How do I set the z-index of a table row? - javascript

Maybe what I am trying to accomplish is not feasible but the general idea is that when a person clicks a table row, the page dims (like a modal) but leaves that row visible for editing. I tried setting the z-index of the table row itself but it did not work. It will work if I set the table rows position attribute to absolute but that seems to remove the table row from the table completely.

I can only think of more complicated solutions like these:
You'll need 3 transparent gray divs instead of 1. Use the first to gray out the whole page. Set the z-index of the whole table to bring it above that div. Use the 2nd div to gray out everything above your row, and the third to gray out everything below your row, leaving just your row un-grayed.
Gray out the whole page. Create a duplicate table with a single row that you hover above the original table. When you edit this new table, sync those values with the underlying table.

I've successfully done this just now using
div.milk { position:absolute; z-index:2; width:100%; height:100%; opacity:.5; }
tr.raised { position:relative; z-index:3; }
so, in short, position:relative seems to work ?
I must admit, I came here because I still have some weird issues.
but overall it seems to work ?

If you're using jQuery, try this:
$("<get the tr>").css("z-index", <value>);

i don't think you'll be able to accomplish your desired effect with z-index. using overlay divs to mask everything around the table row seems like a more workable approach.


My custom bootstrap tooltip style gets overriden when using data-container="body" attribute to work around overflow:hidden div element

I have a custom bootstrap tooltip that my customer really likes. It works great on various elements. I added it to a datafield of a gridview table, and it Worked (ed) great -- "until" I added an overflow:hidden div to keep the gridview header row fixed.
Now the the tooltip gets occluded by this header row div. I poked around and saw various workarounds - the only one which kind of worked was to use data-container="body" (attribute) or various derivations of that using javascript which placed the tooltip on top of the header row div (when hovering the datafield of the first row in the gridview).
The problem I have with data-container="body" or { container:'body' }is that it overrides the custom style of the tooltip.
I set the width to 500px and I use !important, ... but when I use data-container="body" the width becomes 200px and the background color changes. I played around with z-index:1000; position:relative; in the css which helped the opacity which I have set to 1 but the width/background color still going to bootstrap default.
What is a workaround for this so I can keep my custom tooltip style?
Well, I came up with one -- non-programmatic workaround (which the client is sort of living with) and that is to add two blank rows to the beginning of the gridview and two more rows to the end of the gridview, and that way the rows with data content the popover tooltip doesn't get clipped now by the hidden div. One other thing I tried was to make the overflow div visible. This also worked to prevent clipping the tooltip, but I lost scrollability of the gridview. Is there a workaround for that?

jQuery slide animation for tables

I implemented a function which is able to show/hide the content of a table row or column with a sliding animation.
What the code does:
Retrieve all cells of the column (th, td)
Wrap the content of each cell in a <div class="wrapper" />
Animate the width of the wrapper div with jQuery.animate();
After finishing, unwrap the cell contents (remove the div)
The reason why I need the wrapping div is because jQuery can't perform a slide animation on table cells directly - see How to Use slideDown (or show) function on a table row?
See this codepen for the code and demonstration. I removed as much JS code as possible to demonstrate my problem. (You can ignore the html and css, they don't contain relevant information)
Everything works perfectly for rows and columns, in except of one (two?) problems:
When a column is shrinked, the content eventually starts wrapping when there's not enough space left. When this happens, the cell height suddenly increases, resulting in an ugly jump.
When a cell content doesn't need the whole space of it's cell, the show-animation for this content is faster, resulting in ugly output.
What I want to achive is a constantly changing width without affecting the layout. The other columns must not be affected.
Any ideas how I can achieve that?
You could nest your div in another div with overflow hidden:
.crop {
.inner {

How to place a new generated div aside to another div?

I got a div where I place a Java Script generated chart. Also, I got another div where I print out a table with chart data results.
One example is:
However, for UX purposes I prefer the table to be placed on the right side of the chart. Or what's more, making it appear on the right side. (I already use jQuery to do a $("#resultados").remove() and $("body").append("<table...</table>).
How can I make the chart div, which markup is <div id="placeholder" style="width:1200px;height:700px"></div> resize down and make place to another generated div to its right side?
So far, thinking about already marked up divs I tried this but I'm not getting the results I want as:
The table div appears first and I want the opposite.
They don't take together the whole outer div width.
Wrap your table with a right floating div by settting float:"right" in its style.
Make placeholder div to float on left (float:left).
To dynamically change its size, use : $("#placeholder").css({"width":"600px");
Finally , add a clear div (clear:both);
Use class instead of inline css chart.
$("#placeholder").appendTo("#anotherPlaceholder").toggleClass("first second");

How to force :hover on DOM element?

There are a lot of questions exactly like this and all of them answer the same - just add class and toggle it. Not in my case.
When my page scrolls, I duplicate the table's first column and attach it with position:fixed to the left of the browser which makes me see the headers when table is wide.
Original table has css with :hover like this:
table tr:hover td { background: red }
This is great as I can see the whole row highlighted when I hover it, but not so great that
if I hover the cloned table it highlights only this one column. I would like to force :hover state on original table by not adding any class.
What I have tried so far without any effect:
- .trigger('mouseover');
- .trigger('mouseenter');
- .trigger('hover');
- .hover()
- .mouseenter();
- .mouseover();
It's actually not possible to trigger a CSS pseudoclass from JQuery/Javascript as far as I know.There is little to no alternative other than working with JS/JQuery events, as you've been doing, and CSS classes.
You can force clicked state with document.getElementById("ElementID").click();

How to create a div that apears below a table row

Like in this demo
Except In this demo it's being added as an additional row. (click one of the ">" things and check the page source, it added a new row to the table). If I used this strategy, It would be difficult to sort, using a standard Jquery plugin, like table sorter.
went away and did some thinking about my comment, about finding row height and overlaying the div.. it's so close, but I'm no jQuery whiz, so perhaps someone can help tidy this up
I have it showing/hiding the div in the right position IF the div/row is closed before the next one is opened.. but if you click button 2 while div one is opened is doesn't get the right top position (it gets the position the row was at after being expanded not the original row position), I'm sure there must be a way to get that position while the rows are not expanded and store it??
anyway have at it.. I know it's very long-winded, variable wise, because I can only apply the CSS logic - I don't know enough about js or jquery functions and storing.. also I thought if I explained how I got to my variables and which ones were needed it might help those who do know how to make this better ;)
the input/buttons have no text but they're the click trigger
position() is maybe not the right thing to use, it needs for the div to be able to find the original position of the related row (inside table-wrap div?)
here's the Example
You can't. A <div> is not a valid child of <table> or <tbody>. You'll need to use a <tr>.
I don't know how that plugin works, but perhaps there's support for sorting multiple <tbody> elements, which would allow you to group your sets of rows.
That div is inside a td which is hidden until you click the >
Here is a demo:
I don't know if you can do that. Putting a tag like inside a table isn't valid (X)HTML, and so probably won't give you the effect you were looking for
If you look at that demo, they're using a second <tr> below the first one with a <td> that spans most of the columns.
You can embed a detail table inside a table cell under each description cell which will be not visible and make it visible on tr click:
As mentioned in other answers, we cannot add a div inside the table without it being in a TD. However, there might be something that can be done to place the div over the row. To have the effect of the div being shown as inside the row, we could increase the height of the row while the div is being shown. Here is the very basic demo. Since the div is not really inside the table, if the table happens to sort, you would probably want to hide the div or relocate it to the new TR location. It would present its own challenges but you could play with it and see if it works for you.
I have an idea. It's really ugly. The only think I could think of doing is before sorting the rows, detach the additional rows(with the div) and use JQuery to store it somehow. Then after the sorting is done reattach the rows(with the div) in the right place(s).
That could, no I should say WILL, get ugly really fast, especially with paging and filtering...
You can use getBoundingClientRect to get the element's position and then set those values to a div css position left and top. Must also take into account the window scroll as getBoundingClientRect will return it relative to the window viewport.
The following example will locate a div named #tooltip under any tr row when hovering over it. I'm using jQuery for convenience but you can translate to vanilla JS easily.
function () {
const row = this;
const bounds = row.getBoundingClientRect();
left: bounds.left + window.scrollX,
top: bounds.bottom + window.scrollY
function () {}
<table> ... </table>
<div id="#tooltip"> ... </div>
Be sure to make div positioning absolute and also to skip pointer events or the div will block hover events from reaching the table elements.
#tooltip {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
Good luck!

