I am using .slideToggle to open a panel when the user clicks a link:
<script type="text/javascript">
return false;
The content of the toggled div (#panel) is taller than the height of the containing div so scorllbars show up. I would like the vertical scrollbar to automatically scroll down to the reveal the new content when the div gets toggled. I think I could probably do this with .scrollTop to make this happen but Im not sure how to go about making it happen at the same time... Any ideas?
There seems to be a consensus that this is the best way to go about achieving what I described:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $panel = $("#panel");
if ($panel.is(':visible')){
return false;
This makes the panel slide but the scroll down effect isn't working..
I've done something like this before:
if ( $(this).hasClass("active"))
var destination = $("#container ").offset().top + $("#container").height();
$("#container").animate({ scrollTop: destination},"slow");
//$("#container").animate({ scrollTop: destination},"slow", "fx_name_here");
Fire Panel
<div id="container">
<div id="panel">sdfsdfsdfs</div>
Would that help you?
If you download the jQuery Easing Plugin you can add different effects to the sliding, adding the fx name into the code (commented out line in answer)
Improved code so there is less code but same effect.
I have the fallowing smooth scrolling script:
<!-- Smooth scroll JS -->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('a[href^="#"]').click(function(e) {
jQuery('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery(this.hash).offset().top}, 1000);
return false;
The problem is that it affects all link to an id (as intended) and causes a conflict with toggle script.
I need to add a condition to the script so that the links in the #work_tabs div are not affected.
<div id="work_tabs">
<li>TV Films</li>
<li>TV Shows</li>
<li>Special Events</li>
I tried adding the condition myself but i'm still new to JS and have no idea how to achieve this.
How could I make the script ignore the links in the work_tabs id?
You can use the not() function:
jQuery('a[href^="#"]').not('#work_tabs > a').click(function(e) {
jQuery('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery(this.hash).offset().top}, 1000);
return false;
This will exclude any anchor tags inside that div.
Read more here.
One way to go about it is add a class to the items that can be toggled and change your element selector to point to that.
jQuery('.toggle').click(function(e) {
You can use the jQuery .not() function to remove the intended elements
Use jQuery('a[href^="#"]').not('#work_tabs > a')
<!-- Smooth scroll JS -->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('a[href^="#"]').not('#work_tabs > a').click(function(e) {
jQuery('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery(this.hash).offset().top}, 1000);
return false;
I have an problem with my JavaScript and I'm not sure how to deal with it.
So I'm using this script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('nav a').click(function(){
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top
}, 700);
return false;
The script is making a smooth scroll on my page which I think is really cool, so I don't want to delete it.
But my problem is, that I also have a simple gallery slider on my page, but the JavaScript will effect that gallery slider. It scrolls to the top when clicking on a link in href. The code for the gallery slider is:
<div id="images">
<img id="billede1" src="http://i.imgur.com/dL3io.jpg" />
<img id="billede2" src="http://i.imgur.com/qASVX.jpg" />
<img id="billede3" src="http://i.imgur.com/fLuHO.jpg" />
<img id="billede4" src="http://i.imgur.com/5Sd3Q.jpg" />
<div id="slider">
The thing is, I really like the simple code and I'm trying to be better, so I don't want to use some advanced code which I don't understand.
Is is somehow possible to disable the JavaScript not to be working in my div? Or maybe called it something else than the "href"?
I think my "href" is the problem.
So.. Here it is in fiddle:
and you can see the problem.
Really thanks. I appreciate it :-)
Let me share a fiddle for you JSFIDDLE on this demo I am given new class called .nav for your navbar anchor tags. Then rewrite the script like below.
$('a.nav').click(function () {
alert( $($(this).attr('href')).offset().top);
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $($(this).attr('href')).offset().top
}, 700);
// return false;
Use an id for that anchor, instead of a vague "nav a" which will trigger on any a inside your nav element. Also prevent default action if you are using an a as a button. The right way to create your "return top" script, is to target a button. Instead of nav a, create a button, give it an id, and target that id.
I have a Carousel made from bootstrap and this is the script to run it.
!function ($)
I tried adding a different effect on the navigation bars I got so that when I click the navigation, it will slide up into the section in that page. I added this script.
$('html, body').animate(
scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top
}, 500);
return false;
when I added the script, the left and right buttons in the carousel stopped working. I really don't know if it had a conflict with the second script. I spent around half an hour looking for the error and finally found out that the second script conflicted with the carousel script.
Is there an error in the scripts? How do I fix it?
My guess is that
$('a').click(function() { /* ... */ })
conflicts with the click event handler set up by carousel(). You could add a class on your navigation links (or use whatever nav class is already there), and use a more specific selector in this second script.
Figured it out just now.
Added li in $('a').click(function()
Now it looks like $('li a').click(function()
It doesn't conflict now :))
Having some problems with the jQuery .animate functionality.
I have implemented a 'Back to top' link on my website here: http://www.unforgivengamers.com/
It is supposed to get you back to the top of the page once you click it.
Here is my jQuery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow');
return false;
The problem: the animation is not smooth! I want it to scroll slowly, not instant.
Like this: http://designwoop.com/labs/smooth%20scroll/smooth-scroll.html
Am I missing something out here?
I'm using jQuery 1.8.3
You should put your code within document ready handler, the animation is not even performed on your page, the anchor is on the bottom of the page and your code without document ready on the top of the page.
jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow');
return false;
I am combining two scripts together: a scroller and a content fader. When I swap the content (fading), div's with a lot of content make the scrolling div super long. I was reading on the plugin demo for content scrolling (http://manos.malihu.gr/jquery-custom-content-scroller) that you can use $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("update"); when loading different content to make the div adjust accordingly.
I know that code needs to go in my fading script somewhere, but where? Here is the fading script, where would it go?
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
(function($) {
$.fn.Fader = function() {
this.each(function() {
$('.clickme').bind('click', function(e) {
$( "#mediaswap div" ).fadeOut();
$( "#mediaswap div" + $(this).attr('name') ).fadeIn();
$(function() {
I've answered your comment on the post but I'm writing it here too.
Since you fade in/out divs, you have to call the update method as a callback to the .fadeIn() function, so it updates the scrollbar after the animation is completed:
$( "#mediaswap div" + $(this).attr('name') ).fadeIn(function(){
Additionally, there's an extra option parameter you can use when you initially call the plugin, that checks content size and updates the scrollbar automatically if it changes:
$("#mediaswap div").mCustomScrollbar({
advanced:{ updateOnContentResize:true }
Using the updateOnContentResize option, depends on the rest of your code (where you call the plugin), so I recommend using the first method.
I recommend checking the div to see if it's animated using something like this:
var wait = setInterval(function() {
if( !$("#mediaswap div").is(":animated"))
//put the code in here because it checks
for whether the DIV is currently animated.
}, 200);
You can change the interval if it takes the animation longer to complete the animation.