Create a web based GPS Skyplot - javascript

I am looking to create a web based GPS skyplot.
Currently just in the planning stages. Was wondering if anyone knew any javascript libraries or such in which this would be best to start with or have a look at, of if you have done something similar before. I know Flot is decent for plotting but unsure if it would be easy in this scenario.
TLDR: Looking for javascript libraries or other alternatives to create a web based GPS Skyplot.
Further info.
I would like to be able to maintain it all generally in javascript / HTML but am open to other alternatives. I will have a server passing me the GPS details.
Skyplot Examples: For those who don't know.
I came accross:Geographic Information Systems (Stack Exchange) yesterday, would make a good site for these kind of questions.
So if anyone is interested in this please also go make a commit :). Otherwise I am still looking for any feedback on the question.

Is it the graphical issues you are concerned with, or are you intending to also calculate which satellites are visible, and their azimuths and elevations at the given location and time?
If it's just the graphical part you are concerned with, I would use jQuery and Keith Wood's SVG plugin - see . This gives you a Javascript handle to Scalable Vector Graphics, for drawing circles, lines and dots on a canvas in the web page. It's simple to use, and the page I've linked to has examples that should help.


How do I add a full site search to a website in Javascript/jQuery?

I am creating a HTML5 website and I need to create a site search box that
displays results in a results page with description and photo.
How would I go about this.
I have looked alot and only see google search and thats not what im after.
Can this be done without PHP or RAILS?
Looking for purely JS and html5 and css and jquery.
Thanks and a point i the correct direction would be great.
Example is this Wordpress sites search
I dont want to use WP but hand code it.
Any help is great.
Your best bet, given that you don't want to implement a third party indexing service, would be to set an indexing function on your server's back end to handle search requests. You mentioned Rails, and there are some pretty great gems for this.
One point of trouble you will have with this question is that, in my experience, full site search functionality without a back end / database to query is not a very useful solution for any applications I've seen.
However, given that you want to keep it JS, you might look into the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js) which does some pretty sweet things like two-way data binding. It's a pure Javascript solution (albeit not a purely-front end solution).
Honestly, it sounds like you might be taking too big of bites to start off with. Try working through a scripting language on a site like Code Academy and learning about basic web application setups like MVC (a common way to handle different parts of a web application (used by the aforementioned Rails)). Stack Overflow users can be pretty brutal when you ask questions about advanced functionality without some understanding of the functionality's underlying elements or functional requirements, and search engines from the ground up have historically been the thing of doctoral dissertations.
Good luck!

Creating a virtual environment using HTML5/Canvas

I'm going to be working on a project soon where I'll need to create an explorable environment similar to a game map using HTML5/Canvas and I was wondering where I might find some resources to get started. The closest thing I've found to what I want to do is here: (direct link to video: - The CasinoRPG game is generally what sort of look/feel I'm going for, except I don't need that much interaction, just the ability to move around and look at the buildings. I'm curious to find out what else is out there that can accomplish something like this. I've also looked at and but these seem very barebones for what I'm trying to do and will require a lot of environment type development like movement and perspective and such. Isogenic is my current primary option, but I was wanting to find out what else is available.
I'm very novice to HTML5/Canvas development but have a lot experience with Javascript, so I'm just trying to find the best place to start working on this type of project. Thanks!

Clickable continent/country maps: which way to go?

There are many Web sites that include clickable maps that highlight regions on mouseover and allow the user to narrow down a selection from a world map view to a continent level. Here is an interesting example:
Many of these clickable maps are implemented with HTML image maps, while another option is to use for example Google's GeoChart API. Concerning the HTML image maps option, I'm wondering where people get all the 'raw data', all the country and regional border polygons. Is there a free resource for that? Concerning the Google GeoChart option, I'm wondering if that is scalable or if the number of API calls are somehow limited?
Does anyone have some advice on the availability of a free library that allows a straightforward implementation of clickable maps with customizable regions?
Well it is not really a problem which could be tagged 'geocoding'.
Since I have been playing with Raphael.js these days, I thought of this lib while reading your question title. I also remember Wikipedia commons hosted a SVG map of the world. Raphael helps you manipulate svg files, so that could be a nice way to go.
Anyway, after searching whith the criteria 'raphael' I found a conversation matching your request, exactly. So there it is :
There are some utility scripts, as well as the link to the svg world file mentioned above and a live examples (and links to Stack Exchange topics).
Sure there is work to do, and it may be easier to call directly the google api.
In my experience of the gmaps API, you have to make many requests per second to be blacklisted by google. Like when you launch a heavy batch geocoding tool. So it depends of your project but I would consider quite safe to use it even if your page is popular.
[EDIT] : There is now a live demo on RaphaelJs website.
[EDIT again]: And now a complete production workflow based on Python and Raphael exists : Kartograph. It's really young but looks promising.
Check this out. Seems to serve your requirements and offers a bit more:
Google Maps with Clickable Regions
I second the raphael.js, it is a nice library to draw the shapes with all kinds of user interaction. As an example, you may look at this project, which is a vector map of Russia, implemented on top of the Raphael.js. It allows highlighting the regions programmatically.
There are two libraries I can recommend without doubt: 1. d3JS and 2. Raphael JS
The latter is what I was using for writing my
clickable map generator web application - Make a Clickable Map
d3JS has a steeper learning curve, but you can do way more things with it than Raphael. On the other hand, Raphael is easier to pick up and is fun to work with.

Javascript 2d plotting libraries

So I've been working on a project that requires offering the possibility to view the results of a simulation in 2D. Now the solution that was first considered was RGraph. However it seems that now the fact that RGraph's free license requires a link to their page is not in agreement with the client and we need to find some free alternatives.
Now I'm starting to look at JIT and Google Chart Tools but I'm not sure yet either if their license is better that the one of RGraph, or how difficult it would be to make the actual changes.
So basically I would like to know if you have any other javascript libraries that fit the needs (being capable of plotting a 2d array for example and having a free license) or if you have any reason why I should dismiss one of the two libraries I proposed to look at, that would also save me some time.
try flot
Ext JS 4 offers a variety of chart types.

How "best" to allow a web-page visitor to construct mathematical or statistical tools?

I have a free web site that streams real-time stock-options data. I want to let users make and then save their own JavaScript-callable tools to interpret options data. Users can invoke these custom tools to help them make their own sell/buy decisions about options.
But I am totally stopped, stymied, dead-ended, and buffaloed as to how to accomplish this. If there were just a few choices, I guess I could stumble around blindfolded (as I am now) and finally hit on one that kind-of worked.
But the choices seem endless:
Let the user write JavaScript tools that I'd then interpret;
Mathematica and like toolsets;
Many statistics packages;
Google spreadsheet API.
And overwhelmingly many more.
If anyone has struggled through the process of giving a user some facility for making statistics and probability tools, how did you finally end up? And would you do it that way again?
Plus, my feature-creeposis and perfectionitis want me to integrate charts, graphs, heat maps, and who knows what else more; or at least to allow later integration of graphics.
Graphics would be nice and sexy: I'd like to drop everything and do graphics. But I have to resist and get something onto the page real soon now.1
Q: What can/should I do to allow and encourage easy, intuitive, secure, and powerful tool construction?
EDIT: I definitely don't mean that I want to invent a whole new system de novo. I only (uh-huh, yeah, that's right; 'only' :-) want to interface with some already-existing JavaScript-callable package.
Thanks so much!
1 Now I know a little bit of how my employers might have felt about me at one time: "aw, c'mahhhhhhhhhn, this feature is just too sexy to leave out."
If you need to get something out the door quickly, the first best stop-gap solution is to give people the ability to export their data to a tool they already know how to use (e.g., Excel) for exactly this purpose. Worry about your own version of the wheel once you've provided some basic short-term solution.
Of course, that's not to marginalize the topic of building a functional, browser-based statistical analysis package, which certainly seems interesting. But to be perfectly honest you might as well come to SO and post "Hey guys, I need to develop a new Operating System for the iPhone. Any ideas?"

