onkeypress() not working - javascript

i am trying to catch the keypress event on the window (html page opened with an app which uses gecko engine)
function onkeypress(){
alert("key pressed !")
i expect this function to be called whenever any button is clicked, when the focus is on window. But the function is not been called.
Any idea what is going wrong here?
Thanks ...

You should assign that function to an element:
var elem = document.getElementById('id-here');
elem.onkeypress = function(){
alert("key pressed !");

You need to set it as the handler on the window object if that's what you're after, like this:
window.onkeypress = function() {
alert("key pressed !")
This will capture all keypress events that bubble up (the default behavior, from wherever in the page it happened, with the exception of <iframe>, videos, flash, etc). You can read more about event bubbling here.


JavaScript click event does not work on mobile touchscreen [duplicate]

I'm working on a mobile web site that has to work on a variety of devices. The ones giving me a headache at the moment are BlackBerry.
We need to support both keyboard clicks as well as touch events.
Ideally I'd just use:
but the issue we're running into is that some of these blackberry devices have a very annoying delay from the time of the touch to it triggering a click.
The remedy is to instead use touchstart:
$thing.bind('touchstart', function(event){...})
But how do I go about binding both events, but only firing one? I still need the click event for keyboard devices, but of course, don't want the click event firing if I'm using a touch device.
A bonus question: Is there anyway to do this and additionally accommodate browsers that don't even have a touchstart event? In researching this, it looks like BlackBerry OS5 doesn't support touchstart so will also need to rely on click events for that browser.
Perhaps a more comprehensive question is:
With jQuery, is it possible/recommended to handle both touch interactions and mouse interactions with the same bindings?
Ideally, the answer is yes. If not, I do have some options:
We use WURFL to get device info so could create our own matrix of devices. Depending on the device, we'll use touchstart OR click.
Detect for touch support in the browser via JS (I need to do some more research on that, but it seems like that is doable).
However, that still leaves one issue: what about devices that support BOTH. Some of the phones we support (namely the Nokias and BlackBerries) have both touch screens and keyboards. So that kind of takes me full circle back to the original question...is there a way to allow for both at once somehow?
Update: Check out the jQuery Pointer Events Polyfill project which allows you to bind to "pointer" events instead of choosing between mouse & touch.
Bind to both, but make a flag so the function only fires once per 100ms or so.
var flag = false;
$thing.bind('touchstart click', function(){
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
setTimeout(function(){ flag = false; }, 100);
// do something
return false
This is the fix that I "create" and it take out the GhostClick and implements the FastClick. Try on your own and let us know if it worked for you.
$(document).on('touchstart click', '.myBtn', function(event){
if(event.handled === false) return
event.handled = true;
// Do your magic here
You could try something like this:
var clickEventType=((document.ontouchstart!==null)?'click':'touchstart');
$("#mylink").bind(clickEventType, myClickHandler);
Usually this works as well:
$('#buttonId').on('touchstart click', function(e){
e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
//your code here
Just adding return false; at the end of the on("click touchstart") event function can solve this problem.
$(this).on("click touchstart", function() {
// Do things
return false;
From the jQuery documentation on .on()
Returning false from an event handler will automatically call event.stopPropagation() and event.preventDefault(). A false value can also be passed for the handler as a shorthand for function(){ return false; }.
I had to do something similar. Here is a simplified version of what worked for me. If a touch event is detected, remove the click binding.
$thing.on('touchstart click', function(event){
if (event.type == "touchstart")
//your code here
In my case the click event was bound to an <a> element so I had to remove the click binding and rebind a click event which prevented the default action for the <a> element.
$thing.on('touchstart click', function(event){
if (event.type == "touchstart")
$(this).off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
//your code here
I succeeded by the following way.
Easy Peasy...
$(this).on('touchstart click', function(e){
//do your stuff here
I believe the best practice is now to use:
$('#object').on('touchend mouseup', function () { });
The touchend event is fired when a touch point is removed from the touch surface.
The touchend event will not trigger any mouse events.
The mouseup event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer is over the element, and the mouse button is released. Any HTML element can receive this event.
The mouseup event will not trigger any touch events.
$('#click').on('mouseup', function () { alert('Event detected'); });
$('#touch').on('touchend', function () { alert('Event detected'); });
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1 id="click">Click me</h1>
<h1 id="touch">Touch me</h1>
EDIT (2017)
As of 2017, browsers starting with Chrome are making steps towards making the click event .on("click") more compatible for both mouse and touch by eliminating the delay generated by tap events on click requests.
This leads to the conclusion that reverting back to using just the click event would be the simplest solution moving forward.
I have not yet done any cross browser testing to see if this is practical.
check fast buttons and chost clicks from google https://developers.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons
Well... All of these are super complicated.
If you have modernizr, it's a no-brainer.
ev = Modernizr.touch ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
$('#menu').on(ev, '[href="#open-menu"]', function(){
Generally you don't want to mix the default touch and non-touch (click) api. Once you move into the world of touch it easier to deal only with the touch related functions. Below is some pseudo code that would do what you want it to.
If you connect in the touchmove event and track the locations you can add more items in the doTouchLogic function to detect gestures and whatnot.
var touchStartTime;
var touchStartLocation;
var touchEndTime;
var touchEndLocation;
$thing.bind('touchstart'), function() {
var d = new Date();
touchStartTime = d.getTime();
touchStartLocation = mouse.location(x,y);
$thing.bind('touchend'), function() {
var d = new Date();
touchEndTime= d.getTime();
touchEndLocation= mouse.location(x,y);
function doTouchLogic() {
var distance = touchEndLocation - touchStartLocation;
var duration = touchEndTime - touchStartTime;
if (duration <= 100ms && distance <= 10px) {
// Person tapped their finger (do click/tap stuff here)
if (duration > 100ms && distance <= 10px) {
// Person pressed their finger (not a quick tap)
if (duration <= 100ms && distance > 10px) {
// Person flicked their finger
if (duration > 100ms && distance > 10px) {
// Person dragged their finger
Another implementation for better maintenance. However, this technique will also do event.stopPropagation (). The click is not caught on any other element that clicked for 100ms.
var clickObject = {
flag: false,
isAlreadyClicked: function () {
var wasClicked = clickObject.flag;
clickObject.flag = true;
setTimeout(function () { clickObject.flag = false; }, 100);
return wasClicked;
$("#myButton").bind("click touchstart", function (event) {
if (!clickObject.isAlreadyClicked()) {
Just for documentation purposes, here's what I've done for the fastest/most responsive click on desktop/tap on mobile solution that I could think of:
I replaced jQuery's on function with a modified one that, whenever the browser supports touch events, replaced all my click events with touchstart.
$.fn.extend({ _on: (function(){ return $.fn.on; })() });
on: (function(){
var isTouchSupported = 'ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch;
return function( types, selector, data, fn, one ) {
if (typeof types == 'string' && isTouchSupported && !(types.match(/touch/gi))) types = types.replace(/click/gi, 'touchstart');
return this._on( types, selector, data, fn);
Usage than would be the exact same as before, like:
$('#my-button').on('click', function(){ /* ... */ });
But it would use touchstart when available, click when not. No delays of any kind needed :D
I just came up with the idea to memorize if ontouchstart was ever triggered. In this case we are on a device which supports it and want to ignore the onclick event. Since ontouchstart should always be triggered before onclick, I'm using this:
<script> touchAvailable = false; </script>
<button ontouchstart="touchAvailable=true; myFunction();" onclick="if(!touchAvailable) myFunction();">Button</button>
You could try like this:
var clickEvent = (('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement)?'touchstart':'click');
$("#mylink").on(clickEvent, myClickHandler);
In my case this worked perfectly:
jQuery(document).on('mouseup keydown touchend', function (event) {
var eventType = event.type;
if (eventType == 'touchend') {
The main problem was when instead mouseup I tried with click, on touch devices triggered click and touchend at the same time, if i use the click off, some functionality didn't worked at all on mobile devices. The problem with click is that is a global event that fire the rest of the event including touchend.
This worked for me, mobile listens to both, so prevent the one, which is the touch event. desktop only listen to mouse.
$btnUp.bind('touchstart mousedown',function(e){
if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
var val = _step( _options.arrowStep );
_evt('Button', [val, true]);
This hasn't been mentioned here, but you may want to check out this link: https://joshtronic.com/2015/04/19/handling-click-and-touch-events-on-the-same-element/
To recap for posterity, instead of trying to assign to both handlers and then sort out the result, you can simply check if the device is a touchscreen or not and only assign to the relevant event. Observe:
var clickEvent = (function() {
if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement === true)
return 'touchstart';
return 'click';
// and assign thusly:
el.addEventListener( clickEvent, function( e ){
// things and stuff
I am using this to bind my events so that I can test on touchscreens that handle both touchstart and click events which would fire twice, and on my development PC which only hears the click
One problem the author of that link mentions though, is touchscreen laptops designed to handle both events:
I learned about a third device I was not considering, the touchscreen laptop. It’s a hybrid device that supports both touch and click events. Binding one event means only that event be supported. Does that mean someone with a touchscreen and mouse would have to explicitly touch because that’s the only event I am handling?
Binding touchstart and click seemed ideal to handle these hybrid devices. To keep the event from firing twice, I added e.stopPropagation() and e.preventDefault() to the callback functions. e.stopPropagation() stops events from “bubbling up” to their parents but also keeps a second event from firing. I included e.preventDefault() as a “just in case” but seems like it could be omitted.
Being for me the best answer the one given by Mottie, I'm just trying to do his code more reusable, so this is my contribution:
bindBtn ("#loginbutton",loginAction);
function bindBtn(element,action){
var flag = false;
$(element).bind('touchstart click', function(e) {
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
setTimeout(function() {
flag = false;
}, 100);
// do something
return false;
I am also working on an Android/iPad web app, and it seems that if only using "touchmove" is enough to "move components" ( no need touchstart ).
By disabling touchstart, you can use .click(); from jQuery. It's actually working because it hasn't be overloaded by touchstart.
Finally, you can binb .live("touchstart", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); to ask the touchstart event to stop propagating, living room to click() to get triggered.
It worked for me.
There are many things to consider when trying to solve this issue. Most solutions either break scrolling or don't handle ghost click events properly.
For a full solution see https://developers.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons
NB: You cannot handle ghost click events on a per-element basis. A delayed click is fired by screen location, so if your touch events modify the page in some way, the click event will be sent to the new version of the page.
It may be effective to assign to the events 'touchstart mousedown' or 'touchend mouseup' to avoid undesired side-effects of using click.
Taking advantage of the fact that a click will always follow a touch event, here is what I did to get rid of the "ghost click" without having to use timeouts or global flags.
$('#buttonId').on('touchstart click', function(event){
if ($(this).data("already")) {
$(this).data("already", false);
return false;
} else if (event.type == "touchstart") {
$(this).data("already", true);
//your code here
Basically whenever an ontouchstart event fires on the element, a flag a set and then subsequently removed (and ignored), when the click comes.
Why not use the jQuery Event API?
I've used this simple event with success. It's clean, namespaceable and flexible enough to improve upon.
var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
var eventType = isMobile ? "touchstart" : "click";
jQuery.event.special.touchclick = {
bindType: eventType,
delegateType: eventType
If you are using jQuery the following worked pretty well for me:
var callback; // Initialize this to the function which needs to be called
$(target).on("click touchstart", selector, (function (func){
var timer = 0;
return function(e){
if ($.now() - timer < 500) return false;
timer = $.now();
Other solutions are also good but I was binding multiple events in a loop and needed the self calling function to create an appropriate closure. Also, I did not want to disable the binding since I wanted it to be invoke-able on next click/touchstart.
Might help someone in similar situation!
For simple features, just recognize touch or click I use the following code:
var element = $("#element");
if(e.target.ontouchstart !== undefined)
console.log( "touch" );
console.log( "no touch" );
This will return "touch" if the touchstart event is defined and "no touch" if not. Like I said this is a simple approach for click/tap events just that.
I am trying this and so far it works (but I am only on Android/Phonegap so caveat emptor)
function filterEvent( ob, ev ) {
if (ev.type == "touchstart") {
ob.off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
$('#keypad').on('touchstart click', '.number, .dot', function(event) {
filterEvent( $('#keypad'), event );
console.log( event.type ); // debugging only
... finish handling touch events...
I don't like the fact that I am re-binding handlers on every touch, but all things considered touches don't happen very often (in computer time!)
I have a TON of handlers like the one for '#keypad' so having a simple function that lets me deal with the problem without too much code is why I went this way.
Try to use Virtual Mouse (vmouse) Bindings from jQuery Mobile.
It's virtual event especially for your case:
$thing.on('vclick', function(event){ ... });
Browser support list: http://jquerymobile.com/browser-support/1.4/
EDIT: My former answer (based on answers in this thread) was not the way to go for me. I wanted a sub-menu to expand on mouse enter or touch click and to collapse on mouse leave or another touch click. Since mouse events normally are being fired after touch events, it was kind of tricky to write event listeners that support both touchscreen and mouse input at the same time.
jQuery plugin: Touch Or Mouse
I ended up writing a jQuery plugin called "Touch Or Mouse" (897 bytes minified) that can detect whether an event was invoked by a touchscreen or mouse (without testing for touch support!). This enables the support of both touchscreen and mouse at the same time and completely separate their events.
This way the OP can use touchstart or touchend for quickly responding to touch clicks and click for clicks invoked only by a mouse.
First one has to make ie. the body element track touch events:
Mouse events our bound to elements in the default way and by calling $body.touchOrMouse('get', e) we can find out whether the event was invoked by a touchscreen or mouse.
$('.link').click(function(e) {
var touchOrMouse = $(document.body).touchOrMouse('get', e);
if (touchOrMouse === 'touch') {
// Handle touch click.
else if (touchOrMouse === 'mouse') {
// Handle mouse click.
See the plugin at work at http://jsfiddle.net/lmeurs/uo4069nh.
This plugin needs to be called on ie. the body element to track touchstart and touchend events, this way the touchend event does not have to be fired on the trigger element (ie. a link or button). Between these two touch events this plugin considers any mouse event to be invoked by touch.
Mouse events are fired only after touchend, when a mouse event is being fired within the ghostEventDelay (option, 1000ms by default) after touchend, this plugin considers the mouse event to be invoked by touch.
When clicking on an element using a touchscreen, the element gains the :active state. The mouseleave event is only fired after the element loses this state by ie. clicking on another element. Since this could be seconds (or minutes!) after the mouseenter event has been fired, this plugin keeps track of an element's last mouseenter event: if the last mouseenter event was invoked by touch, the following mouseleave event is also considered to be invoked by touch.
Here's a simple way to do it:
// A very simple fast click implementation
$thing.on('click touchstart', function(e) {
if (!$(document).data('trigger')) $(document).data('trigger', e.type);
if (e.type===$(document).data('trigger')) {
// Do your stuff here
You basically save the first event type that is triggered to the 'trigger' property in jQuery's data object that is attached to the root document, and only execute when the event type is equal to the value in 'trigger'. On touch devices, the event chain would likely be 'touchstart' followed by 'click'; however, the 'click' handler won't be executed because "click" doesn't match the initial event type saved in 'trigger' ("touchstart").
The assumption, and I do believe it's a safe one, is that your smartphone won't spontaneously change from a touch device to a mouse device or else the tap won't ever register because the 'trigger' event type is only saved once per page load and "click" would never match "touchstart".
Here's a codepen you can play around with (try tapping on the button on a touch device -- there should be no click delay): http://codepen.io/thdoan/pen/xVVrOZ
I also implemented this as a simple jQuery plugin that also supports jQuery's descendants filtering by passing a selector string:
// A very simple fast click plugin
// Syntax: .fastClick([selector,] handler)
$.fn.fastClick = function(arg1, arg2) {
var selector, handler;
switch (typeof arg1) {
case 'function':
selector = null;
handler = arg1;
case 'string':
selector = arg1;
if (typeof arg2==='function') handler = arg2;
else return;
this.on('click touchstart', selector, function(e) {
if (!$(document).data('trigger')) $(document).data('trigger', e.type);
if (e.type===$(document).data('trigger')) handler.apply(this, arguments);
Codepen: http://codepen.io/thdoan/pen/GZrBdo/

Handle events for elements have preventDefault, stopPropagation or return false

I am building a Chrome extension and facing some event related problem.
My extension is to capture all the user's action on the browser, like user's click, type and etc.
I am using document to bind my events, for e.g.
document.addEventListener("click", function(event){
On some element, a click event is already added with a return false; statement, for e.g.
ele.addEventListener("click", function(){
// some stuff
return false;
Is there any way I can have my callback executed too, also for the cases where an event.stopPropagation(), event.preventDefault() added too.
Your help is appreciated.
PS: I know it is possible as Ghost Inspector have an extension for the same and it is working fine for these type of elements too.
You could try hooking into the element prototype, e.g.:
const listen = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener;
HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = function (e, h) {
// Register own handler first.
listen.call(this, e, h);
Make sure to execute this before anything else, of course.

Is there in JQuery or JS event only for mouse click but not for touch [duplicate]

I'm working on a mobile web site that has to work on a variety of devices. The ones giving me a headache at the moment are BlackBerry.
We need to support both keyboard clicks as well as touch events.
Ideally I'd just use:
but the issue we're running into is that some of these blackberry devices have a very annoying delay from the time of the touch to it triggering a click.
The remedy is to instead use touchstart:
$thing.bind('touchstart', function(event){...})
But how do I go about binding both events, but only firing one? I still need the click event for keyboard devices, but of course, don't want the click event firing if I'm using a touch device.
A bonus question: Is there anyway to do this and additionally accommodate browsers that don't even have a touchstart event? In researching this, it looks like BlackBerry OS5 doesn't support touchstart so will also need to rely on click events for that browser.
Perhaps a more comprehensive question is:
With jQuery, is it possible/recommended to handle both touch interactions and mouse interactions with the same bindings?
Ideally, the answer is yes. If not, I do have some options:
We use WURFL to get device info so could create our own matrix of devices. Depending on the device, we'll use touchstart OR click.
Detect for touch support in the browser via JS (I need to do some more research on that, but it seems like that is doable).
However, that still leaves one issue: what about devices that support BOTH. Some of the phones we support (namely the Nokias and BlackBerries) have both touch screens and keyboards. So that kind of takes me full circle back to the original question...is there a way to allow for both at once somehow?
Update: Check out the jQuery Pointer Events Polyfill project which allows you to bind to "pointer" events instead of choosing between mouse & touch.
Bind to both, but make a flag so the function only fires once per 100ms or so.
var flag = false;
$thing.bind('touchstart click', function(){
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
setTimeout(function(){ flag = false; }, 100);
// do something
return false
This is the fix that I "create" and it take out the GhostClick and implements the FastClick. Try on your own and let us know if it worked for you.
$(document).on('touchstart click', '.myBtn', function(event){
if(event.handled === false) return
event.handled = true;
// Do your magic here
You could try something like this:
var clickEventType=((document.ontouchstart!==null)?'click':'touchstart');
$("#mylink").bind(clickEventType, myClickHandler);
Usually this works as well:
$('#buttonId').on('touchstart click', function(e){
e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
//your code here
Just adding return false; at the end of the on("click touchstart") event function can solve this problem.
$(this).on("click touchstart", function() {
// Do things
return false;
From the jQuery documentation on .on()
Returning false from an event handler will automatically call event.stopPropagation() and event.preventDefault(). A false value can also be passed for the handler as a shorthand for function(){ return false; }.
I had to do something similar. Here is a simplified version of what worked for me. If a touch event is detected, remove the click binding.
$thing.on('touchstart click', function(event){
if (event.type == "touchstart")
//your code here
In my case the click event was bound to an <a> element so I had to remove the click binding and rebind a click event which prevented the default action for the <a> element.
$thing.on('touchstart click', function(event){
if (event.type == "touchstart")
$(this).off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
//your code here
I succeeded by the following way.
Easy Peasy...
$(this).on('touchstart click', function(e){
//do your stuff here
I believe the best practice is now to use:
$('#object').on('touchend mouseup', function () { });
The touchend event is fired when a touch point is removed from the touch surface.
The touchend event will not trigger any mouse events.
The mouseup event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer is over the element, and the mouse button is released. Any HTML element can receive this event.
The mouseup event will not trigger any touch events.
$('#click').on('mouseup', function () { alert('Event detected'); });
$('#touch').on('touchend', function () { alert('Event detected'); });
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1 id="click">Click me</h1>
<h1 id="touch">Touch me</h1>
EDIT (2017)
As of 2017, browsers starting with Chrome are making steps towards making the click event .on("click") more compatible for both mouse and touch by eliminating the delay generated by tap events on click requests.
This leads to the conclusion that reverting back to using just the click event would be the simplest solution moving forward.
I have not yet done any cross browser testing to see if this is practical.
check fast buttons and chost clicks from google https://developers.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons
Well... All of these are super complicated.
If you have modernizr, it's a no-brainer.
ev = Modernizr.touch ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
$('#menu').on(ev, '[href="#open-menu"]', function(){
Generally you don't want to mix the default touch and non-touch (click) api. Once you move into the world of touch it easier to deal only with the touch related functions. Below is some pseudo code that would do what you want it to.
If you connect in the touchmove event and track the locations you can add more items in the doTouchLogic function to detect gestures and whatnot.
var touchStartTime;
var touchStartLocation;
var touchEndTime;
var touchEndLocation;
$thing.bind('touchstart'), function() {
var d = new Date();
touchStartTime = d.getTime();
touchStartLocation = mouse.location(x,y);
$thing.bind('touchend'), function() {
var d = new Date();
touchEndTime= d.getTime();
touchEndLocation= mouse.location(x,y);
function doTouchLogic() {
var distance = touchEndLocation - touchStartLocation;
var duration = touchEndTime - touchStartTime;
if (duration <= 100ms && distance <= 10px) {
// Person tapped their finger (do click/tap stuff here)
if (duration > 100ms && distance <= 10px) {
// Person pressed their finger (not a quick tap)
if (duration <= 100ms && distance > 10px) {
// Person flicked their finger
if (duration > 100ms && distance > 10px) {
// Person dragged their finger
Another implementation for better maintenance. However, this technique will also do event.stopPropagation (). The click is not caught on any other element that clicked for 100ms.
var clickObject = {
flag: false,
isAlreadyClicked: function () {
var wasClicked = clickObject.flag;
clickObject.flag = true;
setTimeout(function () { clickObject.flag = false; }, 100);
return wasClicked;
$("#myButton").bind("click touchstart", function (event) {
if (!clickObject.isAlreadyClicked()) {
Just for documentation purposes, here's what I've done for the fastest/most responsive click on desktop/tap on mobile solution that I could think of:
I replaced jQuery's on function with a modified one that, whenever the browser supports touch events, replaced all my click events with touchstart.
$.fn.extend({ _on: (function(){ return $.fn.on; })() });
on: (function(){
var isTouchSupported = 'ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch;
return function( types, selector, data, fn, one ) {
if (typeof types == 'string' && isTouchSupported && !(types.match(/touch/gi))) types = types.replace(/click/gi, 'touchstart');
return this._on( types, selector, data, fn);
Usage than would be the exact same as before, like:
$('#my-button').on('click', function(){ /* ... */ });
But it would use touchstart when available, click when not. No delays of any kind needed :D
I just came up with the idea to memorize if ontouchstart was ever triggered. In this case we are on a device which supports it and want to ignore the onclick event. Since ontouchstart should always be triggered before onclick, I'm using this:
<script> touchAvailable = false; </script>
<button ontouchstart="touchAvailable=true; myFunction();" onclick="if(!touchAvailable) myFunction();">Button</button>
You could try like this:
var clickEvent = (('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement)?'touchstart':'click');
$("#mylink").on(clickEvent, myClickHandler);
In my case this worked perfectly:
jQuery(document).on('mouseup keydown touchend', function (event) {
var eventType = event.type;
if (eventType == 'touchend') {
The main problem was when instead mouseup I tried with click, on touch devices triggered click and touchend at the same time, if i use the click off, some functionality didn't worked at all on mobile devices. The problem with click is that is a global event that fire the rest of the event including touchend.
This worked for me, mobile listens to both, so prevent the one, which is the touch event. desktop only listen to mouse.
$btnUp.bind('touchstart mousedown',function(e){
if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
var val = _step( _options.arrowStep );
_evt('Button', [val, true]);
This hasn't been mentioned here, but you may want to check out this link: https://joshtronic.com/2015/04/19/handling-click-and-touch-events-on-the-same-element/
To recap for posterity, instead of trying to assign to both handlers and then sort out the result, you can simply check if the device is a touchscreen or not and only assign to the relevant event. Observe:
var clickEvent = (function() {
if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement === true)
return 'touchstart';
return 'click';
// and assign thusly:
el.addEventListener( clickEvent, function( e ){
// things and stuff
I am using this to bind my events so that I can test on touchscreens that handle both touchstart and click events which would fire twice, and on my development PC which only hears the click
One problem the author of that link mentions though, is touchscreen laptops designed to handle both events:
I learned about a third device I was not considering, the touchscreen laptop. It’s a hybrid device that supports both touch and click events. Binding one event means only that event be supported. Does that mean someone with a touchscreen and mouse would have to explicitly touch because that’s the only event I am handling?
Binding touchstart and click seemed ideal to handle these hybrid devices. To keep the event from firing twice, I added e.stopPropagation() and e.preventDefault() to the callback functions. e.stopPropagation() stops events from “bubbling up” to their parents but also keeps a second event from firing. I included e.preventDefault() as a “just in case” but seems like it could be omitted.
Being for me the best answer the one given by Mottie, I'm just trying to do his code more reusable, so this is my contribution:
bindBtn ("#loginbutton",loginAction);
function bindBtn(element,action){
var flag = false;
$(element).bind('touchstart click', function(e) {
if (!flag) {
flag = true;
setTimeout(function() {
flag = false;
}, 100);
// do something
return false;
I am also working on an Android/iPad web app, and it seems that if only using "touchmove" is enough to "move components" ( no need touchstart ).
By disabling touchstart, you can use .click(); from jQuery. It's actually working because it hasn't be overloaded by touchstart.
Finally, you can binb .live("touchstart", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); to ask the touchstart event to stop propagating, living room to click() to get triggered.
It worked for me.
There are many things to consider when trying to solve this issue. Most solutions either break scrolling or don't handle ghost click events properly.
For a full solution see https://developers.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons
NB: You cannot handle ghost click events on a per-element basis. A delayed click is fired by screen location, so if your touch events modify the page in some way, the click event will be sent to the new version of the page.
It may be effective to assign to the events 'touchstart mousedown' or 'touchend mouseup' to avoid undesired side-effects of using click.
Taking advantage of the fact that a click will always follow a touch event, here is what I did to get rid of the "ghost click" without having to use timeouts or global flags.
$('#buttonId').on('touchstart click', function(event){
if ($(this).data("already")) {
$(this).data("already", false);
return false;
} else if (event.type == "touchstart") {
$(this).data("already", true);
//your code here
Basically whenever an ontouchstart event fires on the element, a flag a set and then subsequently removed (and ignored), when the click comes.
Why not use the jQuery Event API?
I've used this simple event with success. It's clean, namespaceable and flexible enough to improve upon.
var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
var eventType = isMobile ? "touchstart" : "click";
jQuery.event.special.touchclick = {
bindType: eventType,
delegateType: eventType
If you are using jQuery the following worked pretty well for me:
var callback; // Initialize this to the function which needs to be called
$(target).on("click touchstart", selector, (function (func){
var timer = 0;
return function(e){
if ($.now() - timer < 500) return false;
timer = $.now();
Other solutions are also good but I was binding multiple events in a loop and needed the self calling function to create an appropriate closure. Also, I did not want to disable the binding since I wanted it to be invoke-able on next click/touchstart.
Might help someone in similar situation!
For simple features, just recognize touch or click I use the following code:
var element = $("#element");
if(e.target.ontouchstart !== undefined)
console.log( "touch" );
console.log( "no touch" );
This will return "touch" if the touchstart event is defined and "no touch" if not. Like I said this is a simple approach for click/tap events just that.
I am trying this and so far it works (but I am only on Android/Phonegap so caveat emptor)
function filterEvent( ob, ev ) {
if (ev.type == "touchstart") {
ob.off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
$('#keypad').on('touchstart click', '.number, .dot', function(event) {
filterEvent( $('#keypad'), event );
console.log( event.type ); // debugging only
... finish handling touch events...
I don't like the fact that I am re-binding handlers on every touch, but all things considered touches don't happen very often (in computer time!)
I have a TON of handlers like the one for '#keypad' so having a simple function that lets me deal with the problem without too much code is why I went this way.
Try to use Virtual Mouse (vmouse) Bindings from jQuery Mobile.
It's virtual event especially for your case:
$thing.on('vclick', function(event){ ... });
Browser support list: http://jquerymobile.com/browser-support/1.4/
EDIT: My former answer (based on answers in this thread) was not the way to go for me. I wanted a sub-menu to expand on mouse enter or touch click and to collapse on mouse leave or another touch click. Since mouse events normally are being fired after touch events, it was kind of tricky to write event listeners that support both touchscreen and mouse input at the same time.
jQuery plugin: Touch Or Mouse
I ended up writing a jQuery plugin called "Touch Or Mouse" (897 bytes minified) that can detect whether an event was invoked by a touchscreen or mouse (without testing for touch support!). This enables the support of both touchscreen and mouse at the same time and completely separate their events.
This way the OP can use touchstart or touchend for quickly responding to touch clicks and click for clicks invoked only by a mouse.
First one has to make ie. the body element track touch events:
Mouse events our bound to elements in the default way and by calling $body.touchOrMouse('get', e) we can find out whether the event was invoked by a touchscreen or mouse.
$('.link').click(function(e) {
var touchOrMouse = $(document.body).touchOrMouse('get', e);
if (touchOrMouse === 'touch') {
// Handle touch click.
else if (touchOrMouse === 'mouse') {
// Handle mouse click.
See the plugin at work at http://jsfiddle.net/lmeurs/uo4069nh.
This plugin needs to be called on ie. the body element to track touchstart and touchend events, this way the touchend event does not have to be fired on the trigger element (ie. a link or button). Between these two touch events this plugin considers any mouse event to be invoked by touch.
Mouse events are fired only after touchend, when a mouse event is being fired within the ghostEventDelay (option, 1000ms by default) after touchend, this plugin considers the mouse event to be invoked by touch.
When clicking on an element using a touchscreen, the element gains the :active state. The mouseleave event is only fired after the element loses this state by ie. clicking on another element. Since this could be seconds (or minutes!) after the mouseenter event has been fired, this plugin keeps track of an element's last mouseenter event: if the last mouseenter event was invoked by touch, the following mouseleave event is also considered to be invoked by touch.
Here's a simple way to do it:
// A very simple fast click implementation
$thing.on('click touchstart', function(e) {
if (!$(document).data('trigger')) $(document).data('trigger', e.type);
if (e.type===$(document).data('trigger')) {
// Do your stuff here
You basically save the first event type that is triggered to the 'trigger' property in jQuery's data object that is attached to the root document, and only execute when the event type is equal to the value in 'trigger'. On touch devices, the event chain would likely be 'touchstart' followed by 'click'; however, the 'click' handler won't be executed because "click" doesn't match the initial event type saved in 'trigger' ("touchstart").
The assumption, and I do believe it's a safe one, is that your smartphone won't spontaneously change from a touch device to a mouse device or else the tap won't ever register because the 'trigger' event type is only saved once per page load and "click" would never match "touchstart".
Here's a codepen you can play around with (try tapping on the button on a touch device -- there should be no click delay): http://codepen.io/thdoan/pen/xVVrOZ
I also implemented this as a simple jQuery plugin that also supports jQuery's descendants filtering by passing a selector string:
// A very simple fast click plugin
// Syntax: .fastClick([selector,] handler)
$.fn.fastClick = function(arg1, arg2) {
var selector, handler;
switch (typeof arg1) {
case 'function':
selector = null;
handler = arg1;
case 'string':
selector = arg1;
if (typeof arg2==='function') handler = arg2;
else return;
this.on('click touchstart', selector, function(e) {
if (!$(document).data('trigger')) $(document).data('trigger', e.type);
if (e.type===$(document).data('trigger')) handler.apply(this, arguments);
Codepen: http://codepen.io/thdoan/pen/GZrBdo/

Not exiting first keypress event when parent function gets fired

I have a .keypress() event inside of a .click() event. The first time the user clicks on the element, everything works fine, but subsequent clicks trigger the .keypress() event again without "closing" the first one. I've tried adding event.cancelBubble = true; and an empty return statement to break out of the function, but it hasn't worked because predictably, the rest of the code in that execution doesn't get executed but the event is still active and a key press could still trigger it. Is there a way to close the .keypress() event when foo gets clicked?
//Do stuff
$(foo).keypress(function(event) {
//Do stuff
do you mean keypress called more than once?
in your code, every time you click foo, a new anonymous function will be added to keypress event.
unbind the previous keypress event handler before binding new handler
//Do stuff
$(foo).off('keypress').on('keypress', function(event) {
//Do stuff
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking but I think you want to turn off the keypress after the first click. This should toggle it though you may want to make the pressed var global; maybe.
//Do stuff
var pressed = false;
$(foo).keypress(function(event) {
//Do stuff
pressed = true;
} else {
pressed = false;
The key here is event.off() which will remove the listener.

Can Javascript press the Enter key for me?

There's a site that I want to continue to hit enter on while I'm away. Is it possible to do something like
//have javascript press the button with a certain id
I was thinking of just putting that in the smart search bar so it would run the code.
Well pressing enter is triggering an event. You would have to figure out which event listener they are listening to. I'll use keyup in the following example:
Assume el is the variable for the element you want enter to be pressed on. I'm not sure how you going to get that element but I'm sure you know.
var evt = new CustomEvent('keyup');
evt.which = 13;
evt.keyCode = 13;
el.dispatchEvent(evt); //This would trigger the event listener.
There's no way to actually simulate a hardware action. It just triggers the event listener.
For example calling el.click() is only calling the callback of the event listener, not actually pressing the key.
So you know how when you add an event listener to an element the first argument is the event object.
el.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
//Do Something
Above event is equal to evt when calling dispatchEvent on el
If the programmer used:
el.onkeyup = function(event) {
//do whatever.
It's surprisingly easy.
Just call el.onkeyup(evt);
Because onkeyup is a function.
Why did I use CustomEvent instead of KeyboardEvent because new KeyboardEvent('keyup') return's an object with the properties which and keyCode that can't be rewritten without the use of Object.defineProperty or Object.defineProperties

