Javascript jQuery only shows Image element once in IE. FF works - javascript

I want to show a big Image when I press the small thumbnail. A simple Lightbox style script.
When I press the grey transparent overlay area around the image, the CSS and image is removed from view. This code is stripped down. Maybe missed something needed...
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".lightBobo").click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent to open link in new window
jQuery.fn.lightBobo = function(e) {
if (e != undefined)
return this.each(function() {
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function() {
imgW = img.width;
imgH = img.height;
var overlay = $("<div />");
var container = $("<div />");
// Lots of css styling for <div> overlay and container image...
container.append(img); //add image to div
$("body").append(overlay); //add overlay to body
$("body").append(container); //add div to body
overlay.fadeIn("fast", function() {;
$(overlay).click(function() {
function removeDivs() {
img = null;
container = null;
overlay = null;
openImgSrc = "";
The problem is IE(7) is not showing the image the second time I want to show it. I have to do a page reload to display the image again. It works in FF though.
When I use FireFox I can see in FireBug that the get appended to for each time I show the big image. And the "old" image get's display: none; After 20 times I show the big image, I have 40 elements of Overlay and Container(image).
I can't figure out how to rerun the lightBobo function when needed. So it workes in both IE and FF.

You should probably append the overlay and container just once when initialized, then just show/hide/append content when the user activates the modal.
Otherwise you need to do .remove() on each element ( = null is not enough ) when unloading, unless you want lots of dupes in the DOM.
I would do something like this:
(function($) {
var lightBobo = {
init: function() {
var self = this;
this.overlay = $('<div>').click(this.hide); // bind the click event just once
this.container = $('<div>');
// apply id's or styling
hide: function(e) {
show: function() {
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function() {
imgW = img.width;
imgH = img.height;
lightBobo.container.append(img); //add image to div
lightBobo.overlay.fadeIn("fast", function() {;
$(function() {
lightBobo.init(); // init the lightbox once
$.fn.lightBobo = function() {
return this.each(function() {;
// bind the anchors here:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".lightBobo").click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent to open link in new window

I have found a solution. I changed lots of code. Specially the $(img).load(function() { ... } where I was having some problems. I dont really know WHY the load() function didnt want to kick the event more than one time. So I removed most code out of that function.
Remember the $(img).load(function() { ... } is for loading the image BEFORE finding its width and height. otherwise its 0.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".lightBobo").click(function(e) {
if (e != undefined)
jQuery.fn.lightBobo = function(e) {
return this.each(function() {
var myClickedObj = $(this);
//check if we have a anchor or image tag
var src = "";
if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a")
src = this.href.toLowerCase();
else if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img")
src = this.src.toLowerCase();
var winW = $(window).width();
var winH = $(window).height();
var docH = $(document).height();
if (docH < winH)
docH = winH;
//the semitransparant overlay over the whole page
var overlay = $("<div />")
.attr("class", "bobOverlay") //used as id for closing all overlays
.css("background", "#000")
.css("opacity", "0.8")
.css("display", "none")
.click(function() { hideAll(); })
$("body").append(overlay); //add overlay to body
var loadLeft = (winW / 2) - (100 / 2);
var loadTop = (winH / 2) - (20 / 2) + $(document).scrollTop();
//an element to hold our picture
var container = $("<div />");
container.attr("class", "bobOverlay");
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function() {
var imgW = img.width;
var imgH = img.height;
container.append(this); //add the picture to the container
$("body").append(container); // add container to the body
container.fadeIn("fast"); //show container
.attr("src", src); //add the src to the image
function hideAll() {
function IsImage(filename) {
var ext = filename.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
var allow = new Array("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp");
if (jQuery.inArray(ext, allow) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
Sorry for the long code. And finding out the answer myself...


Execute resize function only if a certain condition is met

I am dynamically resizing some boxes, and this functionality is placed inside my Images module. It works well, but since these boxes are present only on one part of the website, it throws me an error that it can't read the height property of undefined, which is obvious because the bundled file fires the window.resize but does not find the boxes, which blocks my other functionalities/modules.
So my question would be - is there a way to fire this resize event only if there are elements on the page that meet the certain class/id's (for example .box-image)... with some kind of conditional statement?
Many thanks for all possible hints.
EDIT: It throws error two times, first time because of the height property in the constructor, since this sets the initial height just after the reload.
class Images {
constructor() {
//make boxes same size as images initally and on resize
var images = $('.box-image');
var imageHeight = images[0].height;
var boxes = $('.content-box');
$(boxes).css({'height': imageHeight + 'px'});;
events() {
$(window).resize(function() {
var images = $('.box-image');
var imageHeight = images[0].height;
var boxes = $('.content-box');
if(images.length > 0) {
$(boxes).each(function (i, element) {
$(element).css({'height': imageHeight + 'px'});
An easy check before using the variable:
if (images && images.length > 0) { .. }
class Images {
constructor() {
//make boxes same size as images initally and on resize
var images = $('.box-image');
if (images && images.length > 0) {
var imageHeight = images[0].height;
var boxes = $('.content-box');
'height': imageHeight + 'px'
events() {
$(window).resize(function() {
var images = $('.box-image');
if (images && images.length > 0) {
var imageHeight = images[0].height;
var boxes = $('.content-box');
$(boxes).each(function(i, element) {
'height': imageHeight + 'px'
Bring your var imageHeight = images[0].height; into your if statement like this
class Images {
constructor() {
//make boxes same size as images initally and on resize
var images = $('.box-image');
var imageHeight = images[0].height;
var boxes = $('.content-box');
$(boxes).css({'height': imageHeight + 'px'});;
events() {
$(window).resize(function() {
var images = $('.box-image');
var boxes = $('.content-box');
if(boxes && images.length > 0) {
var imageHeight = images[0].height;
$(boxes).each(function (i, element) {
$(element).css({'height': imageHeight + 'px'});
I guess this only is your each loop not working...
I assume that you want to change the height of elements which has content-box class only if there is an element having box-image class inside it.
First, no need for $() around element in that loop...
element is a variable which holds a content-box element while the loop cycles throught the collection held by the boxes variable.
class Images {
constructor() {
// Make boxes same size as images initally and on resize
var images = $('.box-image');
var imageHeight = images.height();
var boxes = $('.content-box');
boxes.css({'height': imageHeight + 'px'});;
events() {
$(window).resize(function() {
var images = $('.box-image');
var boxes = $('.content-box');
// If there is at least one image in the page
if(images.length > 0) {
// Loop all content-box
boxes.each(function (i, element) {
// Check if it has a box-image child
var childImage = element.find("'.box-image'");
if( childImage.length > 0 ){
var imageHeight = childImage.height();
element.css({'height': imageHeight + 'px'});
And no need for $() around boxes too, since this is already a valid jQuery collection.
(You also did it in constructor()).

How to do line preloader with jquery

I tried this code for a line preloader but it didn't work and i don't know where is the problem.
var $preload = $("<div class='preloader'><div class='percent'></div><div class='line-parent'><div class='line'></div></div></div>");
var $imgs = $("img");
var imgsLoaded = 0;
var ratio = 0;
$this = $(this);
ratio = imgsLoaded / $imgs.length;
$(".percent").html(ratio / 0.01 + "%");
width : ratio / 0.01 + "%"
}, function(){
if(ratio === 1){
I belive you want to show 100% wenn all images are loaded and do some action. First load event will not work if is atteched after image is already loaded.
I sugest to check for each img comlete and naturalWidth property every 100ms (with setInterval).
Loader = (function() {
var list, img_length, loaded, interval;
function _check_one(i) { o = list[i]; if (o.complete == true && o.naturalWidth > 0) { loaded++; delete list[i]; } };
function _procent(l, a) { console.log((100*loaded/img_length) + '%'); }
function _check_list() { for(var i in list) {_check_one(i)};_procent();_kill(); };
function _kill() { if(img_length <= loaded) clearInterval(interval); }
function _start() { loaded = 0; list = $('img'); img_length = list.length;
if(img_length != loaded) interval = setInterval(_check_list, 100); }
return { start: _start }
Now at end of the body or in $(document).ready(..) you need to call Loader.start();
Or put all images source (src) in data-src attribite, attach load events and copy data-scr to src attribite. In body all relevant images looks like this:
<img data-src="some url">...
In Script Tag:
$('img').on('load', function() {
// Your action.
}).each(function() { var img = $(this); img.attr('src', img.attr('data-src')); });

Image data tag not switching on load/resize

I'm writing my own starter code for images which involves getting the window size and replacing the img src with either the data-medium or data-original depending on window size. I'm also including this with waypoints so that as you scroll it fades in the images.
I have a jsFiddle set up > but my issue is this – regardless of window size, it is always pulling in the data-medium image. I have included JS below as essentially, even with this, it shouldn't be going wrong.
var browser_width,
resizeHandler = function() {
browser_width = $(window).width();
browser_height = $(window).height();
$.fn.loadImage = function() {
return this.each(function() {
if (browser_width > 768) {
var toLoad = $(this).data('original');
} else {
var toLoad = $(this).data('medium');
var $img = $(this);
$('<img />').attr('src', toLoad).imagesLoaded(function() {
$img.attr('src', toLoad).addClass('loaded').removeClass('loading');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lazy').each(function() {
var $img = $(this);
$img.waypoint(function() {
}, { offset: '125%' });
It looks like a caching problem. Not too sure why that's happening, it may be a race condition of some sort. If you check the window width on the if statement, it works correctly.
$.fn.loadImage = function() {
return this.each(function() {
if ($(window).width() > 768) {
var toLoad = $(this).data('original');
} else {
var toLoad = $(this).data('medium');
var $img = $(this);
$('<img />').attr('src', toLoad).imagesLoaded(function() {
$img.attr('src', toLoad).addClass('loaded').removeClass('loading');
Here's your fiddle that now works:

jQuery random image fader

I have a header area which is divided up into block areas for images, these images are absolutely positioned within the block and are all different heights and widths.
I have a URL /random-image?width=x&height=y&random=34234 which generates a random image to use for the specific place.
I want these images to randomly fade out and change for another random image, or to fade on click. I have got it working, except the "setTimeout" or "setInterval" only triggers once. I need it to be on an infinite loop.
Here is my code, any ideas:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('#main-image img').live('click', function() {
var $image = $(this),
width = $image.width(),
height = $image.height(),
random = Math.random();
$('<img src="/random-image?width='+width+'&height='+height+'&random='+random+'" />').hide().load(function() {
.fadeIn('slow', function() {
$('#main-image img').each(function() {
var $image = $(this),
randVal = Math.round(5000 + Math.random()*(30000 - 5000)) ;
setTimeout(function() {
You need to call your setTimeout function again at the end of the fade. The easiest way I can think to do that is to name the function you're using and then call it from two places, as in the following (entirely untested) version:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var changeImage = function() {
var $image = $(this),
randVal = Math.round(5000 + Math.random()*(30000 - 5000)) ;
setTimeout(function() {
$('#main-image img').live('click', function() {
var $image = $(this),
width = $image.width(),
height = $image.height(),
random = Math.random();
$('<img src="/random-image?width='+width+'&height='+height+'&random='+random+'" />').hide().load(function() {
var newImage = this;
.fadeIn('slow', function() {
$('#main-image img').each(changeImage);

Script Outside of $(document).ready

I have built a site for a client and when the user clicks on a navigation link, the content of the linked page is dynamically loaded and transitioned in with JQuery, instead of loading the new page.
The problem I am having is that because it is not loading a new page, $(document).ready doesn't fire again and any JS on the individual pages gets broken. For example, if you visit the page works correctly, but if you try to navigate to the page from, the JS won't work.
I'm not an expert in JS and I really appreciate any and all help!
The problem is that when you call ".load()", you're using a URL string and a selector suffix to extract from the loaded content. When you use ".load()" that way, jQuery strips out all the scripts and does not run them. There's nothing you can do about that other than to implement your own version of ".load()" yourself, or (better) have the other pages you load not be complete HTML pages. If you use ".load()" without the selector suffix on the URL string, then jQuery does run the scripts.
See jQuery bug 6307 for more. The bug will not be fixed but hopefully the documentation will be improved.
The way you organized this code is wrong
Keep only binding's inside document.ready and move the logic outside to a functions..which can be accessed by any page.
$(document).ready(function() {
var photos = ["images/bg01.jpg", "images/bg02.jpg", "images/bg03.jpg"];
var slideshowSpeed = 8000;
var interval;
var activeContainer = 1;
var currentImg = 0;
var navigate = function(direction) {
if(currentImg == photos.length + 1) {
currentImg = 1;
// Check which container we need to use
var currentContainer = activeContainer;
if(activeContainer == 1) {
activeContainer = 2;
} else {
activeContainer = 1;
showImage(photos[currentImg - 1], currentContainer, activeContainer);
var currentZindex = 1;
var showImage = function(photoObject, currentContainer, activeContainer) {
// Make sure the new container is always on the background
// Set the background image of the new active container
$("#bgimg" + activeContainer).css({
"background-image" : "url(" + photoObject + ")",
"display" : "block",
"z-index" : currentZindex
// Fade out the current container
// and display the header text when animation is complete
$("#bgimg" + currentContainer).fadeOut(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
animating = false;
}, 500);
$("#bgimg" + currentContainer).css({
"z-index" : "1"
currentZindex = 1;
function photoLoaded() {
if(!--numPhotosLeft) {
interval = setInterval(function() {
}, slideshowSpeed);
$('#page_bg').animate({opacity: 1, marginLeft: '-=860'}, 500);
var photos = ["images/bg01.jpg", "images/bg02.jpg", "images/bg03.jpg"];
var numPhotosLeft = photos.length;
for(var i = 0; i < photos.length; ++i) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = photoLoaded;
img.src = photos[i];
var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
var href = $('').each(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var toLoad = hash+'.php #page_bg';
$('').click(function() {
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #page_bg';
$('#page_bg').animate({opacity: 0.25, marginLeft: '-=875'}, 500, loadContent);
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href').length-4); //MODIFY FOR DEEP LINKING
function loadContent() {
$('#page_wrap').prepend('<span id="load">LOADING...</span>');
$('#page_bg').css('marginLeft', 860);
$('#page_bg').css('backgroundImage', 'none');
function hideLoader() {
$('#load').fadeOut('fast', showNewContent);
function showNewContent() {
$('#page_bg').animate({opacity: 1, marginLeft: '-=860'}, 500);
return false;
//set initial position and opacity
$('#page_bg').css('marginLeft', 860);
$('#page_bg').css('opacity', 0.25);
$('#page_wrap').prepend('<span id="bg_load">LOADING...</span>');

