jquery click event is overridden when new object is created - javascript

I am writing an Ajax application which uses a callback function to add a card to a players hand. the object is created correctly and the menu for each object is also created correctly.
when created the DOM object, in the callback function i use to add the object, i have some code like this:
it works when the first card is created, but after i draw the second card, clicking on the first one causes it to now open up the menu for the second card. and after the second card is played (and i delete its menu) clicking on any card does nothing until a new card is drawn once again.
this basically is what i am doing in the callback handler for ajax.
function displayDrawnCardInHand(data){
var newCard = document.createElement('div');
//set some stuff on newCard
//and then add the cardyourHand = document.getElementById('hand'); yourHand.appendChild(newCard);
var cardMenu = document.createElement('div'); cardMenu.id= 'cardDiag' + data[cardNum];
//and then add the cardMenu to the DOM and call the click hander

Now I see your problem: cardNum will always be evaluated for each click event, so it will be the same for each card no matter what the value was when you first assigned the click event. You'll have to store it in the #card as a data value:
num = $(this).data("num");
})).data("num", cardNum);

Provide more code
Use Firebug (your HTML may be getting borked)
Also, I would recommend doing something like binding the event outside the $.ajax call:
$("div[id^=card]").live('click', function() { /* do binding */ });


Bind Clicked Object to Callback

I'm using the Modaal library and want to dynamically load the content of the modal via Ajax, which requires sending the ID for each clicked item through to the callback.
I think I need to bind the clicked element to the modaal function, but am not sure how. I think that jQuery's on method.
Without binding, the popup works (but data is not updated for each item):
var info_popup = $('.info-popup');
after_open: function(ev){
When I bind the function, it returns the data, but a second click is required to launch the modal:
$('.info-popup').on('click', function() {
var unique_id = $(this).data('unique_id');
return $(this).modaal({
after_open: function(ev){
So I'm thinking I need to somehow forward the clicked status to Modaal, but not sure how.
I can achieve this by setting the start_open parameter in Modaal to true, but not sure if this is an elegant approach, and would like to see how it would be done from outside of Modaal.

JQuery behavior of text() vs .parent().html() for subsequent changes

I had a scenario in my code where I was previously updating a div using element.text(data) every time a button was clicked.
I've since updated this, because I need to pass html into the div now instead of text. As such, the call is now element.parent().html(data).
It works correctly the first time the button is clicked, but seems to have the unintended side-effect of only ever allowing me to update it once, now. I changed it back to .text() just to be certain, and sure enough I was able to click my button multiple times with different content, and get that content in there. Unique content just won't make any updates via that parent().html(). Can someone explain what's going on here?
Here's the code that works every time:
//[... gets some parameters in here ...]
$.post("myfile.php", {argument = list, goes = here}, function(data){
$("#subcount").text("Submission Count: " + data);
And here's the code that only fires once:
//[... gets some parameters in here ...]
$.post("myfile.php", {argument = list, goes = here}, function(data){
Unless data includes an element with id subcount, after changing the parent HTML, the target will no longer exist.
Try wrapping your data string in:
<div id = "subcount">....</div>
Then you will have a target for the next button click.

jsPlumb: Can't click() on a div inside a div that acts as a jsPlumb source/target

I'm using jsPlumb. My current functionality lets me create a .project div that can then have .task divs inside it. The .project div has 3 clickable buttons which all work using jQuery and the .tasks inside the .project have a single close button which also works.
As can we seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/9yej6/3/
(click the add project button then click on the green project and try to click on the X near some task - an alert should pop up)
However, whenever I try to make the .tasks a makeTarget/makeSource using jsPlumb it surpasses (probably not the best word) any other event done by jQuery. That is when I click on the X icon of the .task it instead acts as if I click on the .task itself and tries to create jsPlumb's bond.
As can be seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/9yej6/4/
So the following line no longer works (note I'm using the on() function since the .project/.task divs are dynamically created):
$("#container").on('click','.task .close',function(e) {
alert('a task`s add was clicked');
Initially the addTask() function was (which worked, but you can't add jsPlumb bonds):
function addTask(parentId, index) {
var newState = $('<div>').attr('id', 'state' + index).addClass('task');
var close = $('<div>').addClass('close');
var title = $('<div>').addClass('title').text('task ' + index);;
But when I add the makeTarget()/makeSource() calls to it, it seems to surpass any other jQuery event handling. Where my new addTask() function becomes:
function addTask(parentId, index) {
var newState = $('<div>').attr('id', 'state' + index).addClass('task');
var close = $('<div>').addClass('close');
var title = $('<div>').addClass('title').text('task ' + index);;
jsPlumb.makeTarget(newState, {
anchor: 'Continuous'
jsPlumb.makeSource(newState, {
anchor: 'Continuous'
You can also use the filter parameter to specify what element to be included for the object drag.
See my complete answer here.
jsPlumb.makeSource("foo", {
Above means, don't interfere with operations related to a (anchor tag).
As mentioned,
$("#container").on('click','.task .close',function(e) {
alert('a task`s add was clicked');
This code doesn't work becasue you have made the '.task' element as either target or source part of jsPlumb hence the mouse events will be handled by jsPlumb which prevents the default event handling(jQuery or pure JS) of those elements.
In such case you need to create a small rectangle DIV(refer image) from where the user can drag the connection instead of an entire DIV.

jQuery: Get reference to click event and trigger it later?

I want to wrap an existing click event in some extra code.
Basically I have a multi part form in an accordion and I want to trigger validation on the accordion header click. The accordion code is used elsewhere and I don't want to change it.
Here's what I've tried:
//Take the click events off the accordion elements and wrap them to trigger validation
$('.accordion h1').each(function (index, value) {
var currentAccordion = $(value);
//Get reference to original click
var originalClick = currentAccordion.click;
//unbind original click
//bind new event
currentAccordion.click(function () {
//Trigger validation
if ($('#aspnetForm').valid()) {
current = parseInt($(this).next().find('.calculate-step').attr('data-step'));
//Call original click.
jQuery throws an error because it's trying to do this.trigger inside the originalClick function and I don't think this is what jQuery expects it to be.
EDIT: Updated code. This works but it is a bit ugly!
//Take the click events off the accordion elements and wrap them to trigger validation
$('.accordion h1').each(function (index, value) {
var currentAccordion = $(value);
var originalClick = currentAccordion.data("events")['click'][0].handler;
currentAccordion.click(function (e) {
if ($('#aspnetForm').valid()) {
current = parseInt($(this).next().find('.calculate-step').attr('data-step'));
$.proxy(originalClick, currentAccordion)(e);
I think this:
var originalClick = currentAccordion.click;
Isn't actually doing what you think it is - you're capturing a reference to the jQuery click function, rather than event handler you added, so when you call originalClick() it's equivalent to: $(value).click()
I finally came up with something reliable:
// get all our click events and store them
var x = $._data($(this)[0], "events");
var y = {}
for(i in x.click)
y[i] = x.click[i].handler;
// stop our click event from running
// re-add our click event with a confirmation
if(confirm("Are you sure?"))
// if they click yes, run click events!
for(i in y)
return true;
// if they click cancel, return false
return false;
This may seem a bit weird (why do we store the click events in the variable "y"?)
Originally I tried to run the handlers in x.click, but they seem to be destroyed when we call .off("click"). Creating a copy of the handlers in a separate variable "y" worked. Sorry I don't have an in depth explanation, but I believe the .off("click") method removes the click event from our document, along with the handlers.
I'm not a jQuery user, but in Javascript, you can set the context of the this keyword.
In jQuery, you use the $.proxy() method to do this.
$.proxy(originalClick, value);
Personally, I'd look at creating callback hooks in your Accordion, or making use of existing callbacks (if they exist) that trigger when opening or closing an accordion pane.
Hope that helps :)
currentAccordion.click is a jQuery function, not the actual event.
Starting with a brute-force approach, what you'd need to do is:
Save references to all the currently bound handlers
Unbind them
Add your own handler, and fire the saved ones when needed
Make sure new handlers bound to click are catched too
This looks like a job for an event filter plugin, but I couldn't find one. If the last point is not required in your application, then it's a bit simpler.
Edit: After some research, the bindIf function shown here looks to be what you'd need (or at least give a general direction)

Passing argument to JS function from link onclick

I have a link that looks like this:
<a id="mylink" onclick="deleteHike( 3 );" href="javascript:void(0);">Yes</a>
It is able to call this JavaScript:
window.onload = function()
//Get a reference to the link on the page
// with an id of "mylink"
var a = document.getElementById("mylink");
//Set code to run when the link is clicked
// by assigning a function to "onclick"
a.onclick = function( hike_id )
// Somecode her
// But when I try to use the hike_id it displays as [object MouseEvent]
But the value that comes in is [object MouseEvent], not the number that I was expecting. Any idea why this happens and how to fix this? :)
You are trying to assign the function to your link in two different and conflicting ways.
Using the eval-ed function string, onclick = "function(value)", works but is deprecated.
The other way of binding the click handler in the onload event works too, but if you want a particular value to be passed, you'll have to change your script a bit because the value as given in the initial onclick is completely lost when you set the onclick to a new function.
To make your current method work, you don't need an onload handler at all. You just need this:
function deleteHike(hike_id) {
// Some code here
To do it the second way, which I recommend, it would look like this:
<a id="mylink" href="javascript:void(0);">Yes</a>
with this script:
function deleteHike(e, hike_id) {
// Some code here
// e refers to the event object which you can do nifty things with like
// - learn the actual clicked element if it was a parent or child of the `this` element
// - stop the event from bubbling up to parent items
// - stop the event from being captured by child items
// (I may have these last two switched)
function getCall(fn, param) {
return function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
e.preventDefault(); // this might let you use real URLs instead of void(0)
fn(e, param);
window.onload = function() {
var a = document.getElementById("mylink");
a.onclick = getCall(deleteHike, 3);
The parameter of a DOM event function is the event object (in Firefox and other standards-compliant browsers). It is nothing in IE (thus the need to also grab window.event). I added a little helper function for you that creates a closure around your parameter value. You could do that each time yourself but it would be a pain. The important part is that getCall is a function that returns a function, and it is this returned function that gets called when you click on the element.
Finally, I recommend strongly that instead of all this, you use a library such as jQuery because it solves all sorts of problems for you and you don't have to know crazy JavaScript that takes much expertise to get just right, problems such as:
Having multiple handlers for a single event
Running JavaScript as soon as possible before the onload event fires with the simulated event ready. For example, maybe an image is still downloading but you want to put the focus on a control before the user tries to use the page, you can't do that with onload and it is a really hard problem to solve cross-browser.
Dealing with how the event object is being passed
Figuring out all the different ways that browsers handle things like event propagation and getting the clicked item and so on.
Note: in your click handler you can just use the this event which will have the clicked element in it. This could be really powerful for you, because instead of having to encode which item it was in the JavaScript for each element's onclick event, you can simply bind the same handler to all your items and get its value from the element. This is better because it lets you encode the information about the element only in the element, rather than in the element and the JavaScript.
You should just be able to declare the function like this (no need to assign on window.onload):
function deleteHike(hike_id)
// Somecode her
// But when I try to use the hike_id it displays as [object MouseEvent]
The first parameter in javascript event is the event itself. If you need a reference back to the "a" tag you could use the this variable because the scope is now the "a" tag.
Here's my new favorite way to solve this problem. I like this approach for its clarity and brevity.
Use this HTML:
<a onclick="deleteHike(event);" hike_id=1>Yes 1</a><br/>
<a onclick="deleteHike(event);" hike_id=2>Yes 2</a><br/>
<a onclick="deleteHike(event);" hike_id=3>Yes 3</a><br/>
With this JavaScript:
function deleteHike(event) {
var element = event.target;
var hike_id = element.getAttribute("hike_id");
// do what you will with hike_id
if (confirm("Delete hike " + hike_id + "?")) {
// do the delete
console.log("item " + hike_id + " deleted");
} else {
// don't do the delete
console.log("user canceled");
This code works because event is defined in the JavaScript environment when the onclick handler is called.
For a more complete discussion (including why you might want to use "data-hike_id" instead of "hike_id" as the element attribute), see: How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags.
These are alternate forms of the HTML which have the same effect:
<a onclick="deleteHike(event);" hike_id=4 href="javascript:void(0);">Yes 4</a><br/>
<button onclick="deleteHike(event);" hike_id=5>Yes 5</button><br/>
<span onclick="deleteHike(event);" hike_id=6>Yes 6</span><br/>
When you assign a function to an event on a DOM element like this, the browser will automatically pass the event object (in this case MouseEvent as it's an onclick event) as the first argument.
Try it like this,
a.onclick = function(e, hike_id) { }

