How to set the tip dimensions with jQuery qTIp? - javascript

I'm having some trouble with modifying qTip's tip size (x,y).
I tried to add the style: { tip: { x:2,y:2 } } in all sorts of ways, but failed.
How can I add it to the following script?
// Status Tooltips Style
$.fn.qtip.styles.statusTooltips = {
background: '#333333',
color: 'white',
textAlign: 'center',
border: {
width: 1,
radius: 5,
color: '#333333'
tip: 'leftMiddle',
name: 'dark'
// Status Tooltips Init
style: 'statusTooltips',
position: {
corner: {
target: 'rightMiddle',
tooltip: 'leftBottom'

it's simpe enough:
$("#mytip").qtip({style: { tip: { size: { x: 10, y: 10}} }});

For qtip 2, you can just set the width and height properties of the tip object:
style: {
tip: {
width: 10,
height: 10

Got it!
style: {background:'#333333',
border:{width: 1, radius: 5, color: '#333333'},
tip:{corner:'leftMiddle',size: { x:6,y:10 }}
position: {corner: {target:'rightMiddle',tooltip:'leftBottom'}}
Thanks, StackOverflow, for being an occasional rubber duck :)


react-particles-js: Can't set a background and width

I have this installed react-particles-js, everything works fine as I see, but now I have created some custom design, and assigned it to the Particle via it params, just like this:
particles: {
number: { value: 35, density: { enable: true, value_area: 800 } },
color: {
value: [
shape: {
type: 'circle',
stroke: { width: 0, color: '#000000' },
polygon: { nb_sides: 3 },
image: { src: 'img/github.svg', width: 100, height: 100 },
opacity: {
value: 1.5,
random: false,
anim: {
enable: false,
speed: 1,
opacity_min: 0.1,
sync: false,
size: {
value: 9,
random: true,
anim: {
enable: false,
speed: 43.15684315684316,
size_min: 0.1,
sync: false,
line_linked: {
enable: true,
distance: 100.82952832645452,
color: '#ffffff',
opacity: 1.4,
width: 1,
move: {
enable: true,
speed: 2,
direction: 'none',
random: true,
straight: false,
out_mode: 'out',
bounce: false,
attract: { enable: false, rotateX: 600, rotateY: 1200 },
interactivity: {
detect_on: 'canvas',
events: {
onhover: { enable: true, mode: 'bubble' },
onclick: { enable: false, mode: 'push' },
resize: true,
modes: {
grab: { distance: 400, line_linked: { opacity: 1 } },
bubble: {
distance: 109.63042366068159,
size: 13,
duration: 2,
opacity: 8,
speed: 3,
repulse: { distance: 200, duration: 0.4 },
push: { particles_nb: 4 },
remove: { particles_nb: 2 },
retina_detect: true,
After that, I'm trying to add a background color to make it look correctly, but as I can see the styling which I try to pass to the particle it just doesn't work, at least the position applies.
const styling = {
backgroundColor: '#2a2e31',
position: 'absolute',
width: '10%',
There are several ways to control the styling:
You can provide a className prop for canvas wrapper, and width prop for the width of canvas:
And, write the CSS:
.particles-wrapper {
background-color: #2a2e31;
height: 100%;
width: 10%; // You may need this or may not depending on your requirement
Or, you can add a new div which would wrap the <Particles .. /> and set styling for this div as by default canvas is transparent.
Or, you can use canvasClassName prop and set the style for this class.
Here is a snapshot after using the 1st method from above:
The reason that we need to pass width, height separately is, as seen in source code, those present in is being overwritten like this:
The easiest way to set a background to the particles is using the background option.
<Particles params={{
background: {
color: "#000"
/* all other options you set */
}} />
This will set a background to the canvas. If you need a transparent one use #ajeet-shah answer.

ChartJS Doughnout Chart Pie Offset on Hover

I have this:
Is it possible to animate one section of this chart, a Pie, on hover to make it grow, as in offset by either giving it padding or a different height?
I think this should be possible because on their site it says " Animate everything!", but haven't had any luck yet. Tried using events but not working.
// Doughnut chart
var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
datasets: [{
data: [11, 47, 53],
backgroundColor: ['rgb(137, 207, 191)', 'rgb(140, 187, 206)', 'rgb(144, 156, 209)']
labels: [
'Middle School',
'High School'
options: {
cutoutPercentage: 60,
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Grade',
position: 'top',
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
fontSize: 18,
fontColor: 'rgb(97, 98, 116)',
padding: '20'
layout: {
padding: {
top: 20,
legend: {
display: true,
onHover: stuff,
slices: {
1: {
offset: .5
function stuff(e) {
var activePoints = myDoughnutChart.getElementsAtEvent(e);
Thanks for any help.
Add this code in update function of doughnut
var innerRadius = reset && animationOpts.animateScale ? 0 : me.innerRadius;
if (index == doughnutIndex) {
innerRadius = innerRadius + 10;
And add a new function setHoverStyle
setHoverStyle: function(arc) {
doughnutIndex = arc._index;
If what you are wanting is for the section to move outward on hover, that is done with simply setting hoverOffset with a number. See this example and documentation here.

Adding text Javascript progressbar

I would like to add a description text to my progress bar. This description text shoud appear at the left top of the bar. The best way to do it is by modifying my Javascript. It should be very easy to do but i don't have a lot of knowledge in js and I don't know how to do it.
Here is the code :
<div id="cont"></div>
#cont {
margin: 10px;
width: 100%;
height: 5px;
position: relative;
JS :
var bar = new ProgressBar.Line(cont, {
strokeWidth: 4,
easing: 'easeInOut',
duration: 1400,
color: '#ed1100',
trailColor: '#eee',
trailWidth: 1,
svgStyle: {width: '100%', height: '100%'},
text: {
style: {
// Text color.
// Default: same as stroke color (options.color)
color: '#999',
position: 'absolute',
right: '0',
top: '30px',
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
transform: null
autoStyleContainer: false
from: {color: '#ed1100'},
to: {color: '#ED6A5A'},
step: (state, bar) => {
bar.setText(Math.round(bar.value() * 100) + ' %');
bar.animate(1.0); // Number from 0.0 to 1.0
It also uses another JS you can find here :
Code in use :
Can someone help me to add this description text ?
You mean like this?
You could just extend the "bar" object with your own function:
bar.addText = function(text) {
jQuery(this._container).append("<label>" + text + "</label>");
You then call your function after loading your bar.
bar.animate(1.0); // Number from 0.0 to 1.0
Note: for simplicity I've added jQuery for DOM manipulation.

jointjs: svg text is replaced by blank on drop to paper

In stencils we have png, on drop to paper we replace cell[png] with svg.
cell - represents png
vectorString - markup of png
var currentSvg = new joint.shapes.basic.pwmeter({
position: { x: bbox.x, y: bbox.y },
size: { height: cell.attributes.minHeight, width: cell.attributes.minWidth },
minWidth: cell.attributes.minWidth,
minHeight: cell.attributes.minHeight,
markup: vectorString,
type: cell.attributes.type,
fileName: cell.attributes.fileName,
isInteractive: true,
elementClassName: cell.attributes.elementClassName,
isAnimatedDevice: cell.attributes.isAnimatedDevice,
attrs: {
'.myClass': {
fill: '#ffffff',
stroke: '#000000'
we are making pwmeter by extending Image
joint.shapes.basic.pwmeter = joint.shapes.basic.Image.extend({
type: 'basic.pwmeter',
initialize: function () {
return joint.shapes.basic.Image.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
We drop png from stencils to paper, and get svg markup for corresponding png,
we call currentSvg.addTo(Rappid.graph), during execution of this, all text in meter [svg] are replaced by blank.
our text - 0
auto generated code replaces my text, we are not able to figure out why this is happening
above is the generated text
We are new to jointjs, we think we are doing something wrong during extending.
I can see there is a markup in you settings. Make sure there is a text 'placeholder' in the markup.
in this example attr text is tied with the <text/> element
new joint.shapes.basic.pwmeter({
markup: '<g><image/><text/></g>',
attrs: {
text: { text: '48x48' },
image: { 'xlink:href': '', width: 48, height: 48 }
size: { width : 50, height: 50 },
position: { x:200, y: 50},
but in here, attr text has no matching element in the markup, therefore it won't be rendered.
new joint.shapes.basic.pwmeter({
markup: '<g><image/></g>',
attrs: {
text: { text: '90x90' },
image: { 'xlink:href': '', width: 90, height: 90 }
size: { width : 90, height: 90 },
position: { x:50, y: 50},
more information about attr property could be found here

Change port design in JointJS

I'm trying to create graph using JointJS, where Link starts from output port od 1 element and can be connected with whole other element (or current element itself) - not only with input port.
My idea is to modify input port style, to cover element it belongs to, but I have problems to change port shape in any way, it's always a little circle on left side of element and none of my css works.
Can someone give any advice?
you can update the port attrib0utes as follows:
var a = new joint.shapes.devs.Model({
position: { x: 50, y: 50 },
size: { width: 100, height: 100 },
attrs: {
'.port-label': {
fill: 'red'
// change position and size of the 'a' port
'.inPorts .port0 circle': {
r: 15,
'ref-x': -20,
'ref-y': 10,
stroke: 'red',
'stroke-width': 5
// change color on a single port
'.inPorts .port0 .port-label': {
fill: 'blue',
inPorts: ['a', 'aa', 'aaa'],
outPorts: ['b']
However, you don't need to use ports to achieve this, you can connect to the whole element directly like this:
var a = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
size: { width: 100, height: 100 },
position: { x: 300, y: 300 },
attrs: {
'rect': { magnet: true }
var b = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
size: { width: 100, height: 100 },
position: { x: 100, y: 100 },
attrs: {
'rect': { magnet: true }
new joint.dia.Link({ source: { id: }, target: { id: } }).addTo(graph);

