HTTP Get Request in JQuery to - javascript

I'm trying to make an HTTP Get request using JQuery, but I get an empty string as a response, so I figure I'm doing something wrong. I used the documentation from as a guide.
My code looks like this
$.get("", function(data){
Edit: My code now looks like this
But I'm getting a
syntax error
[Break on this error] \n
And it's located in
Latest edit: It seems this is because is responding with html not JSON, any ideas would be appreciated

Unless your script is being served from, then you will not be able to do this, due to the Same Origin Policy restrictions imposed by browsers.
You should investigate proxying the request through your server. will respond with login page... check the docs ...
If the user is not logged in to, they will be redirected to
the login page before being asked to
grant your web application permission
to use their account. On this page
they will see the name of your
application, along with the
application description and logo as
supplied in Section 1.
copied from

pkaeding is partially correct - you wont be able to do this in the way you are attempting, but does offer a RESTful API with json. API -
jQuery API -

you need to use jsonp method iin getting data cross domain here is an example and thread of someone doing so


Can you use a POST to GET data?

A company is asking me to do an Angular assignment. They provide the following instructions, but the API URL doesn't work:
Create a single page angular application and use the following API to retrieve sports results and sort into a table of results that are displayed. Each sport result contains several data and always includes the publication time.
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
-Display the sports results in reverse chronological order on the page.
-Add a filter to the page to display only certain types or events (e.g. f1Results)
-How can you confirm the code works?
-Bonus: Implement the rest call asynchronously
You can click the URL right now and see that it doesn't work - it returns {"errors":[{"message":"Error processing request"}]} and in Angular it gives me a standard CORS error.
I asked the company to please send a working URL and/or update the API to accept requests from everywhere. Their response was:
*guy's name* confirmed it worked. It is a post and the content type is json.
Can you use a POST request to GET data?
Absolutely. Take for example your avg Login Request that returns an access token for instance. It is going to be a POST as POST also has a bit more security than GET given that the payload is in the body rather than the URL string.
As for their excuse of it not working, try it in postman and see if the same issue still occurs. If it still does then ask them where did they test their API as if it is on prem then no duh the CORS would work. It is most likely not a company you would want to work for.
Yes, you can. On some cases it may be necessary, since GET doesn't take a body while POST does. So it can get you around things like URL length limits.

How to map a custom URL to a REST resource in an SPA?

I have a design issue with my SPA, and hope someone can give me some direction. A user profile page is rendered like this:
The browser fetches /some-username.
The server checks to see if the request was a XMLHTTPRequest or not. It is not, and so it simply returns the bundled javascript app to the browser to execute.
The javascript bundle is executed in the browser, it sees the current URL and makes an AJAX request, again to /some-username.
The server sees the XMLHTTPRequest header, looks up the user who has the custom URL "/some-username" and returns the JSON data about the user back to the javascript to render.
This feels wrong. The app should be making RESTful requests to /users/:id to fetch the user data. But how can it know the id that corresponds to the user with the URL /some-username?
It is worth adding an extra HTTP request just to look up the resource identifier? Something like /get_user_id?url=/some-username.
Are you flexible about your API? If so you may change /some-username to /user-id or if you want to include username /user-id/username but ignore username.
As alternative it is also common to make requests in a filter form. Like /users?username=peter
And feel free to use /users/peter if your username identifies the user. Becuase it's actualy the id (that doesn't have to be integer) and then your url is exactly /users/:id
There is nothing "unRESTful" about /some-username. It's just another resource. The response - I hope - contains the canonical URL /user/id anyway, either as a header or as some kind of "self" link.
That's also how you could achieve your goal. Embed the URL in the page either as JavaScript or as a header equivalent (unfortunately you cannot read the headers of the page request with JavaScript):
//header. Can also use a custom header like X-User-Location
<meta http-eqiv="Location" content="/user/id">
var userURL = '/user/id
I recommend keeping your current approach.

Get Request Workspace ID Asana Javascript

I'm trying to do a get request via javascript/jquery to attain all of my workspace IDs in asana. I know when I just put the URL in the browser, asana returns all of my workspace IDs. However, when I do a GET request of the same URL, I'm getting a 401 error (Not Authorized).
How do i fix this? I know after I do a login through OAuth I am provided a token, am I supposed to do something with that?
$.get("", function(data){
alert("Data: " + data);
Also, please do not tell me to do it on the server side instead. I'm doing a simple web application and I'm doing it with javascript/jquery. That is not an answer. Thank you.
You need to authenticate your request, either using OAuth or the API Key. If you're developing an application for others to use, and you want them to be able to access their Asana data, you probably want to use OAuth - if it's just for a script you run for yourself, your API Key should be fine.
Generally speaking, OAuth has enough nuances that if you're using it (and not intimately familiar with it), we'd recommend using a library of some kind. If you're using jQuery, perhaps would help? (Caveat: I haven't tried it myself)
The short version of OAuth is that you need to get a token, which you can then pass to the API in the form of an HTTP header of the form Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN. It sounds like you already have a token, so you just need to add the header and it should work. And yet, GET is the correct verb to use here.

consume salesforce chatter rest service from pure javascript

I am creating a browser extension which posts to salesforce chatter using rest api.Once I get the access_token from OAuth user agent flow,I can not make call to rest services from javascript,due tobrowser same origin policy.I do not want to use a server as proxy,since I want to make the extension purely client side.
I tried JSONP workaround,but it only works for GET,I need POST to post a feed to salesforce chatter
is there a possible way.Please suggest some work around
Maybe consider passing your call to a custom rest service in salesforce. Setup a global class with the #RestResource annotation, and then within that an doPost method to handle what you're passing, in your case to make the post.
You'll still need the Oauth step to retrieve token that is then passed in with the rest request via the Authorization : Bearer header message.
See a good post on this here
Since Salesforce '15 you are able to configure CORS. Therefor whitelist your app domain and you can do whatever you want. Does not solve the problem to obtain an access_token. The only approach to obtain an access_token purely by javascript is to use the User-Agent Flow since the access Token is passed as URL Part....
One option is to use site like
Here is good reference on this matter
Use jsforce, you will need a proxy due to the CORS problem, sorry.

$.getJSON on chrome extension fails to work properly

I'm creating a chrome extension, and want to be able to get a profile picture from a username. Unfortunately, there isn't an api for the website and there is no correlation between the profile URL and the profile name. I figured I could hijack the search ajax and use it to achieve my goal. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working. I've added the permissions, and it isn't running in a content script, but it's still not working.
It's failing silently, as nothing is happing. Yet, I can't figure out why.
The json I should be receiving from the call (browsed to the site manually) is:
Unfortunately it's not working. JSONP isn't an option, as the site obviously has no need of supporting it, so help me please. I don't see what I'm doing wrong.
EDIT: I see the problem. When I try to do the request I'm being redirected to user/search ( no ?user) which fails.
The site you're trying to reach requires authentication before allowing a search to occur. You won't get a response from your ajax request, because the server is looking for a session with login credentials to allow the search to happen. Because your ajax is not authenticated, and does not have the session established, your request doesn't "fail", it is simply getting the server's 302 redirect response.
You would need to 'sign in' to the page you are trying to query in order to establish the session and any necessary variables before you would be able to proceed with your user search.
It could be entirely possible that the website's search API isn't returning the Content-type header as text/json, which is required for $.getJSON to function correctly.
Try simply using $.get and calling JSON.parse on the returned data.

