', left + 'px');
$(function () {
$.each(imgs, function (i, img) {
$list.append($('<li>').append($('<img>').attr('src', img)));
$('body').on('click', '.direction', function () {
With the animate function:
$slider.animate({'left': left + 'px'}, 1000);
I'm assuming that you want the shift to be more of an animation. If so, take a look at jQuery's animate. Something like this:
$slider.animate({left: left + 'px'});
That will give it a sliding effect, which what I'm assuming you want :)

Jquery Slideshow load random random image order

I have a simple Jquery slideshow, that fades a list of images one after the other.
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.fadein img:gt(0)').hide();
$('.fadein :first-child').fadeOut(3000)
What I want to do now is to make them randomized. As this slideshow is in the header of my page, every time a user navigates to a different page the slideshow starts from the beginning again.
I want to make it so that the images show in random order.
Any help would be great!
try with this logic
<body onload="document.body.background = '/images/img'+Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+'.jpg';" />
or try with this function
$.fn.randomImage = function (){
var $imageNumber = 8,
// Set the amount of images in the Sprite
$height = $('> div', this).innerHeight(),
$random_num = Math.random() * $imageNumber - 1,
$multiple = Math.round($random_num),
$random = $height * $multiple
{'background-position' : '0px -' + $random + 'px', 'display' : 'block' }
and then
random images
The jQuery plugin I found at
might do the trick. It shuffles all the elements selected. There's also a demo here:
Usage is like $('#imagediv').shuffle();

