JavaScript object oncreate event like in win32 api programming - is it possible - javascript

I want to monitor object creation.
For example, I want to dynamically change some https links to http using JavaScript.
I can do it in the page onload event by fetching all object anchors and can replace the href,
but I want to do that at the instance of the object creation instead of waiting till the page has loaded. So to prevent users from clicking any link which had already appeared at the top of the page and if the page is taking some time to load then the URL would have had replaced to my desired path. so that is the reason I want to change the href to a different URL or replace https to http.
I haven't heard or read about on create event so I am posting it here. People should have alternatives or other options which we have not yet heard, read or used.

Are you sure JavaScript is the right way to go here?
Don't you have access to the server side, to just change the links there?
Because users with JS disabled would still see and use https, I don't think you should tackle the problem using JS.


jQuery: Log all page interaction

I am looking to build an in-house debugging system so we can see how users react to certain things.
What would be the best way to communicate all mouse clicks, moves, etc. back to the server?
One way I've thought of is to run a bind on body for everything and then just add it to an array which is sent at page unload, but I figured this could seriously kill a browser if the user has decided to click everything in sight or has sat there in work for 4 hours just moving his mouse on the page.
Ideally I want to avoid web sockets.
I'm sure this has been done before so I'd love to know how it's been done.
For those of you wondering, I used the answer found here (How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?)
as a wrapper, with a combination of #hallleron's approach - storing the values in a string separated by | firing off AJAX queries every 3.5 seconds, then setting the array back to null. On page unload, the AJAX query fires one final time.
I'm also considering making the unload script dynamically create an iFrame with (again) a dynamically generated form and contents which auto posts the contents, just in case the AJAX hangs for whatever reason.
All array strings use their own CSRF token and have a randomly generated ID for the client side which is then hashed on the server side and is used to check if that has already been sent, just to stop any possible double AJAX requests.
On the server side, it is stored using ARCHIVE Engine Type and also INSERT DELAYED Insert method.
Eventually I'll probably move the logging system to its own EC2/RDS group.
The reasoning behind all this is to be able to see the most popular features of the website, who is clicking where (say if there's 2 home buttons, which one is more popular, etc.)
Hope this helps anyone else stuck in this predicament.

How to determine the ID of the invoking button or open taskpane from inside office-JS

I have an Excel javascript addin that creates multiple buttons on the ribbon, and each button invokes a taskpane. The javascript code that these buttons need to execute is the same except for a single line deep in the callstack that determines the server address we send the next request off to when we're populating the taskpane. I'd like to know what the easiest way is to tell which button the user pushed to get to where we are; I'd prefer to avoid sending different javascript to the client for the second button if possible.
In the Addin's manifest, I've set a unique ID for the button and the taskpane - is there any way to access either of these from the javascript? I've found Office.context.ui but it doesn't seem to contain any information about the current UI context.
The ID of the button isn't surfaced during the click event. It is however an interesting suggestion. I would suggest you add to the Office Developers UserVoice.
When I've run into similar use cases, we've typically approached it by creating two distinct URIs. Each button simply points to it's own URI. When that URI launches however, it immediately redirects to the primary application page. In order to maintain the execution path, we include a query parameter that tells the main app page where it came from. You could use this same model to pass along which button was pushed in the ribbon.
If you go this route, make sure you initial URI contains it's own Office.initialize implementation. You can use this method to execute the navigation to the main page. Without it you may run into issues as Office assumes each add-in page implements Office.initialize.

Mean Stack Application: Page does not rerender on refresh, but returns only JSON

I'm currently designing a MEAN.js web application, and for some reason, whenever I refresh the page on a route or window.reload, it does not rerender the page, but only returns the JSON file found at that current route.
For example, when I'm at localhost:8080/people:
If I click here from the main page, I get
But if I hit refresh or reload the page for whatever reason I get
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?
Presumably you are using what Angular call's html5Mode routing.
This uses pushState and friends. These are browser features designed to allow you to build a web app which has what appear to be separate pages with unique, real URLs but when you change the page you actually modify the DOM of the current page (to State B) instead of loading a new one from scratch.
The design intention for pushState and friends is that if you request the unique, real URL that maps onto State B then the server will provide the browser with the HTML for State B directly.
This means that:
if you arrive on the site without going to the homepage first, then you
load the content you are trying to load directly (which is faster than loading the homepage and then modifying it with JavaScript).
if you arrive on the site without JavaScript working (which could be for many reasons, then everything still works. See also Progressive Enhancement and Unobtrusive JavaScript.
What you've done wrong is that your URLs are mapping onto your JSON based API instead of server side processes that generate the pages.
You need to write the server side processes. You could consider using the Accept header to allow them to share URLs with the API (so the server returns either JSON or HTML depending on what the client says it accepts).

Get parameter from another page using javascript?

I have a wordpress site, and i'm not a php developer and not very eager to start either so I'm avoiding it like the plague, but I do have a requirement that requires a little bit of extra coding. I need to:
go to a different website,
download that page,
check for a certain phrase,
if phrase exists, extract a link from that page
and if link is returned I need to show that link on my wordpress site.
Currently, I have an page that does this and i'm hosting that page in an iframe on my wordpress site. but i'd like to do it without an iframe.
Question is, is there anyway for javascript to go to a different page (my page) and get a parameter (link) from it. If link is provided i will show certain content on wordpress site.
Or can javascript download a text file from the server? problem with that is i need a trigger to update the text file.
Any advice is appreciated.
What you should understand is that by "avoiding [PHP] like the plague" you're inadvertently avoiding the proper way of doing things. Javascript is a client-side language, and PHP is a server-side language. By asserting that you only want the load on the client's end (the kind of logic involved in what you want to do isn't exactly lightweight), you can potentially end up with a VERY slow webpage.
Not to mention, this type of situation is analogous to using a hammer to do a backhoe's job.
Either way, to answer your question, yes. You can use the jQuery Load method in tandem with Javascript's Match method.
What you should TRY to do, however, is make a CURL request using PHP, and then cache the page on your server. By doing this, you will limit the number of calls to a given page, and optimize load times.
Please consider the second option, even as an attempt in good practice. Good luck.
Use ajax and connect to a different page (on your server) which is written in server-sided language (like, as you said), that connects to the remote website.
More about Ajax

How can I scrape an ASP.NET site that does all interaction as postbacks?

Using Python, I built a scraper for an ASP.NET site (specifically a Jenzabar course searching portlet) that would create a new session, load the first search page, then simulate a search by posting back the required fields. However, something changed, and I can't figure out what, and now I get HTTP 500 responses to everything. There are no new fields in the browser's POST data that I can see.
I would ideally like to figure out how to fix my own scraper, but that is probably difficult to ask about on StackOverflow without including a ton of specific context, so I was wondering if there was a way to treat the page as a black box and just fire click events on the postback links I want, then get the HTML of the result.
I saw some answers on here about scraping with JavaScript, but they mostly seem to focus on waiting for javascript to load and then returning a normalized representation of the page. I want to simulate the browser actually clicking on the links and following the same path to execute the request.
Without knowing any specifics, my hunch is that you are using a hardcoded session id and the web server's app domain recycled and created new encryption/decryption keys, rendering your hardcoded session id (which was encrypted by the old keys) useless.
You could try using Firebugs NET tab to monitor all requests, browse around manually and then diff the requests that you generate with ones that your screen scraper is generating.
If you are just trying to simulate load, you might want to check out something like selenium, which runs through a browser and handles postbacks like a browser does.

