pass variable into javascript object - javascript

Can you please help with my problem
I have the following JavaScript object:
var data = {
'rows[0][name]': 'foshka',
'rows[0][tel]': '096',
'rows[0][opt]': 'none'
The problem is that i get an error while trying to pass variable as rows index:
var i = 0;
var data = {
'rows['+ i +'][name]': 'one',
'rows['+ i +'][tel]': '096',
'rows['+ i +'][opt]': 'none'
Thanks in advance

Your code has to be
var data = {};
data[ 'rows['+ i +'][name]' ] = 'one';
data[ 'rows['+ i +'][tel]' ] = '069';
However you might want to change your structure to sth like this:
var data ={};
var i = 0;
data['rows'][i]['name'] = 'one';
Or even cleaner:
var data = { rows[] };
var i = 0;
data['rows'][i] = { 'name' : 'one', 'tel' : 069' };
// so you can access them like this:
alert ( data['rows'][i]['name'] );

I think your data should look like this:
var data = {
rows: [{
name: 'one',
tel: '096',
opt: null
That way you can simply add new rows if needed.


How do I combine javascript variables into a object

I need to combine all variables in one object:
$.get("", function (data) {
var productNamePost=$("[name='productNamePost']").val();
var productCodePost=$("[name='productCodePost']").val();
var bg = $('.pdp_image-carousel-image.js-zoomImage-mobile').css('background-image');
var productPrice=$(".price__container > .price__value > .price__number").text();
var url = window.location.href;
Sorry the question was unclear,i was need this
let obj = Object.assign({},var)
I also need to run the code when the button clicked
$.get("", function (data) {
$("#addToCartForm > #addToCartButton").click(function(){
var productNamePost=$("[name='productNamePost']").val();
var productCodePost=$("[name='productCodePost']").val();
var bg = $('.pdp_image-carousel-image.js-zoomImage-mobile').css('background-image');
var productPrice=$(".price__container > .price__value > .price__number").text();
var url = window.location.href;
let obj = Object.assign({}, [productNamePost, productCodePost, bg, productPrice, url]);
but i got below error when i clicked the button:
Try this:
let obj = Object.assign({}, [
productNamePost: $("[name='productNamePost']").val(),
productCodePost: $("[name='productCodePost']").val(),
bg: $('.pdp_image-carousel-image.js-zoomImage-mobile').css('background-image'),
productPrice: $(".price__container > .price__value > .price__number").text(),
url: window.location.href
This will create an object array with all your variables. Read more about Object.assign() here
Like this?
var newObj = {
"productNamePost": $("[name='productNamePost']").val(),
"productCodePost": $("[name='productCodePost']").val(),
"variable_name": variable_value

How to read JSON Response from URL and use the keys and values inside Javascript (array inside array)

My Controller Function:
public function displayAction(Request $request)
$stat = $this->get("app_bundle.helper.display_helper");
$displayData = $stat->generateStat();
return new JsonResponse($displayData);
My JSON Response from URL is:
From this Response I want to pass the values to variables (selfie,shared) in javascript file like:
var selfie = [
[(2016-11-28),8], [(2016-11-29),5]]
var shared = [
[(2016-11-28),5], [(2016-11-29),2]]
You can try like this.
First traverse the top object data and then traverse each property of the data which is an array.
var data = {"total":[{"date":"2016-11-28","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","selfies":2},{"date":"2016-11-30","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-01","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-02","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-03","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-04","selfies":0}],"shared":[{"date":"2016-11-28","shares":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","shares":0},{"date":"2016-11-30","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-01","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-02","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-03","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-04","shares":0}]}
var val = data[k];
val.forEach(function(element) {
console.log(element.selfies != undefined ? element.selfies : element.shares );
Inside your callback use the following:
$.each(, function(i, o){
// or do whatever you want here
Because you make the request using jetJSON the parameter data sent to the callback is already an object so you don't need to parse the response.
Try this :
var text ='{"Total":[{"date":"2016-11-28","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","selfies":2}],"Shared":[{"date":"2016-11-28","shares":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","shares":0}]}';
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(text);
var objKeys = Object.keys(jsonObj);
for (var i in objKeys) {
var totalSharedObj = jsonObj[objKeys[i]];
if(objKeys[i] == 'Total') {
for (var j in totalSharedObj) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML +=
"selfies on "+totalSharedObj[j].date+":"+totalSharedObj[j].selfies+"<br>";
if(objKeys[i] == 'Shared') {
for (var k in totalSharedObj) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML +=
"shares on "+totalSharedObj[k].date+":"+totalSharedObj[k].shares+"<br>";
<div id="demo">
I did a lot of Research & took help from other users and could finally fix my problem. So thought of sharing my solution.
$.get( "Address for my JSON data", function( data ) {
var selfie =[];
var tmp = [,
var shared =[];
var tmp = [,

javascript split URL Hyperlink

Hi i am new in javascript before i read the case split using the function. I just followed but not understand it. Can you guys give me a link or guide to explain how it work? tks a ton
var first = getUrlVars()["id"];
var second = getUrlVars()["page"];
function getUrlVars() {
var vars = {};
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;
This function return the value of each varrian from url.
In your code, you want to get id, page from url. I guest you have a url like : your-page?id=value&page=value, and you want to get them, don't you?
You need to read the replace function at
There is a kind of function you would like. Hope you will understand this :
var getUrlVars = function( url ){
if( !url.match( /\?/ ) ) return {};
var paramsfull = url.replace( /^.*\?/, "" ).split( /\&/g );
var params = {};
var _temp;
for( var p in paramsfull ){
_temp = paramsfull[ p ].split( /\=/ );
params[ _temp[ 0 ] ] = _temp[ 1 ];
return params;
var first = getUrlVars( window.location.href )[ "id" ];
var second = getUrlVars( window.location.href )[ "page" ];

Javascript: creating dynamic variables and object names. / html5 localstorage

I'm working on a form that is saved by HTML5 local storage.
When pressing save:
function saveAll(){
var field1 = document.getElementById('field1').value;
var field2 = document.getElementById('field2').value;
var field3 = document.getElementById('field3').value;
var field4 = document.getElementById('field4').value;
var field5 = document.getElementById('field5').value;
var field6 = document.getElementById('field6').value;
And when loading the page (fills out the forms):
function ShowAll() {
var field1 = localStorage.getItem('con_field1');
document.conditioning.field1.value = field1;
var field2 = localStorage.getItem('con_field2');
document.conditioning.field2.value = field2;
var field3 = localStorage.getItem('con_field3');
document.conditioning.field3.value = field3;
var field4 = localStorage.getItem('con_field4');
document.conditioning.field4.value = field4;
var field5 = localStorage.getItem('con_field5');
document.conditioning.field5.value = field5;
var field6 = localStorage.getItem('con_field6');
document.conditioning.field6.value = field6;
This all works fine, but I want to re-write this in a more fancy and efficient way. I was thinking of something like this:
function ShowAll() {
var field = [];
for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
field[i] = localStorage.getItem(window['con_field' + i]);
document.purpose.field[i].value = window['con_field' + i]
But the browser is not enjoying this. Basically I need to create a loop that automatically changes the "field" name in to 'field1, field2, field3' etc. The window thing is working, but I'm just using it wrong.
Anyone has an idea?
Thanks a lot!
function showAll(t1,c1,d1) {
var field1 = localStorage.getItem('con_field1');
var field2 = localStorage.getItem('con_field2');
var field3 = localStorage.getItem('con_field3');
You should add all of your data to one object, stringify it, then add that to local storage under a single key.
When you load it, grab the one local storage item, parse it, then access the properties on the object.
var save = function () {
var data = {
foo: 'bar'
localStorage.setItem('myData', JSON.stringify(data));
var load = function () {
var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myData'));
var someProp =; // gives you 'bar'
It looks like your main problem is that the fields are indexed beginning with 1, but your loop indexes from 0.
What about this?
var field = [];
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
field[i] = localStorage.getItem(window['con_field' + i]);
document.purpose.field[i].value = window['con_field' + i]
Also, I'm not 100% on this, but I think using document.getElementByID is more cross-browser compatible than using bracket notation on the window object, but it's been a while since I wrote plain vanilla JS, so don't quote me.
I would try document.purpose["field" + i].value = window['con_field' + i].

How to access content in an object literal?

Can someone tell me what the best way is to store content in an object literal and how to access it using my JS pattern? I can't seem to get it to work.
Namespace.object = {
var data = [{"myid1" : "<p>My content 1</p>"}];
method: function () {
var myData =[0].id;
To store:
Namespace.object = {
data: [{"myid1" : "<p>My content 1</p>"}],
method: function () {
var myData =[0].id;
To access:
var theFirstData =[0];
var myId1 =[0].myid1;
// Alternatively...
var myId1b =[0]['myid1'];

