Google AJAX Feed API, Dynamic Feed Control and the Japnese Language - javascript

English is fine but for Japanese feeds its showing invalid characters...
why i am getting invalid characters in Japnese feeds?
not in english?
help me fix for japnese feeds..

This is an encoding issue.
You are using (implicit) ISO-8859-1 encoding on your web page. Your AJAX feed serves UTF-8 characters.
This is tricky: I don't think you can make the Google Service deliver its data in the ISO-8859-1 character set. The best way would be to switch your site to UTF-8 - but that may have deeper consequences, and require other changes, especially if you are using a CMS.
Mandatory basic reading: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)


How to check if the input is emoji without using regular expression?

I'm new to web development and just trying to check if the user input contains emojis without using regex for performance reasons.
Is there a way to do it with JavaScript on the front end or by using java on the backend?
Java does not identify emoji as such
The official Unicode Character Database does not identify emoji characters as such, according to Annex A of Unicode® Technical Standard #51 UNICODE EMOJI.
I suppose that is why we do not see any kind of isEmoji method on the Java 13 class, Character.
According to that Annex A, there are emoji-data data files available describing aspects of emoji characters. If you are sufficiently motivated to reliably identify emoji characters, I suggest reading that Technical Note, and consider importing the data from those files to identify the code points of emoji. There may well be ranges of numbers that the Unicode Consortium uses to cluster the emoji characters.
Keep in mind that the Unicode Consortium in recent years has been frequently adding more and more emoji. So you will be chasing a moving target, needing updates.
You may be able to narrow down your ranges with the named ranges of code points defined in Character.UnicodeBlock.
I am guessing that Character.OTHER_SYMBOL may help, as the emoji I perused are so tagged, according to the handy macOS app, UnicodeChecker.
FYI, the Unicode Consortium does publish a list of emoji: Full Emoji List, v12.0.
By the way, the CLDR published by the Unicode Consortium and used by default in recent versions of Java defines how to sort emoji. Yes, emoji have sort-order: human faces before cat faces, and so on. The code points for emoji characters are assigned rather arbitrarily, so do not go by that for sorting.
Instead of trying to blacklist emojis, it'd probably be easier to whitelist the characters you do want to allow. If your site is multilingual, you'd have to add the characters of the languages you want to support. It should be relatively simple to loop over each character of your input and see if it's in the list of valid characters.
You'll want to do your validation on both the frontend and the backend. You want to do the frontend so you can show feedback to the user immediately, and you have to do validation on the backend so that people can't game your system by opening their browser's console or getting creative. Frontend stuff should never be trusted by the server in general.

Automatic superscript chars like © in page with JS?

My client has a problem: their CMS doesn't handle properly symbols like the TM or copyright symbols. they don't have a way to format a superscript symbol
so i was thinking to solve it client-side with JS
what would be the best practice?
how to detect a specific char like © and make it small and align top to the work is associated with?
If the CMS won't handle the copyright symbol (U+00a9), there is something quite wrong with it. Assuming that problem cannot be fixed, you have to "encode" such characters somehow. Under this solution, anyone writing anything or reading anything from the CMS is going to have to be conscious of this encoding, and do the appropriate encoding on the way in and decoding on the way out. This is not a happy path.
For instance, assume the CMS has an editor. How is the user going to input the "special" characters in the editor? Is the editor going to be modified to handle the necessary encoding and decoding?
Anyway, assuming you do decide to go the encoding route, which encoding to choose? Others have suggested encoding using HTML entities such as ©. This is probably not the best solution. First, is assumes the content is always going to be output in an HTML environment. Possibly more importantly, it cannot handle characters which do not have HTML entity encodings. Therefore, using an encoding such as the JS string encoding ("Bad Idea\u00a9") is probably your best bet. If the API to the CMS uses JSON, everything should pretty much work.
Alternative encodings you might consider are URI encoding or BASE64 encoding, but neither seems like a wonderful idea.
Having said that, you seem to be fuzzy on the distinction between character encodings and formatting. You say
> how to detect a specific char like © and make it small and align top
If you already have a real copyright symbol, then you don't need to do anything, because all fonts will already display it correctly. For instance, if you have encoded the copyright symbol in your database as \u00a9 and are sending that down in JSON, it will already be a copyright symbol, and will be displayed correctly.
Or are you proposing to store the copyright symbol in the CMS as the three characters "(c)", and treat that as a copyright symbol for formatting/display purposes? In that case, yes, you would need to detect such sequences and wrap them in a bit of HTML which applies the relevant CSS properties.

After submitting a form with ajax, my utf-8 is not working, why is that? [duplicate]

I'm setting up a new server and want to support UTF-8 fully in my web application. I have tried this in the past on existing servers and always seem to end up having to fall back to ISO-8859-1.
Where exactly do I need to set the encoding/charsets? I'm aware that I need to configure Apache, MySQL, and PHP to do this — is there some standard checklist I can follow, or perhaps troubleshoot where the mismatches occur?
This is for a new Linux server, running MySQL 5, PHP, 5 and Apache 2.
Data Storage:
Specify the utf8mb4 character set on all tables and text columns in your database. This makes MySQL physically store and retrieve values encoded natively in UTF-8. Note that MySQL will implicitly use utf8mb4 encoding if a utf8mb4_* collation is specified (without any explicit character set).
In older versions of MySQL (< 5.5.3), you'll unfortunately be forced to use simply utf8, which only supports a subset of Unicode characters. I wish I were kidding.
Data Access:
In your application code (e.g. PHP), in whatever DB access method you use, you'll need to set the connection charset to utf8mb4. This way, MySQL does no conversion from its native UTF-8 when it hands data off to your application and vice versa.
Some drivers provide their own mechanism for configuring the connection character set, which both updates its own internal state and informs MySQL of the encoding to be used on the connection—this is usually the preferred approach. In PHP:
If you're using the PDO abstraction layer with PHP ≥ 5.3.6, you can specify charset in the DSN:
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:charset=utf8mb4');
If you're using mysqli, you can call set_charset():
$mysqli->set_charset('utf8mb4'); // object oriented style
mysqli_set_charset($link, 'utf8mb4'); // procedural style
If you're stuck with plain mysql but happen to be running PHP ≥ 5.2.3, you can call mysql_set_charset.
If the driver does not provide its own mechanism for setting the connection character set, you may have to issue a query to tell MySQL how your application expects data on the connection to be encoded: SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'.
The same consideration regarding utf8mb4/utf8 applies as above.
UTF-8 should be set in the HTTP header, such as Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8. You can achieve that either by setting default_charset in php.ini (preferred), or manually using header() function.
If your application transmits text to other systems, they will also need to be informed of the character encoding. With web applications, the browser must be informed of the encoding in which data is sent (through HTTP response headers or HTML metadata).
When encoding the output using json_encode(), add JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE as a second parameter.
Browsers will submit data in the character set specified for the document, hence nothing particular has to be done on the input.
In case you have doubts about request encoding (in case it could be tampered with), you may verify every received string as being valid UTF-8 before you try to store it or use it anywhere. PHP's mb_check_encoding() does the trick, but you have to use it religiously. There's really no way around this, as malicious clients can submit data in whatever encoding they want, and I haven't found a trick to get PHP to do this for you reliably.
Other Code Considerations:
Obviously enough, all files you'll be serving (PHP, HTML, JavaScript, etc.) should be encoded in valid UTF-8.
You need to make sure that every time you process a UTF-8 string, you do so safely. This is, unfortunately, the hard part. You'll probably want to make extensive use of PHP's mbstring extension.
PHP's built-in string operations are not by default UTF-8 safe. There are some things you can safely do with normal PHP string operations (like concatenation), but for most things you should use the equivalent mbstring function.
To know what you're doing (read: not mess it up), you really need to know UTF-8 and how it works on the lowest possible level. Check out any of the links from for some good resources to learn everything you need to know.
I'd like to add one thing to chazomaticus' excellent answer:
Don't forget the META tag either (like this, or the HTML4 or XHTML version of it):
<meta charset="utf-8">
That seems trivial, but IE7 has given me problems with that before.
I was doing everything right; the database, database connection and Content-Type HTTP header were all set to UTF-8, and it worked fine in all other browsers, but Internet Explorer still insisted on using the "Western European" encoding.
It turned out the page was missing the META tag. Adding that solved the problem.
The W3C actually has a rather large section dedicated to I18N. They have a number of articles related to this issue – describing the HTTP, (X)HTML and CSS side of things:
FAQ: Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8
Declaring character encodings in HTML
Tutorial: Character sets & encodings in XHTML, HTML and CSS
Setting the HTTP charset parameter
They recommend using both the HTTP header and HTML meta tag (or XML declaration in case of XHTML served as XML).
In addition to setting default_charset in php.ini, you can send the correct charset using header() from within your code, before any output:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
Working with Unicode in PHP is easy as long as you realize that most of the string functions don't work with Unicode, and some might mangle strings completely. PHP considers "characters" to be 1 byte long. Sometimes this is okay (for example, explode() only looks for a byte sequence and uses it as a separator -- so it doesn't matter what actual characters you look for). But other times, when the function is actually designed to work on characters, PHP has no idea that your text has multi-byte characters that are found with Unicode.
A good library to check into is phputf8. This rewrites all of the "bad" functions so you can safely work on UTF8 strings. There are extensions like the mb_string extension that try to do this for you, too, but I prefer using the library because it's more portable (but I write mass-market products, so that's important for me). But phputf8 can use mb_string behind the scenes, anyway, to increase performance.
Warning: This answer applies to PHP 5.3.5 and lower. Do not use it for PHP version 5.3.6 (released in March 2011) or later.
Compare with Palec's answer to PDO + MySQL and broken UTF-8 encoding.
I found an issue with someone using PDO and the answer was to use this for the PDO connection string:
$pdo = new PDO(
In my case, I was using mb_split, which uses regular expressions. Therefore I also had to manually make sure the regular expression encoding was UTF-8 by doing mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8');
As a side note, I also discovered by running mb_internal_encoding() that the internal encoding wasn't UTF-8, and I changed that by running mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8");.
First of all, if you are in PHP before 5.3 then no. You've got a ton of problems to tackle.
I am surprised that none has mentioned the intl library, the one that has good support for Unicode, graphemes, string operations, localisation and many more, see below.
I will quote some information about Unicode support in PHP by Elizabeth Smith's slides at PHPBenelux'14
Wrapper around ICU library
Standardised locales, set locale per script
Number formatting
Currency formatting
Message formatting (replaces gettext)
Calendars, dates, time zone and time
Resource bundles
IDN support
Does not support zend_multibyte
Does not support HTTP input output conversion
Does not support function overloading
Enables zend_multibyte support
Supports transparent HTTP in/out encoding
Provides some wrappers for functionality such as strtoupper
Primary for charset conversion
Output buffer handler
mime encoding functionality
some string helpers (len, substr, strpos, strrpos)
Stream Filter stream_filter_append($fp, 'convert.iconv.ISO-2022-JP/EUC-JP')
MySQL: Charset and collation on tables and on the connection (not the collation). Also, don't use mysql - mysqli or PDO
postgresql: pg_set_client_encoding
sqlite(3): Make sure it was compiled with Unicode and intl support
Some other gotchas
You cannot use Unicode filenames with PHP and windows unless you use a 3rd part extension.
Send everything in ASCII if you are using exec, proc_open and other command line calls
Plain text is not plain text, files have encodings
You can convert files on the fly with the iconv filter
The only thing I would add to these amazing answers is to emphasize on saving your files in UTF-8 encoding, I have noticed that browsers accept this property over setting UTF-8 as your code encoding. Any decent text editor will show you this. For example, Notepad++ has a menu option for file encoding, and it shows you the current encoding and enables you to change it. For all my PHP files I use UTF-8 without a BOM.
Sometime ago I had someone ask me to add UTF-8 support for a PHP and MySQL application designed by someone else. I noticed that all files were encoded in ANSI, so I had to use iconv to convert all files, change the database tables to use the UTF-8 character set and utf8_general_ci collate, add 'SET NAMES utf8' to the database abstraction layer after the connection (if using 5.3.6 or earlier. Otherwise, you have to use charset=utf8 in the connection string) and change string functions to use the PHP multibyte string functions equivalent.
I recently discovered that using strtolower() can cause issues where the data is truncated after a special character.
The solution was to use
mb_strtolower($string, 'UTF-8');
mb_ uses MultiByte. It supports more characters but in general is a little slower.
In PHP, you'll need to either use the multibyte functions, or turn on mbstring.func_overload. That way things like strlen will work if you have characters that take more than one byte.
You'll also need to identify the character set of your responses. You can either use AddDefaultCharset, as above, or write PHP code that returns the header. (Or you can add a META tag to your HTML documents.)
I have just gone through the same issue and found a good solution at PHP manuals.
I changed all my files' encoding to UTF8 and then the default encoding on my connection. This solved all the problems.
if (!$mysqli->set_charset("utf8")) {
printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
} else {
printf("Current character set: %s\n", $mysqli->character_set_name());
View Source
Unicode support in PHP is still a huge mess. While it's capable of converting an ISO 8859 string (which it uses internally) to UTF-8, it lacks the capability to work with Unicode strings natively, which means all the string processing functions will mangle and corrupt your strings.
So you have to either use a separate library for proper UTF-8 support, or rewrite all the string handling functions yourself.
The easy part is just specifying the charset in HTTP headers and in the database and such, but none of that matters if your PHP code doesn't output valid UTF-8. That's the hard part, and PHP gives you virtually no help there. (I think PHP 6 is supposed to fix the worst of this, but that's still a while away.)
If you want a MySQL server to decide the character set, and not PHP as a client (old behaviour; preferred, in my opinion), try adding skip-character-set-client-handshake to your my.cnf, under [mysqld], and restart mysql.
This may cause trouble in case you're using anything other than UTF-8.
The top answer is excellent. Here is what I had to on a regular Debian, PHP, and MySQL setup:
// Storage
// Debian. Apparently already UTF-8
// Retrieval
// The MySQL database was stored in UTF-8,
// but apparently PHP was requesting ISO 8859-1. This worked:
// ***notice "utf8", without dash, this is a MySQL encoding***
// Delivery
// File *php.ini* did not have a default charset,
// (it was commented out, shared host) and
// no HTTP encoding was specified in the Apache headers.
// This made Apache send out a UTF-8 header
// (and perhaps made PHP actually send out UTF-8)
// ***notice "utf-8", with dash, this is a php encoding***
// Submission
// This worked in all major browsers once Apache
// was sending out the UTF-8 header. I didn’t add
// the accept-charset attribute.
// Processing
// Changed a few commands in PHP, like substr(),
// to mb_substr()
That was all!

Javascript Special Characters coming back incorrectly

There is a page where I have certain special characters on and when retrieving values of these via javascript I am getting an odd conversion. The character 'Œ' is coming back as 'R' and its lower case version 'œ' is coming back as 'S'. Is this a limitation of javascript or could it possibly be the browser. This is from testing in firefox. Also this is being retrieved via a repl client (Jssh/MozRepl) so it seems that it could be an issue with these clients themselves rather than the browser.
You likely have an encoding problem somewhere. There are many opportunities to mis-handle the encoding of text. If you post some code, we might be able to help you find it.
Output streams aren't scriptably safe for non-ASCII characters so you will need to wrap the stream in a nsIBinaryOutputStream, a nsIUnicharOutputStream or a nsIConverterOutputStream.

Character Encoding: â?

I am trying to piece together the mysterious string of characters â?? I am seeing quite a bit of in our database - I am fairly sure this is a result of conversion between character encodings, but I am not completely positive.
The users are able to enter text (or cut and paste) into a Ext-Js rich text editor. The data is posted to a severlet which persists it to the database, and when I view it in the database i see those strange characters...
is there any way to decode these back to their original meaning, if I was able to discover the correct encoding - or is there a loss of bits or bytes that has occured through the conversion process?
Users are cutting and pasting from multiple versions of MS Word and PDF. Does the encoding follow where the user copied from?
Thank you
website is UTF-8
We are using ms sql server 2005;
SELECT serverproperty('Collation') -- Server default collation.
SELECT databasepropertyex('xxxx', 'Collation') -- Database default
and the column:
Column_name Type Computed Length Prec Scale Nullable TrimTrailingBlanks FixedLenNullInSource Collation
text varchar no -1 yes no yes SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
The non-Unicode equivalents of the
nchar, nvarchar, and ntext data types
in SQL Server 2000 are listed below.
When Unicode data is inserted into one
of these non-Unicode data type columns
through a command string (otherwise
known as a "language event"), SQL
Server converts the data to the data
type using the code page associated
with the collation of the column. When
a character cannot be represented on a
code page, it is replaced by a
question mark (?), indicating the data
has been lost. Appearance of
unexpected characters or question
marks in your data indicates your data
has been converted from Unicode to
non-Unicode at some layer, and this
conversion resulted in lost
So this may be the root cause of the problem... and not an easy one to solve on our end.
â is encoded as 0xE2 in ISO-8859-1 and windows-1252. 0xE2 is also a lead byte for a three-byte sequence in UTF-8. (Specifically, for the range U+2000 to U+2FFF, which includes the windows-1252 characters –—‘’‚“”„†‡•…‰‹›€™).
So it looks like you have text encoded in UTF-8 that's getting misinterpreted as being in windows-1252, and displays as a â followed by two unprintable characters.
This is an something of an educated guess that you're just experiencing a naive conversion of Word/PDF documents to HTML. (windows-1252 to utf8 most likely) If that's the case probably 2/3 of the mysterious characters from Word documents are "smart quotes" and most of the rest are a result of their other "smart" editing features, elipsis, em dashes, etc. PDF's probably have similar features.
I would also guess that if the formatting after pasting into the ExtJS editor looks OK, then the encoding is getting passed along. Depending on the resulting use of the text, you may not need to convert.
If I'm still on base, and we're not talking about internationalization issues, then I can add that there are Word to HTML converters out there, but I don't know the details of how they operate, and I had mixed success when evaluating them. There is almost certainly some small information loss/error involved with such converters, since they need to make guesses about the original source of the "smart" characters. In my isolated case it was easier to just go back to the users and have them turn off the "smart" features.
The issue is clear: if the browser is good enough, a form in a web page can accept any Unicode character you can type or paste. If the character belongs to the HTML charset, it will be sent as is. If it doesn't, it'll get converted to an HTML entity. SQL Server will perform the appropriate conversion and silently corrupt your data when a character does not have an equivalent.
There's not much you can do to fully fix it but you can make a workaround: let your servlet perform the conversion. This way you have full control about it. You can, for instance, compile a list of the most common non-Latin1 characters users paste (smart quotes, unicode spaces...), which should be fairly easy to identify from context, and replace them with something else better that ?. Or you use a library that makes this for you.
Or you can switch your DB to Unicode :)
you're storing unicode data that uses 2 bytes per charcter into a varchar type columns that uses 1 byte per character. any text that uses 2 bytes per chars will have 1 byte lost when stored in the db.
all you need to do is change varchar column to nvarchar.
and then change sql parameters you're using in code of course.

