jQuery callback into non-jQuery parent object - javascript

See this code:
var MyObject = new function() {
this.tos = new Array();
this.show = function() {
$("#divExample").slideDown(null,function() {
MyObject.tos[MyObject.tos.length] =
setTimeout(function(){MyObject.doSomething();} , 1800);
this.doSomething = function() {
this.clearTimeouts = function(){
for (var i=0; i<this.tos.length; i++)
this.tos = new Array();
MyObject and it's methods are used in a few places. Maybe it's a bad way to do it, I dunno. I didn't want to tie it too closely with jQuery for my own reasons, so leaving it like this made sense as I can easily change the slide to style.display.
The problem is that I dont like referencing the object as MyObject in the callback of the jQuery slide, but I have to to add the timeout reference to my array of them so they can all be cleared. Is there a better way to do this?

You could try something like this:
this.show = function() {
var obj = this;
$("#divExample").slideDown(null,function() {
obj.tos[obj.tos.length] =
setTimeout(function(){obj.doSomething();} , 1800);

var MyObject = (function() {
// private variable
tos = new Array();
// private method
function doSomething() {
// do something
// ..
// return an instance with public methods
return {
show: function() {
$("#divExample").slideDown(null,function() {
tos[tos.length] =
setTimeout(function(){ doSomething(); } , 1800);
clearTimeouts: function() {
for (var i=0; i<tos.length; i++)
tos = new Array();


Extending existing Object to add additional JavaScript Prototype methods

Let's say I have a function like the one below that creates a very simple micro-library:
var microLib = function(selector) {
var el;
var selectorEngine = function(selector)
var selector_value = selector.slice(1);
return document.getElementById(selector_value);
el = selectorEngine(selector);
Element.prototype.func_1 = function(){
return 'first';
Element.prototype.func_2 = function(){
return 'second';
return el;
window._$ = microLib;
This script will allow me to write code like this:
var elem = _$("#div_with_id"); //some element on my web page
console.log(elem.func_2()); //outputs 'second' in the console
So now, I'm looking for a way to extend _$ in a supplementary piece of code to add additional Element.prototype methods, which will allow me to write:
console.log(elem.func_3()); //to output 'third' in the console
The reason I need to do this is because this extension needs to take place in another JavaScript file, otherwise I would I have just added another method and be done with it.
How can I do this?
Here's an example of the approach that I am suggesting: http://jsfiddle.net/rbxssmx8/.
var toArray = Function.prototype.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice);
var qAll = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
var _$ = (function() {
function dom(selector) {
if(!(this instanceof dom)) {
return new dom(selector);
this.elements = toArray(qAll(selector));
dom.prototype.iterate = function(func) {
return this;
dom.prototype.addClass = function() {
var klasses = arguments;
return this.iterate(function(element) {
element.classList.add.apply(element.classList, klasses);
dom.extend = function(name, func) {
this.prototype[name] = func;
dom.ready = function(func) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", func);
return dom;
_$.extend("removeClass", function() {
var klasses = arguments;
return this.iterate(function(element) {
element.classList.remove.apply(element.classList, klasses);
var $el = _$("div:last-of-type");
So I read this post on What's wrong with extending the DOM and the alternative suggested by the author was to use Object Wrappers. A quick search on that led me to this post on SO: Using object wrappers to extend the JavaScripts DOM?
Coupled with some insight from #DRD's answer, I updated my code:
(function() {
var microLib = function (selector){
return new Dom(selector);
function Dom(selector)
var selector_value = selector.slice(1);
this.element = document.getElementById(selector_value);
Dom.prototype.func_1 = function(){
return 'first';
Dom.prototype.func_2 = function(){
return 'second';
microLib.extend = function(name, func){
Dom.prototype[name] = func;
window._$ = microLib;
And then whenever you want to extend and add another function, do this afterwards:
_$.extend('func_3', function(){ //this is inline with my earlier question
return 'third';
Works like a charm! And definitely the safer option compared to extending Element.prototype.

Javascript: Function inside object not working

I am trying to create a controller in Javascript, which will respond to button clicks and change the view accordingly.
I have a function which works that looks like this:
document.getElementById("reset").onclick = function () {
//do something
However, when I try to put the function in a controller object, I get an "unexpected token" error:
var controller = {
this.reset = document.getElementById("reset").onclick = function () {
//do something
I'm not sure about 2 things:
How to fix this error? (I know its due to scope, but don't know how to fix it in a way that still follows MVC patterns)
Generally speaking, is this a good way to go about creating a controller object? (I'm new to the MVC model, and don't know if I'm following best practices.)
The error is due to that the object cant be declared like that, there are different ways to do it:
var obj1 = {
a : function() {
var obj2 = function() {
var b = function() {
return {
a: b
var obj3 = function() {
this.a = function() {
And then use it.
obj1.a; //prints obj1
obj2().a; //prints obj2
new obj3().a; //prints obj3.
About how to structure your objects is opinion based, but i like to do it like this.
var Controller = function() {
this.attachEvents = function() {
document.getElementById("reset").onclick = reset;
var reset = function() {
new Controller().attachEvents();
another option is..
var Controller = function() {
this.reset = function() {
var controller = new Controller();
document.getElementById("reset").onclick = controller.reset;
This is not a valid Javascript object structure, but you can do it in following if it works for you
var controller = {
reset : function () {
document.getElementById("reset").onclick = function(){
//do your work here
Logic is completely on you/developer how he/she wants to handle things.
or you can do the binding thing outside, like,
var controller = {
reset : function () {
//what to do to rsest
and then, bind it elsewhere
//when to run reset method
document.getElementById("reset").onclick = controller.reset;

JavaScript Event implementation to Closure based Object

I have a Object based on some closure, and want to implement event scheme here:
var class1 = function(val1)
var val = val1;
//------ want to call a method of Object of class1--------
var self = this;
}, 1000);
return {
f1: function()
return val;
onEvent: function()
console.log('not implemented yet. Override');
var obj1 = class1(5);
console.log(obj1.f1()); //5
obj1.onEvent(); //not implemented yet. Override
obj1.onEvent = function()
console.log('event fired');
got error, and I know the reason, and I need a solution:
not implemented yet. Override
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'onEvent'
It is possible if this bind with addEventListener scheme like this:
(The idea based on
Implementing events in my own object
var class2 = function()
var _this = this;
_this.events = {};
var fireEvent = function(name, args)
if (!_this.events.hasOwnProperty(name)) return;
if (!args || !args.length) args = [];
var evs = _this.events[name];
var l = evs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
evs[i].apply(null, args);
fireEvent('testEvent', ['hello'])
}, 1000);
return {
addEventListener: function(name, handler)
if (_this.events.hasOwnProperty(name))
_this.events[name] = [handler];
var obj2 = class2();
console.log('event fired: ' + data);
event fired: hello
However, I prefer not to use addEventListener but .onEvent() scheme.
Is it possible? Perhaps it is possible using call/apply.
Thanks for your advice.
In your first block of code, you are returning an object, which is different from this or self.
You don't necessarily have to return this in your constructors but you should assign your functions on the returned object. If you create a variable for the object you want to return, you can use it in your setTimeout callback like so:
var class1 = function(val1)
var val = val1;
var obj = {
f1: function()
return val;
onEvent: function()
console.log('not implemented yet. Override');
}, 1000);
return obj;
For extra style points, you might want to capitalize the name of your constructors (and perhaps use new to instantiate them to make things clearer to your readers).

Formatting of a JavaScript function.function()

I have a set of functions that manage CRUD operations on a database.
I am trying to have a top level function that houses the add, update, delete, etc. functions to keep it clean and organized.
I often see Javascript SDKs that look like users.add(param, param) where I am envisioning that it looks something like:
users = function(){
add = function(param,param) {
// do function
What is the proper way to to do this?
A simple way to do it would be to construct it as an object:
var users = {
add: function(param, param) {
//do function
edit: function(param, param) {
//do another function
users is usually an object literal, like so:
users = {
add:function(...) {...}
Alternatively, it could be an instanciated object (unlikely in this particular case):
function Users() {};
Users.prototype.add = function(...) {...};
users = new Users();
You can do something like this:
var Users = {
add: function(a,b) {...},
remove: function(a) {...},
then call:
Users.add(a, b);
var Users = function(options) { this.init(options); };
// Add a static method
Users.add = function(a,b) {...};
// Also add a prototype method
Users.prototype.remove = function(a) {...};
then do this:
var user = User.add(a, b);
var user = new User(user_id);
var users = {
add: function(params) {
// do stuff
// more functions
Maybe this could be helpful:
var User = function(name){
this.name = name;
this.address = "";
this.setAddress = function(address){
this.address = address;
this.toString = function(){
alert("Name: "+this.name+" | Address: "+this.address);
var a = new User("John");
a.setAddress("street abc");
and to manage a list of users:
var Users = function(){
this.users = new Array();
this.add = function(name, address){
var usr = new User(name);
this.listUsers = function(){
for(var x = 0; x < this.users.length; x++){
var list = new Users();
list.add("Mickey", "disney Street");
list.add("Tom", "street");
working example: http://jsfiddle.net/N9b5c/

TypeError: Object is undefined

In a code below:
var FilledObjectArray = function() {
this.filledObject = {};
FilledObjectArray.prototype = {
fill: function() {
this.filledObject["one"] = 1;
var SomeClass = function() {
this.something = new FilledObjectArray();
SomeClass.prototype = {
showContents: function() {
for (key in this.something) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var s = new SomeClass();
$(".bla").each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
I'm getting this error in Firebug console:
TypeError: this.filledObject is undefined
this.filledObject["one"] = 1;
What I'm doing wrong here? From what I understand object is properly initialized and value assigning is correct. I'm testing this in Firefox 18.0.2 version and Chrome 25.
I think this should solve your problem
I found this issue with the existing code and have created a proposed solution, however I'm not exactly clear on your intent so it may be a little different than your needs, please modify as needed.
The Issue
The main issue stems from the FilledObjectArray object. This object's prototype is assigned a function fill and then assigned a property one of type int with a value of 1. So remember this object has two properties, one a function one an int.
So when you execute this code...
for (key in this.something) {
$("#some-div").append(this.something[key]); //Item 1
Two iterations of the loop occur, once for the function fill and once for the property one. The issue occurs on the iteration for the fill key, since this.something[key] is passed to the append(), which cann accept functions, causing jQuery to trigger the function. When this occurs, within the execution context of the fill function, this is assigned to #some-div, which does not have a filledObject property, causing the TypeError to be thrown. I have commented on some of this below:
var FilledObjectArray = function() {
this.filledObject = {}; //Fill is an object
FilledObjectArray.prototype = {
fill: function() {
this.filledObject["one"] = 1;
var SomeClass = function() {
this.something = new FilledObjectArray();
SomeClass.prototype = {
showContents: function() {
for (key in this.something) {
$("#some-div").append(this.something[key]); //The fill function is called here
$(document).ready(function() {
var s = new SomeClass();
$(".bla").each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
Proposed Solution
var FilledObjectArray = function() {
this.filledObject = [];
FilledObjectArray.prototype.fill = function(){
this.filledObject[0] = 1;
var SomeClass = function() {
this.something = new FilledObjectArray();
SomeClass.prototype = {
showContents: function() {
for (var x = 0; x < this.something.filledObject.length; x++){
$(document).ready(function() {
var s = new SomeClass();
$(".bla").each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
i think you looking for this:
for (key in this.something) {
you need use hasOwnProperty to iterate over the properties of an object without executing on inherit properties.
I feel a bit dumb right now but here is the solution to this:
SomeClass.prototype = {
showContents: function() {
for (key in this.something.filledObject) {
if (this.something.filledObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
I was trying to access object itself (this.something) instead of object property (this.something.filledObject)

