Javascript - filling textboxes with checkbox value - javascript

In my web application, I've set of checkboxes which on check populate a textbox above them.(If more than one checkbox is selected, then their values appear in the textbox separated by commas).
These set of checkboxes appear as rows in my HTML table.
Here's my HTML code.
<input type="text" id="newContactComment<%=rCount %>" name="newContactComment" size="45">
<input type="checkbox" id="commentText<%=rCount %>" name="commentText" value="<%=c.getComment_text() %>"
And the corresponding JS function is as follows:
function updateTextArea(rCount) {
var allVals = new Array();
$("#contactInfo input['commentText' + rCount]:checked").each(function() {
$("#newContactComment" + rCount).val(allVals);
The rCount variable in the above function is the row # of my table.
Using this above, I'm not getting the expected behaviour..
For ex. If for row 1 of my table, I check chkbox 1 and 2, it correctly gets populated with values of those checkboxes. Now, for 2 of my table, I check only chkbox 3, it gets populated with the values 1,2 and 3 and not only 3 as I expect it to.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

It would be better to use jQuery to set an event handler rather than setting it inline.
You want to use the onchange event not the onclick event.
If you add class names of checkboxes (or whatever you want) to the checkboxes the following will work:
$("input.checkboxes").change(function(){ //when checkbox is ticked or unticked
var par = $(this).closest("tr")[0];
var parID =;
var patt1=/([0-9]+)$/g;
var rCount = parID.match(patt1); //Gets number off end of id
var allVals = new Array();
//Get all checkboxes in current row that are checked
$(par).find("td input.checkboxes:checked").each(function() {
$("#newContactComment" + rCount).val(allVals);
allVals = null; //empty array as not needed
I believe this or something along these lines will do what you want

You're trying to use the rCount variable from within the quoted string. Try this instead:
$("#contactInfo input['commentText" + rCount + "']:checked")


Dynamically update form id values using a loop

I have a form a field called Name and with a field's id as:
'id_Name_set-0' on row 0
'id_Name_set-1' on row 1
'Name_set-0','Name_set-1' are set automatically when the rows are created.
I'm trying to autofill the Name field with the name entered on row 0.
My first approach was:
This works fine since i hard-coded the values 0,1,2...but i want to dynamically update those values using a loop.
You can filter your inputs using $('input[id^="id_Name_set-"]'), get the total number of them, and then just skip the first (number 0) one in the loop.
var totalDivs = $('input[id^="id_Name_set-"]').length;
for(var i = 1; i < totalDivs; i++)
$("#id_Name_set-" + i).val(i);
Obviously adapt the above to your needs such as setting all the inputs to the value of the first input. It's only an example of how to achieve it.
Use JQUERY for this, first get all inputs and set each loop on it. will get the id of which input where use inputs.
<script src=""></script>
<input id="input1"/>
<input id="input2"/>
<input id="input3"/>
<input id="input4"/>

Get X and Y position after searching an element in a HTML table

I'm having troubles thinking a solution to this problem.
I have this table and a JSON like this one:
I need to search on the table the id of the person (which in this case is "e-123") and search on the first row the initials of the subject and put the grade on the X and Y position.
The result of the example above should be something like this
Any idea how to do this?
Need to search through the heading inputs to get a column index and search through the user id inputs to get a row index then use eq() method to isolate the one you need to update
var $subjectInput = $('tr').first().find('input').filter(function() {
return this.value === data.subject_initials
var $idInput = $('tr').find('td:eq(1) input').filter(function() {
return this.value.toLowerCase() ===
var colIdx = $subjectInput.parent('td').index();
var rowIdx = $idInput.closest('tr').index();
Adding some additional classes on these 2 types of inputs would help make the selectors for finding them easier
If the rows are generated dynamically adding an ID to the row and course name class to the data entry inputs you could simplify the whole thing immensely
<tr id="e-123">
<input class="form-control course_IN">
$('#' +'input.course_' + data.subject_initials).val(data.grade)

Changing input box also need to find check box checked or not in JS

I have input box along with checkbox in table <td> like below,
<input class="Comment" type="text" data-db="comment" data-id="{{uid}}"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="summary" title="Check to set as Summary" />
Based on check box only the content of input box will be stored in DB.
In the JS file, I tried like
var updateComment = function( eventData )
var target =;
var dbColumn = $(target).attr('data-db');
var api = $('#api').val();
var newValue = $(target).val();
var rowID = $(target).attr('data-id');
var summary = $('#summary').is(':checked');
params = { "function":"updatecomments", "id": rowID, "summary": summary };
params[dbColumn] = newValue; api, params);
But the var summary always returning false.
I tried so many ways prop('checked'),(#summary:checked).val() all are returning false only.
How to solve this problem?
Looks like you have multiple rows of checkboxes + input fields in your table. So doing $('#summary').is(':checked') will return the value of first matching element since id in a DOM should be unique.
So, modify your code like this:
<input class="Comment" type="text" data-db="comment" data-id="{{uid}}"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="summary" title="Check to set as Summary" />
And, instead of $('#summary').is(':checked'); you can write like this:
var summary = $(target).parent().find(".summary").is(':checked');
By doing this, we are making sure that we are checking the value of checkbox with the selected input field only.
Update: For listening on both the conditions i.e. when when checking checkbox first and then typing input box and when first typing input box and then checked:
Register the change event for checkbox:
// Whenever user changes any checkbox
$(".summary").change(function() {
// Trigger the "change" event in sibling input element
You have missed the jQuery function --> $
('#summary') is a string wrapped in Parentheses. $ is an alias for the jQuery function, so $('#summary') is calling jquery with the selector as a parameter.
My experience is that attr() always works.
var chk_summary = false;
var summary = $("#summary").attr('checked');
if ( summary === 'checked') {
chk_summary = true;
and then use value chk_summary
Change all the occurrences of
because event object has a property named target.
And you should have to know change event fires when you leave your target element. So, if checkbox is checked first then put some text in the input text and apply a blur on it, the it will produce true.
Use like this
var summary = $('#summary').prop('checked');
The prop() method gets the property value
For more details, please visit below link.

Get Id of table row if it is checked?

I have a datatable containing a list of Cars. each row in the html contains a Car ID. I have added checkbox column to the first cell in my datatable - if it is checked the row is highligted to indicate to the user they have selected that row. What I waht to do is get all the IDs of all the cars a user has selected on clicking a button on the page. (also there are other columns in the table row where I have checkboxes (i.e - a Manual column or an Automatic column which will somtime be checked - like in column 5 ot 6 in the table)
so this is part of the cshtml for my page..
#foreach (var car in Model.Cars)
<tr carId="#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => car.CarID)">
<td class="table-data">
<input id="SelectIndividual" name="Select" type="checkbox" />
//more stuff set in other tds in table
Then this is the JS I have for the page so far.
$('#GetSelectedCars').click(function (event) {
var cars= new Array();
carsListTable.find("tr").each(function (index, para) {
$('tr').find('td:input:checked:first').each(function () {
var car= new Object();
car.ID = $(this).parent().parent().attr("carId");
var jsonString = $.toJSON(cars);
I want to then return the json string to my controller (I do this by passing the value into a hidden field on my model and then deserialize - but at the minute I am getting it as empty. My problem is getting the best way to get the id from the row if it is checked?
You can use the selectors :checkbox:checked and use the to convert the array. The jQuery.closest() method will give the closest ancestor matching the given selector.
var cars = carsListTable.find('.table-data :checkbox:checked').map(function(i, v){
return {
ID : $(v).closest('tr').attr('carId')
Demo Fiddle
Note: The id of elements should be unique in a document so the id of the checkbox should be removed or has to be suffixed or prefixed by a dynamic value like the car id.
First, you should use class instead id for elements that will be present more than once. I suggest change #SelectIndividual for .SelectIndividual on the checkbox input). Another thing you should change is the carId attribute, because is not semantic valid. You should use custom data attributes instead. This is how your code should look like:
#foreach (var car in Model.Cars)
<tr data-carID="#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => car.CarID)">
<td class="table-data">
<input id="SelectIndividual" name="Select" type="checkbox" />
$('#GetSelectedCars').click(function (event) {
var cars= new Array();
$('SelectIndividual:checked').each(function () {
var car= new Object();
car.ID = $(this).parent().parent().data('carID');
//keep doing things
I would suggest to use the data-* attributes that are valid HTML5 as well as the methods for the id of the car.
Can you assign a class to all checkboxes in first column and then try this
$('.cbClass:checked').each(function () {
tr = $(this).closest('tr');
// use the row

Update hidden input value with onclick event from ajax drop down menu

I'm working with MachForm and have this hidden field that I've added:
<input type="hidden" name="element_273_price" value="">
I've integrated an ajax drop down menu that allows for an onclick event to be fired. I'd like the hidden field above to have a value inputted after the onclick event (onclick would tell the hidden field what the item was and price for that item) so that I can then pass it along through the rest of the JavaScript for the updating of the price on screen.
Here's my code for calculating a text box:
$('#main_body li[data-pricefield="text"]').delegate('input.text','keyup mouseout change', function(e) {
var temp = $(this).attr("id").split('_');
var element_id = temp[1];
var ordered = (document.getElementById("element_" + element_id).value);
var price = $(this).data('pricedef');
var price_value = price * ordered;
price_value = parseFloat(price_value);
price_value = 0;
$("#li_" + element_id).data("pricevalue",price_value);
Try to put in your php file:
'onlick' => '$("element_'.$yourelementid.'_price").val("'.$data['price'].'");'
Then you'll have in your javascript to get the value from this hidden input instead of the data-pricedef attribute of your "Quantity" input.
Correct me if I do not understand your problem. I tried to reply from the code you showed in your video.
If you change the input to
<input type="hidden" id="element_273_price" value="">
You should be able to do

