javascript and json - javascript

I'm using javascript with a json library and running into a little trouble. Here's my json output:
"artist": {
"username": "myname",
"password": "password",
"portfolioName": "My Portfolio",
"birthday": "2010-07-12 17:24:36.104 EDT",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"receiveJunkMail": true,
"portfolios": [{
"entry": [{
"string": "Photos",
"utils.Portfolio": {
"name": "Photos",
"pics": [""]
"string": "Paintings",
"utils.Portfolio": {
"name": "Paintings",
"pics": [""]
In javascript I'm trying to access the entries in the map like so:
var portfolios = jsonObject.artist.portfolios.entry;
var portfolioCount = portfolios.length;
for ( var index = 0; index < portfolioCount; index++ )
var portfolio = portfolios[index];
txt=document.createTextNode("Portfolio Name: " + portfolio['string'] );
div = document.createElement("p");
div.appendChild ( txt );
but portfolios is "undefined". What's the correct way to do this?

Look at your JSON results. portfolios is a one-element array; portfolios[0] is an object containing a single key, entry, which maps to an array of two objects that have both string and utils.Portfolio keys. Thus, the syntax jsonObject.artist.portfolios.entry will not work. Instead, you want jsonObject.artist.portfolios[0].entry.
If possible, I would suggest changing whatever code generates those JSON results to remove the entry level of indirection entirely, e.g. like so:
"artist": {
/* ... */
"portfolios": [
"string": "Photos",
"utils.Portfolio": {
"name": "Photos",
"pics": [""]
"string": "Paintings",
"utils.Portfolio": {
"name": "Paintings",
"pics": [""]
Then you could access it with
var portfolios = jsonObject.artist.portfolios;
for (var i = 0, portfolio; portfolio = portfolios[i]; ++i)
// use portfolio variable here.

There is an array in your object. I believe you're looking for this:
var portfolios = jsonObject.artist.portfolios[0].entry;

The portfolios property is an array, so you need to use an index to get the first element:
var portfolios = jsonObject.artist.portfolios[0].entry;


Javascript iterating through JSON file

"comments": [
"created_utc": 1622513325,
"text": "gdhg sgf sddsfsd fdsf"
"created_utc": 1622513188,
"text": "sfdg sgf fdgfdg"
How would you iterate over each object to see the text?
Something like..?
let data = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'comments.json'));
let comments = JSON.parse(data);
for(var i in comments){
for(var j in i) {
console.log("? " + j.text)
If you know the structure of your JSON will always be a comments object on the first level, containing a list of elements with created_utc and text, you can do as easy as the following code.
You don't need to nest the cycle as you only want to iterate over one list, then read the items and directly access to the text field of each item.
var jsonString = `{
"comments": [
"created_utc": 1622513325,
"text": "gdhg sgf sddsfsd fdsf"
"created_utc": 1622513188,
"text": "sfdg sgf fdgfdg"
let comments = JSON.parse(jsonString).comments;
comments.forEach(comment => {

Transform data from flat into a nested tree structure based on value of indent attribute

We have an array similar to this:
const pages= [
"name": "Hello World",
"code": "hello-world",
"indent": 0,
"subpages": null
"name": "What is going on?",
"code": "what-is-going-on",
"indent": 1,
"subpages": null
"name": "My Page",
"code": "my-page",
"indent": 0,
"subpages": null
And we want to nest it so it looks like this:
"data": {
"hello-world": {
"name": "Hello World",
"subpages": {
"what-is-going-on": {
"name": "What is going on?",
"subpages": {}
"my-page": {
"name": "My Page",
"subpages": {}
So far, I was able to make it work, but it fails when there are MORE OBJECTS with GREATER INDENTS, or just more indents greater than 1 in a row.
This is the code I came up with
var arr = []
for (let i=0; i<pages.length; i++) {
if (pages[i].indent==0) {
else {
Its hard to admit it, but I feel like this approach will not work with more data - greater indents. I don't really know where should my solution be heading from.
What do you think would work?
Thank you for your time.
You could do this using reduce method and use an array to keep indent levels.
const pages = [{"name":"Hello World","code":"hello-world","indent":0,"subpages":null},{"name":"What is going on?","code":"what-is-going-on","indent":1,"subpages":null},{"name":"My Page","code":"my-page","indent":0,"subpages":null}]
const result = {}
const levels = [result]
pages.reduce((r, {name, code, indent}) => {
const subpages = {}
r[indent][code] = {name, subpages}
r[indent + 1] = subpages
return r
}, levels)

Problems extracting property names from an object (JAVASCRIPT)

I have an array of objects (I think!) and I need to extract the property name (for example "nickname") from a given object.
var VarObjAndValue = newArr[0];
I get the individual arrays (for example Object { nickname: “jhonny” }).
How can I now extract the property name "nickname" from the object above?
Listing the keys with
var listPropertyNames = Object.keys(newArr);
only provides sequential numbers from 0 to 6 rather than the desired keys names..
var StrToInclude = ["nickname", "name", "surname", "sex", "dob", "email", "phone"];
var newArr=[]; //Key name + its value
for (var i=0; i<StrToInclude.length; i++) {
temp_obj = {};
temp_obj[StrToInclude[i]] = document.getElementById(StrToInclude[i]).value;
console.log('newArr --> = ',newArr);
* newArr = [
* { "nickname": “jhonny” },
* { "name": “jonathan” },
* { "surname": “ross” },
* { "sex": “male” },
* { "dob": “22/02/1984” },
* { "email": “” },
* { "phone": "123" }
* ]
var VarObjAndValue = newArr[0];
console.log('VarObjAndValue --> = ',VarObjAndValue); //if i=0 ----> Object { nickname: “jhonny” }
var VarObjAndValue = newArr[1];
console.log('VarObjAndValue --> = ',VarObjAndValue); //if i=1 ----> Object { name: "jonathan" }
var listPropertyNames = Object.keys(newArr);
console.log('listPropertyNames --> = ',listPropertyNames); //Array(7) [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ] (not useful for this...) => Object.keys(obj)).flat()
or => Object.keys(obj)[0])
or from dave's comment
newArr.reduce((keys, o) => [...keys, ...Object.keys(o)], [])
gives you all property names as an array
Not sure if this is what you want, but you have already gotten those property names in StrToInclude
const newArr =
"nickname": "jhonny"
"name": "jonathan"
"surname": "ross"
"sex": "male"
"dob": "22/02/1984"
"email": ""
"phone": "123"
console.log( => Object.keys(obj)[0]))
You are very close to getting the right answer. Since newArr is an Array, the keys are numeric keys. All you have to do is go through each element is the Array of Objects to extract the keys. Something like this should do nicely:
for(let i = 0;i<newArr.length;i++){
console.log(Object.keys(newArr[i])); //Will go through the whole array and give you the keys of every object in it
You can simply do by looping over the array and using destructuring operator with the desired property name.
const arr = [
nickname: "abdullah"
age: 27
arr.forEach(({nickname}) => {
if (nickname) {
console.log(`Thats the property we want to extract: ${nickname}`);
break; // if you are not expecting this property name in other objects, otherwise no need to break

Javascript Push to Array if Condition is Met

I have the following Foods Object:
var Foods = {
"Fruits": [{
"id": "1",
"Name": "Granny Smith",
"Category": "1"
}, {
"id": "2",
"Name": "Raspberries",
"Category": "1"
"Potatoes": [{
"id": "3",
"Name": "Maris Piper",
"Category": "2"
}, {
"id": "4",
"Name": "Charlotte",
"Category": "2"
What I would like to do is only push the produce that matches an id passed by a link.
Get Foods
This is what I have tried so far:
function getCat (id){
result = [];
for(let item in Foods) {
if(Foods[item].id == id) {
data[item].foreach(v=>result.push("<div class='box'><h2>" +
data[key].Name + "<br></div>"));
function display() {
So if a user hits the link (which has an id of 2), the result array should contain "Charlotte" and "Maris Piper" but I am just drawing a blank.
Any help appreciated.
Youre quite close, however theres a slight problem:
for(let item in Foods) {
"id": "1",
"Name": "Granny Smith",
"Category": "1"
}, {
"id": "2",
"Name": "Raspberries",
"Category": "1"
So youre iterating over the categories, which are arrays.
is undefined as its an array and not a product. So we need to iterate the array to, e.g.
var result=[];
But if youre doing this quite often, it might be easier to create one product array once:
var products = Object.values(Foods).reduce((arr,cat)=>arr.concat(cat),[]);
So you can simply filter this whenever someone clicks a button:
var result = products.filter(product=> === id);
You're somewhat on the right track, but what's data? Why are you not doing anything with result? And you should be looking at the Category property rather than ID.
This'll work:
function getCat(id) {
let result = [];
for (let item in Foods) {
if (Foods.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
Foods[item].forEach((food) => {
if (food.Category == id) {
First of all result array should be at global scope so that you can access it in another function, And in object you are having categories then each category has some data in array so after iterating over object, you need to iterate the items from array as well to get the value. Check the below code.
var result = [];
function getCat(id){
for(let item in Foods) {
var foodItem = Foods[item];
for(let i=0; i<foodItem.length; i++){
if(foodItem[i].id == id) {
result.push("<div class='box'><h2>" + foodItem[i].Name + "<br></div>"));
function display() {
Iterator is wrong. You should do it like this:
function getCat(id){
result = [];
for(let item in Foods) {
if( == id) { // you cmpare to the wrong target
// do something

JSON Data Fuzzy merge

I have a JSON data like this
"array": {
"InvestmentsDeposits": {
"NAME": "Investments & Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "Promotions",
"PATH": "/Promotions"
"InvestmentsDeposits$$$d": {
"NAME": "Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "NewPromotion",
"text" : "newtext"
I need to search for fuzzy data and merge. For example InvestmentsDeposits and InvestmentsDeposits$$$d need to be merged because it matches closely in name
Need to use javascript for this
For now I can make sure source data will always have $$$d at the end to merge with the target data without $$$d i.e., InvestmentDeposits.
My final merged content should be like this
"array": {
"InvestmentsDeposits": {
"NAME": "Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "NewPromotion",
"PATH": "/Promotions"
"text": "newtext"
any help on this one?
What I have tried so far
var json0 = {
"InvestmentsDeposits": {
"NAME": "Investments & Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "Promotions",
"PATH": "/Promotions"
var json1 =
"InvestmentsDeposits$$$d": {
"NAME": "Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "NewPromotion",
"text" : "newtext"
// Merge object2 into object1, recursively
$.extend( true, json0, json1 );
I am able to merge the data if i am able to split the InvestmentDeposits and InvestmentDeposits$$$d in to two distinct JSON objects but how to split and move the $$$d data in to another object? to make the jquery extend work
Use Object.keys() to find an object's keys and figure out what data to move over. You can compare the first key with the others to find matches, then remove the keys you just looked at until all of them are gone. Here's an example with a similar object.
var dat = {
"InvestmentsDeposits": {
"NAME": "Investments & Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "Promotions",
"PATH": "/Promotions"
}, "InvestmentsDeposits$$$d": {
"NAME": "Deposits",
"CONTENT_ID": "NewPromotion",
"text" : "newtext"
"NotLikeTheOthers": {
"Um": "Yeah."
var result = {}; // This will be the merged object
var keys = Object.keys(dat); // Contains keys
while(keys.length) {
var i=1;
for(; i<keys.length; i++) { // Find matches
if(keys[0] == keys[i] + '$$$d') { // Match type 1
result[keys[i]] = dat[keys[i]]; // Copy orig
for(var j in dat[keys[0]]) { // Replace values
result[keys[i]][j] = dat[keys[0]][j];
i = 0;
} else if(keys[i] == keys[0] + '$$$d') { // Reverse matched
result[keys[0]] = dat[keys[0]];
for(var j in dat[keys[i]]) {
result[keys[0]][j] = dat[keys[i]][j];
i = 0;
if(i > 0) { // Didn't find a match
result[keys[0]] = dat[keys[0]];
Note that Object.keys() requires IE9+.

