Can I use the Facebook API to fetch images off my profile? - javascript

I have a blog. I want to add a bit of Javascript on my blog to fetch images from my Facebook profile and display them on the blog.
I have zero experience with the Facebook API, so at this point I'm just wondering whether this is possible. Can I run some Javascript on my blog to fetch images from my Facebook profile? Or does the Facebook API disallow such a thing?

I've only ever worked with Facebook API in PHP. However I know there is a JavaScript SDK available, which you can find information about here:
You'll probably have to do the following:
1) Setup a Facebook application
2) Make it request permission to your photo galleries and offline access (for non-expiring token)
3) Retrieve the access token.
4) Use the call functions to get what content you want using the access_token to prove who you are.
Unfortunately I can't help anymore than that.


Facebook Api to post use submitted image to a specific page

Here is what I am trying to achieve - I want to take input from my users as some text and image and post it to a page created by me. The user using the mobile app , does not have any any access to that facebook page. I want to post to that page anonymously on behalf of the user. The page is created by me so I should have access to it. I am really confused what to look for. I have set up an app in facebook developer from the same account who is the creator of the page and I can login user's and have their access token.By the way, if it's relevant I am building a hybrid app and using cordova facebook native plugin
This is the API call you need, there are code examples for several languages:
Take a look at the code for the JavaScript SDK, just use that API endpoint with the correct parameters in your cordova plugin.
You need to use a Page Token with the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. More information about Tokens:

YouTube API | Javascript- Upload video to a constant channel bypassing login.

I'm building a web application that allows a specific user to upload videos to a YouTube account through the use of the YouTube API. The uploading of videos will be done by only one person & videos will be uploaded only to one account. If the YouTube account is already authorized by the app to manage the channel etc, how can I setup the application in such a way that the user bypasses the authentication/login screen every time he/she needs to upload a video? (That is when the user exits and re-enters application.)
While reading, a solution I stumbled upon a solution which was to use a refresh token but I don't know how to integrate it with the code I have currently. The code I'm using is the one available on the Google Developers site, link below.
Please note that I've gone through & read all similar questions on this forum but none provides Javascript help/solution.
Normally i would say that you should use a service account which would allow you to preauthorize the access to YouTube. However the YouTube API does not support service accounts so your going to have to do it the hard way.
You will need to authenticate your application once and save the refresh token. Then you will be able to use the refresh token again later to get a new access token. You will have to watch this application refresh tokens can expire its rare but it can happen so you should have something set up that will allow you to quickly reauthenticate it and save a new refresh token.
To my knowledge it is not possible to get a refresh token with JavaScript your going to have to use a server sided language like node.js for example. This tutorial should show you how to get offline access with node js. Node.js Quickstart

How to send facefook notification to the users on a blog post created?

I'm developing a site similar to blog. In that I would like to add a facebook notification feature.
For example, if I created one article it should send a notification to the subscribed facebook users.
I have done facebook share. But I don't know about this.
Note: I'm using and c# for the web development.
Is this possible. if possible, can someone say a way to achieve it.
First of all You will need to create a facebook application and add your web page as a "Web Page with Facebook login": You can find this setting in application settings. After you will need to log in your blog users via facebook and ask for some basic permissions (No special permission needed for sending notifications.) And after all these steps you will be able to send notifications to your users. Here are some resources that might help you.
Here is the C# SDK resource.

Using the Facebook API to post to live stream plugin? (not to a user or page's wall)

I'm working on creating a Facebook application that re-creates a live stream and I'm having trouble with permissions. Originally the 'stream' was going to the application's wall, but a user cannot post onto an application's wall without liking the page first (and therefor granting publish permissions to that app's wall).
Our current solution is a Facebook social plug-in - - which works fine but we're not able to customize it. Does anyone know of a way using the Facebook API to post to a live stream object? Ideally I'd like to re-create the social stream by hand using a combination of the FQL to fetch new posts made in the stream and using their API to create new posts for the stream. Any leads would be fantastic.

Using jquery need to display facebook user name in html page

Using jquery (javascript) need to display facebook user name in html page using facebook user id. I am not using facebook api. Any one have any idea.
Without using the facebook API (Graph API or older facebook REST API) either javascript or PHP there's no way you can achive this.
Facebook needs to authenticate your application before you ask for data.
You can use fb:name from FBML (Facebook Markup Language) to achive it easily. But as recoomended, you should not use FBML for new applications since the recommended way is the new Graph API. FBML is in the process of being deprecated.
Using the new Graph API you can get the JSON object for the user by fetching{userID}
You need to use the Facebook API as Facebook needs to authenticate your application's requests for user data. (
I recommend using the Graph API (, but it takes a bit of work getting started.
I use the PHP SDK (, though others also exist and you can find them in the Facebook Documentation.
However, to answer your question better, If you have your authorization token you can make calls for example:<Your Access token>
would return a JSON object containing your basic information, including your name, birthday, and basically everything that appears on your profile.
Before doing anything you MUST register your own application at
(Edit: I was not aware FBML was being phased out)
I know it's an old thread, but so that people doesn't get mislead...
There is NO need for Facebook to authenticate your application before you ask for data like user name because user name is public info and does not require permission. Just call{userID} and you will get a JSON object. You can achieve this easily using jquery:
$.get("{userID}", function (data) {
}, 'jsonp');

