Select Element By CSS style (all with given style) - javascript

Is there a way to select all elements that have a given style using JavaScript?
Eg, I want all absolutely positioned elements on a page.
I would assume it is easier to find elements by style where the style is explicitly declared:
the style is non-inherited (such as positioning)
the style is not the default (as would be position:static).
Am I limited to those rules? Is there a better method for when those rules apply?
I would happily to use a selector engine if this is provided by one (ideally Slick - Mootools 1.3)
I came up with a solution that will only work with above rules.
It works by cycling through every style rule, and then selector on page.
Could anyone tell me if this is better that cycling through all elements (as recommended in all solutions).
I am aware that in IE I must change the style to lowercase, but that I could parse all styles at once using cssText. Left that out for simplicity.
Looking for best practice.
var classes = '';
Array.each(documents.stylesheets, function(sheet){
Array.each(sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules, function(rule){
if ( == 'fixed') classes += rule.selectorText + ',';
var styleEls = $$(classes).combine($$('[style*=fixed]'));

You can keep Mootools, or whatever you use... :)
function getStyle(el, prop) {
var view = document.defaultView;
if (view && view.getComputedStyle) {
return view.getComputedStyle(el, null)[prop];
return el.currentStyle[prop];
​function getElementByStyle(style, value, tag)​ {
var all = document.getElementsByTagName(tag || "*");
var len = all.length;
var result = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( getStyle(all[i], style) === value )
return result;

For Mootools:
var styleEls = $$('*').filter(function(item) {
return item.getStyle('position') == 'absolute';

In jQuery you could use
$('*').filter( function(){
return ($(this).css('position') == 'absolute');
} );
Or even create a new selector.
got me interested and so here is one (its my 1st, so its not built for efficiency) to find elements by css property..
$.expr[':'].css = function(obj, index, meta, stack){
var params = meta[3].split(',');
return ($(obj).css(params[0]) == params[1]);
usage: $('optionalSelector:css(property,value)')
will return all elements (of optionalSelector) whose property = value
example: var visibleDivs = $('div:css(visibility,visible)');
will return all divs whose visibility is set to visible (works for the default visibility as well..)

There is no selector for CSS attributes, so you're pretty much stuck to looping through each element and checking it's position. Here's a jQuery method:
$("*").each(function() {
var pos = $(this).css('position');
if(pos == "absolute") {
// do something
else if (pos == "relative") {
// do something else
You can use Case statements instead of if/else as well.
Other than this solution, there is no selector per se that can search by CSS attributes (unless they were inline, maybe).


JS HTML Object, search for elements who's classes contain

I'm generating some HTML from JSON, which leaves me with an HTML object with a dynamic amount of children, depends on one the user and if they change the JSON.
I need to keep a reference to certain elements depending on the classes, so the user may change the name of the classes, but they will need to have certain keywords, so, for example, I want to keep a reference to marvLightbox__close.
Someone could change this to something like something__close, so how can I search this HTML object's children for just close?
I have not yet appended this object to the DOM, it's just in memory.
Found out I can use this, but I feel like it's cheating a bit! Plus I need to support IE8...
Edit 2
The Polyfill actually isn't too many lines, so it's not too bad after all...
if (!document.querySelectorAll) {
document.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
var style = document.createElement('style'), elements = [], element;
document._qsa = [];
style.styleSheet.cssText = selectors + '{x-qsa:expression(document._qsa && document._qsa.push(this))}';
window.scrollBy(0, 0);
while (document._qsa.length) {
element = document._qsa.shift();'x-qsa');
document._qsa = null;
return elements;
Found out I can use this, but I feel like it's cheating a bit! Plus I need to support IE8...
The Polyfill actually isn't too many lines, so it's not too bad after all...
if (!document.querySelectorAll) {
document.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
var style = document.createElement('style'), elements = [], element;
document._qsa = [];
style.styleSheet.cssText = selectors + '{x-qsa:expression(document._qsa && document._qsa.push(this))}';
window.scrollBy(0, 0);
while (document._qsa.length) {
element = document._qsa.shift();'x-qsa');
document._qsa = null;
return elements;

How can I get width of div, which is written in CSS

I want width of a div element which is specified by developer.
Means if you write $('body').width(), it will provide you width in px , whether you have specified it or not.
I need width of div specified in CSS/JavaScript but not which is calculated by jQuery (which was not actually specified but was inherited).
If not width is specified then I need to know.
The code below will loop through all stylesheets as well as the matching element's style property. This function will return an array of widths.
function getCSSWidths( id ) {
var stylesheets = document.styleSheets;
var widths = [];
var styleWidth;
// loop through each stylesheet
$.each( stylesheets, function( i, sheet ) {
var len = ( sheet.rules.length || sheet.cssRules.length );
var rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules;
// loop through rules
for (var i=0; i < len; i++) {
var rule = rules[i];
// if width is specified in css add to widths array
if (rule.selectorText.toLowerCase() == "#" + id.toLowerCase() ) {
var el = document.getElementById( id );
// get width specified in the html style attribute
if( el && && ) {
widths.push( );
return widths;
getCSSWidths( "test" );
Fiddle here
There is one issue that I can see though as multiple selectors can be specified in the selectorText i.e.
#id1, #id2, .class1 {
// properties
In these cases the id passed in as an argument will not match the selectorText property. Maybe someone can come up with a regex expression that will match the specified id :)
<style type="text/css">
.largeField {
width: 65%;
var rules = document.styleSheets[0].rules || document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
for (var i=0; rules.length; i++) {
var rule = rules[i];
if (rule.selectorText.toLowerCase() == ".largefield") {
Possibly duplicate with get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery or Getting values of global stylesheet in jQuery
For the Javascript specified width, you can try this:
If the above returns an empty string, it means it has not been specified by Javascript.
As for rules specified through CSS, find the class name(s) of the element and then the rules specified for that class:
var className = document.getElementById("myDivElement").className;
var cssWidth = getWidthFromClassname(className);
Now you need to define getWidthFromClassname:
function getWidthFromClassname(className)
var reqWidth;
var classes = document.styleSheets[0].rules || document.styleSheets[0].cssRules
for(var x=0;x<classes.length;x++) {
if(classes[x].selectorText==className) {
reqWidth = classes[x].style.getPropertyValue("width");
return reqWidth;
You could use the clientWidth property, it calculates the actual width of the element, regardless if set through CSS or if it's the natural flow of the document:
If you want the full content width with margins/paddings/border you can use offsetWidth:

Getting values of global stylesheet in jQuery

When I use a style sheet definition like this on HTML page scope
#sideBar {
float: left;
width: 27.5%;
min-width: 275;
the following code does NOT return the value of the CSS defined width:
In this article a function it is shown retrieving the correct value, when I try to do so it dos not really work cross browser. So I have tried something similar in jQuery but failed.
$("#sideBar").css("width'"); // 1st trial
$("#sideBar").width(); // 2nd trial
I do get the absolute pixel width, not he percentage value 27.5.
Is there a way to retrieve the percentage value as well?
Similar (but not the same) to SO Question: get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery.
var width = ( 100 * parseFloat($("#sideBar").css('width')) / parseFloat($("#sideBar").parent().css('width')) ) + '%';
reference get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery
here is the fiddle
Here is what I have done. Since all approaches did no really work reliable (cross browser etc.), I came across CSS parser/abstracter? How to convert stylesheet into object .
First I was about to use some fully blown CSS parsers such as
jQuery CSS parser
which are powerful, but also heavyweight. Eventually I ended up with my own little function
// Get the original CSS values instead of values of the element.
// #param {String} ruleSelector
// #param {String} cssprop
// #returns {String} property of the style
exports.getCssStyle = function (ruleSelector, cssprop) {
for (var c = 0, lenC = document.styleSheets.length; c < lenC; c++) {
var rules = document.styleSheets[c].cssRules;
for (var r = 0, lenR = rules.length; r < lenR; r++) {
var rule = rules[r];
if (rule.selectorText == ruleSelector && {
return[cssprop]; // rule.cssText;
return null;
When you need the exact value as defined in the global stylesheet you have to access the rules within the style-element.
This is not implemented in jQuery.
IE: rules-collection
Others: CSSRuleList (May be supported by IE8 or 9 too, can't tell you exactly)
There's nothing in jQuery, and nothing straightforward even in javascript. Taking timofey's answer and running with it, I created this function that works for getting any properties you want:
// gets the style property as rendered via any means (style sheets, inline, etc) but does *not* compute values
// domNode - the node to get properties for
// properties - Can be a single property to fetch or an array of properties to fetch
function getFinalStyle(domNode, properties) {
if(!(properties instanceof Array)) properties = [properties]
var parent = domNode.parentNode
if(parent) {
var originalDisplay = = 'none'
var computedStyles = getComputedStyle(domNode)
var result = {}
properties.forEach(function(prop) {
result[prop] = computedStyles[prop]
if(parent) { = originalDisplay
return result
The trick used here is to hide its parent, get the computed style, then unhide the parent.

Getting element by a custom attribute using JavaScript

I have an XHTML page where each HTML element has a unique custom attribute, like this:
<div class="logo" tokenid="14"></div>
I need a way to find this element by ID, similar to document.getElementById(), but instead of using a general ID, I want to search for the element using my custom "tokenid" attribute. Something like this:
Is that possible? If yes - any hint would be greatly appreciated.
It is not good to use custom attributes in the HTML. If any, you should use HTML5's data attributes.
Nevertheless you can write your own function that traverses the tree, but that will be quite slow compared to getElementById because you cannot make use of any index:
function getElementByAttribute(attr, value, root) {
root = root || document.body;
if(root.hasAttribute(attr) && root.getAttribute(attr) == value) {
return root;
var children = root.children,
for(var i = children.length; i--; ) {
element = getElementByAttribute(attr, value, children[i]);
if(element) {
return element;
return null;
In the worst case, this will traverse the whole tree. Think about how to change your concept so that you can make use browser functions as much as possible.
In newer browsers you use of the querySelector method, where it would just be:
var element = document.querySelector('[tokenid="14"]');
This will be much faster too.
Update: Please note #Andy E's comment below. It might be that you run into problems with IE (as always ;)). If you do a lot of element retrieval of this kind, you really should consider using a JavaScript library such as jQuery, as the others mentioned. It hides all these browser differences.
<div data-automation="something">
=> finds the div
=> finds the div with a value
If you're using jQuery, you can use some of their selector magic to do something like this:
as your selector.
You can accomplish this with JQuery:
Here's a fiddle for an example.
If you're willing to use JQuery, then:
var myElement = $('div[tokenid="14"]').get();
Doing this with vanilla JavaScript will do the trick:
const something = document.querySelectorAll('[data-something]')
Use this more stable Function:
function getElementsByAttribute(attr, value) {
var match = [];
/* Get the droids we are looking for*/
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
/* Loop through all elements */
for (var ii = 0, ln = elements.length; ii < ln; ii++) {
if (elements[ii].nodeType === 1){
if (elements[ii].name != null){
/* If a value was passed, make sure it matches the elements */
if (value) {
if (elements[ii].getAttribute(attr) === value)
} else {
/* Else, simply push it */
return match;

Get class list for element with jQuery

Is there a way in jQuery to loop through or assign to an array all of the classes that are assigned to an element?
<div class="Lorem ipsum dolor_spec sit amet">Hello World!</div>
I will be looking for a "special" class as in "dolor_spec" above. I know that I could use hasClass() but the actual class name may not necessarily be known at the time.
You can use document.getElementById('divId').className.split(/\s+/); to get you an array of class names.
Then you can iterate and find the one you want.
var classList = document.getElementById('divId').className.split(/\s+/);
for (var i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) {
if (classList[i] === 'someClass') {
//do something
jQuery does not really help you here...
var classList = $('#divId').attr('class').split(/\s+/);
$.each(classList, function(index, item) {
if (item === 'someClass') {
//do something
Why has no one simply listed.
EDIT: Split on /\s+/ instead of ' ' to fix #MarkAmery's objection. (Thanks #YashaOlatoto.)
On supporting browsers, you can use DOM elements' classList property.
It is an array-like object listing all of the classes the element has.
If you need to support old browser versions that don't support the classList property, the linked MDN page also includes a shim for it - although even the shim won't work on Internet Explorer versions below IE 8.
Here is a jQuery plugin which will return an array of all the classes the matched element(s) have
;!(function ($) {
$.fn.classes = function (callback) {
var classes = [];
$.each(this, function (i, v) {
var splitClassName = v.className.split(/\s+/);
for (var j = 0; j < splitClassName.length; j++) {
var className = splitClassName[j];
if (-1 === classes.indexOf(className)) {
if ('function' === typeof callback) {
for (var i in classes) {
return classes;
Use it like
In your case returns
["Lorem", "ipsum", "dolor_spec", "sit", "amet"]
You can also pass a function to the method to be called on each class
function(c) {
// do something with each class
Here is a jsFiddle I set up to demonstrate and test
Minified Javascript
;!function(e){e.fn.classes=function(t){var n=[];e.each(this,function(e,t){var r=t.className.split(/\s+/);for(var i in r){var s=r[i];if(-1===n.indexOf(s)){n.push(s)}}});if("function"===typeof t){for(var r in n){t(n[r])}}return n}}(jQuery);
You should try this one:
It returns a list of all current classes of the element.
var classList = $(element).attr('class').split(/\s+/);
//do something
$('div').attr('class').split(' ').each(function(cls){ console.log(cls);})
As #Ryan Leonard pointed out correctly, my answer doesn't really fix the point I made my self... You need to both trim and remove double spaces with (for example) string.replace(/ +/g, " ").. Or you could split the el.className and then remove empty values with (for example) arr.filter(Boolean).
const classes = element.className.split(' ').filter(Boolean);
or more modern
const classes = element.classList;
With all the given answers, you should never forget to user .trim() (or $.trim())
Because classes gets added and removed, it can happen that there are multiple spaces between class string.. e.g. 'class1 class2 class3'..
This would turn into ['class1', 'class2','','','', 'class3']..
When you use trim, all multiple spaces get removed..
Might this can help you too. I have used this function to get classes of childern element..
function getClickClicked(){
var clickedElement=null;
var classes = null;<--- this is array
ELEMENT.on("click",function(e){//<-- where element can div,p span, or any id also a class
clickedElement = $(;
classes = clickedElement.attr("class").split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i<classes.length;i++){
In your case you want doler_ipsum class u can do like this now calsses[2];.
Thanks for this - I was having a similar issue, as I'm trying to programatically relate objects will hierarchical class names, even though those names might not necessarily be known to my script.
In my script, I want an <a> tag to turn help text on/off by giving the <a> tag [some_class] plus the class of toggle, and then giving it's help text the class of [some_class]_toggle. This code is successfully finding the related elements using jQuery:
$("a.toggle").toggle(function(){toggleHelp($(this), false);}, function(){toggleHelp($(this), true);});
function toggleHelp(obj, mode){
var classList = obj.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
$.each( classList, function(index, item){
if (item.indexOf("_toggle") > 0) {
var targetClass = "." + item.replace("_toggle", "");
Try This. This will get you the names of all the classes from all the elements of document.
$(document).ready(function() {
var currentHtml="";
$('*').each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('') === false) {
var class_name = $(this).attr('class');
if (class_name.match(/\s/g)){
var newClasses= class_name.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i <= newClasses.length - 1; i++) {
if (currentHtml.indexOf(newClasses[i]) <0) {
currentHtml += "."+newClasses[i]+"<br>{<br><br>}<br>"
if (currentHtml.indexOf(class_name) <0) {
currentHtml += "."+class_name+"<br>{<br><br>}<br>"
Here is the working example:
For getting the list of classes applied to element we can use
For adding or removing any classes we can follow as below.
And for simply checking if the class is present or not we can use hasClass
I had a similar issue, for an element of type image. I needed to check whether the element was of a certain class. First I tried with:
but I got a nice "this function is not available for this element".
Then I inspected my element on the DOM explorer and I saw a very nice attribute that I could use: className. It contained the names of all the classes of my element separated by blank spaces.
$('img').className // it contains "class1 class2 class3"
Once you get this, just split the string as usual.
In my case this worked:
var listOfClassesOfMyElement= $('img').className.split(" ");
I am assuming this would work with other kinds of elements (besides img).
Hope it helps.
javascript provides a classList attribute for a node element in dom. Simply using
will return a object of form
DOMTokenList {0: "class1", 1: "class2", 2: "class3", length: 3, item: function, contains: function, add: function, remove: function…}
The object has functions like contains, add, remove which you can use
A bit late, but using the extend() function lets you call "hasClass()" on any element, e.g.:
var hasClass = $('#divId').hasClass('someClass');
(function($) {
hasClass: new function(className) {
var classAttr = $J(this).attr('class');
if (classAttr != null && classAttr != undefined) {
var classList = classAttr.split(/\s+/);
for(var ix = 0, len = classList.length;ix < len;ix++) {
if (className === classList[ix]) {
return true;
return false;
}); })(jQuery);
The question is what Jquery is designed to do.
$('.dolor_spec').each(function(){ //do stuff
And why has no one given .find() as an answer?
There is also classList for non-IE browsers:
if element.classList.contains("dolor_spec") { //do stuff

