XML and Javascript: the right tool for the job? - javascript

For years I've been reading about XML and I have just not quite grokked it. Most documents I see about it simply explain the syntax (extraordinarily easy to understand) and say that it's portable: I've worked with Unix my whole life so the idea of putting things in plain text to be portable is hardly revolutionary. My specific question is that I have a document (my CV) that I would like to present to web visitors in several formats: as a webpage, as a pdf, or even as plain text. Is XML and Javascript the right approach to take?
What I need is for the document to be easily editable, conversion easy and just easy general upkeep. For example, when I publish a paper, I'd like to take less than five minutes to add the info and then have everything go automatically from there.
Give me your opinions: I also use LaTeX compulsively, so my current approach has been just to have my CV in LaTeX and to convert it to a web-page using LaTeXML. However, I sorta have the feeling that with everybody jumping up and down about XML and Javascript, that there might be something good to learn about it.
I would also like to simplify maintaining my homepage by not duplicating the same footer for every single page that I set up.
Edit: I'll also take any book recommendations!

I think this is a slight misunderstanding of the combination of JavaScript and XML.
XML, in and of itself is an excellent means of representing data. It's largely human-readable, and easily parsed with libraries in nearly every programming language. That is the main benefit of XML.
Using XML with JavaScript is certainly a solution, but I think it's a matter of the question you're asking. JavaScript can parse XML, and allow you to obtain and manipulate data from your XML document. If you want to grab data from a server without reloading your HTML page (synchronously or asynchronously), then using JavaScript and XML is a valid way to do that.
If you want to, however, display your XML as a webpage, you would likely be better off using XML and XSLT [wikipedia], or perhaps PHP and XPath, to transform the document into browser-readable HTML. On the other hand, you could use nearly any language to convert the XML to a plain-text file, rich text file, or store it in a normalized database.
To sum up, XML is a great way to store data, because it can be used in so many different ways, and by so many different languages. It's an answer to many different questions; you just have to figure out which questions you're asking.

To elaborate on my comment
The transformation to whatever output you desire is depending on how you store your CV on your server and whether you have the possibility to process it on the server. If you store it in XML, you can transform it to desired (binary) output using server based tools - that would for php be pdf and word (on windows server platform) for example. XML would be interesting from a mark-up point of view since it would make it clear where the table of contents, headers, lists of experience and so one would be found.
JavaScript cannot transform something into PDF or word, that has to be done on the server. What javascript can do is to get a text from the server in XML or JSON using AJAX and manipulate this into what the user sees on the screen. For XML that can be done with XSL(T) too. If you want for self-education purposes to use JavaScript, JSON is very nice since it is in my opinion more readable than XML and it creates a populated javascript object with the least work.
Footer in javascript: in the page have
<script type="text/javascript" src="footer.js"></script> and in footer.js, you can for example do
var footerText = 'Here goes whatever you want';
Comparison between XML and JSON

I've got a webpage with browser-side XSLT transformation up and running for years. It's a playground, only some words in german. See how easy it is to build this on heese.net/test. You can switch between "Beispiel" (=Demo) and XSL. The sourcecode of the page in the iframe is the XML. You can do this serverside with 3 lines of PHP-code.
On Javascript: you can use it with XSLT and I show this on my site, but it can't interact. First the XSLT builds an HTML page out of your XML data and after this job is completely done the Javascript in the resultig HTML document begins to work.
Parsing XML with Javascript is a different task.


Convert HTML to markdown using pagedown?

I have successfully setup pagedown on a site I am using, but I have run into an issue when trying to edit HTML that has already been created. I would like to take a HTML chunk that was created using pagedown, convert it back to markdown and place it in the editor.
I looked around but didn't see this covered in the documentation. I took a look in the Markdown.Converter.js file to see if there was a makeMarkdown function to match the makeHTML function but I didn't see anything.
How do I go about converting HTML back to markdown for editing?
As far as I know, no, there is no existing solution that will convert html to markdown. There are a few problems that would need to be solved before that can be done, for example, representing floats, text alignment, font sizes, etc in markdown. That leaves you with two options:
Store the markdown in the database, then convert the markdown to html on the fly. This has the advantage of being able to easily edit the text and reduces the amount of data you're storing in the database.
the second option is to store both the markdown and the html in the database. This uses more disk space, however will result in less resources being used to retrieve the html because you no longer have to convert markdown to html on the fly.
Both options are viable, each with their own advantages. I usually use the first option so that i don't have duplicate data in the database, but the second option is likely easier to use because the display-system that displays the content won't be required to have a markdown processor, instead it just pulls the generated html directly from the database.
I'll likely move to the second option instead in future projects because it makes the data more portable. If you were to access the database in a different server-language, you wouldn't need a markdown processor written in that language to get the html.

What is the best way to append data from AJAX?

At the moment i am using JSON as a result of AJAX and dynamically create all new DOM elements which i need. But here I was thinking - is it right? For example if i need to create a <table> of data is is better to build it with JS or generate it on the server and just append result to the page?
Now i do like this:
jQuery.getJSON(url, function(result){var table = jQuery('<table/>').append([jQuery('<td/>.....
But also can simply like this:
jQuery.get(URL, function(result){jQuery('body').append(result);}.......
there is really no one answer to your question - it all depends on your software type, expected loads, etc.
clearly, moving "rendering" to client side, would reduce the amount of code transmitted between server and client and also less server resources would be used on generate html code (clearly, we are talking about miniature difference). However, it might become really important, if you are talking about thousands of online visitors.
But if you were having thousands of visitors, you would not have asked such question :) So, I guess, you should format all stuff on Server side and void bothering about this question.
It depends on the size of the result. With small results it would make no difference.
But if you are sending a lot of rows for a table a JSON response would be much more efficient than the actual table html code.
Using a template engine like #Arun P Johny said in his comment is a good way to process a JSON result set.
Check underscore templates http://underscorejs.org/#template
There is no right or wrong. It all depends on what suits you best. I personally find JSON to be a good all-purpose format. What you should never do is return the data as HTML to be appended. Try to keep your data free of any structuring that belongs to the presentation layer.
For more information, have a read on Model-View-Controller

Is it faster to load data as json or from a html file?

The title phrases it badly so here's a longer description :
I have an application that exports data in html format. ( 500 rows, 20 columns)
It looks terrible with lots of useless columns.
I want to use something like datatables to make a more usable table, i.e. paging/sorting/filtering/hiding columns
The option I'm trying first is to insert the table from the exported html file using the .load() function from jquery. Then I loop through the table deleting/modifying columns.
This seems very slow (I suspect my looping and searching) so I'm looking for improvements.
One idea is to pre-convert my exported html file to json (using notepad++ macros or something like that) and then build the table that I want from that json file.
Any opinions on whether I can expect a large performace boost, or potential problems to look out for ?
Many thanks / Colm
JSON should be faster, when its loaded its ready to go without all of the text parsing you would need to do with a text file. Lots of other jquery addons available to make it easy for you once it is in JSON.
I think this is not about which loads data faster but which solution is better for your problem. Datatables is very flexible and you can load from different sources. Take a look at the "Data Sources" and "Server side processing" in the examples: http://datatables.net/examples/
Datatables uses mostly JSON format. To process your data need to find the best approach; convert your exported html file, process the file with javascript to convert data (jquery can help you here), etc..
This page gives some real world examples of loading data in json vs data in a html table. Fairly conclusive, see the post from sd_zuo on July 2010, a fourfold increase in speed loading from json and then just building the table that you want to display.
Granted the page deals specifically with the slowness of the innerHtml function in IE8 but I think I'll give it a go in json and see how it compares across a couple of browsers.
P.S. This page gives good advice on fast creation of html using raw javascript and then only using jquery to insert one full row at a time

How to do Javascript access a local database in txt format

I am newbie working on a 100% js prototype. It consist of 3 docs: an html page full of xml tags, a small dictionary in a text file format, and a js file with jquery.
The js needs to parse the xml tags (no problem here) and look into the mini-dictionary list for available translations.
Which is the best way to implement the mini-dictionary list. (No more than 50.000 records). Is there a way to load the list into a memory database and access it from js? Which is the usual path to take in this case? What is the simplest and machine-independent way to do this?
Any directions as to where should I research are greatly appreciated.
I would suggest encoding mini-dictionary with JSON data format, and then using AJAX to get that file and parse it. But then you are risking someone will just copy whole dictionary and steal your work.
That is, if you are not using server side language, like PHP. If you are using it, then just store everything into database and request just specific words with AJAX.

HTML as a result for an AJAX call (PROs an CONs)

What is your opinion (PRO an CONS) about returning HTML code as a result for an AJAX call. It is, if the app creates a new item in a list and it needs some extra parameters or some pattern customization, instead of modify it through JS, we can send it templatized through an AJAX call.
The point is that HTML snippets are sent from the server to the client computer and integrated in the document DOM. Any problem with this approach?
No problem with it at all, perfectly normal and reasonable thing to do.
There is sometimes a use-case for sending data rather than markup and expanding it with client-side templating, but that's mostly for situations where you're sending a lot of data and so want to keep the size on the wire down. (E.g., a large table where the HTML representation of it is 100k but the raw data in, say, JSON format would only be 10k.) Or when the templating varies depending on client-side conditions. But by and large, perfectly fine to send HTML you then incorporate into the DOM via innerHTML (or any of several libraries' wrappers for it that help you with the odd niggle).
This is a common approach.
If you're adding items to a list or replacing the contents of a pod with something completely different this is fine.
This also makes it easier to apply AJAX to existing sites (for example overlays or something) because you can make requests to existing pages and then strip out the bits you don't want.
However, it would be better for updates where only a value is changing then you should perhaps use Json there.
Personally, I almost always choose to receive a JSON response with no markup or formatting applied, but that's just because I like having a really flexible, granular response so I can do whatever I want with the returned data, without having to possibly strip it out of HTML. This is NOT necessarily the easiest or most elegant solution in a lot of cases! :)

