Navigation menu - javascript

When I take mouse over the Navigation menu links (About Us..), the page moves to left. Is that due to javascript?
link text

It's because of the scrollbar that appears at the browser window's right side. It seems to me that there is a design error causing the content to be much larger with the menu hovered ...

if you hover the menu, the page gets so long that scrollbars occur - and that causes the page to "move to left" (it stays in the center of your viewport, which is what it should do). to fix this, find out whats causing this overflow (the page isn't looking that long, i don't know where the scrollbars come from) or set overflow-y:scroll for your body, so there's always a scrollbar (which would be the bad "i don't know what else to do to fix this"-solution)

Try moving the UL dropdown elements away from the bottom of the page or set them to display:none until after you've absolutely positioned them at the top of the page. visibility:hidden does not take the elemtens out of the flow of the document but just hides them.
A better bet though would be to make them children of the <a> tags you already have, so they only need to be displayed rather than displayed and moved.


Sidebar menu and main content on modern mobile browsers

I'm trying to avoid scrolling on the main content in mobile browsers when a sidebar menu is opened ° by adding a class to the main content with a 100% height, a hidden overflow and an absolute position, but the problem is if I scroll down and then open the menu I get automatically moved to the top of the page and don't stay on the position where I was before opening the sidebar. I can't figure out what's going wrong.
I tried some solutions like saving the position and then forcing the window to stay always at that place until the sidebar is closed, but I'm pretty sure there's a cleaner way to do it.
Anyone has a better idea?
Thank you very much.
° (I think the technique is known as "off canvas")
You must have put the sidebar at the top of your page, thats why it scrolls to top. To solve this, just use position:absolute;

How to make div change to fixed position when all content is visible in browser window?

Not sure if the title made sense, but I noticed in the wordpress 3.8.1 admin panel, If you resize your window to where the sidebar has menu items blocked from view, it is normal positioning, which allows the sidebar to scroll.
If all the items are visible, then the sidebar has fixed positioning so that only the content to the right of the sidebar will scroll.
Neat little effect.
I was thinking it requires jQuery to add a class or change css. Maybe if the last item in the sidebar is visible then add the class, else leave it alone.
Not sure how to actually code that though.
Can someone help out, maybe even a basic fiddle?
You can do this with simple CSS.
.div_name {
check W3schools Position fixed property for tags

The best way to prevent scrolling while mobile navigation is active?

I'm trying to find the best technique for showing a navigation/menu for a mobile site I'm working on. So far all my solutions have flaws, and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. (You may have to reduce browser window size to make the examples work as intended)
First off, take a look at this "basic" example:
You'll notice the content is still scrollable while the navigation is open. This is confusing and annoying.
My first attempt at a fix was to set the body to overflow:hidden and position:fixed whenever the navigation is open. Example here: (Had to remove link because maximum 2 links in post)
This, however, causes the body to snap back to the top and "forget" its scroll position. This means you are taken back to the top of the page whenever you open the navigation. Not good.
Lastly, my best solution so far is one where i put all the page content inside a #scroll-area-div with a fixed position taking up most of the screen, and body scroll set to hidden. Example here:
This solves most of the problems in the page itself, but breaks the "memory" of the back button. This means whenever you click back in your browser you are taken to the top of the page instead of back to where you were before you decided to click a link. (Mobile safari seems to be the only browser that remembers scroll position on div's aswell as body)
I can't really think of any more solutions to this, except for maybe some sort of javascript. Does anyone have some experience with similar cases, or any ideas on how to accomplish this?
The solution must:
Prevent scrolling on page content when navigation is open
Preserve scroll position on page content when navigation is open
Remember scroll position on previous page when back-button is used

How do I make an image partially scroll, then stay fixed, then scroll when you pass a section?

I don't even know what I want to do would be called
Please take a quick look at this page:
You'll see the title Plasma Pong and an image under it, on the left side. When I scroll the article, I'd like it to stay put while the page scrolls. However, you'll notice when you get the bottom of the page, there is a footer and there wouldn't be enough room for the title and image if I just made it completely static.
I'd like that to stay put until the footer hits, then scroll. When you scroll back up the page, it will scroll a little bit, until there is room, then stay put again. The same effect, but in reverse. Any idea what to look up how I could do this?
Set the titles css position to fixed. Then use javascript to detect a scroll event when certain criteria are met reset it to an absolute position so that it stays above the footer. Then when remove the absolute positioning when the page is scrolled away from the footer. To see a working example go to In his articles he has the effect you are looking for.

Is it possible to prevent just horizontal scrolling when overflow-x is hidden?

I have a web page that has content which extends past the right edge of the browser window. I set overflow-x: hidden on <body> to turn off the bottom scrollbar, but I can still scroll horizontally with the trackpad, which is not what I want.
Is there any way to prevent the browser from scrolling horizontally?
As a side note: Safari 4.0.4 only scrolls horizontally sometimes, and the scrolling feels "sticky" and "jumpy," whereas Firefox always smoothly scrolls horizontally.
you could try to set in CSS:
overflow-x: hidden;
instead of use body selector.
I tried that and works in firefox.
I think the real question is, why do you have your content overflowing out of the intended size of the page? Is this content that you don't want users to actually see? In that case, put it in a div somewhere and set it's display to none. That would avoid the overflow issue entirely.
If there is a legit reason you want it to overflow the container, then set the size of the container explicitly, then the overflow-x to hidden. I haven't tested it, but that should prevent the current behavior. If not, try using a div, rather than the body tag. The browsers may be acting strangely because it's working on the body tag itself.
I would go into Chrome and open the developer tools on a desktop. Remove the overflow-x property. Then proceed to delete each parent element on your page. When you see that the horizontal scroll bar disappears, you know you have found your problem. Then dive into that element. My bet is you have a width of 100% and than a margin put onto it. Remove the margin if that is the case.
If all else fails, you could use Javascript to constantly force the browser to scroll to the left using window.scrollTo(xpos, ypos). For xpos you'll want to use 0 and ypos you'll want to get the user's current scroll position assuming you want to allow vertical scrolling.
You could put your function call either in the window.onscroll event handler, or in a javascript interval that runs every 100 ms or so. Up to you. If you need code examples just ask.
This would be better to understand if you had an example.
is this a long url or something with no whitespaces? Do you have white-space:nowrap; set on the element?
If you have a container with a defined size (one that fits in the viewport), the text should adhere correctly, (unless it's a long line with no spaces)
Old discussion, but it could be of use to people looking for the right answer !
Set "overflow:hidden" on the parent div of the element that is wider than the browser window (not html or body as you would normaly do), that will stop the scroll with de pad or the arrows pad...

