Can I broadcast to all WebSocket clients - javascript

I'm assuming this isn't possible, but wanted to ask in case it is. If I want to provide a status information web page, I want to use WebSockets to push the data from the server to the browser. But my concerns are the effect a large number of browsers will have on the server. Can I broadcast to all clients rather than send discrete messages to each client?

WebSockets uses TCP, which is point to point, and provides no broadcast support.

Not sure how is your client/server setup, but you can always just keep in the server a collection of all connected clients - and then iterate over each one and send the message.
A simple example using Node's Websocket library:
Server code
var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server;
var clients = [];
var socket = new WebSocketServer({
httpServer: server,
autoAcceptConnections: false
socket.on('request', function(request) {
var connection = request.accept('any-protocol', request.origin);
connection.on('message', function(message) {
//broadcast the message to all the clients
clients.forEach(function(client) {

As noted in other answers, WebSockets don't support multicast, but it looks like the 'ws' module maintains a list of connected clients for you, so it's pretty easy to iterate through them. From the docs:
const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;
const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: 8080 });
wss.broadcast = function(data) {
wss.clients.forEach(client => client.send(data));

Yes, it is possible to broadcast messages to multiple clients.
In Java,
public void onMessage(String m, Session s) throws IOException {
for (Session session : s.getOpenSessions()) {
and here it is explained.

It depends on the server-side really. Here's an example of how it's done using Tomcat7:
Tomcat 7 Chat Websockets Servlet Example
and an explanation of the how it's constructed here.

Yes you can and there are many socket servers out there written in various scripting languages that are doing it.

The Microsoft.Web.WebSockets namespace has a WebSocketCollection with Broadcast capability. Look for the assembly in Nuget. The name is Microsoft.WebSockets.


sending a websocket request through a proxy server in nodeJS [duplicate]

Generalizing that would be the question... how to make websockets to go through a proxy in node.js?
In my particular case I'm using with the node.js client library they recommend. Looking inside the code I would like to know some hints on what I should change in order to make this library to work with a proxy... you can take a look in the code here
Maybe I should somehow replace or modified the websockets module that is being used by the library?
Thanks for your answers/comments! A couple of things to take into consideration (excuse me if I'm wrong with some/all of them, just learning):
I don't want to create a proxy server. I just want to use an existent proxy server within my company in order to proxified my websockets requests (particularly
Just to let you know, if I use a proxifier like the one for windows Proxifier and I set up the rule to inspect for all connections to port 443 to go through the proxy server (type SOCKS5) it works like a charm.
But I don't want to go this way. I want to programatically configuring this proxy server within my node js code (even if that involved to modified the pusher library I mentioned)
I know how to do this for HTTP using Request module (look for the section that mentions how to use a proxy).
I want a similarly thing for websockets.
var url = require('url');
var WebSocket = require('ws');
var HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
// HTTP/HTTPS proxy to connect to
var proxy = process.env.http_proxy || '';
console.log('using proxy server %j', proxy);
// WebSocket endpoint for the proxy to connect to
var endpoint = process.argv[2] || 'ws://';
var parsed = url.parse(endpoint);
console.log('attempting to connect to WebSocket %j', endpoint);
// create an instance of the `HttpsProxyAgent` class with the proxy server information
var options = url.parse(proxy);
var agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(options);
// finally, initiate the WebSocket connection
var socket = new WebSocket(endpoint, { agent: agent });
socket.on('open', function () {
console.log('"open" event!');
socket.send('hello world');
socket.on('message', function (data, flags) {
console.log('"message" event! %j %j', data, flags);
Using a proxy for websockets should work roughly the same as for https connections; you should use the CONNECT method. At least that's what both the HTTP and HTML5 specs say. So if your proxy implements CONNECT, you're good to go.
Try node-http-proxy
It allows you to send http or websocket requests through a proxy.
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
// Create a basic proxy server in one line of code...
// This listens on port 8000 for incoming HTTP requests
// and proxies them to port 9000
httpProxy.createServer(9000, 'localhost').listen(8000);
// ...and a simple http server to show us our request back.
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.write('request successfully proxied!' + '\n' + JSON.stringify(req.headers, true, 2));
Source: link
Most web proxies don't support websockets yet. The best workaround is to use encryption by specifying wss:// (websocket secure protocol):

How can I send data to a specific socket?

My problem is that the current solution I have for sending a specific socket using the library "ws" with node.js is not good enough.
The reason is because if I connect with multiple tabs to the websocket server with the same userid which is defined on the client-side, it will only refer to the latest connection with the userid specified.
This is my code:
// Server libraries and configuration
var server = require("ws").Server;
var s = new server({ port: 5001});
// An array which I keep all websockets clients
var search = {};
s.on("connection", function(ws, req) {
ws.on("message", function(message){
// Here the server process the user information given from the client
message = JSON.parse(message);
if(message.type == "userinfo"){
ws.personName =; =;
// Defining variable pointing to the unique socket
search[] = ws;
As you can see, each time a socket with same id connects, it will refer to the latest one.
Example If you did not understand:
Client connect to server with ID: 1337
search[1337] defined as --> websocket 1
A new connection with same ID: 1337
search[1337] becomes instead a variable refering to websocket 2 instead
Websockets provide a means to create a low-latency network "socket" between a browser and a server.
Note that the client here is the browser, not a tab on a browser.
If you need to manage multiple user sessions between the browser and server, you'll need to write code to do it yourself.

Is it possible to create a "fake" socket connection to a nodejs server that is secured through SSL?

I'm using to create a socket connection to my locally-running server. See my code below:
// Working example of connecting to a local server that is not SSL protected
var io = require('')
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000', {reconnect: true});
socket.on('connect', function(){ console.log("inside 'connect'") } );
socket.on('connection', function(){ console.log("inside 'connection'") } );
socket.on('event', function(data){ console.log("inside 'event'") } );
socket.on('disconnect', function(){ console.log("inside 'disconnect'") } );
var payload = {email: '', password: 'tester'};
var tokens = {browserId: 'b965e554-b4d2-5d53-fd69-b2ca5483537a'};
socket.emit("publish", {logic:"user", method:"signIn"}, payload, tokens, function(err, creds) {
console.log("inside the socket client emit callback. err: " + err);
console.log("creds: " + creds);
Now for my problem. As I stated in the comment at the top of that code, I can connect to my local nodejs server and get the response I expect when I turn off SSL encryption on my server. As soon as I turn SSL on, I stop getting any response at all from the code above. I don't see any message in my server logs or from the command line, where I'm running the code above with node.
My goal is to be able to run the code above, with SSL turned on in my server, and get the same response that I get when SSL is turned off. I've tried a bunch of variations on the code I included above, such as:
connecting to "https://localhost:3000"
connecting to "//localhost:3000"
connecting to "https://localhost:3443" (this is the port I have to connect to when I have the nodejs server running with SSL)
changing {reconnect:true} to {reconnect:true,secure:true}
I'm truly stumped, and I've been doing a bunch of research on the web and on my node server. It's my company's code and I didn't originally implement the SSL components, so I've spent a few hours looking at our code and trying to understand how adding SSL changes everything. I'm also a student and have about 2 years of experience behind me, so I'm good but I'm no expert. Have I said anything above that indicates if my task is impossible to achieve, or if maybe I have just overlooked something? Any leads on things to check out would be appreciated :)

Node.js server-to-server encryption

I want to make a Node.js daemon that runs on multiple computers and is able to exchange messages between the different daemons. Of course the communication should be encrypted, but I really don't know what kind of encryption I should use for server-to-server encryption. The protocol I'm using right now is TCP via net.createServer. How should I encrypt the communication assuming I have a already exchanged password on both devices? How do I make it secure to the most known attacks?
Is using RSA combined with an "authentication password" secure? This password would then be submitted with every request, the whole message (including the password) would be encrypted with the RSA public key (which can be downloaded without encryption).
I think the right way to do this is to communicate via ssl, see here:
You could also do a quick and dirty encryption using the crypto module:
var crypto = require('crypto');
var algorithm = 'aes256'; // or any other algorithm supported by OpenSSL
exports.encryptString = function(text) {
var cipher = crypto.createCipher(algorithm, key);
return cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex') +'hex');
var key = "123456";
exports.decryptString = function(text) {
var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(algorithm, key);
return decipher.update(text, 'hex', 'utf8') +'utf8');
Both servers need the public key.
You'll probably want to use JSON stringify and parse functions on top of the above (I had those lying around). You could do it in middleware that deciphers incoming requests and ciphers outgoing ones.
I take a different approach to this by doing the work outside of my application. Generally speaking, you don't want to reinvent wheels and secure encryption is a tough thing to get right.
I have a situation where several slave servers need to communicate to a master server to run jobs from a queue. For the server-to-server connection I actually just use Socket.IO (using the client NPM package and all transports disabled except for web sockets). This gives me a solid RPC, which works well for my needs. (I have since discovered rpc-stream which can give you RPC over arbitrary streams. This would be a bit more lightweight for server-to-server communication where Socket.IO is overkill.)
Now, for the encryption part... I just use a VPN set up between my servers. I took the lazy approach and used Hamachi for this, but you can certainly use OpenVPN or any other.
A second method you can use is to tunnel your connections through SSH.
In short, don't do any work you don't have to. Opt for speed, simplicity, and security. Use something off-the-shelf for this.
One option which might be easier to implement is to encrypt and decrypt all messages sent over a normal socket connection (net.createServer and net.connect), via pre-shared gpg keys using node-gpg. This requires that you have gpg in your $PATH on both client and server with a password-less private gpg key 'Server' on the server and a corresponding 'Client' on the client, with the respective public keys installed on the other end.
var socketServer = net.createServer(function (c) {
// example of send to client
var output = JSON.stringify({"msg": "Stuff to send to client."});
encrypt(output, 'Client', function (error, cryptdata) {
// receive data sent from client
c.on('data', function (cryptdata) {
decrypt(cryptdata.toString(), 'Server', function (error, data) {
data = JSON.parse(data.toString());
// handle incoming data
socketServer.listen(port, function() {
var socketClient = net.connect({"port": port}, function () {
// Send data to server
var data = JSON.stringify({"msg": "Data to server"});
encrypt(data, 'Server', function (error, cryptdata) {
// Receive data from server
socketClient.on('data', function(cryptdata) {
decrypt(cryptdata.toString(), 'Client', function (error, data) {
data = JSON.parse(data.toString());
// handle data
And these were the functions I used in both server.js and client.js for encryption/decryption.
function encrypt(str, receiver, callback) {
gpg.encrypt(str, ['-r ' + receiver, '-a'], callback);
function decrypt(str, receiver, callback) {
gpg.decrypt(str, ['-u ' + receiver, '-a'], callback);
This eliminates any problem you may run into with self-signed SSL certificates and at least with my benchmarks it is a lot faster. Though, it might not be as secure.

Socket IO | How to get the client transport type on the serverside?

I need to know what transport method a client is using for some conditional statements on the nodeJS serverside.
Does anyone know how I can get that information? Is it held within the client object?
As of Socket.IO 1.0:
socket.on('connect', function() {
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
In 0.7.6
io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) {
April 2012, this works: socket.transport
I'm sure you can find it if you dig in the internals of a client object, although without knowing why you need this I have to recommend against this kind of check for 2 reasons:
Firstly, since it isn't in the API the developers have absolutely no responsibility to keep things backward compatible, so any given version might implement/store that information differently, which will only ripple into your own development and cause problems.
Secondly, and more importantly, I suggest you rethink your design, the communication with the server thru is built to be transparent to the method being used. There should be no difference on either side. That's the purpose of the library, designing an app that behaves otherwise is totally orthogonal to that idea.
for reference's sake and google stumbles:-
in case anyone is still using v0.9 (or possibly earlier)
you can access this info from client side like this:
var socket = io.connect();
console.log(; //log the name of the transport being used.
answer found on google groups!topic/socket_io/yx_9wJiiAg0
I believe this will solve your problem. My trick here is to save the transport type on the HTTP Request object once the client connects. You can then pick it up in your callback later. First we tweak the Listener class:
var io = require(''),
io.Listener.prototype._onConnectionOld = io.Listener.prototype._onConnection;
io.Listener.prototype._onConnection = function(transport, req, res, up, head){
req.socketIOTransport = transport; // Take note of the transport type, transport, req, res, up, head);
And then below in the body of your app:
var socket = io.listen(app),
socket.on('connection', function(client){
console.log(client.request.socketIOTransport); // Lets check that transport
// ...
Hope this helps!
io.connect.managers['connect url/port'].engine.transport

